Thank you, PITT. I am so grateful to you and what you have created. There are so many days that reading a post is all I have to comfort me. Thank you to all of you who have shared your stories.

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Thank you PITT. Many anecdotal stories = evidence.

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Thank you PITT for your dedication to this, enduring your own pain and grief, and still pressing on to make sure our voices are heard. If for no other reason that others do not feel alone, are not walking through this nightmare alone. We hear you. We see you. We care about you mom and dad, detransitioner, grandma, auntie, brother, and sister. You are not alone. Keep going.

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Thank you, PITT. You have been a lifeline to me. ❤️ I pray for this all to come tumbling down. May our children all come home, and may they be fully healed. 🙏🏼

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Thank you. This site has been a godsend. Writing my story was cathartic. Reading the stories of other parents has left me feeling not so alone.

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There needs to be a way to increase our audience, many more people NEED to hear this!

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My eternal thanks to you, the founders of PITT. Unlike so-called gender affirming care, that only brings destruction, pain, delusion, and estrangement, PITT is, in many ways, life-saving, and certainly allows us distressed, heartbroken parents to express our true, authentic selves. Ironic, isn't it?

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Thank you for PITT. I wrote my story about my son who left home and didn't speak to me again. That was two and a half years ago and though it was painful to write, the knowledge that in this space there are so many stories just the same, so many hearts broken and lives changed forever gave me the comfort of being in a group of people who understood.

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Thank you so much!!

I am wondering what we can ask people to do? The doctors in the us have gone off the rails.

When I convince someone and they want to something....what can they do?

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Some day, people will be surprised at what had been happening under their noses and wonder why no one said anything about it. PITT will be the response — a record of the immense pain and destruction that those who promoted this ugly ideology caused and a testament to the love we feel for our lost children.

Immeasurable gratitude to the PITT co-founders. May we see the tide decisively turn away from this dystopian unreality soon.

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PITT is one of the best, most powerful platforms in the world regarding the disastrous effects of gender ideology on children and the family. It is invaluable.

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Reading PITT essays about others' sons and daughters helps me feel less alone with the pain and injustice of my young adult son indoctrinated into a horrid destructive cult. PITT has and continues to be a lifeline to sanity and shared empathy. So appreciative.

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Three years ago, you brought light into the darkness. Your need to protect your own children caused you to do the research that we have all benefited from. Your pursuit and dedication brought us answers, healing, support, understanding, knowledge, empathy, compassion, and much needed hope. This sub stack has changed the lives of hundreds of people as it has been an outlet, a safe place, and a huge resource. What you have given to the world can't be measured but I pray that God blesses you abundantly in ways you cannot even imagine. Your own heartache and pain have helped so many - thank you.

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THANK YOU for all you have done, so much work while also bearing the burdens and harms of this cult in your own families. I know it's moving too slowly, and it's horrible that every single day more children are hurt, more families devastated. But PITT has definitely moved the needle, all with volunteer power, even if it's not fast enough or far enough. PITT is finally on the map, quoted regularly in the New York Times and other publications! That is because of you, the editors.

More parents must make their voices heard. Keep sending in your stories, even if it's "the same old story." YOUR story matters, and as the editor of PITT says, it's also cathartic and helpful to write and share with others. Until the medical establishments shift (and they have not shifted, even with the publication of the Cass Review in the UK), this harm will continue unabated. The rising voice of parents has always been the best chance of forcing them to change course and protect children from this medical scandal.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for this incredible resource! I don’t think it’s possible to fully express it’s importance and grasp its impact on our world. I have so much gratitude for all the contributors who have given us words for an experience that is beyond our imagination. You have also given us opportunity to hold hands across the world, reminding us that we are not alone. Well done!

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to hold hands across the world - YES!

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What a labor of love for the founders, and what a comfort it's been for we parents. Thank you for offering us a platform to voice our anger and grief. I know you won't be offended when I say that I hope that someday we won't need PITT, but for now, it's a lifeline.

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