It’s so scary how ideology can lead parents to cause harm to our children. It’s a blessing that you were able to fight the cult & let your kids be kids. Bless you & your family
This is what happens when human beings place love and truth above conformity, when they listen to that inner voice and when it says something that contradicts their social tribe they dig deeper instead of recoiling, denying, and projecting on others who question tribal dogma.
Now imagine if, when you decided to detransition your son, his school had reported you to CPS for suspected "conversion therapy". We are not so far from that (if not there already) in some U.S. states.
What a remarkable journey you four have been through. There is a worldview that affirms all sorts of silly things and we--even though intelligent--can be conned. Keep on keeping on in your efforts to protect your boys. As they say, "No other success can compensate for failure in the home."
Encouraging your kids to question their biology is not social justice. It's brainwashing and the worst sort of child abuse. That you awoke to that reality before surgery is a blessing. If you have a circle of friends that cheer-led you, dump every last one of them. They lack the judgement or the mental faculties to know right from wrong. That judgement is built into every last one of us but to access it you have to know how to listen to your conscience.
I read this story and it's a horror story - but I am so glad you stopped and have begun to heal and support your sons going in the right direction. However I admit it is hard to be truly happy for you. You are one of the people that has helped ruin my own son's life, our family, his future ... you've done this to so many people. Good for you that you've gotten a second chance ... so many of us out here that haven't.
I totally get your opinion. So much damage is done by ideology & cults. Parents are meant to do no harm as are health care professionals. It’s very hard to understand how a parent can play god with a child but thank god salinity prevailed.
Wow this is an awful story. Thank G-d you stopped it when you did. Hard to believe you took 4 years (4 years!) to undue the horrible abuse you perpetrated.
Thank you for writing what happened to you and your son. You have given him the basis for growing up into a beautiful healthy young man. He and you perhaps have more empathy for those who haven't learned that there are lots of ways of being a boy.
I am sorry to see insults to you on this page. And to LGBT people. You went well beyond what most parents have managed in this, to help your kids. So glad you did! Thank you for your courage and your voice.
From an outside perspective— of course your son wanted to be a girl to attach himself to you. He had no male FATHER to which to create a healthy attachment to.
That’s another area where ideaology meets reality— it’s one thing to have a gay or lesbian sexuality in theory, or even for oneself, but how does that affect children who deserve both a mother and a father?
I say this not to call judgement on the author of this article or anyone else who identifies as gay/lesbian. But our society has accepted these forms of “marriage” without thinking about the unintended consequences of kids having two dads and no mom or two moms and no dad. Don’t children have a right to both a mother and a father? We assume one can easily replace the other, but I suspect that the reality of the fallout of transgender ideology will show us to be wrong. We don’t necessarily need the old-school gender roles of working dad and stay-at-home mom—- but we do need the biological reality of male and female for children to develop healthfully.
I agree. A generation of LGB raising children has evolved into the natural anthropological outcome that one would expect. Could it be that LGB feelings are as much a confused state as TQ is? I am waiting for the day that people realize what seems readily apparent to me and some others. Feelings aren’t facts and thinking doesn’t make it so. We have tried reinventing the wheel of society as push back against tradition, religion, mores… and it hasn’t ended well.
I agree. I personally don’t understand the LGB desire to recreate marriage and a family— the whole idea of L and G (at least) is a pushback against the natural order of procreation. If you want to do that, you are free in this society to do so, (although I personally would argue that there are negative repercussions to society in doing so, but in a pluralistic society, I realize there will different opinions on this). But you don’t then get to re-define marriage and family from it. L and G lifestyle is explicitly against the natural order of procreation, so it doesn’t get to turn around and artificially procreate to opt into a family structure that its desires by their very nature rebuke. I realize this is an unpopular opinion, but there you are. I agree with you that I think LGB might be as confused as TQ. It certainly opened the door to TQ+ craziness.
Wow, and I thought this group was advocating to “stop gay people from being tricked into being trans”. Is this part of a pipeline or are you just going full mask off?
Thank you for being brave to share your experience. Would you be brave enough to go out into the world and broadcast your experience so that others may be diverted from the same road you trod?
I do believe that is exactly what she is doing - starting out in a forum that professes to be safe and supportive. I applaud the author for sharing her journey which has clearly been driven - in its entirety - by deep love for her children.
My recent understanding is that she has been speaking and writing tirelessly about her experience. It's brave,and her vulnerability inspiring. I am so grateful for her particular voice!
Bless you and your family. If you are not aware there is a group called gays against groomers that as a straight old person I give $$ to monthly. Strange bedfellows they work with Mothers for Liberty to organize. The founder has been on Tucker Carlson to spread the word. As a conservative I wanted to reach out to comment on your courage to write about this and know that despite the divisive media there is a lot of common ground between us. I now have a better understanding of why parents are ok with taking off healthy breasts, shoving hormone blockers and the like. I didn't realize the industrial complex that has exploded about this. Quite shocking I plan to repost this as many places as I can. Again thank you for your courage.
It’s so scary how ideology can lead parents to cause harm to our children. It’s a blessing that you were able to fight the cult & let your kids be kids. Bless you & your family
Thank you for sharing your journey. And what a wonderful thing you have done for your sons.
I really hope with Trump (not my favorite leader) in power logic and common sense will prevail.
Thank you for your bravery
Your bravery is inspiring and contagious! You will undoubtedly help others heal from this too.
Thank you for YOUR courage. Courage calls to courage.
This is what happens when human beings place love and truth above conformity, when they listen to that inner voice and when it says something that contradicts their social tribe they dig deeper instead of recoiling, denying, and projecting on others who question tribal dogma.
Now imagine if, when you decided to detransition your son, his school had reported you to CPS for suspected "conversion therapy". We are not so far from that (if not there already) in some U.S. states.
What a remarkable journey you four have been through. There is a worldview that affirms all sorts of silly things and we--even though intelligent--can be conned. Keep on keeping on in your efforts to protect your boys. As they say, "No other success can compensate for failure in the home."
Encouraging your kids to question their biology is not social justice. It's brainwashing and the worst sort of child abuse. That you awoke to that reality before surgery is a blessing. If you have a circle of friends that cheer-led you, dump every last one of them. They lack the judgement or the mental faculties to know right from wrong. That judgement is built into every last one of us but to access it you have to know how to listen to your conscience.
It takes a lot of courage to share this story with so much vulnerability. Thank you.
I read this story and it's a horror story - but I am so glad you stopped and have begun to heal and support your sons going in the right direction. However I admit it is hard to be truly happy for you. You are one of the people that has helped ruin my own son's life, our family, his future ... you've done this to so many people. Good for you that you've gotten a second chance ... so many of us out here that haven't.
I totally get your opinion. So much damage is done by ideology & cults. Parents are meant to do no harm as are health care professionals. It’s very hard to understand how a parent can play god with a child but thank god salinity prevailed.
Wow this is an awful story. Thank G-d you stopped it when you did. Hard to believe you took 4 years (4 years!) to undue the horrible abuse you perpetrated.
Thank you for writing what happened to you and your son. You have given him the basis for growing up into a beautiful healthy young man. He and you perhaps have more empathy for those who haven't learned that there are lots of ways of being a boy.
I am sorry to see insults to you on this page. And to LGBT people. You went well beyond what most parents have managed in this, to help your kids. So glad you did! Thank you for your courage and your voice.
From an outside perspective— of course your son wanted to be a girl to attach himself to you. He had no male FATHER to which to create a healthy attachment to.
That’s another area where ideaology meets reality— it’s one thing to have a gay or lesbian sexuality in theory, or even for oneself, but how does that affect children who deserve both a mother and a father?
I say this not to call judgement on the author of this article or anyone else who identifies as gay/lesbian. But our society has accepted these forms of “marriage” without thinking about the unintended consequences of kids having two dads and no mom or two moms and no dad. Don’t children have a right to both a mother and a father? We assume one can easily replace the other, but I suspect that the reality of the fallout of transgender ideology will show us to be wrong. We don’t necessarily need the old-school gender roles of working dad and stay-at-home mom—- but we do need the biological reality of male and female for children to develop healthfully.
I agree. A generation of LGB raising children has evolved into the natural anthropological outcome that one would expect. Could it be that LGB feelings are as much a confused state as TQ is? I am waiting for the day that people realize what seems readily apparent to me and some others. Feelings aren’t facts and thinking doesn’t make it so. We have tried reinventing the wheel of society as push back against tradition, religion, mores… and it hasn’t ended well.
I agree. I personally don’t understand the LGB desire to recreate marriage and a family— the whole idea of L and G (at least) is a pushback against the natural order of procreation. If you want to do that, you are free in this society to do so, (although I personally would argue that there are negative repercussions to society in doing so, but in a pluralistic society, I realize there will different opinions on this). But you don’t then get to re-define marriage and family from it. L and G lifestyle is explicitly against the natural order of procreation, so it doesn’t get to turn around and artificially procreate to opt into a family structure that its desires by their very nature rebuke. I realize this is an unpopular opinion, but there you are. I agree with you that I think LGB might be as confused as TQ. It certainly opened the door to TQ+ craziness.
Wow, and I thought this group was advocating to “stop gay people from being tricked into being trans”. Is this part of a pipeline or are you just going full mask off?
Everyone has their own opinion here, there is no “pipeline.” I don't claim to speak for anyone but myself.
Thank you for being brave to share your experience. Would you be brave enough to go out into the world and broadcast your experience so that others may be diverted from the same road you trod?
I do believe that is exactly what she is doing - starting out in a forum that professes to be safe and supportive. I applaud the author for sharing her journey which has clearly been driven - in its entirety - by deep love for her children.
My recent understanding is that she has been speaking and writing tirelessly about her experience. It's brave,and her vulnerability inspiring. I am so grateful for her particular voice!
Bless you and your family. If you are not aware there is a group called gays against groomers that as a straight old person I give $$ to monthly. Strange bedfellows they work with Mothers for Liberty to organize. The founder has been on Tucker Carlson to spread the word. As a conservative I wanted to reach out to comment on your courage to write about this and know that despite the divisive media there is a lot of common ground between us. I now have a better understanding of why parents are ok with taking off healthy breasts, shoving hormone blockers and the like. I didn't realize the industrial complex that has exploded about this. Quite shocking I plan to repost this as many places as I can. Again thank you for your courage.