Brilliant documentary. Simply horrifying. How anyone can deny that this is a psychogenic epidemic being spread via social contagion, to the great financial, professional or narcissistic benefit of unscrupulous and/or deluded "health professionals", not to mention the trans activists, is beyond me. Kids are being sacrificed to prop up a sociopathic political movement and to line the pockets of parasites— and families are being torn asunder in the process. Truly sickening and unforgivable. And politicians are only too happy to go along with it, because the most important thing, for them, is to look as if they're "on the right side of history". They should remember that the Nazis believed they were on the right side of history too.
The key insight is the narcissism one. These people are unable to really DO anything, and still they feel special, although they are not. They are just mostly uglified young women who need to be special. So they come up with this gender shit.
Thank you. An important tool that was well done and needs to be shared. It was heartbreaking - and frightening - to watch, and I am very familiar with all of it. Colin Wright's ending statement that if biological sexual reality can be denied en masse then we have lost our collective tether to reality and we become captive to chaos echoes the conclusion of Professor Camille Paglia in her studies of art history: “The movement toward androgyny occurs in the late phase of culture as a civilization is starting to unravel.” Camille Paglia, Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, author of Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson
I'm working up the courage to watch it. Sorry. Can't do it yet.
But I am helping to produce a gender ideology reveal event at our church tomorrow for the Hispanic community. (BTW-they prefer Hispanic to Latinix) I found that of the 5 surrounding school districts doing "Gender-Friendly Family Life" Curriculum, NONE provide a fully translated Spanish version for parents to review. In our state parents can choose to opt out...after reviewing the curriculum
This nonsensical push for the term latinx kind of makes me laugh a little. Only because the people pushing this are usually the same people talking about "colonization," "white washing", etc and they don't realize they're literally "colonizing" and "white washing"(they're typically white liberals) the Spanish language when they use this absurd term. There is zero self awareness.
It does make one want to laugh because it is so silly but on the other hand it seems to be part of the Woke Force in our society co-opting our institutions. I am no longer sure how much it is about a lack of self awareness as much as reforming our culture through forced language change. The "x" in Latinx is meant to include the nonsensical yet dangerous concept of "all genders" for instance. I think many people laugh this stuff off as a fringe fad that will soon pass - including the "Gender Unicorn" - until someone they love is impaled by the horn.
"As a cisgender person, it costs you nothing" etc. etc. Of course the cost to the young is very high. There has been an all out campaign and it is sly.
A well-publicized national survey recently revealed that only about 3% of the U.S. Hispanic demographic approves of or uses the term "latinx." Latinos consider it stupid and offensive, because it ignores the intrinsically gendered nature of the Spanish language.
It is stupid and offensive. "They" when used to describe one person hurts my ears as a native English speaker and "Latinx" offends even me as someone who has just studied Spanish. It is part of a greater campaign. For instance, there must be a way to combat the unhealthy advice promoted by
I agree with you about this dumb and dangerous pronouns article. But in terms of how to combat it in a way that will reach people, it's a confounding question, as you know. I agree that this battle can't be won purely by political victory; it's a long process of freeing hearts and minds from the ideological vise they're currently in. But people who believe they're taking the moral high ground, especially when their belief is supported by external authority figures within education and medicine, are not generally open to changing their minds.
Rowling is constantly busy fighting her battles, and I'm sure that whatever Shrier is focusing on now will be worth waiting for. What we need are more people outside the gender world who cannot be cancelled to speak out...people like Dave Chappelle, and even Jon Stewart, who recently came to Rowling's defense on yet another attempt to smear her, this time as an anti-Semite:
As far as Jonathan Haidt is concerned, I don't see him stepping up. Academics don't have the independence of comedians and entertainers like Chappelle, Stewart and Joe Rogan. Haidt would almost certainly lose his job at NYU if he were to make the connection between transgender social contagion and the mental health issues of adolescents.
Specifically, we need a site promoted with "Why you should not put pronouns in your email signature and linkedin profile" and maybe include the brilliant documentary.
Good luck to you tomorrow! Yes, I understand many Hispanic people have never even heard the crazy term, Latinx.
Unfortunately, I've been immersed in this world long enough most of the names and themes were familiar to me. Still, it is difficult to hear the pain coming from these young people - especially the young woman who was crying as she looked at her hacked up self and said "It's so beautiful." I had not seen the faces of some of these horrible doctors who are so flippant.
Then there is the young woman who transitions and detransitioned within one year who said she began as an "ally". This ally thing is soooo Dangerous and it is how my daughter was captured.
There must be a way for the documentary to air on a network... They could even play "the other side" for balance...
I suggest looking up The Center for Mind/Body Very thorough program for PTSD recovery. It probably could be modified for deprogramming. I wrote about Dr. Gordon's book, Transforming Trauma, in my blog,
It's tough, watching this. The quantity and severity of mental illness depicted is mind boggling. This is a generation of young people that is untethered from reality. What will happen to them? I hope viewers who were not aware of the magnitude of this disaster will be willing to sit through it.
I'm haunted by the woman who is forced to "shit in a bag and fart in a bag" because of a botched phalloplasty. She finally understands that she can never be a man, because her body does not produce sperm, the male gamete. This is the biological definition of a man. Trans-genital surgery is a terrible way to learn the biology that she should have learned as a sophomore in high school.
All the so-called health care professionals who enable this ignorance, mental illness, and mutilation should be sent to an island at the bottom of the world and never heard from again.
After you subject yourself to this upsetting, graphic documentary, I suggest printing out this post and sending it to your local clinic, your mayor, your school board, your local LGBTQ+ center. Ask them what are they doing to make sure they are not participating in the recruitment for this cult. Then analyze what need these groomers are fulfilling. How should deprogramming start, BEFORE the irreversible surgeries? Cell phones have cords, both of these items need to be controlled by parents. I'd go so far as to remove mirrors from the house if a child is going through this phase. It is worse than the drug culture of the 1960s. I grew up surrounded by that, had very watchful parents, did not take any drugs. Did not have sex as a teen. Please comment on my blog with ideas:
The quote at the end, from a young man, is devastating: "Sometimes mentally ill people need to be told what's real".
The pictures of the mastectomies were horrific. Two young women in one video clip are dancing, topless, showing off their scars. It is grotesque. It is one thing to have all these mentally ill people all over the internet, celebrating their delusions. It is another thing to have professional adults do the crazy things these people want them to do. How can surgeons who lop off the healthy body parts of mentally ill people sleep at night??
Please read todays post at It is about the work of The Mind/Body Center, Dr. James Gordon, and how this trauma recovery program might be adapted for deprogramming our kids.
Don't take money out of your pension fund! It is obvious this kids have been raised with money pillows & mattresses! When this passes, they will be seen as the walking wounded. Even those who claim to be happy with whatever alterations doctors did discuss the pain and call it mutilation, as if bragging about the pain sat through for a tattoo. Please follow my blog, and consider starting your own blog. I am collecting comments of successful deprogramming and writing short essays to spread the word that you can get your child back on the normal track. First, be cool as a cucumber. No taking them to moneybag clinics for diagnosis. Put it off, say you are researching the best connections. Figure out the most often meet ups of the sick friend group and create family scheduling conflicts.
Brilliant documentary. Simply horrifying. How anyone can deny that this is a psychogenic epidemic being spread via social contagion, to the great financial, professional or narcissistic benefit of unscrupulous and/or deluded "health professionals", not to mention the trans activists, is beyond me. Kids are being sacrificed to prop up a sociopathic political movement and to line the pockets of parasites— and families are being torn asunder in the process. Truly sickening and unforgivable. And politicians are only too happy to go along with it, because the most important thing, for them, is to look as if they're "on the right side of history". They should remember that the Nazis believed they were on the right side of history too.
The key insight is the narcissism one. These people are unable to really DO anything, and still they feel special, although they are not. They are just mostly uglified young women who need to be special. So they come up with this gender shit.
Thank you. An important tool that was well done and needs to be shared. It was heartbreaking - and frightening - to watch, and I am very familiar with all of it. Colin Wright's ending statement that if biological sexual reality can be denied en masse then we have lost our collective tether to reality and we become captive to chaos echoes the conclusion of Professor Camille Paglia in her studies of art history: “The movement toward androgyny occurs in the late phase of culture as a civilization is starting to unravel.” Camille Paglia, Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, author of Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson
God help us. Save the children.
I'm working up the courage to watch it. Sorry. Can't do it yet.
But I am helping to produce a gender ideology reveal event at our church tomorrow for the Hispanic community. (BTW-they prefer Hispanic to Latinix) I found that of the 5 surrounding school districts doing "Gender-Friendly Family Life" Curriculum, NONE provide a fully translated Spanish version for parents to review. In our state parents can choose to opt out...after reviewing the curriculum
please write a comment or contact me at and tell me how it went. I will write a post about your efforts.
This nonsensical push for the term latinx kind of makes me laugh a little. Only because the people pushing this are usually the same people talking about "colonization," "white washing", etc and they don't realize they're literally "colonizing" and "white washing"(they're typically white liberals) the Spanish language when they use this absurd term. There is zero self awareness.
It does make one want to laugh because it is so silly but on the other hand it seems to be part of the Woke Force in our society co-opting our institutions. I am no longer sure how much it is about a lack of self awareness as much as reforming our culture through forced language change. The "x" in Latinx is meant to include the nonsensical yet dangerous concept of "all genders" for instance. I think many people laugh this stuff off as a fringe fad that will soon pass - including the "Gender Unicorn" - until someone they love is impaled by the horn.
Look how easily they got teachers and administrators to "include their pronouns" in their email signature. One administrator who I regard as a very nice (if misguided person) not only includes her pronouns but provides a link about why she does it:
"As a cisgender person, it costs you nothing" etc. etc. Of course the cost to the young is very high. There has been an all out campaign and it is sly.
A well-publicized national survey recently revealed that only about 3% of the U.S. Hispanic demographic approves of or uses the term "latinx." Latinos consider it stupid and offensive, because it ignores the intrinsically gendered nature of the Spanish language.
It is stupid and offensive. "They" when used to describe one person hurts my ears as a native English speaker and "Latinx" offends even me as someone who has just studied Spanish. It is part of a greater campaign. For instance, there must be a way to combat the unhealthy advice promoted by with a group promoting healthy advice. Any thoughts? I think it would need the support of someone like Abigail Shrier or JK Rowling - and Genspect :) I don't think this battle can be won purely by political victory, see I noticed that Haidt who you have found will not touch GI (so far) - was mentioned.
I agree with you about this dumb and dangerous pronouns article. But in terms of how to combat it in a way that will reach people, it's a confounding question, as you know. I agree that this battle can't be won purely by political victory; it's a long process of freeing hearts and minds from the ideological vise they're currently in. But people who believe they're taking the moral high ground, especially when their belief is supported by external authority figures within education and medicine, are not generally open to changing their minds.
Rowling is constantly busy fighting her battles, and I'm sure that whatever Shrier is focusing on now will be worth waiting for. What we need are more people outside the gender world who cannot be cancelled to speak out...people like Dave Chappelle, and even Jon Stewart, who recently came to Rowling's defense on yet another attempt to smear her, this time as an anti-Semite:!
As far as Jonathan Haidt is concerned, I don't see him stepping up. Academics don't have the independence of comedians and entertainers like Chappelle, Stewart and Joe Rogan. Haidt would almost certainly lose his job at NYU if he were to make the connection between transgender social contagion and the mental health issues of adolescents.
Specifically, we need a site promoted with "Why you should not put pronouns in your email signature and linkedin profile" and maybe include the brilliant documentary.
Good luck to you tomorrow! Yes, I understand many Hispanic people have never even heard the crazy term, Latinx.
Unfortunately, I've been immersed in this world long enough most of the names and themes were familiar to me. Still, it is difficult to hear the pain coming from these young people - especially the young woman who was crying as she looked at her hacked up self and said "It's so beautiful." I had not seen the faces of some of these horrible doctors who are so flippant.
Then there is the young woman who transitions and detransitioned within one year who said she began as an "ally". This ally thing is soooo Dangerous and it is how my daughter was captured.
There must be a way for the documentary to air on a network... They could even play "the other side" for balance...
And, I did appreciate the AGP video at the end.
Well done. It ought to be shown broadly, including any school with a kiddie GSA "Alliance" group.
Yikes: "Oregon School starts "Queer & Sexuality Alliance" club for ELEMENTARY KIDS; no parental consent required"
Omg 🤦🏻♀️ They're trying to capture them youngrr and younger.
This is one for the PITT Museum that I hope we have some day. Those "health care professionals" could pay for it.
I suggest looking up The Center for Mind/Body Very thorough program for PTSD recovery. It probably could be modified for deprogramming. I wrote about Dr. Gordon's book, Transforming Trauma, in my blog,
It's tough, watching this. The quantity and severity of mental illness depicted is mind boggling. This is a generation of young people that is untethered from reality. What will happen to them? I hope viewers who were not aware of the magnitude of this disaster will be willing to sit through it.
I'm haunted by the woman who is forced to "shit in a bag and fart in a bag" because of a botched phalloplasty. She finally understands that she can never be a man, because her body does not produce sperm, the male gamete. This is the biological definition of a man. Trans-genital surgery is a terrible way to learn the biology that she should have learned as a sophomore in high school.
All the so-called health care professionals who enable this ignorance, mental illness, and mutilation should be sent to an island at the bottom of the world and never heard from again.
After you subject yourself to this upsetting, graphic documentary, I suggest printing out this post and sending it to your local clinic, your mayor, your school board, your local LGBTQ+ center. Ask them what are they doing to make sure they are not participating in the recruitment for this cult. Then analyze what need these groomers are fulfilling. How should deprogramming start, BEFORE the irreversible surgeries? Cell phones have cords, both of these items need to be controlled by parents. I'd go so far as to remove mirrors from the house if a child is going through this phase. It is worse than the drug culture of the 1960s. I grew up surrounded by that, had very watchful parents, did not take any drugs. Did not have sex as a teen. Please comment on my blog with ideas:
I just finished watching the video.
The quote at the end, from a young man, is devastating: "Sometimes mentally ill people need to be told what's real".
The pictures of the mastectomies were horrific. Two young women in one video clip are dancing, topless, showing off their scars. It is grotesque. It is one thing to have all these mentally ill people all over the internet, celebrating their delusions. It is another thing to have professional adults do the crazy things these people want them to do. How can surgeons who lop off the healthy body parts of mentally ill people sleep at night??
That young man was Isaac, posting on youtube as Cluniac. I cried through much of this video because it is so much about my 18 yo daughter.
I am so sorry.
They sleep on giant pillows stuffed with money.
Please read todays post at It is about the work of The Mind/Body Center, Dr. James Gordon, and how this trauma recovery program might be adapted for deprogramming our kids.
Don't take money out of your pension fund! It is obvious this kids have been raised with money pillows & mattresses! When this passes, they will be seen as the walking wounded. Even those who claim to be happy with whatever alterations doctors did discuss the pain and call it mutilation, as if bragging about the pain sat through for a tattoo. Please follow my blog, and consider starting your own blog. I am collecting comments of successful deprogramming and writing short essays to spread the word that you can get your child back on the normal track. First, be cool as a cucumber. No taking them to moneybag clinics for diagnosis. Put it off, say you are researching the best connections. Figure out the most often meet ups of the sick friend group and create family scheduling conflicts.
This video must be watched and shared. AND. It is so painful to watch. I feel sick.
Me too. It's just grotesque.