Que bien los padres somos los mejores psicólogos para nuestros hijos, en mi experiencia estoy batallando mi hija de 12 años a estado en comunicación con un trans que le dice que hacer, el día de ayer le pedimos bloquear y evitar contacto con esa persona el cual tiene mucha influencia sobre ella, hemos tratado que esté menos tiempo en el teléfono, está en clases de baile, patinaje y ahora comienza sus clases de violín, hoy nos vamos de viaje en familia para distraerle, ella a tenido pensamiento suicidas hemos hablado muchísimo con ella hacerle saber lo bello de la vida, la hacemos sentir amada pero caigo en la desesperación que no se que hacer para ayudar a mi pequeña. Ella se a puesto pronombre, pero no le gusta vestir como Niño., no le gusta estar con niños, y le encantan las cosas de su género, le gusta lucir su cabellera larga, le encantan los perfumes de su género no entiendo porque se siente varón pero no le gusta lucir como varón . No entiendo nada, no se si será rebeldía. Esta situación nos tiene a todos muy mal. Ella estudia en un colegio catolicidades y cuando llego a oído del director que ella se sentía trans, ella sintió mucha vergüenza, llego a la casa llorando que le llamaron la atención , que sus amigos supieran cómo se sentía ella, no paro de llorar u sentía mucha vergüenza. Me siento sola me da miedo llevarla a un psiquiatra por miedo que le mediquen con testosteronas o le haga terapia de reafirmación. Ella solo tiene 12 años

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I am so glad you fought for your son. He is lucky to have you. 🙏🏻

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Thank you for sharing. You give us all hope.

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I wish you well with all my heart

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Wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. Gives us hope!

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"We also discovered that he had secretly been communicating online with a self identified trans woman that was “coaching him” and had offered to pick him up if we did not support his plans to transition. "

You should find this adult & prosecute them for ... attempted kidnapping, alienation of parental affection, sexual predation, unlicensed therapy, conversion therapy & whatever else your lawyer can drum up.

Seriously. Prosecute the online predators.

I learned about online predation too late. It is very real & these predators are destroying our kids.

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So happy to hear this story.

"We are told that being trans is something you are and not something you do"

At the same time there is mumbo jumbo about sex/gender being "performative" if you are a woman going about your business and not thinking about identity.

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These stories blow the narrative out of the water, highlighting the social contagion and making it impossible to ignore the influence of environment. If we could move to using the language of "adaptive or maladaptive"? Is the trans ID making your life better or worse? Thank you so much for sharing and to PITT for publishing this optimistic story of a more positive trajectory. Stories like this are needed to foster more hope among this community.

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I'm so glad that you and your son have found a way to navigate this minefield together. I really admire the way you have handled things. I also am so pleased that you managed to find a therapist who was willing to provide therapy without affirmation. From my understanding that is something that is very hard to find these days. Good luck going forward, I truly hope that your son is out of the woods so far as gender-woo is concerned.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Not rare at all! We are also watchful waiting which is a LOT more work than it sounds because we also reconfigured our daughter's environment to be rid of negative influences (no social media and keeping in-person trans influencers, such as school LGBT club, at bay with strategic scheduling) and full of the positives (voice and piano lessons, taikwondo, organized a weekly volunteer club at our house). She became happy again and we have for the past couple months seen many signs of desistence. She even packed her two-piece for the pool last week for mid-winter vacation. On our last day of vacation, she accepted to my husband and me that she wished this had not happened (her transitioning at school) and she could just go back to being herself. A happy tearful, honest moment though also with her hiding her face under the covers of her hotel bed. Now how to proceed? She doesn't want us to interfere with her friends or school - so she is still planning to keep up the charade of using her male name and pronouns at school. We are taking it one day at a time. It may be that she will accept changing schools - and we will support anything to make it easy for her.

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Another brilliant post. I am so glad things have improved greatly for your family. Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story!

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So glad your son is looking to be ok!!!

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