Justice Sotomayor is a disgrace! She, who did not know who a woman is, should take a couple of aspirins and go home! She loves shoving women under the bus!

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I too was disappointed that the parental/family situation wasn’t taken into account to highlight the social contagion context. The increase in kids wanting to have the treatment, the high rates of estrangement. I guess they were focused on proving whether or not it works. I still think it was relevant.

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I really hate when they trot out the suicide statistic because it is SO disingenuous and misleading. Trans supporters never mention that their data is a comparison of suicide rates with trans against the general population without mental health issues. When you look at suicide rates of trans against a similar aged cohort of people with mental health issues, there is no difference.

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But lying is the only way they play the game!

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Funny how no statistics regarding those "strikingly high" suicide rates are ever offered. Show us the bodies.

I was at the rally outside the Supreme Court, and I'm happy to say that there were hundreds of people there to support the Tennessee ban. There were at least as many ROGD parents, concerned gays and lesbians, whistleblowers, and detransitioners as there were transactivists, even though they're absent from the newspaper photos. We are becoming a force!

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Thank you for attending, BowWow.

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In court, Chase Strangio admits that suicide is “thankfully and admittedly rare” in trans-identified young people.

She was lying about this claim in 2016, saying I have lost too many friends to suicide and watched too many transgender young people take their own lives.

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I wish the court would demand actual counts of suicides rather than characterizations such as “rare”. Also, those counts need to be in context of counting suicides among those not receiving so called gender affirmation care, compared to those who do receive it. In my opinion the idea that so called gender affirming care has any benefit at all is outrageously false.

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Right, we ought to be reflecting on the suicides of people like that flight attendant "Kayleigh" Scott. He was very transed-out and "passed". And, he was used in ads for United Airlines Even after he took his own life his mother celebrated how he'd been a "beautiful daughter." As we discuss, it is the parents who went along with this barbaric medical and Gnostic madness who will be the last to admit they were wrong because psychologically it is difficult for a parent to admit being complicit in the harm and death of one's own child. Trans is a sort of slow death/obliteration of the self.

"Flight Attendant Who Shared Her Transition Journey in United Video Dead After Posting Emotional Final Message"



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The Finnish study showed 19 times higher suicide rates after the affirmation surgery. The other study showed 12.12 folders more higher suicide rates.

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Yes, cases like that of "Kayleigh" Scott should be discussed at the Supreme Court, see above.

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Right! Killing themselves after receiving 'lifesaving care'!

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Like flight attendant "Kayleigh" Scott - see above. It is awful that he was used in a United Airlines ad. It seems like abuse to me.

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The Finnish study showed 19 times higher suicide rates after the affirmation surgery. The other study showed 12.12 folders more higher suicide rates.

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That is never stated..the lies just go on and on!

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I listened to oral argument while I was on a walk and people on the street likely thought I was a raving lunatic because I kept yelling out "OMG they're lying again." So much misinformation it was maddening. I yearned for the TN attorney to say more, to try and correct the record, for somebody to share the things we parents all know and have been longing for the world to know as well - but oral argument was not the time or place. Justice Alito is my new hero. As a former lawyer, I used to look with scorn upon justices like Alito, thinking they were trying to impose some sense of uber-conservative, uber- restrictive morality on the rest of the country. Boy was I stupid in my youth. Now, we wait and pray that the justices do the right thing and rule as they appear to have been leaning. I think most of them saw through the linguistic contortions and nonsense arguments.

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I was glad to hear:

"we've had multiple instances in somewhat recent history where we have stuff like lobotomy, eugenics, that had wide -- widespread acceptance among the medical community,"

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The problem with her "press pause until they are adults" argument is, they will never BE adults if they don't experience puberty. It's... how can one not understand that puberty is a necessary and normal step towards adulthood?! In fact THE step. This whole thing is unbearably delusional. 😣

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One of the striking defects in the trans argument can be seen here, in Elizabeth Prelogar's allegations:

"So, essentially, what this law is doing is saying we're going to make all adolescents in the State develop the physical secondary sex characteristics consistent with their gender or with their sex assigned at birth..."

If kids' sex was only "assigned at birth," how is that their bodies know (perhaps without consulting with any doctors) to proceed with male, or female, puberty? There's no doctor hanging over kids' beds scolding them to mature only on assigned paths. It's just what the body does, if you don't get in the way.

It reminds me that the word "testicle" comes from the Latin word "testis," or witness, because the presence of testicles bears witness to the fact that an individual is male.

By trying to prevent natural puberty, the trans wackos are trying to erase the evidence that sex is not "assigned," but inborn.

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The gender cult is trying to erase all reality with their lies!

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I'd never listened to a full hearing before. Interesting in a number of ways -- including making me question what the whole point is of having a hearing. Sure didn't seem like anything said during that two hours was going to change anyone's mind.

I wrote up some reflections on the hearing -- and some comments on Strangio's op-ed about the case in the NYTimes.



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Strangio and the other defenders of the trans cult simply spout lies!

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Is there any way for those on the left (like me) to reach the supreme court justices and inform them that they've been given misinformation?

"everything has risks"?

check out this: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2022.2136117

Drescher, who helped take homosexuality out of the list of disorders,unfortunately has been saying inaccurate things about this field, and he is listened to, the above is a rebuttal.

and there was also the whole giving testosterone to boys for their ....voices...or to not be embarrassed??

it's to resolve hormonal imbalances.?? functioning issues!??

puberty blockers are not usually to make kids not feel embarrassed but to slow down development that is happening at the wrong time, and even those early cases have bad side effects...

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Wasn’t there a question of immutability? That for me was the key. Is gender immutable or not? If it is, you can’t be trans. If it’s not, you can’t ask the courts or any law body to support codifying any recommendations. It’s not a protected special class.

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I believe Justice Alito asked the question a twice, in different ways to get past the lie that it is immutable. It still needed to be addressed further, but he obviously already knew the answer and was just trying to get an admission of truth.

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The elephant in the room (and the real question being argued) was: does human nature exist, or are human bodies simply matter that their "owners" can modify as they see fit?

After listening to the whole argument live, I am more convinced than ever that we can't stop teen-trannies without also stopping adult trannies. Age gating this stuff isn't enough. Either biology matters or it doesn't. Either you have an innate right to modify yourself as you wish, or you don't. And that question is really theological: if you're just a smart ape there's no basis to restrict your choices; if you're an intentionally created being, there is. There's no avoiding this question. Which is why the adult-trannie question needs to be dealt with, specifically, does someone actually become a woman by claiming they are one? Or does "woman" have a meaning grounded in biological reality?

It's worth noting that Justice Jackson was unable to identify any innate characteristics of a woman in her confirmation hearing.

"there is evidence to suggest that gender-affirming care with respect to hormones can have some impacts on fertility."

I snorted my tea in laughter when I heard that one on the original audio: "study finds castration drugs affect fertility". Who knew?

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I have come to this POV as well. First off, it's clear that many of the adults who wish to do this to themselves have so many other untreated or poorly treated mental health conditions that it is unethical to allow them to proceed with these types of procedures. Second, once you open the Pandora's box of allowing it, it IS a slippery slope, as much as people hate the slippery slope argument. We have questions of rights to be in sex segregated spaces. How we report rates of crime by sex, which shapes future policy. Women's sports. You only need to scratch a little below the surface to understand that this isn't just a "what do you care, they're not hurting anybody" question anymore.

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The slippery slope started with John Stuart Mill's assertion that the only legitimate use of coercion was to prevent direct harm to another person. We've been sliding down it since then.

Fixing this will require dethroning "maximal individual autonomy" as our highest good. That's what Mill bequeathed us, and as long as you're in that framework, you can't counter the "I can do anything I want with my body" argument.

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Sadly this debate shouldn’t even be taking place - so disgusted with Justice Sotomayor and Elizabeth Prelogar. How absolutely barbaric to interfere with a child’s development.

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Sotomayor is a disgrace!

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The corruptibility of "intelligent" human beings never disappoints.

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No one brought up the fact that you can´t actually change your sex

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I keep thinking that reading the POTT Substack ought to be introduced as vital information on the very real damaging effects of transitioning. Lord, protect us and our children from legalizing this mental illness insanity.

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It is absolutely mental illness, with a wide range of degrees and subsets. That anyone thinks plastic surgery and wrong sex hormones is a humane treatment boggles my mind. Bring back biological reality, please.

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The suicide rate amongst all teens has increased-not just among those with gender dysphoria.

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The trans cult always scares parents with the suicide lie.

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Sadly, this is true. But gender dysphoria per se is not a cause of suicide. This is a lie perpetuated by trans activists and corrupt doctors and surgeons in order to blackmail parents into complying with medical protocols.

The fact is that only AFTER Medical gender transition does the suicide rate go up for this population. Gender transition is touted as the cure for whatever ails a person, so when transitioners discover that it was not the panacea they assumed it would be, despair and regret arise. This leads to depression and ultimately suicide.

The barbarism of genital surgeries is hard to believe. Failed surgical procedures can leave the patient unable to excrete normally or experience any kind of sexual pleasure. Sometimes mastectomy scars never heal. Cross-sex hormones in general are very unhealthy and can lead to a host of harms.

And simply the passage of time and the development of a mature brain are enough to provide a young adult with a rude awakening.

Most barbaric, doctors may divorce a patient whose surgeries didn't go well after numerous revisions, because insurance will not pay for numerous revisions and the patient has become a nuisance and a liability. Suicide then feels like the only way out.

(As a source I recommend the work of a very bright detransitioned woman named Exulansic, whose video reports can be found on Substack and Rumble.)

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This whole barbarism must be stopped ! It’s based on lies and is maiming kids for life!

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