Why isn’t sterilization of innocent children the focus of this case? Chemical castration drugs (a/k/a deceptively named “puberty blockers”) and radical genitalia surgeries both end in sterilization. If the SCOTUS case goes against Tennessee, won’t it create a right for parents and states to sterilize children?

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Does anyone know what "Chase" Strange-io's actual name is? I have been unable to find it.

She sounds like a woman who has just taken in some helium from a balloon. Her arguments are slippery sounding but terrible. She looks like she is so tiny and frail - maybe 5 feet tall tops? She has an adult size "wife" and is a "dad"?

And, why is U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar arguing for transing? She said some boy is throwing up and wants to be mute because he does not like the sound of his voice? Shouldn't he get some talk therapy about that? Or, just get a job or something? Why are we catering to the psychological problem instead of helping the person?

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Color me cautiously optimistic on this one. The case against puberty blockers is laughable.

Reading the transcript I thought the Tennessee lawyer destroyed the case against the law in about three paragraphs.

I hope they rule quickly.

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I think I read that we can expect a decision in July?

The very idea of "gender" is laughable. Only, I am not laughing :-(

I hope you are right.

“Why ‘Gender Dysphoria’ is a lie”


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What's funny is that SCOTUS only livestreams the audio, so I knew nothing about the lawyers until after the fact. Based on voice alone, I assumed both teen-trannie advocate lawyers were women (which they actually are even if one wants to insist otherwise.)

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Yes, exactly. The clue was that they introduced her as "Mr." Strange-io (did she make up the last name as well as the first?) And, it isn't even about how low or high her voice is - she sounds like the woman she is.... Then, when you do get a visual she is tiny and frail looking - like so many of us wombyn, wombots... wait - there was a name for us once.

The other one, Elizabeth Prelogar, clerked for Merrick Garland of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 2008 to 2009, then for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg from 2009 to 2010, and then for Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan. PU.

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I'm listening to the audio of the government's argument right now and it's so pissing me off. Our government and our elites don't give a crap about our kids.

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Tennessee is doing very poorly. They will lose. If they win it will be 5-4. They should never have put the language "we want to encourage children to identity with their birth sex" into the law. Elena Kagan is destroying him with it.

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Justice Sotomayor: "The whole thing is imbued with sex. It's all based on sex."

Yeah, no kidding, Justice Sotomayor. It all comes down to the definition of sex.

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Actual argument today: Bans on teen cross-sex hormones are unconstitutional because they treat the sexes differently: a male who wants to take hormones to live as a boy can do so, but a female can not, and visa versa.

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Justice Alito finally asked, "how is being transgender different than being schizophrenic?" At least one justice can still speak the obvious.

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None of the justices have asked the obvious question: "what is a woman". Remember when Justice Jackson in her confirmation hearings said that she didn't know what a woman was? Well it turns out that really matters, since without a legal definition of "woman" it's impossible to have a rational conversation on this issue.

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The real question being argued here is: does human nature exist, or are human bodies simply matter that their "owners" can modify as they see fit. Listening to the argument today makes me absolutely certain that we can't stop teen-trannies without also stopping adult trannies.

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I think they will ultimately rule in Tennessee’s favor. Just like abortion it’s a States issue. States have forever had an interest in protecting children from life altering choices.

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Very lucid and cogent. But can do something tactical to nudge the court in the right direction?

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Time just published an article saying some Republican officials support the Biden Administration in this case because they support parents' rights, meaning parents' rights to obtain pediatric gender medicine for their kids. Are these people unaware that parents' rights have already been usurped in states that support PGM? Do only the families of so-called trans kids know about this? I think most people would be horrified if they knew.

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It is Time Magazine (not much better than NPR now?) - and they are likely the TDS Republican types who need to move to another country or something.

But, it is alarming. I think that South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Utah governor Spencer Cox used to be like that but might have learned a thing or two?

What are the names of these officials? Let's name and shame.

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Also, this is not about parents rights at all. It's about whether a State can regulate its medical providers to prevent them from running amok. Parents can choose whatever they want for their children, but, if the thing they are choosing is a medical atrocity, they have no right to insist on it!!!

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Yes, but parents can’t prevent the medical atrocity from being performed on their children. They are considered abusive for getting in the way, and they lose custody. If Republicans are defending parents’ rights to choose PGM, it’s strange that they would be silent on parents’ rights to prevent it.

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Absolutely true. They support “Parents’ right” to medically harm their kids but not the right to prevent harm. So backwards and wrong.

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Pray for Sanity, that Truth prevail, that biological reality win, that children and all women are protected from this tyranny. Each one of us when or if asked "would you like to have children?" knows that the answer varied from year to year, moment to moment, until proper wisdom is attained. I think cross sex hormones and cross sex surgeries should be banned for everyone under age 25. Also Affirmation Care must end. Children have rights too damn it! Let's stop destroying them! Let us love them, why? Because we know better that is why!

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Agreed...and I wish it could be banned for everyone, especially without first exploring safer, therapeutic ways of managing this mental illness. But, especially 25 and under, absolutely! My confused, Covid lockdown teen daughter started testosterone, free from Planned Parenthood, while on Medicaid, at 18, the minute she was away at college. All a kid has to do, to get on Medicaid, is prove low income and claim parental abuse/abandonment for not affirming their delusion. This has to stop!

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Same, agreed 100%, pure damn evil. My now 30 YO daughter breastless and bearded, it is truly the worst. I would have gladly died to not ever have her go near this terrible road, but here we are. Affirmation Care! The Mill Stones are in great demand, make them ready.

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I'm so sorry. It blows a huge hole through our hearts. It's good to see a Dad on here because my husband avoids the topic as a defensive mechanism. My daughter also has a beard, but it isn't full. It just looks stupid! She's still a very pretty girl and will never pass. Her beautiful hands are also a dead giveaway. I don't think she's has surgery, but wears a ridiculous binder. Hard to know because she's estranged, but that's what I've heard. In the few photos I've seen of her, she looks so damaged, maniacal, and afraid. May there be justice in God's eyes!

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"It blows a huge hole through our hearts." Yes. Having a child stolen and mangled while others enable it, profit by it, or look away is a relentless horror.

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No such thing as trans for anyone no matter their age. Women shouldn't have to give up their rights for a bunch of mentally ill men. So, no.

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These porn fueled psychopathic pathological men in women drag should stay out of women's spaces, far away from children's eye sight, and make sure they can use men's areas dressed as they are, why don't they just do that. I've had enough of these "Silence of the Lambs" - Buffalo Bills!!!! They can all go right to hell!

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My daughter's supposed CATHOLIC University hosts DRAG QUEEN shows in their beautiful, new theater, paid for by donors!!! My daughter was convinced that this was cool and there's nothing wrong with it, because it's entertainment. She did admit to their raunchy jokes, however. They have a full on Alphabet Club support group, that she got sucked into by trickery, because they needed a treasurer, and one of her roommates was in charge. My daughter was a math major, so was an easy target. Although she didn't go *trans*, her boyfriend did, as did her little sister. This daughter went supposedly bisexual instead and is now very confused. Way to go, GU! I'm so happy to have wasted my money to end up with a confused, lonely, jobless daughter, who now lives at home again after graduating, and gave up on her dream to become a doctor. Thanks for the colorful distractions you provided. At least we know she's safe here...Better to stick with basketball. Grrrrrr!

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Well done! I hope they will be shown the WPATH Files and Cass Review to understand how harmful gender ideology is. How destroying the bodies of people, whose brains haven't even fully developed, is criminal and barbaric. Prayer warriors, it's full steam ahead!

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Here is hoping sanity prevails. I am a life-long Democrat who lost his daughter to transgenderism, and now I am politically homeless. I have been dismayed watching the Democrats self-destruct over this issue. That Harris supports transgender surgeries for criminal aliens (she does!) is astonishingly stupid. But you can see the logic - the belief that self-mutilation with hormones and surgery is “health care”, like taking care of a broken leg. I can’t wrap my head around how we got here as a society.

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Protection for children is what’s needed! I pray that rational reality rules the day…thanks for informing us of this important case!

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Presumably you are already lobbying the incoming administration to allow the court to rule...

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Nice write-up on a potentially landmark case that could deal a serious blow to the forces of evil behind the Gender Cult. I mean, if sanity can't prevail with this court and its six conservative justices, I don't know what to say.

For me it will be a bit of a family affair on the steps of the Supreme Court tomorrow. My son Matt Walsh, whose expose of the Vanderbilt child butchery department was instrumental in passing the Tennessee legislation at issue before the court, will be speaking to a rally organized by my daughter Beth Serio, who is the External Relations Manager for the child advocacy organization Do No Harm.

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I cannot give this comment enough "likes" Jerry. I hope our side is armed with enough facts. The mentally ill have been in charge of the US asylum for too long. Have you read this one? “Why ‘Gender Dysphoria’ is a lie”


and https://x.com/Psychgirl211/status/1830280563908894828

Do you suppose the lawyers know about the fiend grifter Drs. Diane Ehrensaft and Johanna Olson Kennedy? How can they have jobs at all?

You've got a great family. :)

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Fantastic links. I've bookmarked both of them. Thanks for your comment and for sharing those articles!

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Thank you to you and your family! Those articles really lay it out.

Also, you must be aware of the influential "Poptart" Dr. Johanna Olson Kennedy and Satanic Panic UCSF Dr. Diane Ehrenhart?

Olson Kennedy:

"Congress investigates NIH and Johanna Olson Kennedy"


Poptarts: Johanna Olson-Kennedy in 2017: "“I just gave him the language”: Top gender doc uses pop tart analogy to persuade 8-year-old girl she’s really a boy"" "Olson-Kennedy is the Medical Director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the largest transgender youth clinic in the US. She delivered these remarks at the inaugural USPATH conference in Los Angeles this past February, as part of a symposium entitled “OUTSIDE OF THE BINARY – CARE FOR NON-BINARY ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS.” "[2:40] And I said, “oh, so …and I completely made this up on the spot, by the way, but …I said, “Do you ever eat pop tarts?” And the kid was like, oh, of course. And I said, “well you know how they come in that foil packet?” Yes. “Well, what if there was a strawberry pop tart in a foil packet, in a box that said ‘Cinnamon Pop Tarts.’? Is it a strawberry pop tart, or a cinnamon pop tart?” Your body is just a wrapper, a piece of foil to be discarded (more like: pumped full of hormones, sterilized and eventually surgically reconfigured) so the “real” self can be revealed. [3:00] The kid’s like, “Duh! A strawberry pop tart.” And I was like, “so…” https://4thwavenow.com/2017/07/23/i-just-gave-him-the-language-top-gender-doc-uses-pop-tart-analogy-to-persuade-8-year-old-girl-shes-really-a-boy/

Ehrensaft on how babies use barrettes and onesies to communicate they've been born into the wrong body:


Her prior grift (how could she be allowed to proceed after this one?)

““Diane Ehrensaft, 'Satanic Panic' Woo Peddler, Now Champions the 'Gender Angels' Among Us

The dangerously consequential career of a quack”

Satanic Panic craze Dr. Diane Ehrensaft is now a big Trans Woo pedler at UCSF. We live in upside down land. https://www.thedistancemag.com/p/diane-ehrensaft-satanic-panic-woo

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Congratulations and thank you for your family’s service on this critical issue.

Trump’s influence in this issue is seen in his monumental sweep. His victory provides the Chief Justice coverage for supporting the conservative justices.

FAIR.org will post on YouTube their review of Skrmette by Edmund LaCour, Alabama Solicitor General, Ilya Shapiro Cato, Monica Harris of FAIR and Leigh Ann O’Neill

Edmund La Cour’s Amicus Brief has been featured as the best example of the legal basis for the Tennessee ban.

The livestream audio only hearing link is now available for Wednesday, Dec.4 at 7-8 am Pacific time.


Moms for Liberty Contra Costa County, CA

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Thanks, Lisa. We're big fans of Moms for Liberty. In fact, I think Beth is a member. Her friend Kit Hart runs a local Maryland chapter.

Yup, the Dem-Mediacrats were hurt badly by this issue and since they live in a bubble and talk to one another in an echo chamber, they remained clueless about just how sick and weird most normal people find the notion of prescribing life-altering drugs and performing Frankenstein surgeries on kids.

But the war is far from over and the battle far from won. These people have immense power and wealth. They rolled Trump during his first presidency and will attempt the same thing this time. One thing that won't happen: they'll never change or reform or rethink. Once you've made a deal with the devil, he's pretty fussy about holding you to it.

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"prescribing life-altering drugs and performing Frankenstein surgeries on kids" - is not OK. And, crossing the line of 18 doesn't make it ok either - especially if they've been perverted with this stuff and are super naive. The "transed" men held up as examples are fathers who had drugs and operations in middle age - like Bruce Jenner, "Jennifer" Boylan, James Pritzker (I think he's a dad?)

Dr. Paul McHugh figured this one out long ago: Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution

By Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital


"But the war is far from over and the battle far from won. These people have immense power and wealth. They rolled Trump during his first presidency and will attempt the same thing this time. One thing that won't happen: they'll never change or reform or rethink. Once you've made a deal with the devil, he's pretty fussy about holding you to it."


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Wow, tha's a devastating analysis by Paul McHugh...from 10 years ago...back when sanity still held the upper hand both in this country and Johns Hopkins.

Hopkins of course has since buckled like so many other prestigious institutions. I mean, just look at the Pentagon.

It would appear mediocrity, cowardice, and weakness is the norm in human nature. People in positions of power and authority going with the flow ...embracing lies...to protect themselves and advance their careers.

Moral courage, on the other hand, is not a common quality. The willingness to stand fast on your convictions because you believe them to be right even when they become unpopular and oppose the fashions of the day. Of course first you must have strong convictions in order to stand on them.

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Like Abigail Shrier, Dr. Paul McHugh spoke out in the WSJ opinion section:

May 13, 2016: "Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution A drastic physical change doesn't address underlying psycho-social troubles. By Paul McHugh Editors’ note: This op-ed was originally published on June 12, 2014." https://www.wsj.com/articles/paul-mchugh-transgender-surgery-isnt-the-solution-1402615120

I think he basically got the same treatment Jordan Peterson received in Canada.

Your son brought this issue the attention it needed with his "What is a Woman". And, great work in TN! I follow what happens in TN, including the Audrey/Aiden Hale matter. I think Elon Musk was the other needed element.

It is hard to believe the crazies and the profiteers have gotten so far. There are the destructive leftist "Queer Theory" types. But, I think there is also an element of old school Corporatist Republicans who would promote a food product made of autistic children if it traded well on the stock exchange. (Jonathan Swift anyone?) "U.S. Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Gender Transition (Male To Female, Female To Male), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030"

https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/us-sex-reassignment-surgery-market But, the new party alignment is more promising...

We've got to get "gender Medicine" removed from insurance coverage for any age - and especially from university health care services. Universities and colleges must get out of that business. I assume universities receive federal funding and the administration has some sway with them? Lots of kids are bathed in the Gnostic Gender belief system and run off to college like sheep for the slaughter - with their families getting horrific surprises (which are celebrated by society).

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Beautifully said. You and I are definitely on the same wavelength!

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I, for one, voted red, largely because of Democrats' agendas in destroying family.

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I’m glad to hear from a lifelong Democrat who recognizes the reality that the Democrats have abandoned our children, and also many of the principles that made many people Democrats in the first place.

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I hope that sanity rules. Too many children and parents have been hurt by the gender ideology!

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