I’m sorry…
I’m sorry that when I see the photos of your sons dressed in nice suits and standing next to their dates for a dance, instead of feeling happy for you, I cry. I cry because I might not get to see my son that way ever again.
I’m sorry for feeling jealous when I see your kids going to school sporting events and having the best time of their lives with their friends.
I’m sorry that I also feel jealous of all the things your young boys are accomplishing this year.
I’m sorry for hating that you get to experience all these wonderful milestones with your sons while I don’t with mine.
I’m sorry that I think life is not fair because my son too should be doing all the things yours are doing.
I’m sorry for hiding your posts as I scroll down my social media newsfeeds. It’s just that it hurts…it hurts more than you will ever know.
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Or maybe it's okay for this parent to feel sad about missing out on life experiences and milestones because their child's been brainwashed into a cult?
The other day I looked up the roommate/"best friend" who began taking T the same night as my daughter. They met the first week at college and her first comment to my daughter was that she was trans. They became inseparable--wearing the same clothes, the same haircut, even taking some of the same classes. The social media profile photo I saw last week showed a young woman with medium-length wavy hair and minimal makeup. The old photo with the boyish haircut, heavy brows and masculine features was gone. While I was happy that my daughter's friend appeared to have detransitioned, it cut me to the core. My daughter, who had showed no previous signs of dysphoria, never found her way back and continues to take T. Based on her current circumstances, I don't see her stopping this "transition." She seems like a different person and I suppose she is.