Aren’t you dead, Yuri?

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This is nothing so far , surgical brain and spinal cord switching is on the way. This will eliminate the need to mutilate the organs. Bodies will remain intact.

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Some will balk at the analogy: I find it spot on. (I'm sure you're referring to author Bill BRYSON, by the way.)

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I am speechless so no comment I'm afraid

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I read an interview with Dr. Frances Grimstad, she of the BCH smiling hysterectomy video, and I thought, "This person needs to be deprogrammed." She honestly believes she is helping people. Cannot see that she's removing healthy body parts based on a possibly fleeting distress and delusion. She can't be sure. She doesn't really know. It doesn't occur to her to question. She says:

"I came out as a queer person in middle school. As someone who spent much of my adolescence involved in advocacy, most of my core friend circle through that period became predominately queer and trans folks who were also interested in advocacy.

Around high school, I started to realize that my trans-identified peers had far greater disparities and barriers to overcome than I did as a queer person. And so, while I was working in this broader LGBTQ advocacy space as a high school student, I realized that where I could leverage my work and my focus was as an accomplice to the trans advocacy movement."

So she entered medical school as a zealot. It’s blinded her to rational thought on the issue of medicalization of young people. I don’t know what we do with someone who has this skewed a view of health care. Should she just be administratively restricted to only certain types of patient interactions? Can she be rehabilitated and reintroduced to the medical field as a fully functioning physician? While I’d like to see her and her ilk charged with crimes against humanity, I know this is pure fantasy, but her understanding of what it means to practice medicine does not align with ethical care. I just don’t see how someone like that is redeemed.

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Yeah I get that. One mom I know might garner my sympathy one day but I witnessed her go from skeptical to all-in very quickly and I found that very difficult to respect. The second mom I know has signs of munchausens by proxy, the third mom is and has always been so far left that she’s unhinged on a good day and her child is a human virtue signal; and the fourth mom is convinced that with her kid, it’s actually real true trans. So specifically with these women, it’s very difficult to generate sympathy and general, it’s hard for me to sympathize with anyone who wouldn’t pause for a good long while on this issue, at least until their kid is 18 before allowing puberty blockers and T. But intellectually yes I understand.

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Yes, we are on the same side. And I think our views are pretty similar, in fact. I just think that good intentions are more or less irrelevant to the evil being done. At best, they give perpetrators a fiction which masks their guilt. And my stone-casting reference must surely be a confession first of all. Because my point is we're all guilty of whitewashing our own behavior and I am certainly no exception. So, I agree with you that the horrific banality of the gender surgeons should be no more palatable to us because they have discovered endless self-deceptions which allow them to sleep at night.

If we differ, it's only in the extent to which they are able to keep themselves ignorant of their own complicity in unforgivable practices.

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I often teach about the legacy of lobotomy in my courses on the brain. A big difference between that procedure and what's going on now is that we know so much more now. And, we should know better. We've known for decades how devastating cross hormone treatments are for both sexes. I wrote a little about that in my article "Steroids, Gender, and Fair Play"


We also know that it is completely impossible to know what's going on in another person's mind. This is a trivial point that is taught in every introductory psychology and philosophy class. Consequently, it's impossible to know from the behavior of a young child what their subjective perception of gender is (and, more obviously, a youngster doesn't have the cognitive ability to understand that concept in the first place).

I fully support adults in whatever medical endeavors they wish to undertake. But youngsters need our help, guidance, and support until they reach an age at which they can appreciate the long-term consequences of their irrevocable decisions.

The damage this aggressive medicalization agenda is doing to our children is unfathomable. I'm completely at a loss to understand how anyone could subject a child to these procedures based on the indefensible criteria and assessment procedures now being used.

Thank you for this very candid and articulate essay, Frederick

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The Federalist has solid journalism in this area. I got interested in it because of Walt Heyer, who is a regular contributor there. You can look up past articles on this topic in their archives. (Feel free to overlook their other content.)

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Brilliant comparison

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I have never seen this comparison. Very compelling.

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You nailed it on this one. These terribly damaging procedures, supported by the "science" of Radical Gender Theory, are the current lobotomy. Greed, gender religion, and a"look the other way" attitude have all joined together to get us here. But, it is the degree of institutional (education, medicine, pharma, tech, media, & political) capture that really astounds me.

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There’s a lot of money that’s being made with children as Guinea pigs!

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love this comparison and I admire your kindness in the last paragraph. I wish I had more sympathy for the parents who deliver their children to the gender clinics. For now all I have is impotent rage.

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Great post. In the post-lobotomy era, the public was groomed on a massive scale to accept psychiatric pharma (Breggin rightly coined the term, 'neurotoxins'), which is essentially chemical lobotomy.

Psychiatric pharma opened the back door to all this. Here, swallow the ice pick instead. For toddlers, it's fruit flavoured.

Psychiatry/psychology grew as a field, normalized itself (we "have" "mental illnesses", etc.), and is an essential link in this chain.

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Lobotomies presented a cure when there were few available alternatives to the severely mentally ill, but despite the majority of patients in mental hospital being male, the majority of lobotomies were performed on women.

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So by their reckoning Samson was transgender. okay…..

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