Extremely well-written series of articles, uncovering the science that the medical establishment either is blissfully unaware of or is determined to ignore in order to support the current ideology. Thank you for all your high-quality research and journalism here!
given that the rate of change for FTM amongst teens is 8.8-1 versus MTF I would think there would be more data and studies relating to Testoterone and the female brain , no ? If so an article like this would be great and even more forceful.
Yes, I have also shared both your articles with a group of professional friends who work with families and youth in some capacity. One, who runs a small, woke-ish private school, now references the Part I article to illustrate her newfound understanding and concern about medicalizing teens going through normal identity development. Thank you for your concise research!
Powerful article founded in science. Thank you for throwing your weight into this. It is all I think about day and night. Here is the quote that hits hard: "It’s abundantly clear is that gender doctors have no idea what they are doing when it comes to medical “transition”. With astounding arrogance and an almost religious fervor, they are blindly meddling with the complex, nuanced instrument that is the human brain." How these gender doctors will live with themselves after Gendergeddon ends I have no idea.
This is excellent. Hope it reaches those in authority who will take action in favor of safeguarding children and sanity generally. I don't find Part I, at least not labelled below. Could you please point out which previous article or articles constitute Part I? Thank you.
Telos, to ensure that it reaches those in authority, send a copy (on paper or electronically) to local school boards, local hospital boards, your local politicians, local newspapers or other press outlets, professional regulatory agencies in your state or province who license (and discipline) medical practitioners, and anyone else you can think of who might benefit.
Extremely well-written series of articles, uncovering the science that the medical establishment either is blissfully unaware of or is determined to ignore in order to support the current ideology. Thank you for all your high-quality research and journalism here!
given that the rate of change for FTM amongst teens is 8.8-1 versus MTF I would think there would be more data and studies relating to Testoterone and the female brain , no ? If so an article like this would be great and even more forceful.
I'd like to see similar articles for testosterone in the female brain, etc.
Yes, I have also shared both your articles with a group of professional friends who work with families and youth in some capacity. One, who runs a small, woke-ish private school, now references the Part I article to illustrate her newfound understanding and concern about medicalizing teens going through normal identity development. Thank you for your concise research!
Powerful article founded in science. Thank you for throwing your weight into this. It is all I think about day and night. Here is the quote that hits hard: "It’s abundantly clear is that gender doctors have no idea what they are doing when it comes to medical “transition”. With astounding arrogance and an almost religious fervor, they are blindly meddling with the complex, nuanced instrument that is the human brain." How these gender doctors will live with themselves after Gendergeddon ends I have no idea.
For many years, I heard hormones couldn't be prescribed to a young person until they're 18 (legal age.)
They are recommended for under 16 only in special cases, see the Endocrine Society guidelines, Hembree et Al, 2017.
That lists the criteria for adolescents, table 5. WPATH follows these. 16-18 I think they are standard.
For adults guidelines are in table 4.
Parental consent is required for under 18 but if parents are separated and disagree, the non custodial parent can lose the option to weigh in.
This is excellent. Hope it reaches those in authority who will take action in favor of safeguarding children and sanity generally. I don't find Part I, at least not labelled below. Could you please point out which previous article or articles constitute Part I? Thank you.
Telos, to ensure that it reaches those in authority, send a copy (on paper or electronically) to local school boards, local hospital boards, your local politicians, local newspapers or other press outlets, professional regulatory agencies in your state or province who license (and discipline) medical practitioners, and anyone else you can think of who might benefit.
It’s embedded in the third paragraph.
Thank you. Excellent article btw.🙂
Thanks very much.