I hope and pray that 2025 will be different...that more and more people will come to their senses and use their "common sense" that a man cannot become a woman and vice versa. I hope with the new President elect in office on January 20th that there will be more truthful education, more awareness and accountability about the devastation of transgender ideology. I am hopeful for the first time in a long time.
It's great to see sanity ,truth and courage are beginning to reassert themselves and not before time .!! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with the lunatics who pushed this on vulnerable children and charges will be brought against its main proponents. In the meantime, those who have been damaged by this horror will need all the support and care we can give. God Bless ,everyone ,and a Happy New Year
I have no one to gather around. I don't know many people in my area, after a few friends moved away. I have PITT (thank God!), and that's it. The out of state relatives are unsupportive and avoid the topic. My parents are dead. I have no community and can't bring my few acquaintances into this because they're connected to my husband's career and it could jeopardize his job. So, I suffer in silence and alone. I pray all the time to meet someone who is like minded and empathetic. Our church is cold and unfriendly. I'm feeling very isolated because of all this, while my daughter destroys herself, estranged at a distance. I am thinking of giving up. My daughter is so far gone...besides *trans*, now she's even lost into the pedophilic furry cult, big time! It is so scary!!!
I believe there are some in person parent support groups scattered around. I think you can find the links on Genspect to make contact.
This whole situation is so very isolating. I finally went back to women’s Bible study at my church and once I finally shared with a few people what was happening, I was surprised at the compassion and understanding they showed. I had shared with one close friend 2 years ago and got the ‘you’re a bigot for not affirming’ response, so I basically isolated for two years. I hope you can find support for yourself.
Yes the load seems a bit lighter. Now we probably need to begin getting ready to provide guidance and healing to these brave desisters and detransitioners.
Everything you said is spot on. Unfortunately, my next problem is, "Now what?" My ROGD daughter decided she was trans at the end of 2020 when she entered college. She took a job summer as a DEI hire and was showered with rainbows and fake promises of a glitter family. Now she is being caught in the cultural wars within the very much struggling Intel as they layoff senior (cis/ white) employees. Intel at this time is not laying off any DEI hires. No one wants to train or interact with her at work because of the amount of resentment from coworkers. She is seriously reevaluating her life choices. When she graduated college, all of her trans cult friends took off and forgot about her. Now her father and I are no longer the transbophic people she accused of her being when we were asking her to please wait on taking testosterone. This is just more evidence that this is very much a cult. Once the promises of a better life fails, these poor young adults wake up and us parents are left to pick up the pieces without any help or guidance.
Let's hope the Trump administration works carefully, deliberately, intelligently towards the goal of completely dismantling the ideology and the many structures - state and non-state infected with it, in ways that mean it can never return. I think this probably means legal action against the worst offenders in order to establish the criminality of those involved. Let's hope the MSM that backed this crap, can finally get behind such efforts.
Dear Author, thank you for writing. If we, the family members of those swallowed by this insanity, continue to tell our truth, every bit of reality counts. You have laid out marvelous news, you have given facts for all of us to dwell on. You are putting light onto our darkened paths, much needed light, for those of us who have grown weary. Thank you for your light today, some of my weariness has lifted. Let us all persist in our prayers and our efforts as we are called to do.
Thank you so much for everything that you wrote. I fear for my friend's childrenI fear for my friend's children. I don't think Canada is on the right path either. Hopefully 2025 is a return to sanity.
I wish he hadn’t said that sex is assigned at birth. Sex is not „assigned“. Sex is determined during conception and is observed at birth. Trump using the word „assigned“ shows how deep in the muck we’ve gotten stuck with this BS.
Otherwise, I’m all for it. All of it. Schools in particular need to stop promoting these crazy ideas right now.
Great summary of where we are today. May 2025 bring even greater positive changes to this situation. And all our captive children young and old, be returned to us.
I do feel buoyed when I think about all of this good news. It's here in the Substacks, on X, on record in court documents, hearings, studies, journal articles, and a handful of pieces that cross into mainstream press (rare)--or any press at all.
Sorry to be tiresome, but in my blue bubble zone, not one person I know is aware of what we all know, we, the ones who have lost children to this cult, that follow every hopeful development, as we don't want this to trans disaster to continue rolling forward.
I do sometimes worry whether there is truly a shift, or is it just the News app and YouTube algorithms presenting me with more and more content that it knows I will click on.
Don’t forget the Big Lie so many PITT parents were offered of “Live son or dead daughter?” In the Skrmetti case, in the Supreme Court of the United States, the ACLU lawyer (a petite woman dressed like a man) admitted there’s no substantial difference in “completed suicides” among trans kids vs others. Guess what…completed suicides is the only metric that counts with suicides since there’s no way to measure thoughts of one group vs another.
If anything, I believe there is a substantial number of trans kids contemplating suicide after transition. Once it becomes clear that the goal of becoming a person of the opposite sex is unattainable, and that they have ruined their bodies in vain.
Yes, this is my new reality. My daughter is starting to wake up and it is not pretty. I am learning that picking up the pieces after she realized her mistake is harder....
Everyday, I ask myself: “why my kid?; why us?, how? why?” So many questions and no answers. It’s not a life I would wish on any parent. It’s heartbreaking, very stressful and mind boggling to see our daughter whom we love very much, act like she does.
Me too never in a million years could I have imagined my son going thru this cult behavior. Even Elon Musks son( one of them he has 12 kids) went on hormones and even Elon was told the same thing, would you rather have a dead son or a living daughter? He didn’t understand it either. He says his son is dead and I am hoping his influence in the government along with RFK JR will have a big push against this. I’ve been thinking of crafting a letter to both of them. Maybe all the parents on here can compose a letter? I don’t want to give up hope.
I hope and pray that 2025 will be different...that more and more people will come to their senses and use their "common sense" that a man cannot become a woman and vice versa. I hope with the new President elect in office on January 20th that there will be more truthful education, more awareness and accountability about the devastation of transgender ideology. I am hopeful for the first time in a long time.
It's great to see sanity ,truth and courage are beginning to reassert themselves and not before time .!! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with the lunatics who pushed this on vulnerable children and charges will be brought against its main proponents. In the meantime, those who have been damaged by this horror will need all the support and care we can give. God Bless ,everyone ,and a Happy New Year
I have no one to gather around. I don't know many people in my area, after a few friends moved away. I have PITT (thank God!), and that's it. The out of state relatives are unsupportive and avoid the topic. My parents are dead. I have no community and can't bring my few acquaintances into this because they're connected to my husband's career and it could jeopardize his job. So, I suffer in silence and alone. I pray all the time to meet someone who is like minded and empathetic. Our church is cold and unfriendly. I'm feeling very isolated because of all this, while my daughter destroys herself, estranged at a distance. I am thinking of giving up. My daughter is so far gone...besides *trans*, now she's even lost into the pedophilic furry cult, big time! It is so scary!!!
Contact parentsofrogdkids.com and Ourduty.group. They can put you in touch with others in your community. There is also https://genderdysphoriasupportnetwork.com/contact and meet with other parents on zoom. You don’t have to suffer alone. You can find a lot of parents and support.
I believe there are some in person parent support groups scattered around. I think you can find the links on Genspect to make contact.
This whole situation is so very isolating. I finally went back to women’s Bible study at my church and once I finally shared with a few people what was happening, I was surprised at the compassion and understanding they showed. I had shared with one close friend 2 years ago and got the ‘you’re a bigot for not affirming’ response, so I basically isolated for two years. I hope you can find support for yourself.
Yes the load seems a bit lighter. Now we probably need to begin getting ready to provide guidance and healing to these brave desisters and detransitioners.
Everything you said is spot on. Unfortunately, my next problem is, "Now what?" My ROGD daughter decided she was trans at the end of 2020 when she entered college. She took a job summer as a DEI hire and was showered with rainbows and fake promises of a glitter family. Now she is being caught in the cultural wars within the very much struggling Intel as they layoff senior (cis/ white) employees. Intel at this time is not laying off any DEI hires. No one wants to train or interact with her at work because of the amount of resentment from coworkers. She is seriously reevaluating her life choices. When she graduated college, all of her trans cult friends took off and forgot about her. Now her father and I are no longer the transbophic people she accused of her being when we were asking her to please wait on taking testosterone. This is just more evidence that this is very much a cult. Once the promises of a better life fails, these poor young adults wake up and us parents are left to pick up the pieces without any help or guidance.
Yes the now what, is the question much thought needs to go into.
Let's hope the Trump administration works carefully, deliberately, intelligently towards the goal of completely dismantling the ideology and the many structures - state and non-state infected with it, in ways that mean it can never return. I think this probably means legal action against the worst offenders in order to establish the criminality of those involved. Let's hope the MSM that backed this crap, can finally get behind such efforts.
Dear Author, thank you for writing. If we, the family members of those swallowed by this insanity, continue to tell our truth, every bit of reality counts. You have laid out marvelous news, you have given facts for all of us to dwell on. You are putting light onto our darkened paths, much needed light, for those of us who have grown weary. Thank you for your light today, some of my weariness has lifted. Let us all persist in our prayers and our efforts as we are called to do.
Love, Indio
Thank you so much for everything that you wrote. I fear for my friend's childrenI fear for my friend's children. I don't think Canada is on the right path either. Hopefully 2025 is a return to sanity.
I think this election brought to light that indeed this is a big issue. I voted for the following: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-trumps-plan-to-protect-children-from-left-wing-gender-insanity
I wish he hadn’t said that sex is assigned at birth. Sex is not „assigned“. Sex is determined during conception and is observed at birth. Trump using the word „assigned“ shows how deep in the muck we’ve gotten stuck with this BS.
Otherwise, I’m all for it. All of it. Schools in particular need to stop promoting these crazy ideas right now.
Agree that this was a watershed year. I want all of our kids back with us, perfect just as they were born.
Great summary of where we are today. May 2025 bring even greater positive changes to this situation. And all our captive children young and old, be returned to us.
Thank u for hope in the near future
I do feel buoyed when I think about all of this good news. It's here in the Substacks, on X, on record in court documents, hearings, studies, journal articles, and a handful of pieces that cross into mainstream press (rare)--or any press at all.
Sorry to be tiresome, but in my blue bubble zone, not one person I know is aware of what we all know, we, the ones who have lost children to this cult, that follow every hopeful development, as we don't want this to trans disaster to continue rolling forward.
I do sometimes worry whether there is truly a shift, or is it just the News app and YouTube algorithms presenting me with more and more content that it knows I will click on.
I hope there is truly an awakening.
I woke up with this thought on my mind one day - I haven’t shared it with my son (yet) as he chose to estrange himself from me in 2023:
You are my child and I am your mother
God blessed me with you
And gave me a love for you surpassed only by His love for you
He gave me the job of protecting you
To do that I have to NOT tell you about how evil this world truly is
And what is out there that can hurt you beyond your imagination
Because even to tell you would be to take away your innocence
So I hold back the evil with one hand
And hug you with the other
When you tear yourself away from me
And hide what you’re doing and where you are
Whether physically or emotionally
I worry
Even when you no longer live with me
Not because I don’t want you to be your own person
But because I know what lies in the shadows
In real life or online
And because I will always be your mother
And I will always love you and want to protect you
Someday I pray you’ll understand this
Meanwhile I pray for God’s strength for me
And His protection for you
Because we both love you more than you realise
Don’t forget the Big Lie so many PITT parents were offered of “Live son or dead daughter?” In the Skrmetti case, in the Supreme Court of the United States, the ACLU lawyer (a petite woman dressed like a man) admitted there’s no substantial difference in “completed suicides” among trans kids vs others. Guess what…completed suicides is the only metric that counts with suicides since there’s no way to measure thoughts of one group vs another.
If anything, I believe there is a substantial number of trans kids contemplating suicide after transition. Once it becomes clear that the goal of becoming a person of the opposite sex is unattainable, and that they have ruined their bodies in vain.
Yes, this is my new reality. My daughter is starting to wake up and it is not pretty. I am learning that picking up the pieces after she realized her mistake is harder....
I agree!
Everyday, I ask myself: “why my kid?; why us?, how? why?” So many questions and no answers. It’s not a life I would wish on any parent. It’s heartbreaking, very stressful and mind boggling to see our daughter whom we love very much, act like she does.
So I pray and I hope and I keep on.
Me too never in a million years could I have imagined my son going thru this cult behavior. Even Elon Musks son( one of them he has 12 kids) went on hormones and even Elon was told the same thing, would you rather have a dead son or a living daughter? He didn’t understand it either. He says his son is dead and I am hoping his influence in the government along with RFK JR will have a big push against this. I’ve been thinking of crafting a letter to both of them. Maybe all the parents on here can compose a letter? I don’t want to give up hope.