This essay is a plea for researchers to investigate the new and rapidly growing cohort of teen and young adult boys/men who are suddenly identifying as transgirls/women.
I have a question. Does anybody have any information about the influence of AGP fathers on their transidentified kids? My ex husband stayed mainly home with our twins while I went out to earn the bread. ( he is a writer ) My daughter went through all possible stages of selfharm and is now non "binary", her brother is on hormones to become a "woman". All three gone no contact since years. By chance I stumbled across poems by my ex glorifying being AGP. I only know that he activly supported both our kids in their "journey". Even though my son is already very ill from the med. side effects. I would like to understand the dynamics.
It's a difficult situation for parents now. What in the 90s would have been mild occurrences of autogynephilia, which would have otherwise gone unobserved, is now going to be amplified into a "trans" identity.
I think it remains a good idea to encourage boys to spend less time online, away from stimulus such as niche pornography and "gender identity" ideology, which can magnify autogynephilia into a disorder, occupying a larger role in a male's life than it otherwise would have done in the past.
Of course, there may also be a minority who would have always found autogynephilia difficult to deal with, even in the past.
Having read your article I find it ironic you think your child has been "radicalized" into a QAnon-esque situation, when it's clear from reading this that you were the one radicalized by stuff you found on the internet. I understand it's scary and new to hear feelings like that but you need to be understanding. You got sucked down the rabbit hole, it's okay to come back up for air and clarity.
Lovely condescension, but it doesn’t change the fact that transness (much like eating disorders and self-harm) has a socially contagious component, as well as a strong sexual component for many (probably most) trans-identified individuals.
I'm not trying to be condescending, I'm trying to help this person keep an open mind, look to more accurate sources, and heart to heart understand their kid and not make all these assumptions and doing stuff that could hurt their relationship forever.
This exact theory of how transness is a thing is a direct, accepted component in QAnon ideology. Being LGBT is no more socially contagious than lefthandedness. and if people find later being trans isn't them? I support them, it just means they have a different journey from me.
On what grounds do you make these assertions? All I'm seeing is mushy, fuzzy, empty exhortations to "be kind," coming from someone who apparently hasn't stopped to consider that maybe it's not actually all that kind to sterilize healthy adolescents and make them into lifelong medical patients.
The LGB and the T are fundamentally unalike, and lumping them together is forced teaming that benefits the T to the detriment of the LGB. The LGB are same-sex attracted people; all we ask is the right to pursue consensual adult relationships with other same-sex attracted people without being harassed or ostracized for it. The T are individuals who, for various reasons, wish to be the opposite sex (or, in some cases, an imaginary third sex). For better or worse, this is an impossible wish; humans can no more change sex than we can change species. Same-sex attraction is a normal variation on human sexuality, documented around the world and throughout history. Although trans activists like to point to third-gender categories in various traditional cultures as proof that "trans people have always been here," the fact is that nothing like modern transgenderism has existed until very recently. It is a culturally-bound syndrome—as Carl Eliot eloquently puts it, "a new way to be mad"—whose existence is inextricably connected with sexual paraphilia. Show me a "trans lesbian," and I will show you a man who is sexually aroused by imagining himself as a woman, often in breathtakingly misogynistic ways.
(Don't believe me? Read _Females_ by Andrea Long Chu.)
Trans "rights" are at best orthogonal to LGB rights, and often diametrically opposed. Kids who are extremely gender-nonconforming in early childhood often grow up to be gay or lesbian; nowadays, this kind of gender nonconformity is liable to be taken as "transness," meaning that children who would become healthy, happy gay men and lesbians are instead herded toward sterility, sexual dysfunction, and pseudo-heterosexuality as "trans girls" and "trans boys." Trans ideology also erodes the LGB community from the other side. The majority of transitioners are opposite-sex attracted, meaning that they become "trans lesbians" and "gay trans men," who then demand inclusion in LGB spaces and throw fits when lesbians don't want their female-identified penises/gay men don't want their male-identified vaginas.
I have no idea what QAnon does or doesn't say about trans issues; I'm a true blue lifelong liberal. But if QAnon does say that the recent explosion of trans-identified teenagers is related to social contagion, well, they probably also say that two plus two equals four. That's not going to make me start saying that two plus two equals five. And speaking of numbers . . . Between 2009 and 2019, the number of teenage girls referred to the Tavistock clinic (the central state-run gender clinic for minors in the UK) increased by a staggering 4500%. (Yes, there are supposed to be two zeroes there.) This is consistent with data from other Western countries; everywhere you look, trans-identified teens are disproportionately female and vastly more numerous than they were ten or fifteen years ago. Greater social acceptance of homosexuality did not produce a corresponding demographic boom—the number of men who self-identified as gay increased 250% over a period of 25 years.
At the end of the day, if you're cheerleading for the T, you're throwing the LGB under the bus. And you're not doing any favors by encouraging children and teens to believe that boys can become girls or vice versa. This isn't _Peter Pan_; even if everyone in the audience is bullied into clapping for trans kids, no miracle will occur. They will forever remain the sex that they are, and this can only be partially disguised through extreme medical interventions. So-called "puberty blockers" also block brain development and bone development, and as a fun bonus, males who go from puberty blockers to full MtF transition will never develop the capacity to orgasm. (Of course, children of both sexes who go from puberty blockers to transition will be permanently sterile.) Vaginoplasty and phalloplasty frequently lead to an endless series of complications and revisions, recurrent infections and persistent pain. Even the best outcomes are a crude, semi-functional approximation of the real thing. Mastectomy is a much lower-risk surgery, but it can still cause permanent nerve damage and limit range of movement—which is a lot better than dying of breast cancer, but is it better than learning to live with one's healthy breasts? Hormonal transition is effectively an induced endocrine disorder, and the risks are especially high for females. Decades of research link elevated testosterone in women to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, and a long list of other really bad health outcomes. The evidence is still emerging, but it looks extremely probable that "trans men" using testosterone tend to have much shorter life expectancies than their "cis" counterparts of either sex. Affirming a teenage girl as a "trans boy" could very well mean setting her up to die in her late fifties or early sixties. How is that good? How is that kind? Stop clapping like trained seal and think.
LGBT have been together since the beginning, though the acronym started in the 80s. You are either a homophobe with an agenda trying to force separation to the detriment of all communities involved or are a well meaning dupe who's been tricked by such. There was no "forced teaming".
The way you can just point to third genders in older culture and dismiss that as being related to trans people in the modern day is fascinating. It completely ignores the fact that our modern interpretation of sexual identity is different from how it was in ancient times as well. The ancient Greeks for example didn't distinguish homo or heterosexuality based on sex, they categorized relationships based on who was in what role.
Your assertions about non-conforming youth are largely based in the texts on "pre-homosexuality" pushed by advocates of using conversion therapy on gay people. You also fail to realize that when you're working with smaller numbers you will end up with percent increases like 4500% that SEEM like a huge jump, but in actuality are not. It's one of the most basic ways of lying with statistics. (Read: How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff)
The fact you run apologia for QAnon by saying if they agree with you on this issue they are simply agreeing that 2+2 = 4 is also concerning. They agree with you on this because you are pushing a conspiracy theory positing transgender people and advocates of being a nefarious force covering up supposed truths and coming to harm children. It's fearmongering 101. Please stop yourself falling further down the radicalization pipeline, watch Caelan Conrads series on the gender critical cult its not too late for you.
Let me begin by addressing the substantive points in your comment, such as they are.
You are of course correct that not all societies historically conceptualized same-sex attraction in the same way. In many premodern and indigenous cultures, normative male/male sexual relationships were hierarchically structured. Typically, the subordinate partner was (a) the penetrated rather than the penetrator; (b) symbolically feminized or otherwise emasculated; and (c) younger than and/or socially inferior to the dominant partner. The ancient Greek categories of erastes and eromenos are only one manifestation of this overarching tendency.
So yes, culture inevitably shapes the expression of same-sex attraction. I'm not disputing that. My point is simply that, however it is expressed, same-sex attraction occurs in all human societies. But nowhere in history will you find a society in which a subset of non-DSD male people were understood to be literal women. (Did some cultures invent a separate category for males who were deemed "womanlike" or "unmanly"? Sure. Did any culture ever consider these "womanlike" or "unmanly" males to be actual, factual, real-deal women? No.) Nor will you find a society in which a subset of non-DSD female people were considered to be literal men. The notion that "man" and "woman" are categories determined by subjective identity rather than anatomy is a recently-invented article of faith promulgated by a handful of ideologues, most of whom don't truly believe it themselves. It is the exact opposite of a cross-cultural phenomenon.
Regarding "lying with numbers": there is no question that the number of trans-identified youth has risen sharply over the past two decades, and there is likewise no question that natal females are very overrepresented among trans-identified youth. These facts are simply not in dispute; even the most ardent defenders of underage transition do not deny them, although of course they try to direct the conversation elsewhere. A recent study by Reuters finds that 42,000 US children and teens were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021—triple the number in 2017. Other studies consistently find that 2% or more of American youth identify as trans. (The lowest figure I have seen is 1.4%, but with high regional variability.) This is up from virtually 0% at the turn of the millennium, when the very concept of a trans-identified teenager would have been bizarre verging on unthinkable.
Back in the not-too-distant past, trans identification was the stuff of daytime TV—a niche lifestyle pursued by a handful of oddballs, all of whom were adults. "Trans kids" and "trans teens" are like goths or weeaboos or e-girls: they are a recently constructed category, immovably embedded in a particular historical moment.¹
Now, you probably want to argue that the sudden jump from ~0% to ~2% is just a mass coming out of the closet. There were always that many trans youth, you'll say; they just had to hide it.
I don't buy it. Trans identity is not of a kind with same-sex attraction, and the analogy to coming out as LGB crumbles under the slightest scrutiny. There will aways be some minority of any given human population that is same-sex attracted. This is perfectly natural; there's no way to change it and no point in attempting to do so.
By contrast, there is no appropriate, acceptable, natural number of trans-identified youth, just as there is no appropriate, acceptable, natural number of trans-racial youth or trans-abled youth or youth with anorexia or youth who self-harm. Trans identification is not a benign expression of human diversity; it is a mental illness with a socially contagious component, much like anorexia—and much like anorexia, it often causes significant bodily harm to the sufferer. 2% of youth identifying as trans is not a victory for human rights. It is a mental health crisis.
(Two notes here: first, if you think you're going to enlighten me with "facts" from the DSM, don't bother. The DSM is not the revealed word of God; it reflects the social norms and political agendas of its day, as should be apparent from the changes between editions. Just as homosexuality was never truly a mental illness, persistent distress and denial regarding one's actual sex will never be a mentally healthy state. Second, I trust you understand that the statement "there should not be any trans youth" is exactly parallel in its intent to the statement "there should not be any anorexic youth." I do not want trans youth to be bullied or abused, let alone interred in concentration camps or whatever else you might accuse me of. I simply do not believe that they are well-served by affirmation. A female person will never be a man, and a male person will never be a woman, and encouraging trans people to chase an impossible goal is just as misguided and cruel as encouraging any other dysfunctional, self-harming behavior. On a personal note, none of the transitioners I have known seemed any better off for it. You'll probably say that it only seems this way to me because I'm an evil transphobe—but when people in my social circle first started transitioning, I considered myself a trans ally. Roughly a decade later, I no longer believe that transition is a net good for most of the people who pursue it.)
So, now for the second part of my comment:
Let me say that I appreciate that you are engaging in civil discourse. Thank you for not being the kind of trans activist who says things like "f∪ck terfs with a broken beer bottle" and "enjoy my lаdуd¡сk in your mouth c∪ntwipe."² That said, I don't appreciate the condescending tone. Has this tactic ever actually won you any converts? When I read your comment, this seems to be the gist: "You're either a bigot or you're an idiot. If you're a bigot, you're beyond help, but if you're an idiot, don't worry; you just need to let someone smarter than you tell you what to think."
Perhaps this line of rhetoric has worked for you in the past. But it's not working now. I do not believe that you are any more intelligent or any more knowledgeable than I am, and you cannot scold or shame me into compliance. You want to call me a conservative? A far-right radical? A homophobe? Hell, you want to call me a Nazi? Go right ahead. I'm not any of these things and I know that I'm not. Probably you also know that I'm not, and you're just hoping that accusations of wrongthink will make me fall in line.
"It’s not too late for you," you say, but here's the thing: it is too late for me. No YouTube video is going to "deradicalize" me. This is because I am a lesbian, which means that for over a decade now I have witnessed trans ideology in action, up close and personal, and I know what it really is. It's straight men who have been eaten alive by their own fetishes having tantrums when lesbians won't suck their girld¡cks. It's self-hating girls and women, many of them lesbians, permanently medicalizing their healthy bodies. It's a bunch of wilfully blind "allies" chasing their virtue-signaling dopamine fix with no concern for the collateral damage. In short, it's homophobic, misogynistic, toxic sludge all the way down.
So next time, try your "just be kind" guilt trip on some nice straight lady who has no dog in the race and who thinks that the LGBT are all one happy rainbow family. I know better. Don't break into my house, crap in my coffee pot, and then tell me that you've always lived here and you've made me a mocha latte. Once more for the record: The LGB owes nothing to the T.
(1) The classic gender dysphoric child was a boy who, from early childhood onward, gravitated towards stereotypical femininity and expressed a persistent wish to be a girl. I acknowledge that this is a pre-millennium phenomenon, documented from at least the mid-twentieth century; however, the notion that these gender non-conforming boys are really "trans girls" does not predate the last quarter of the twentieth century. As I see it, transitioning children with classic early-onset gender dysphoria is to nothing less than eugenics: the best evidence suggests that a substantial majority of boys matching this description, if not affirmed in a cross-sex identity, will outgrow their gender dysphoria and become happy, healthy gay men. Today, the majority of "trans youth" are female teenagers with no history of childhood gender dysphoria. This is a novel (and horrifying) phenomenon with no historical precedent.
(2) Yes, these are verbatim quotes—just two of the many, many violent and sexual threats posted online by trans activists. Am I proud of and in agreement with every single thing that every single gender-critical feminist has ever said? No, of course not. I semi-routinely cringe at comments made in gender critical spaces. But the explicit fantasies of rape and murder that permeate anti-TERF rhetoric? GC feminists don't do that, and reading statements like "I love when TERF lesbians live in fear" and "I want to correctively rape TERFs" sure doesn't make me think "oh gosh, maybe I really am on the wrong side of history."
"The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has released its Standards of Care Version 8 (SOC8)."
“Eunuch individuals are those assigned male at birth (AMAB) and wish to eliminate masculine physical features, masculine genitals, or genital functioning” it explains. “As with other gender diverse individuals, eunuchs may also seek castration to better align their bodies with their gender identity. As such, eunuch individuals are gender nonconforming individuals who have needs requiring medically necessary gender-affirming care”.
"WPATH recommends for more information, where a person can view a selection of “adult fiction”, including stories about “the castration of males of various ages”, in other words: child-castration pornography.
“Eunuch Archives hosts over 3,000 pieces of fictional child pornography that detail the rape, torture, and killing of children. In some narratives, children with stunted puberty are raped by doctors. In others, children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual,” reported Reduxx earlier this year.
One of the listed contributors of SOC8 is Thomas Johnson PhD, who according to Reduxx “has for over two decades participated in [the] fetish forum (Eunuch Archives) that hosts and produces extreme sadomasochistic written pornography involving the castration and torture of children” and whose “academic interests advocate for expanding the concept of ‘gender identity’ to include men with sadomasochistic and even pedophilic castration fantasies.”
Aside from adding eunuch as a gender identity option for children, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health has also removed the minimum age for puberty blockers and hormones, as long as the child has reached ‘Tanner Stage 2’, which can be as young as 9 years old.
“Chest masculinization surgery” i.e. double mastectomies “can be considered in minors” and vaginoplasty may be considered for under 18s.
The guidelines also recommend that health care professionals treating adolescents involve parents in the assessment and treatment process “unless their involvement is determined to be harmful to the adolescent.”
I don't disagree with the radicalization theory, but I don't understand why it's being presented as at odds with AGP, nor do I understand the mention of "true AGP." Clearly, one is radicalized *about* something, and it sounds like you're describing boys radicalized about their AGP feelings. I also see no reason why arousal at the idea of oneself as female couldn't manifest as a specific looking female, including an unrealistic one, as in anime.
I think AGP is misunderstood (often as fetish, or as "faking it"). I recommend Anne Lawrence's writing on it.
This is exactly what my son went through. Choosing to play games as large-breasted female avatars running through virtual realities for hours at a time with voice altering aps on their microphones also plays a massive part in their self identity crisis. Hentai (anime) porn is also a big influence, especially when you look up mirror neurons in the brain.
Very interesting thoughts and hypotheses. My only pushback is to this fragment:
" extreme form of feminism that portrays most or all men as essentially violent predators, who can blame our boys for wanting to opt out?"
Which feminism are you talking here then? Because whenever we gendercritical feminists try to bring up the fact that males are on average way more aggressive, violent and sexual abusive than women, it's seen as if we say that all men are violent all the time (So saying '99% of sexual violence is done by males' is interpreted often as '99% of males are sexually violent'...). We don't say that. We say that the share of violence is balanced towards males and therefore we women need safe spaces.
I really don't like it that it seems to be suggested that women trying to talk about male violence are then seen as responsible for how boys regard that violence. Talking about male violence is still a kind of taboo. Really. I try it on Twitter regularly when talking about single sex spaces and it's impossible almost.
I think everything you’ve expressed in this well-written essay has a parallel for girls with ROGD who want to transition to boys. It’s the opposite side of the same coin. The radicalisation is a big part of it. It reminds me of the way young people were recruited into militant Islamic groups after 9/11 or into Q-Anon more recently.
My daughter showed no signs of gender dysphoria until her early 20s and the beginning of Covid, when her use of social media increased. During the pandemic she also started to show traits of what I now believe could be borderline personality disorder. Tourette's-like tics spread via social media a few years ago, mostly among girls: Cases of Munchausen-like behaviour are also spreading on social media.
There are similarities between BPD and ROGD regarding identity issues. Many young people with BPD identify as trans or non-binary. I feel like I’ve read every resource about ROGD and BPD and I’m still disappointed with the lack of research on both of these topics. Why are respected media outlets like The Atlantic and The Economist not reporting on this more critically? I’m currently reading a book that doesn’t mention gender issues or personality disorders by name, but I think the author, Dr Gordon Neufeld, has some valid points. It’s called “Hold on to your kids: Why parents need to matter more than peers.” The author thinks that it’s an attachment disorder – our culture has become so peer-oriented that children no longer have an attachment to their families. Their peers become everything and their online communities replace the older, wiser adults in their lives who used to guide them. I recommend it.
I am estranged from my adult daughter now, as she has cut off all contact with me. My son is not showing signs of ROGD, but he is incredibly troubled by the promotion of steroids and obsession with the gym/extreme masculinity that’s targeting boys online. If I were in your shoes and my children were still living under my roof, I would replace their iPhones with flip phones, limit contact online, and homeschool them for a year while traveling abroad as a family. I mean that in all seriousness.
Parents need to be parents! Get your kids offline & take away their phones. Your kids should be so busy with school, homework, sports/music/etc & a job (!), along with structure & boundaries, they don’t have time for this nonsense. Parents of these kids have a huge responsibility for the situation they find themselves in, which is terrible, but not surprising.
I would argue that families not attending religious services regularly while kids are growing up is also a big factor.
Parents are raising self-indulgent, weak, easily-influenced kids, who have no innate sense of self or of a higher power, being part of something bigger than themselves, and it shows.
If this was my kid, and things were this bad, it would be military school. The toughest love, major wake up call I could deliver. Why? Because this boy’s entire life is at stake. He likes Communism? Okay, let’s see what happens when you have no choices in a barracks.
When you remove God from everything, people will find a replacement religion: drugs/alcohol, porn, transgenderism.
Stop indulging these kids and start parenting them! Get tough!!!
The OP dances daintily around the real issue. Certainly some adolescent MtF is the result of autogynephilia. This can set on with staggering rapidity. Where I live, there are many ado AGPs and they are not shy. In many the 'change' took less than a month and in some, less than a week. Until we find out what actually triggers autogynephilia, we cannot formulate strategies to counter it, other than one-to-one counselling. There are not enough sceptical counsellors. (I am one.)
However, the OP rightly suggests that something else is going on and there is. It appears to be a form of autoandrophobia, the fear of being a man, or the hatred of the idea of being a man. This is evident from the statements of subjects with this condition. What the OP dpes not do, spectacularly, is even ask why this autoandrophobia exists. She does not point to decades of anti-masculine propaganda pushed out by Hollywood and the MSM. She does not mention the teachers deliberately punishing boys - for being boys. She does not discuss the literally billions of anti-masculine online comments, some of which have been rehearsed here, which basically say 'woman good, man bad'. This is only a tiny selection of the vast amount of anti-masculine hate-speak we live under - and mostly, promulgated through social media, conventional media and education.
No, not all men are rapists. No, not all men start wars, though they die in them. No, not all men are violent criminals. No, not all men are abusers. In fact, nearly all men are decent, kind, courteous and protective. Yet the opposite message is hammered out, day after day. And where does it come from? It comes from feminism and the relentless anti-masculine campaign its leaders have carried on for 50 years now.
If you want to save these boys, you have to destroy feminism. Otherwise, sacrifice them on the altar of a bitter, jealous, man-hating cult and then, please, stop complaining and trying to divert the blame. That's your choice and we shall know you by the decision you take.
I suffered from doubts in my masculinity. I spent years as a transvestite.
As a youth I found the writings of Robert Bly, Warren Farrel and today Jordan Peterson to be very helpful in establishing a respect for masculinity.
I thoroughly reject most forms of feminism. I see through the double speak. When the same feminist will say in one sentence: "We just want the same opportunities as men" yet ten minutes later say: "We have to stop toxic masculinity."
And yet.
I still suffer from the internalized messages of this movement that I soaked up as child and youth.
Examining the effect of anime on boys….fired off some ancient brain cells. It may not be an entirely new thing.
This is what I remembered. In 1978, beginning at age 17, I had a brief relationship with a man 18 years older than me. I had only had 2 sexual partners before him and was creeped out by the way he always squealed in a high pitched feminine way when he experienced sexual orgasm. After a year he moved on to another young girl. However, I was pregnant and had a son to him, b 1979, so we’ve always stayed in contact. That became a lot easier by internet after the turn of the century as he lives in another country.
I was vaguely aware he had a sexual kink so I asked him about it 20 years ago. He sent me several pictures of anime girls who had protuberant adolescent type breasts along with (very large) penises and were illustrated submitting to various sexual acts either by mythical beasts like dragons or other anime girls. I was quite astonished and asked him why he found these images sexually exciting. He told me as a young boy in the 50s/60s he had loved comics and found the images of women alluring when they were shown in revealing clothes (often) or were assaulted by men (often) and shown beaten and stripped. He learned to masturbate over these images. Bearing in mind my sons father is now 79 years old.
I could go through your points one by one and refute those that are wrong, as in, for example, the claim that 'Bailey and Blanchard were responsible for the HSTS model' -- they weren't, it was defined many years before WW2. Blanchard (Bailey did none of the primary research) just took it off the shelf, as it were. But it would be tedious to go through every one of the glosses, oversimplifications and errors so let's focus on what you did NOT say. You never once mentioned feminism.
Feminism, especially the radical form, is the root cause of the 'trans' epidemic. Boys are told from a young age that men are responsible for every ill in society, for all rapes, for all wars and for everything bad. They are taught that they must never be mascuine and that the worst and most irresponsible thing they could do would be to grow up into a man. And they are taught this by feminists. Now agreed, you touch on this in passing but you do not point the finger of blame and without that, why bother?
What is needed is the wholesale grubbing out of feminist ideology, especially from schools and academia, but elsewhere too. If women in positions of authority refuse to stop preaching toxic feminist doctrines, then they should get their jotters. We are writing off an entire generation -- possibly more than one -- of young men to a vicious misandry whoich should have no place in society at all.
The problem, I reiterate, is feminism and until you deal with that, it's just going to get worse. But feel free to go on burying your head in the sand. Feminism has killed the West and I advise all young men there to get out while they still can.
My dude, autogynephiles don't identify as trans because some evil feminazi hag somewhere had the unspeakable man-hating temerity to point out that male violence has a significant negative impact on many women's lives. Autogynephiles identify as trans because they get an erotic thrill out of imagining themselves as females and/or feminized "failed males." (Note that the author's son dreams of becoming an anime girl; he doesn't dream of becoming an average-looking, high-achieving professional woman with a low-maintenance haircut and unshaven armpits. The fact that his ideal female self is a giggling, blushing porcelain doll in a tiny pleated skirt should be your first clue that he's not taking his cues from feminism.) The real culprit here, the driver on this particular runaway train, is a male-specific paraphilia, fed with pornography made by and for other males, cultivated within a community of fellow male fetishists. (Another side note: much of the porn made by and for autogynephiles is grossly misogynistic, to the point that even you might recognize it as such; Google "sissy captions" if you don't believe me. If you think that "stop being a man; take estrogen and become a mindless cvmdvmp fvckslvt" is feminist messaging, then I really, truly do not know how to help you.)
I feel sorry for the author's son; from the information given there's no reason to assume that he's an irredeemably evil sexual predator. It's more likely that he's a basically decent human being whose psychological makeup predisposes him to a particular kind of self-destructive erotic obsession. Unfortunately, in the digital age, it's very, very easy for proto-paraphiliacs to find the thing that lights up their faulty feel-good circuits and then keep chasing that high all the way down the rabbithole, until their paraphilia consumes their sense of self. But this is not the fault of feminism. Autogynephiles are not fleeing the stigma of being straight, (mostly) white males. They're not following a moral compass thrown tragically off course by the shaming of misandrist harridans. Whether the author's son has autogynephilia or "pseudo autogynephilia" (a distinction without a difference, as I argue elsewhere in this thread), he's taking his cues from his libido. To a degree, that's normal human behavior: people are driven by their sex drives. But our sex drives don't always steer us in a good direction.
TL;DR: Teenage boys gratifying their male-specific paraphilias by making a one-handed descent into full-blown dysfunction and delusion is in no way the fault of feminists.
P.S.: As for your advice to Western men to go abroad . . . yes, men from affluent Western nations will have difficulty finding women in their own countries who are willing to confine themselves to a life of subservience, economic dependence, and domestic/sexual servitude; they will fare much better if they turn their attention to poor women in developing countries. However, if by some chance a Western man is looking for another man willing to confine himself to a life of sexual/domestic servitude, he will also have much better luck looking abroad among the economically disadvantaged. The moral here is not that feminism has ruined Western women. It's that money can compel desperately poor people to do things they absolutely despise.
Good news: I'm not going to waste your time or mine attempting to persuade you that women are full and equal human beings (because I get the sense that this is the "cultish belief" of feminism that you find so heinously objectionable). I am, however, going to encourage you to take a deep dive into some MtF online spaces—not the public-facing, sanitized ones, but the private Discord servers where they let it all hang out. The conclusion that I've come to from my own lurking is that all of these men are mixed-up human beings struggling in a world that hasn't been designed to encourage health or happiness for anyone of either sex. Some of them actively strive to be and do good; some of them are genuine sadists and sex predators; most of them fall somewhere in between. But virtually all of them are fetishists. They're not trans because they're trying to expiate their male guilt or reject toxic masculinity or somehow advance the feminist cause. They're trans because it turns them on, and, as I previously indicated, very frequently their turn-ons operate on deeply misogynistic logic. They want to become women because they see womanhood as a degrading and innately sexual state of being.
Below are quotations from two prominent MtF academics, both of which fairly accurately capture the mechanics of desire that underlie autogynephilia. (Bear in mind that this is the stuff that gets published by actual presses and passed off as serious intellectual discourse; it's very tame compared to what you'll see on an MtF discord server.)
"While I never really believed the cliché about women being good for only one thing, that sentiment kept creeping into my fantasies. It’s called forced feminization, and it's not really about sex. It is about turning the humiliation you feel into pleasure, transforming the loss of male privilege into the best fvck ever." (Julia Serrano, _Whipping Girl_)
"Getting fvcked makes you female because fvcked is what a female is . . . [Sissy porn] acts as a kind of centrifuge for distilling femaleness to its barest essentials—an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes." (Andrea Long Chu, _Females_)
Oh, and as a bonus, here's a fun quote from an MtF dude who is kind enough to share his fantasies on Tumblr. (I chose this one because it's much less sexually explicit than most other forced-fem fantasies.) The Islam-related aspect is unusual; the rest of the sentiment is bog standard:
"I desire to be forcibly feminized and converted to Islam by big bearded mature Muslim man. To become his wife and forever enclosed into hijab or niqab. I want to be confined to the home and made to do demeaning, domestic chores, only allowed outside with permission and accompanied by an escort. I want to be told my voice is awrah, and forbidden from speaking directly to men apart from my husband. I want to be constantly told that my being 'just a woman' makes me an inferior and dooms me to a life of subservience. I want to be reminded frequently that I am now a Muslim woman, and must act as one. I want my rights and privileges taken away until I am nothing but a demure, helpless little Muslimah housewife."
Do you really believe that these are the voices of men who have been brainwashed by feminism?
I have never said or even suggested that women are anything other than 'full and equal human beings'. If anything the opposite. Kindly don't traduce me again in the future - although it is SOP for feminists, lacking any coherent argument, to do such things.
Julia Serano is a 'prominent MtF academic'? That'll be right. He's an Autogynephilic transactivist and science denier. And Long Chu, who also wrote 'The Impossibility of Feminism', stating: 'feminism in the twenty-first-century United States, especially on the Internet, might be best understood as a fandom.' You choose interesting allies.
I think I understand rather well the 'mechanics of autogynephilia', by the way. The OP, however, was about a proposed alternative to autogynephilia as the stimulus for adolescent MtF trans expressions. Didn't you read it? Of course you did, you just don't like the fact that the stimulus is actually autoandrophobia stimulated by feminist dogma.
Passive aggressive? You struggle with words and comprehension Rod? So what if it is feminism (we all know it's not, but ok)? I really doubt young males are being bombarded with feminism more than they're being bombarded with porn. Can you provide some data showing the negative impacts of feminism on boys and men? Or are you just apouting shite out of your arse? Cause I can show you data on the harmful effects of porn. I think you just hate women cause none of us like you. Sorry that you're an incel, how about hate women less and focus on improving yourself 😉
I don’t really know much about Feminism but I do know that there is a really big problem with some women despising & demeaning their infants of both sexes. It’s an epidemic in the Western world but no one will tackle this to all our demise.
I also know that a lot of women are terrible parents who are Narcissistic & w/o empathy. Many confuse Hypermentalizing & Pseudo-empathy w/empathy and call themselves “Empaths” when they clearly aren’t.
The mother’s interaction w/her male infant turns that child into the man he will become so - It would be helpful for mothers to better understand child development including how their unconscious (or conscious) attitudes towards males determine who males become. When a mother is Hostile in the Nursery to her son, he isn’t going to grow up to be a Kind, Psychologically stable or secure man.
Male infants are not born Violent or Rapists. Much of who they become, depends on how they were or were not Loved in the first year of life by their Mother.
- most of the ROGD intake are girls, ie. most of the mass social contagion of trans identification is among girls. You're not wrong about the climate that boys are growing up in. Like you, I hate the fact that boys and young men are growing up in a culture that tells them that being a straight white male is the worst thing they can be. But that's not the whole picture.
- some countries that are considered highly feminist societies like Denmark have very low rates of trans identification. What we're seeing is primarily an Anglo-American phenomenon. Sweden and Finland also recently backed out of the affirmation model.
- other countries with very low feminism (such as Iran) have high rates of transgenderism, as gay people in those countries are encouraged to transition to 'correct' themselves.
- feminism is why women can vote, go to college, have their own bank accounts etc. Without any feminism our countries would look something like Saudi Arabia. Here in the UK, women weren't allowed to open a bank account or take out a loan without their husband or father's permission until 1975. Domestic violence only became a criminal offence in 1976, and rape within marriage was legal until 1991. I really don't think we should be undoing any of those changes. There are parts of Switzerland where women couldn't vote until 1991.
- be wary of any explanation that relies on a single cause. There are so many interesting testimonies from parents on this thread. You're right that our culture is a big part of the problem. But social media is a much more direct causative than feminism.
I'm very much aware of the situation viz. girls, but the OP was about boys.
By the way, women in UK were permitted to have bank accounts, without male approval, by the Women's Property Act of 1884. Some banks may have been slow to implement the new rules, but there was no legal impediment. Do please try to stop repeating feminist tropes that are the root of the problem. And yes, I know where you got your misinformation. Mine comes from Hansard.
See my previous responses to you and thank you for proving my assessment of you correct. Regarding the banks, I was responding to another commenter's comment, not the OP. You could try learning to read, you know.
Sweden is a very feminist country and they WERE i to this trans crap. The fact that they figured out before we (mainstream society. Not us) did that it is absurd doesn't negate that they have already been through this.
So that would basically be, 'Shoot the messenger'. But who sends the message? As ever, feminists refuse to accept responsibility for the catastrophic damage they do. Yet they seek sympathy for the consequences.
You haven't address any of my points Rod. If we had a society like Iran or Saudi Arabia where women had few or no rights, it wouldn't resolve this issue - and as I said, Iran has a high rate of transgenderism, as gay men there are basically forced to transition and their surgery is paid for by the state. Social media is a way bigger causative factor in ROGD (and other forms of trans-identification) than feminism (of whichever kind you're referring to).
Also, feminism feminized society. Feminism has helped push along post-modernism which is destructive. It was a feminist who started "intersectionality" and other absurdities. All of that got us to here.
Technology made society soft, and it wasn't women driving that. Women haven't been in control of much for most of history, and still arent. I think if feminists had as much power as you think, male violence wouldn't still be at epidemic levels. It's interesting how every use you have for female words comes out in a negative way. Tech + porn + liberal crap ideologies caused this, it was certainly not radical feminism driving any of those things.
I don't believe he said anything about not having rights. He is talking about the feminism that has went FAR outside women's rights and into absolute sexism and fear mongering. Men don't wanna be men and women are scared to be women. And where did gender studies start? Feminism.
OK, if feminism is the cause of woman hating incels wanting to be women, what's your solution? Men love to point fingers at women for everything under the sun but don't want to lift one to fix anything. I mean, I don't really see how women making men want to be women is than men raping and killing women on a daily basis, maybe you can explain that one? Oh wait, I'm sure that's our fault too right?
Please do tell me how we're turning yall trans though so we can more of that
Parents, if you want to find out if your child is using wrong-sex pronouns, PLEASE ask their teachers. Teachers are not allowed to volunteer that information, but I don't think many would lie if asked. I am a teacher and I can tell you that most teachers and administrators (at least at my school) are ignorant of the ROGD trend and believe this is a simple matter of "inclusion." They have no idea of where this leads a year (or two, or three) after kids have graduated.
To expand on my other comment, even if teachers can't refuse to use students' preferred pronouns, at least, if educated, they'll be less likely to use them with enthusiasm to show how supportive they are. I have one student who wants to be they/them, and I simply use her (self-chosen, gender neutral) name, rather than a pronoun, when referring to her. It's not obvious as long as I'm using other students' names too. In this case, the mother knows about the name/pronoun change from previous years and doesn't like it. I haven't had occasion to talk to the mom yet, but when I do I'll let her know that I'm in her camp and that I'll let her know if I see changes in her daughter. It's not much, but it beats the wall of secrecy that parents often face.
As mentioned in another comment, must won’t risk losing their jobs by not using the pronouns, and the school administrators are trying to keep the schools from being sued by making sure teachers comply with pronouns. I still think it’s worthwhile for parents of ROGD kids to try to educate teachers and administrators by sharing their experiences, and maybe sharing a PITT article or two. At my school, there is absolutely no discussion among teachers about ROGD and the harm being inflicted on kids. The younger teachers are LGBTQ cheerleaders, and the older teachers are silent. I know before my own kid got sucked in, I had no knowledge of all the medicalization happening and of how families are being torn apart.
The cheerleading is the worst part. If it stayed as a fantasy among the kids it would have less staying power than when adult authorities "affirm". Even that word has been stolen from it's real meaning which I think once had to do with telling someone they were great they way they were. It is an insidious movement/cult. I do think there is something to what Jonah suggests - that it works for the "MAPS" people - just imagine an adult stuck in a childlike body forever. No more MAPS folks ever being arrested!
There have been several high-profile instances of teachers being fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns. In most schools, a teacher who openly refuses to validate a student's trans identity will get in all kinds of trouble for it and ultimately lose his or her job. Until the threat to employment is removed, there's really no way to make teachers listen.
I agree with you. The whole Radical Gender Theory non-science cult must be busted for us to really get anywhere. In our case our daughter went ROGD around 2017 - so it was before Abigail Shrier published her book. I had no clue our family would ever be sucked into this sort of world and was very shocked & embarrassed. I knew it wasn't right and that there was a groomer kid. I could not believe how young teachers beamed and "celebrated" like this was the best thing since sliced bread and most never did stop affirming behind our backs - once we did find out They would not have lost their jobs at that point but smugly thought they were being good guys who knew better than us dinosaur parents. Our daughter is mending these days - not having harmed herself - but I'm still scared, traumatized, and mad as heck about this movement.
when i was a kid, i knew many who used drugs more than i did, kids i had known since elementary school. i noticed the ones who used drugs more often also kept peers who did and together they formed their own alternate reality. everyone else could see how the drugs and drug lifestyle was harming them, but they lived in a alternate reality validated by their drug using peers. imo, what your son is going thru is online peer validation supported by the 1000s of cult like talking points of gender activists which they form their bond around, having normal teen issues/angst and also sorting out or spilling out whatever feelings of abandonment or personal baggage he may have that we all do. he wants to rush to meds et al to either be validated from his online peers or becuase hes eager to receive the promised benefits to escape his pain or he just that self righteous and arrogant which also is normal of kids. he maybe being love bombed online (manipulated into trans id) theres no one way to id as trans and ppl do it for a variety of different reasons. as a parent i can only imagine how scary this it. certainly this would never had happened without the internet. this isnt the agp of blanchard. that agp may be something learned over time , something that progresses. although porn was available then it wasnt anything like todays internet when blanchard did his reseach i cant remember what years that was. the agp of blanchard, in my opinion starts with less stimulating porn or other endeavors and builds to that. i had agp for many years but i never quit my day job (boyfriend husband father) and i never told anyone. im very GC and think ppl most people claiming to be agp are liars and the whole of gender ideology is 98% a con with every stat, study and claim complete lies. just check out the methodology in any of their "studys" your son hasn't had time to be agp of blanchard since that takes time to develope. some compulsive ppl jump in totally and then desist from things quickly. let hope he is like this. obviously it would good to get the wifi and internet away from him. my kids have phones with google family where they cant have apps on the phone. but theyre younger so its easier . the kid needs to get out more. you are enabling him just by giving internet. if he wants internet he can get a fuckin job to pay for it. that will help him. hes not the only person thats like this. many people are like this and have similar issues that are nothing to do with gender . i know 40 year olds who still live at home are burdens on their parents yet act like victims and its a constant pity party. u hv to be your kids best friend but not enable him. thats not easy to do.
I have a question. Does anybody have any information about the influence of AGP fathers on their transidentified kids? My ex husband stayed mainly home with our twins while I went out to earn the bread. ( he is a writer ) My daughter went through all possible stages of selfharm and is now non "binary", her brother is on hormones to become a "woman". All three gone no contact since years. By chance I stumbled across poems by my ex glorifying being AGP. I only know that he activly supported both our kids in their "journey". Even though my son is already very ill from the med. side effects. I would like to understand the dynamics.
It's a difficult situation for parents now. What in the 90s would have been mild occurrences of autogynephilia, which would have otherwise gone unobserved, is now going to be amplified into a "trans" identity.
I am not surprised that parents and counsellors are reluctant to consider whether their son has autogynephilia, given there now exists such a stigma around it. I have written about this issue here:
I think it remains a good idea to encourage boys to spend less time online, away from stimulus such as niche pornography and "gender identity" ideology, which can magnify autogynephilia into a disorder, occupying a larger role in a male's life than it otherwise would have done in the past.
Of course, there may also be a minority who would have always found autogynephilia difficult to deal with, even in the past.
I still think the best short article for parents trying to understand their sons is:
Having read your article I find it ironic you think your child has been "radicalized" into a QAnon-esque situation, when it's clear from reading this that you were the one radicalized by stuff you found on the internet. I understand it's scary and new to hear feelings like that but you need to be understanding. You got sucked down the rabbit hole, it's okay to come back up for air and clarity.
Lovely condescension, but it doesn’t change the fact that transness (much like eating disorders and self-harm) has a socially contagious component, as well as a strong sexual component for many (probably most) trans-identified individuals.
I'm not trying to be condescending, I'm trying to help this person keep an open mind, look to more accurate sources, and heart to heart understand their kid and not make all these assumptions and doing stuff that could hurt their relationship forever.
This exact theory of how transness is a thing is a direct, accepted component in QAnon ideology. Being LGBT is no more socially contagious than lefthandedness. and if people find later being trans isn't them? I support them, it just means they have a different journey from me.
On what grounds do you make these assertions? All I'm seeing is mushy, fuzzy, empty exhortations to "be kind," coming from someone who apparently hasn't stopped to consider that maybe it's not actually all that kind to sterilize healthy adolescents and make them into lifelong medical patients.
The LGB and the T are fundamentally unalike, and lumping them together is forced teaming that benefits the T to the detriment of the LGB. The LGB are same-sex attracted people; all we ask is the right to pursue consensual adult relationships with other same-sex attracted people without being harassed or ostracized for it. The T are individuals who, for various reasons, wish to be the opposite sex (or, in some cases, an imaginary third sex). For better or worse, this is an impossible wish; humans can no more change sex than we can change species. Same-sex attraction is a normal variation on human sexuality, documented around the world and throughout history. Although trans activists like to point to third-gender categories in various traditional cultures as proof that "trans people have always been here," the fact is that nothing like modern transgenderism has existed until very recently. It is a culturally-bound syndrome—as Carl Eliot eloquently puts it, "a new way to be mad"—whose existence is inextricably connected with sexual paraphilia. Show me a "trans lesbian," and I will show you a man who is sexually aroused by imagining himself as a woman, often in breathtakingly misogynistic ways.
(Don't believe me? Read _Females_ by Andrea Long Chu.)
Trans "rights" are at best orthogonal to LGB rights, and often diametrically opposed. Kids who are extremely gender-nonconforming in early childhood often grow up to be gay or lesbian; nowadays, this kind of gender nonconformity is liable to be taken as "transness," meaning that children who would become healthy, happy gay men and lesbians are instead herded toward sterility, sexual dysfunction, and pseudo-heterosexuality as "trans girls" and "trans boys." Trans ideology also erodes the LGB community from the other side. The majority of transitioners are opposite-sex attracted, meaning that they become "trans lesbians" and "gay trans men," who then demand inclusion in LGB spaces and throw fits when lesbians don't want their female-identified penises/gay men don't want their male-identified vaginas.
I have no idea what QAnon does or doesn't say about trans issues; I'm a true blue lifelong liberal. But if QAnon does say that the recent explosion of trans-identified teenagers is related to social contagion, well, they probably also say that two plus two equals four. That's not going to make me start saying that two plus two equals five. And speaking of numbers . . . Between 2009 and 2019, the number of teenage girls referred to the Tavistock clinic (the central state-run gender clinic for minors in the UK) increased by a staggering 4500%. (Yes, there are supposed to be two zeroes there.) This is consistent with data from other Western countries; everywhere you look, trans-identified teens are disproportionately female and vastly more numerous than they were ten or fifteen years ago. Greater social acceptance of homosexuality did not produce a corresponding demographic boom—the number of men who self-identified as gay increased 250% over a period of 25 years.
At the end of the day, if you're cheerleading for the T, you're throwing the LGB under the bus. And you're not doing any favors by encouraging children and teens to believe that boys can become girls or vice versa. This isn't _Peter Pan_; even if everyone in the audience is bullied into clapping for trans kids, no miracle will occur. They will forever remain the sex that they are, and this can only be partially disguised through extreme medical interventions. So-called "puberty blockers" also block brain development and bone development, and as a fun bonus, males who go from puberty blockers to full MtF transition will never develop the capacity to orgasm. (Of course, children of both sexes who go from puberty blockers to transition will be permanently sterile.) Vaginoplasty and phalloplasty frequently lead to an endless series of complications and revisions, recurrent infections and persistent pain. Even the best outcomes are a crude, semi-functional approximation of the real thing. Mastectomy is a much lower-risk surgery, but it can still cause permanent nerve damage and limit range of movement—which is a lot better than dying of breast cancer, but is it better than learning to live with one's healthy breasts? Hormonal transition is effectively an induced endocrine disorder, and the risks are especially high for females. Decades of research link elevated testosterone in women to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, and a long list of other really bad health outcomes. The evidence is still emerging, but it looks extremely probable that "trans men" using testosterone tend to have much shorter life expectancies than their "cis" counterparts of either sex. Affirming a teenage girl as a "trans boy" could very well mean setting her up to die in her late fifties or early sixties. How is that good? How is that kind? Stop clapping like trained seal and think.
LGBT have been together since the beginning, though the acronym started in the 80s. You are either a homophobe with an agenda trying to force separation to the detriment of all communities involved or are a well meaning dupe who's been tricked by such. There was no "forced teaming".
The way you can just point to third genders in older culture and dismiss that as being related to trans people in the modern day is fascinating. It completely ignores the fact that our modern interpretation of sexual identity is different from how it was in ancient times as well. The ancient Greeks for example didn't distinguish homo or heterosexuality based on sex, they categorized relationships based on who was in what role.
Your assertions about non-conforming youth are largely based in the texts on "pre-homosexuality" pushed by advocates of using conversion therapy on gay people. You also fail to realize that when you're working with smaller numbers you will end up with percent increases like 4500% that SEEM like a huge jump, but in actuality are not. It's one of the most basic ways of lying with statistics. (Read: How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff)
The fact you run apologia for QAnon by saying if they agree with you on this issue they are simply agreeing that 2+2 = 4 is also concerning. They agree with you on this because you are pushing a conspiracy theory positing transgender people and advocates of being a nefarious force covering up supposed truths and coming to harm children. It's fearmongering 101. Please stop yourself falling further down the radicalization pipeline, watch Caelan Conrads series on the gender critical cult its not too late for you.
Let me begin by addressing the substantive points in your comment, such as they are.
You are of course correct that not all societies historically conceptualized same-sex attraction in the same way. In many premodern and indigenous cultures, normative male/male sexual relationships were hierarchically structured. Typically, the subordinate partner was (a) the penetrated rather than the penetrator; (b) symbolically feminized or otherwise emasculated; and (c) younger than and/or socially inferior to the dominant partner. The ancient Greek categories of erastes and eromenos are only one manifestation of this overarching tendency.
So yes, culture inevitably shapes the expression of same-sex attraction. I'm not disputing that. My point is simply that, however it is expressed, same-sex attraction occurs in all human societies. But nowhere in history will you find a society in which a subset of non-DSD male people were understood to be literal women. (Did some cultures invent a separate category for males who were deemed "womanlike" or "unmanly"? Sure. Did any culture ever consider these "womanlike" or "unmanly" males to be actual, factual, real-deal women? No.) Nor will you find a society in which a subset of non-DSD female people were considered to be literal men. The notion that "man" and "woman" are categories determined by subjective identity rather than anatomy is a recently-invented article of faith promulgated by a handful of ideologues, most of whom don't truly believe it themselves. It is the exact opposite of a cross-cultural phenomenon.
Regarding "lying with numbers": there is no question that the number of trans-identified youth has risen sharply over the past two decades, and there is likewise no question that natal females are very overrepresented among trans-identified youth. These facts are simply not in dispute; even the most ardent defenders of underage transition do not deny them, although of course they try to direct the conversation elsewhere. A recent study by Reuters finds that 42,000 US children and teens were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021—triple the number in 2017. Other studies consistently find that 2% or more of American youth identify as trans. (The lowest figure I have seen is 1.4%, but with high regional variability.) This is up from virtually 0% at the turn of the millennium, when the very concept of a trans-identified teenager would have been bizarre verging on unthinkable.
Back in the not-too-distant past, trans identification was the stuff of daytime TV—a niche lifestyle pursued by a handful of oddballs, all of whom were adults. "Trans kids" and "trans teens" are like goths or weeaboos or e-girls: they are a recently constructed category, immovably embedded in a particular historical moment.¹
Now, you probably want to argue that the sudden jump from ~0% to ~2% is just a mass coming out of the closet. There were always that many trans youth, you'll say; they just had to hide it.
I don't buy it. Trans identity is not of a kind with same-sex attraction, and the analogy to coming out as LGB crumbles under the slightest scrutiny. There will aways be some minority of any given human population that is same-sex attracted. This is perfectly natural; there's no way to change it and no point in attempting to do so.
By contrast, there is no appropriate, acceptable, natural number of trans-identified youth, just as there is no appropriate, acceptable, natural number of trans-racial youth or trans-abled youth or youth with anorexia or youth who self-harm. Trans identification is not a benign expression of human diversity; it is a mental illness with a socially contagious component, much like anorexia—and much like anorexia, it often causes significant bodily harm to the sufferer. 2% of youth identifying as trans is not a victory for human rights. It is a mental health crisis.
(Two notes here: first, if you think you're going to enlighten me with "facts" from the DSM, don't bother. The DSM is not the revealed word of God; it reflects the social norms and political agendas of its day, as should be apparent from the changes between editions. Just as homosexuality was never truly a mental illness, persistent distress and denial regarding one's actual sex will never be a mentally healthy state. Second, I trust you understand that the statement "there should not be any trans youth" is exactly parallel in its intent to the statement "there should not be any anorexic youth." I do not want trans youth to be bullied or abused, let alone interred in concentration camps or whatever else you might accuse me of. I simply do not believe that they are well-served by affirmation. A female person will never be a man, and a male person will never be a woman, and encouraging trans people to chase an impossible goal is just as misguided and cruel as encouraging any other dysfunctional, self-harming behavior. On a personal note, none of the transitioners I have known seemed any better off for it. You'll probably say that it only seems this way to me because I'm an evil transphobe—but when people in my social circle first started transitioning, I considered myself a trans ally. Roughly a decade later, I no longer believe that transition is a net good for most of the people who pursue it.)
So, now for the second part of my comment:
Let me say that I appreciate that you are engaging in civil discourse. Thank you for not being the kind of trans activist who says things like "f∪ck terfs with a broken beer bottle" and "enjoy my lаdуd¡сk in your mouth c∪ntwipe."² That said, I don't appreciate the condescending tone. Has this tactic ever actually won you any converts? When I read your comment, this seems to be the gist: "You're either a bigot or you're an idiot. If you're a bigot, you're beyond help, but if you're an idiot, don't worry; you just need to let someone smarter than you tell you what to think."
Perhaps this line of rhetoric has worked for you in the past. But it's not working now. I do not believe that you are any more intelligent or any more knowledgeable than I am, and you cannot scold or shame me into compliance. You want to call me a conservative? A far-right radical? A homophobe? Hell, you want to call me a Nazi? Go right ahead. I'm not any of these things and I know that I'm not. Probably you also know that I'm not, and you're just hoping that accusations of wrongthink will make me fall in line.
"It’s not too late for you," you say, but here's the thing: it is too late for me. No YouTube video is going to "deradicalize" me. This is because I am a lesbian, which means that for over a decade now I have witnessed trans ideology in action, up close and personal, and I know what it really is. It's straight men who have been eaten alive by their own fetishes having tantrums when lesbians won't suck their girld¡cks. It's self-hating girls and women, many of them lesbians, permanently medicalizing their healthy bodies. It's a bunch of wilfully blind "allies" chasing their virtue-signaling dopamine fix with no concern for the collateral damage. In short, it's homophobic, misogynistic, toxic sludge all the way down.
So next time, try your "just be kind" guilt trip on some nice straight lady who has no dog in the race and who thinks that the LGBT are all one happy rainbow family. I know better. Don't break into my house, crap in my coffee pot, and then tell me that you've always lived here and you've made me a mocha latte. Once more for the record: The LGB owes nothing to the T.
(1) The classic gender dysphoric child was a boy who, from early childhood onward, gravitated towards stereotypical femininity and expressed a persistent wish to be a girl. I acknowledge that this is a pre-millennium phenomenon, documented from at least the mid-twentieth century; however, the notion that these gender non-conforming boys are really "trans girls" does not predate the last quarter of the twentieth century. As I see it, transitioning children with classic early-onset gender dysphoria is to nothing less than eugenics: the best evidence suggests that a substantial majority of boys matching this description, if not affirmed in a cross-sex identity, will outgrow their gender dysphoria and become happy, healthy gay men. Today, the majority of "trans youth" are female teenagers with no history of childhood gender dysphoria. This is a novel (and horrifying) phenomenon with no historical precedent.
(2) Yes, these are verbatim quotes—just two of the many, many violent and sexual threats posted online by trans activists. Am I proud of and in agreement with every single thing that every single gender-critical feminist has ever said? No, of course not. I semi-routinely cringe at comments made in gender critical spaces. But the explicit fantasies of rape and murder that permeate anti-TERF rhetoric? GC feminists don't do that, and reading statements like "I love when TERF lesbians live in fear" and "I want to correctively rape TERFs" sure doesn't make me think "oh gosh, maybe I really am on the wrong side of history."
Where does this stop?
"The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has released its Standards of Care Version 8 (SOC8)."
“Eunuch individuals are those assigned male at birth (AMAB) and wish to eliminate masculine physical features, masculine genitals, or genital functioning” it explains. “As with other gender diverse individuals, eunuchs may also seek castration to better align their bodies with their gender identity. As such, eunuch individuals are gender nonconforming individuals who have needs requiring medically necessary gender-affirming care”.
"WPATH recommends for more information, where a person can view a selection of “adult fiction”, including stories about “the castration of males of various ages”, in other words: child-castration pornography.
“Eunuch Archives hosts over 3,000 pieces of fictional child pornography that detail the rape, torture, and killing of children. In some narratives, children with stunted puberty are raped by doctors. In others, children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual,” reported Reduxx earlier this year.
One of the listed contributors of SOC8 is Thomas Johnson PhD, who according to Reduxx “has for over two decades participated in [the] fetish forum (Eunuch Archives) that hosts and produces extreme sadomasochistic written pornography involving the castration and torture of children” and whose “academic interests advocate for expanding the concept of ‘gender identity’ to include men with sadomasochistic and even pedophilic castration fantasies.”
Aside from adding eunuch as a gender identity option for children, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health has also removed the minimum age for puberty blockers and hormones, as long as the child has reached ‘Tanner Stage 2’, which can be as young as 9 years old.
“Chest masculinization surgery” i.e. double mastectomies “can be considered in minors” and vaginoplasty may be considered for under 18s.
The guidelines also recommend that health care professionals treating adolescents involve parents in the assessment and treatment process “unless their involvement is determined to be harmful to the adolescent.”
I don't disagree with the radicalization theory, but I don't understand why it's being presented as at odds with AGP, nor do I understand the mention of "true AGP." Clearly, one is radicalized *about* something, and it sounds like you're describing boys radicalized about their AGP feelings. I also see no reason why arousal at the idea of oneself as female couldn't manifest as a specific looking female, including an unrealistic one, as in anime.
I think AGP is misunderstood (often as fetish, or as "faking it"). I recommend Anne Lawrence's writing on it.
This is exactly what my son went through. Choosing to play games as large-breasted female avatars running through virtual realities for hours at a time with voice altering aps on their microphones also plays a massive part in their self identity crisis. Hentai (anime) porn is also a big influence, especially when you look up mirror neurons in the brain.
Very interesting thoughts and hypotheses. My only pushback is to this fragment:
" extreme form of feminism that portrays most or all men as essentially violent predators, who can blame our boys for wanting to opt out?"
Which feminism are you talking here then? Because whenever we gendercritical feminists try to bring up the fact that males are on average way more aggressive, violent and sexual abusive than women, it's seen as if we say that all men are violent all the time (So saying '99% of sexual violence is done by males' is interpreted often as '99% of males are sexually violent'...). We don't say that. We say that the share of violence is balanced towards males and therefore we women need safe spaces.
I really don't like it that it seems to be suggested that women trying to talk about male violence are then seen as responsible for how boys regard that violence. Talking about male violence is still a kind of taboo. Really. I try it on Twitter regularly when talking about single sex spaces and it's impossible almost.
I think everything you’ve expressed in this well-written essay has a parallel for girls with ROGD who want to transition to boys. It’s the opposite side of the same coin. The radicalisation is a big part of it. It reminds me of the way young people were recruited into militant Islamic groups after 9/11 or into Q-Anon more recently.
My daughter showed no signs of gender dysphoria until her early 20s and the beginning of Covid, when her use of social media increased. During the pandemic she also started to show traits of what I now believe could be borderline personality disorder. Tourette's-like tics spread via social media a few years ago, mostly among girls: Cases of Munchausen-like behaviour are also spreading on social media.
There are similarities between BPD and ROGD regarding identity issues. Many young people with BPD identify as trans or non-binary. I feel like I’ve read every resource about ROGD and BPD and I’m still disappointed with the lack of research on both of these topics. Why are respected media outlets like The Atlantic and The Economist not reporting on this more critically? I’m currently reading a book that doesn’t mention gender issues or personality disorders by name, but I think the author, Dr Gordon Neufeld, has some valid points. It’s called “Hold on to your kids: Why parents need to matter more than peers.” The author thinks that it’s an attachment disorder – our culture has become so peer-oriented that children no longer have an attachment to their families. Their peers become everything and their online communities replace the older, wiser adults in their lives who used to guide them. I recommend it.
I am estranged from my adult daughter now, as she has cut off all contact with me. My son is not showing signs of ROGD, but he is incredibly troubled by the promotion of steroids and obsession with the gym/extreme masculinity that’s targeting boys online. If I were in your shoes and my children were still living under my roof, I would replace their iPhones with flip phones, limit contact online, and homeschool them for a year while traveling abroad as a family. I mean that in all seriousness.
Parents need to be parents! Get your kids offline & take away their phones. Your kids should be so busy with school, homework, sports/music/etc & a job (!), along with structure & boundaries, they don’t have time for this nonsense. Parents of these kids have a huge responsibility for the situation they find themselves in, which is terrible, but not surprising.
I would argue that families not attending religious services regularly while kids are growing up is also a big factor.
Parents are raising self-indulgent, weak, easily-influenced kids, who have no innate sense of self or of a higher power, being part of something bigger than themselves, and it shows.
If this was my kid, and things were this bad, it would be military school. The toughest love, major wake up call I could deliver. Why? Because this boy’s entire life is at stake. He likes Communism? Okay, let’s see what happens when you have no choices in a barracks.
When you remove God from everything, people will find a replacement religion: drugs/alcohol, porn, transgenderism.
Stop indulging these kids and start parenting them! Get tough!!!
The OP dances daintily around the real issue. Certainly some adolescent MtF is the result of autogynephilia. This can set on with staggering rapidity. Where I live, there are many ado AGPs and they are not shy. In many the 'change' took less than a month and in some, less than a week. Until we find out what actually triggers autogynephilia, we cannot formulate strategies to counter it, other than one-to-one counselling. There are not enough sceptical counsellors. (I am one.)
However, the OP rightly suggests that something else is going on and there is. It appears to be a form of autoandrophobia, the fear of being a man, or the hatred of the idea of being a man. This is evident from the statements of subjects with this condition. What the OP dpes not do, spectacularly, is even ask why this autoandrophobia exists. She does not point to decades of anti-masculine propaganda pushed out by Hollywood and the MSM. She does not mention the teachers deliberately punishing boys - for being boys. She does not discuss the literally billions of anti-masculine online comments, some of which have been rehearsed here, which basically say 'woman good, man bad'. This is only a tiny selection of the vast amount of anti-masculine hate-speak we live under - and mostly, promulgated through social media, conventional media and education.
No, not all men are rapists. No, not all men start wars, though they die in them. No, not all men are violent criminals. No, not all men are abusers. In fact, nearly all men are decent, kind, courteous and protective. Yet the opposite message is hammered out, day after day. And where does it come from? It comes from feminism and the relentless anti-masculine campaign its leaders have carried on for 50 years now.
If you want to save these boys, you have to destroy feminism. Otherwise, sacrifice them on the altar of a bitter, jealous, man-hating cult and then, please, stop complaining and trying to divert the blame. That's your choice and we shall know you by the decision you take.
I suffered from doubts in my masculinity. I spent years as a transvestite.
As a youth I found the writings of Robert Bly, Warren Farrel and today Jordan Peterson to be very helpful in establishing a respect for masculinity.
I thoroughly reject most forms of feminism. I see through the double speak. When the same feminist will say in one sentence: "We just want the same opportunities as men" yet ten minutes later say: "We have to stop toxic masculinity."
And yet.
I still suffer from the internalized messages of this movement that I soaked up as child and youth.
I think you just nailed the root cause. Bravo!!!
Thank you.
Examining the effect of anime on boys….fired off some ancient brain cells. It may not be an entirely new thing.
This is what I remembered. In 1978, beginning at age 17, I had a brief relationship with a man 18 years older than me. I had only had 2 sexual partners before him and was creeped out by the way he always squealed in a high pitched feminine way when he experienced sexual orgasm. After a year he moved on to another young girl. However, I was pregnant and had a son to him, b 1979, so we’ve always stayed in contact. That became a lot easier by internet after the turn of the century as he lives in another country.
I was vaguely aware he had a sexual kink so I asked him about it 20 years ago. He sent me several pictures of anime girls who had protuberant adolescent type breasts along with (very large) penises and were illustrated submitting to various sexual acts either by mythical beasts like dragons or other anime girls. I was quite astonished and asked him why he found these images sexually exciting. He told me as a young boy in the 50s/60s he had loved comics and found the images of women alluring when they were shown in revealing clothes (often) or were assaulted by men (often) and shown beaten and stripped. He learned to masturbate over these images. Bearing in mind my sons father is now 79 years old.
I could go through your points one by one and refute those that are wrong, as in, for example, the claim that 'Bailey and Blanchard were responsible for the HSTS model' -- they weren't, it was defined many years before WW2. Blanchard (Bailey did none of the primary research) just took it off the shelf, as it were. But it would be tedious to go through every one of the glosses, oversimplifications and errors so let's focus on what you did NOT say. You never once mentioned feminism.
Feminism, especially the radical form, is the root cause of the 'trans' epidemic. Boys are told from a young age that men are responsible for every ill in society, for all rapes, for all wars and for everything bad. They are taught that they must never be mascuine and that the worst and most irresponsible thing they could do would be to grow up into a man. And they are taught this by feminists. Now agreed, you touch on this in passing but you do not point the finger of blame and without that, why bother?
What is needed is the wholesale grubbing out of feminist ideology, especially from schools and academia, but elsewhere too. If women in positions of authority refuse to stop preaching toxic feminist doctrines, then they should get their jotters. We are writing off an entire generation -- possibly more than one -- of young men to a vicious misandry whoich should have no place in society at all.
The problem, I reiterate, is feminism and until you deal with that, it's just going to get worse. But feel free to go on burying your head in the sand. Feminism has killed the West and I advise all young men there to get out while they still can.
My dude, autogynephiles don't identify as trans because some evil feminazi hag somewhere had the unspeakable man-hating temerity to point out that male violence has a significant negative impact on many women's lives. Autogynephiles identify as trans because they get an erotic thrill out of imagining themselves as females and/or feminized "failed males." (Note that the author's son dreams of becoming an anime girl; he doesn't dream of becoming an average-looking, high-achieving professional woman with a low-maintenance haircut and unshaven armpits. The fact that his ideal female self is a giggling, blushing porcelain doll in a tiny pleated skirt should be your first clue that he's not taking his cues from feminism.) The real culprit here, the driver on this particular runaway train, is a male-specific paraphilia, fed with pornography made by and for other males, cultivated within a community of fellow male fetishists. (Another side note: much of the porn made by and for autogynephiles is grossly misogynistic, to the point that even you might recognize it as such; Google "sissy captions" if you don't believe me. If you think that "stop being a man; take estrogen and become a mindless cvmdvmp fvckslvt" is feminist messaging, then I really, truly do not know how to help you.)
I feel sorry for the author's son; from the information given there's no reason to assume that he's an irredeemably evil sexual predator. It's more likely that he's a basically decent human being whose psychological makeup predisposes him to a particular kind of self-destructive erotic obsession. Unfortunately, in the digital age, it's very, very easy for proto-paraphiliacs to find the thing that lights up their faulty feel-good circuits and then keep chasing that high all the way down the rabbithole, until their paraphilia consumes their sense of self. But this is not the fault of feminism. Autogynephiles are not fleeing the stigma of being straight, (mostly) white males. They're not following a moral compass thrown tragically off course by the shaming of misandrist harridans. Whether the author's son has autogynephilia or "pseudo autogynephilia" (a distinction without a difference, as I argue elsewhere in this thread), he's taking his cues from his libido. To a degree, that's normal human behavior: people are driven by their sex drives. But our sex drives don't always steer us in a good direction.
TL;DR: Teenage boys gratifying their male-specific paraphilias by making a one-handed descent into full-blown dysfunction and delusion is in no way the fault of feminists.
P.S.: As for your advice to Western men to go abroad . . . yes, men from affluent Western nations will have difficulty finding women in their own countries who are willing to confine themselves to a life of subservience, economic dependence, and domestic/sexual servitude; they will fare much better if they turn their attention to poor women in developing countries. However, if by some chance a Western man is looking for another man willing to confine himself to a life of sexual/domestic servitude, he will also have much better luck looking abroad among the economically disadvantaged. The moral here is not that feminism has ruined Western women. It's that money can compel desperately poor people to do things they absolutely despise.
Brilliant reply. Weird that AGP is now something feminists are responsible for. Is there anything men like RF won't blame women?
I absolutely love your writing.
Thank you
I was replying to Rises Upward, not you!
Tant pis.
Passive aggression, the sure sign of a cult believer. The problem is feminism and you appear to be in denial. Quelle surprise.
Good news: I'm not going to waste your time or mine attempting to persuade you that women are full and equal human beings (because I get the sense that this is the "cultish belief" of feminism that you find so heinously objectionable). I am, however, going to encourage you to take a deep dive into some MtF online spaces—not the public-facing, sanitized ones, but the private Discord servers where they let it all hang out. The conclusion that I've come to from my own lurking is that all of these men are mixed-up human beings struggling in a world that hasn't been designed to encourage health or happiness for anyone of either sex. Some of them actively strive to be and do good; some of them are genuine sadists and sex predators; most of them fall somewhere in between. But virtually all of them are fetishists. They're not trans because they're trying to expiate their male guilt or reject toxic masculinity or somehow advance the feminist cause. They're trans because it turns them on, and, as I previously indicated, very frequently their turn-ons operate on deeply misogynistic logic. They want to become women because they see womanhood as a degrading and innately sexual state of being.
Below are quotations from two prominent MtF academics, both of which fairly accurately capture the mechanics of desire that underlie autogynephilia. (Bear in mind that this is the stuff that gets published by actual presses and passed off as serious intellectual discourse; it's very tame compared to what you'll see on an MtF discord server.)
"While I never really believed the cliché about women being good for only one thing, that sentiment kept creeping into my fantasies. It’s called forced feminization, and it's not really about sex. It is about turning the humiliation you feel into pleasure, transforming the loss of male privilege into the best fvck ever." (Julia Serrano, _Whipping Girl_)
"Getting fvcked makes you female because fvcked is what a female is . . . [Sissy porn] acts as a kind of centrifuge for distilling femaleness to its barest essentials—an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes." (Andrea Long Chu, _Females_)
Oh, and as a bonus, here's a fun quote from an MtF dude who is kind enough to share his fantasies on Tumblr. (I chose this one because it's much less sexually explicit than most other forced-fem fantasies.) The Islam-related aspect is unusual; the rest of the sentiment is bog standard:
"I desire to be forcibly feminized and converted to Islam by big bearded mature Muslim man. To become his wife and forever enclosed into hijab or niqab. I want to be confined to the home and made to do demeaning, domestic chores, only allowed outside with permission and accompanied by an escort. I want to be told my voice is awrah, and forbidden from speaking directly to men apart from my husband. I want to be constantly told that my being 'just a woman' makes me an inferior and dooms me to a life of subservience. I want to be reminded frequently that I am now a Muslim woman, and must act as one. I want my rights and privileges taken away until I am nothing but a demure, helpless little Muslimah housewife."
Do you really believe that these are the voices of men who have been brainwashed by feminism?
I have never said or even suggested that women are anything other than 'full and equal human beings'. If anything the opposite. Kindly don't traduce me again in the future - although it is SOP for feminists, lacking any coherent argument, to do such things.
Julia Serano is a 'prominent MtF academic'? That'll be right. He's an Autogynephilic transactivist and science denier. And Long Chu, who also wrote 'The Impossibility of Feminism', stating: 'feminism in the twenty-first-century United States, especially on the Internet, might be best understood as a fandom.' You choose interesting allies.
I think I understand rather well the 'mechanics of autogynephilia', by the way. The OP, however, was about a proposed alternative to autogynephilia as the stimulus for adolescent MtF trans expressions. Didn't you read it? Of course you did, you just don't like the fact that the stimulus is actually autoandrophobia stimulated by feminist dogma.
Passive aggressive? You struggle with words and comprehension Rod? So what if it is feminism (we all know it's not, but ok)? I really doubt young males are being bombarded with feminism more than they're being bombarded with porn. Can you provide some data showing the negative impacts of feminism on boys and men? Or are you just apouting shite out of your arse? Cause I can show you data on the harmful effects of porn. I think you just hate women cause none of us like you. Sorry that you're an incel, how about hate women less and focus on improving yourself 😉
A completely predictable response from a cult ideologue. Please see my previous comment about talking to horses.
I don’t really know much about Feminism but I do know that there is a really big problem with some women despising & demeaning their infants of both sexes. It’s an epidemic in the Western world but no one will tackle this to all our demise.
I also know that a lot of women are terrible parents who are Narcissistic & w/o empathy. Many confuse Hypermentalizing & Pseudo-empathy w/empathy and call themselves “Empaths” when they clearly aren’t.
The mother’s interaction w/her male infant turns that child into the man he will become so - It would be helpful for mothers to better understand child development including how their unconscious (or conscious) attitudes towards males determine who males become. When a mother is Hostile in the Nursery to her son, he isn’t going to grow up to be a Kind, Psychologically stable or secure man.
Male infants are not born Violent or Rapists. Much of who they become, depends on how they were or were not Loved in the first year of life by their Mother.
Hi Rod, some points:
- most of the ROGD intake are girls, ie. most of the mass social contagion of trans identification is among girls. You're not wrong about the climate that boys are growing up in. Like you, I hate the fact that boys and young men are growing up in a culture that tells them that being a straight white male is the worst thing they can be. But that's not the whole picture.
- some countries that are considered highly feminist societies like Denmark have very low rates of trans identification. What we're seeing is primarily an Anglo-American phenomenon. Sweden and Finland also recently backed out of the affirmation model.
- other countries with very low feminism (such as Iran) have high rates of transgenderism, as gay people in those countries are encouraged to transition to 'correct' themselves.
- feminism is why women can vote, go to college, have their own bank accounts etc. Without any feminism our countries would look something like Saudi Arabia. Here in the UK, women weren't allowed to open a bank account or take out a loan without their husband or father's permission until 1975. Domestic violence only became a criminal offence in 1976, and rape within marriage was legal until 1991. I really don't think we should be undoing any of those changes. There are parts of Switzerland where women couldn't vote until 1991.
- be wary of any explanation that relies on a single cause. There are so many interesting testimonies from parents on this thread. You're right that our culture is a big part of the problem. But social media is a much more direct causative than feminism.
I'm very much aware of the situation viz. girls, but the OP was about boys.
By the way, women in UK were permitted to have bank accounts, without male approval, by the Women's Property Act of 1884. Some banks may have been slow to implement the new rules, but there was no legal impediment. Do please try to stop repeating feminist tropes that are the root of the problem. And yes, I know where you got your misinformation. Mine comes from Hansard.
Please tell me where in that act any mention is made of bank accounts? Youre spouting shite out of your arse again. And you're wrong.
See my previous responses to you and thank you for proving my assessment of you correct. Regarding the banks, I was responding to another commenter's comment, not the OP. You could try learning to read, you know.
So you're not going to answer the question? Thank you for proving my assessment of you correct.
Engaging with feminists just gives the enemy a platform for its toxic views.
Sweden is a very feminist country and they WERE i to this trans crap. The fact that they figured out before we (mainstream society. Not us) did that it is absurd doesn't negate that they have already been through this.
So that would basically be, 'Shoot the messenger'. But who sends the message? As ever, feminists refuse to accept responsibility for the catastrophic damage they do. Yet they seek sympathy for the consequences.
You haven't address any of my points Rod. If we had a society like Iran or Saudi Arabia where women had few or no rights, it wouldn't resolve this issue - and as I said, Iran has a high rate of transgenderism, as gay men there are basically forced to transition and their surgery is paid for by the state. Social media is a way bigger causative factor in ROGD (and other forms of trans-identification) than feminism (of whichever kind you're referring to).
Also, feminism feminized society. Feminism has helped push along post-modernism which is destructive. It was a feminist who started "intersectionality" and other absurdities. All of that got us to here.
Technology made society soft, and it wasn't women driving that. Women haven't been in control of much for most of history, and still arent. I think if feminists had as much power as you think, male violence wouldn't still be at epidemic levels. It's interesting how every use you have for female words comes out in a negative way. Tech + porn + liberal crap ideologies caused this, it was certainly not radical feminism driving any of those things.
Can't agree
Pfrove that 'male violencec is at epidemic levels'. I'll wait.
I don't believe he said anything about not having rights. He is talking about the feminism that has went FAR outside women's rights and into absolute sexism and fear mongering. Men don't wanna be men and women are scared to be women. And where did gender studies start? Feminism.
Precisely, thank you.
Rod is correct.
Thank you.
Negative man-hating stupidity IS a cause of trannie madness. You need to take a hard look at your complete bias and lack of common sense.
OK, if feminism is the cause of woman hating incels wanting to be women, what's your solution? Men love to point fingers at women for everything under the sun but don't want to lift one to fix anything. I mean, I don't really see how women making men want to be women is than men raping and killing women on a daily basis, maybe you can explain that one? Oh wait, I'm sure that's our fault too right?
Please do tell me how we're turning yall trans though so we can more of that
See my previous response.
Thank you
Typical feminist.
With the selling out of the Medical and Psychological leadership where can you turn for help?
Parents, if you want to find out if your child is using wrong-sex pronouns, PLEASE ask their teachers. Teachers are not allowed to volunteer that information, but I don't think many would lie if asked. I am a teacher and I can tell you that most teachers and administrators (at least at my school) are ignorant of the ROGD trend and believe this is a simple matter of "inclusion." They have no idea of where this leads a year (or two, or three) after kids have graduated.
The teachers do not stop when you ask them to do so. How do we make them aware/listen?
To expand on my other comment, even if teachers can't refuse to use students' preferred pronouns, at least, if educated, they'll be less likely to use them with enthusiasm to show how supportive they are. I have one student who wants to be they/them, and I simply use her (self-chosen, gender neutral) name, rather than a pronoun, when referring to her. It's not obvious as long as I'm using other students' names too. In this case, the mother knows about the name/pronoun change from previous years and doesn't like it. I haven't had occasion to talk to the mom yet, but when I do I'll let her know that I'm in her camp and that I'll let her know if I see changes in her daughter. It's not much, but it beats the wall of secrecy that parents often face.
As mentioned in another comment, must won’t risk losing their jobs by not using the pronouns, and the school administrators are trying to keep the schools from being sued by making sure teachers comply with pronouns. I still think it’s worthwhile for parents of ROGD kids to try to educate teachers and administrators by sharing their experiences, and maybe sharing a PITT article or two. At my school, there is absolutely no discussion among teachers about ROGD and the harm being inflicted on kids. The younger teachers are LGBTQ cheerleaders, and the older teachers are silent. I know before my own kid got sucked in, I had no knowledge of all the medicalization happening and of how families are being torn apart.
The cheerleading is the worst part. If it stayed as a fantasy among the kids it would have less staying power than when adult authorities "affirm". Even that word has been stolen from it's real meaning which I think once had to do with telling someone they were great they way they were. It is an insidious movement/cult. I do think there is something to what Jonah suggests - that it works for the "MAPS" people - just imagine an adult stuck in a childlike body forever. No more MAPS folks ever being arrested!
There have been several high-profile instances of teachers being fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns. In most schools, a teacher who openly refuses to validate a student's trans identity will get in all kinds of trouble for it and ultimately lose his or her job. Until the threat to employment is removed, there's really no way to make teachers listen.
I agree with you. The whole Radical Gender Theory non-science cult must be busted for us to really get anywhere. In our case our daughter went ROGD around 2017 - so it was before Abigail Shrier published her book. I had no clue our family would ever be sucked into this sort of world and was very shocked & embarrassed. I knew it wasn't right and that there was a groomer kid. I could not believe how young teachers beamed and "celebrated" like this was the best thing since sliced bread and most never did stop affirming behind our backs - once we did find out They would not have lost their jobs at that point but smugly thought they were being good guys who knew better than us dinosaur parents. Our daughter is mending these days - not having harmed herself - but I'm still scared, traumatized, and mad as heck about this movement.
when i was a kid, i knew many who used drugs more than i did, kids i had known since elementary school. i noticed the ones who used drugs more often also kept peers who did and together they formed their own alternate reality. everyone else could see how the drugs and drug lifestyle was harming them, but they lived in a alternate reality validated by their drug using peers. imo, what your son is going thru is online peer validation supported by the 1000s of cult like talking points of gender activists which they form their bond around, having normal teen issues/angst and also sorting out or spilling out whatever feelings of abandonment or personal baggage he may have that we all do. he wants to rush to meds et al to either be validated from his online peers or becuase hes eager to receive the promised benefits to escape his pain or he just that self righteous and arrogant which also is normal of kids. he maybe being love bombed online (manipulated into trans id) theres no one way to id as trans and ppl do it for a variety of different reasons. as a parent i can only imagine how scary this it. certainly this would never had happened without the internet. this isnt the agp of blanchard. that agp may be something learned over time , something that progresses. although porn was available then it wasnt anything like todays internet when blanchard did his reseach i cant remember what years that was. the agp of blanchard, in my opinion starts with less stimulating porn or other endeavors and builds to that. i had agp for many years but i never quit my day job (boyfriend husband father) and i never told anyone. im very GC and think ppl most people claiming to be agp are liars and the whole of gender ideology is 98% a con with every stat, study and claim complete lies. just check out the methodology in any of their "studys" your son hasn't had time to be agp of blanchard since that takes time to develope. some compulsive ppl jump in totally and then desist from things quickly. let hope he is like this. obviously it would good to get the wifi and internet away from him. my kids have phones with google family where they cant have apps on the phone. but theyre younger so its easier . the kid needs to get out more. you are enabling him just by giving internet. if he wants internet he can get a fuckin job to pay for it. that will help him. hes not the only person thats like this. many people are like this and have similar issues that are nothing to do with gender . i know 40 year olds who still live at home are burdens on their parents yet act like victims and its a constant pity party. u hv to be your kids best friend but not enable him. thats not easy to do.
I believe they are becoming radicalized into believing they are transgender through a perfect storm of influences, both online and off.
THIS 👆👆👆👆👆
I agree 💯, same with my children. Absolutely suckered in......
Much love to you 💜