I just watched an interview with Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge on The Problem with Jon Stewart. Stewart was interviewing Rutledge on her state's ban on sex reassignment surgery on minors. You can watch a clip here. https://twitter.com/TheProblem/status/1578414849083654144?s=20&t=12LMnhM8-HXWC_tYY8lnFA

Rutledge correctly stated that 98% of youths with gender dysphoria outgrow it, and Stewart said something like, "Wow, that's an incredibly made-up number" and went on to say that all the medical associations approve of (so-called) gender-affirming care for minors, and who is she to say they're all wrong, with no evidence(?!). Of course, he brought up the old "trans child or dead child" trope. It was sickening to watch him spout agitprop, mansplaining to her with condescension that bordered on contempt, talking... very... slowly... as though addressing an idiot.

Now all the center and left-of-center news outlets are praising Stewart for his "take-down" of Rutledge and his "superb" interviewing techniques. Rutledge isn't someone I would support because of other positions she holds, but it was brave of her to be interviewed about this topic. I wish she had been better prepared, as there is so much evidence against SRS on minors that she could have brought up (NHS Cass report, for one).

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I’m so so sorry, mama bear. They just break our hearts, don’t they. I told my 22 year old daughter we were losing our insurance at the end of the month (as I’d gotten wind of a go fund me for top surgery). We were having to go on Cobra but I wasn’t going to include her. But my resourceful kid figured out a way to get in on a cancellation and did it secretly a week later. We found out afterwards.

Worst part is that two of her 3 sisters think it’s perfectly normal and are playing along with the mental illness-which includes insisting they no longer refer to her as their sister.

It’s all crazy. And they have no idea of the pain they are causing us, nor of the harm they are doing to themselves.

I’m thinking of you, and will pray for you & your son.

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I feel awfully for you. I sense this is our ultimate fate too.

She was a frozen embryo which my husband no longer wanted. I pleaded with him. After months he gave his consent although he began divorce proceedings. Me and our son were homeless for a while.

I bled during the pregnancy. A doctor once gave me too high a dose of something and I nearly miscarried. I plodded through to have a family. But now she's about to start medical transitioning. She lies, I can tell. She buys sex toys, BDSM, her trans friends, though 18 like her, are all perverts.

I am so sorry.

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Heartbreaking 💔 and I pray he wakes up. Thank you for sharing. I can’t find any words through the tears of grief for you.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you and for all of us who never know what tomorrow will bring as we walk through this unknowing and dreadful cult journey. The hurt is indescribable to watch a child you wanted so desperately and waited so long to have turn from your love and the truth and follow the evil ways of the world. Find comfort in the love you gave this child. That is one thing he can’t change or take away from you- a mother’s love.

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I am so very sorry. I can only imagine this kind of pain, as I have a son who fortunately missed this insidious trans cult. I was on a plane recently and watched a documentary on the 'NXIVM' cult. Here is a quote that to me sounds exactly like what is happening with this trans culture - through, friends, Doctors, therapists, educators, Tik Tok etc: "The very first thing a predatory group will do is separate the person from friends and family." Sadly, this is exactly what this trans cult is doing.

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I am so sorry to hear of this tragedy; I hope your son will come to realize he's a lab rat and stop before it's too late like many have done. I didn't have that worry back in the 80's and I never could have imagined a transgender pandemic filled with lack of information but plenty of lies! I told my boys to question everything and they did but I'd have home schooled them if this evil had been around to such a degree; there were a few adult sex changes back in the 50s and 60s. Things are slowly turning against transgenderism but I fear many more will sterilized and weakened before governments and hordes of people rise up. It will be a black mark in history, an evil plot against humanity.

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I am so sorry. I am in a similar boat, with some insurance money coming due to my daughter very soon when she turns 18. We are trying to keep the purse strings as tight as we can. We believe she will immediately go and get a mastectomy.

The pain you and all the rest of us parents feel would drown the entire planet, of that I am sure. I pray that he'll have a change of heart.

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I assume you meant to pray SHE not he'll will have a change of heart.

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I share your pain.

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Understand your pain. Son moved an hour away (he was of an age to do so) and then moved a 2nd time, to a new city, without so much as a goodbye or an address. I found out in passing from someone who thought I knew. I have never cried so hard in my life. Who does such a thing?

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I believe there will be class actions when these children and young adults realize how misguided they were.

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The story is not over....I hope he will grow wiser quickly rather than slowly, so that you see him very soon.

My heart breaks for you.

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How desperately hard and traumatic for you.

Wherever he is, whatever he is engaged in, there is little we parents can do when our beloved offspring chooses a path of life which is so very and wrongly idealised as an answer to whatever troubles he has.

I really wish you well and that in amongst the heartaches and fear, you find peace for you. Challenge and be active against this social deception of so called, trans.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

My heart breaks for you.

This ideology is truly a scary and dangerous cult.

Even when a person is addicted to drugs, you may better know what they’re going through, where they are and who they’re hanging around with, as well as how to get them help.

This ideology can take someone and remove them so fully from who they truly are, blanketed by legal cover. Name changes, physical changes… impossible to find someone who gets captured. 😩

Prayers for your family, I hope your precious son returns unscathed from this ideology.

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I am so sorry. My heart aches for you.

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