Such a tragic story to have to tell! Thank you for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes and such sadness for us parents of lost transgender children! I’m praying for you 🙏

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Words fail me at the depths of cruelty you have had to endure. You and your son will be forever in my thoughts.

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I am often left speechless by the cruelty and madness of it all and here I am yet again. My daughters disappearing act was also on a university campus and it was bad - but not this bad. Strange how there are always more stories -and worse stories - and never ending stories. And somehow they are all anecdotal! Every single party to this game of human trafficking are complicit. Universities included and their acting out the established playbook of destruction.

I am sorry and pray for peace and reconnection one day.

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I feel the need to vomit. Your story turned my insides out, and I feel so sad and rather ill. I hate this ideology so much, what it’s doing to our children, our families. What a terrible evil it is! My heart goes out to you, I pray you have found comfort and peace. And I pray that somehow, somewhere, your son is safe, and will return to you soon.

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I can’t imagine 8 years of enduring this horrible nightmare! I am just 3 months in with my son and it already feels like an eternity. My heart hurts for you.

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The entire "trans" movement is a cult of predators. Every single adult in this cult, whether they are K-12 teachers, professors, politicians, medical and mental health professionals, activists, etc. They are predators targeting children and young adults. I'm sorry you and your family were attacked by these predators.

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Wow… I’m so sorry.. this is so devastating…

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I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Have you reported him missing? If it's 8 years since you last heard from him, he could have been murdered or anything.

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What a sad story - thank you for being brave enough to share it with us. You were blind sided by his counselor and that is unforgivable. There are too many people in a role of authority that are crossing the lines with our children and it makes me very angry. I feel your pain and am very sorry it has been so long since you have had any contact with your son. Heartbreaking.

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Oh I am so sorry to read your story. I can't imagine what you are going though. I haven't seen or heard from my own son for a year, on the spectrum and espousing a female identity, but I hear that he is still around. What you say is terrifying and I'm so sorry. Someone asked me how my son is funding his life and laughingly mentioned a notorious street. I laughed too, but I'd be terrified to think that might be what could happen. My thoughts are with you x

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I just finished reading and I feel nauseous. This strikes fear in my heart. Thank you for writing these words. I cannot imagine your pain.

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It happened to us. The school convinced him his loving home was abusive and unsafe, but a stranger on the internet who said sweet words and loved bombed him into this cult took off with my child in the middle of the night. He snuck out with someone older than him who had a car and could drive. Computer gone, wii, xbox and a few remnants in his room left that i cannot bear to see. Did not face us. Only left a note.

I know it was a sexual predator, but I do not know if my son is alive or dead. This has almost killed me. I have not showered or moved for months. It may end up killing me. Police do nothing.

He was a typical boy who was loving and sweet until the school got ahold of him. Strongly convinced him we were horrible people. Which makes it easy to turn to a nice talking internet stranger with promises to take you away from all of this horrible unsafe abuse. Let me tell you in the strongest of words. The child was NEVER abused or unsafe. He was love protected and cherished.

The very same kid who hugged me and told me he loved me one night before bed, was gone less than 8 hours later with a horrible note that we would never see him again.

We devastatingly reached out and were shocked to find out that we were not supported by our community family or friends who would rather assume our child was the product of abuse in an unsafe home rather than lured away by a sexual predator. I have no idea why. He was never abused or mistreated. Never even grounded in his life. Every want he had was his without question. He was my son and the love I had for him was and still is immense. But people dont get it. Maybe one day they will see how a family was destroyed by the views of a sick society and an even sicker school system.

I know I am beyond the point of ever being ok. It is a deathless death where you are given no support or sympathy. Just mumbles of you must have done something to deserve this. This was not supposed to happen like this. Life was not supposed to turn out this way.

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Seeing it will be a year in February since you posted, I am wondering if you have heard anything and how you are doing. Being the author of this piece, I definitely understand the pain. Sending love and prayers from the trenches.

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Oh, Ann! Your story has me in tears! I believe you were a very loving mother. Please know that I support you and hurt for you. I know this was written 8 months ago and I just read it today so I hope you have been able to put your life back together enough to function. I would struggle to move on as well.

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My heart aches to read of such deep deep despair. I pray you find a measure of comfort from the support here. We understand. We care.

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Keep your kid from brainwashing by getting them out of the public school system, and monitor their internet. Be a parent, FFS. The public school system is nothing but garbage.

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Who, apart from Donald Trump, is going to speak up and say "Enough is enough"? I'm in the UK and don't know anything about the US presidential election. But I wonder if Trump might even win the Republican nomination with his latest direct and sensible proposals to stop the "gender industry" in its tracks in the US? Surely other candidates, from both parties, can see that his gut instinct is correct?

My heart weeps for what this mother went through. I watched my trans ex-H for years by spying on him every six months for years until he died. I made friends with two neighbours. I was determined to know where he lived. I ideally wanted him to rediscover himself. He died still in "la-la" land, but at least I knew this and knew it first hand.

I am astonished and hope that a little bit of hope continues to flicker in everyone's heart. We MUST win!

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Please don't fool yourself. I know a lot of people think that a more rigid political rule would help, but I can guarantee you that it won't. I'm German. My grandparents went through this. There is no easy and quick fix because "the whole is bigger than its parts". Society consists of us, as individuals, as families. There is no "knight in shining armour", not individually, personally, and not socially, politically. We have to speak up and take the Power of the People by the word.

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Doesn't matter if trump is the nominee. They stole 2020 from the American people, they will do it again. They got the fraud down pat now, and they know that Americans won't do a damn thing about it. We have the 2nd amendment in place to stand against a tyrannical government, but people seem to have forgotten that.

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I am an adult autistic woman, received my diagnosis (pretty) late in life. I am also a lesbian. No, not "queer" (that's a slur), just a woman who loves women. I've been horrified by the trans movement and how it usurped the Gay Liberation Movement in just about every way, and this story made my blood freeze in my veins and simultaneously boil.

"He felt deeply hurt" when you called him by his name. I dare claim: no, he didn't. He felt *something* – something strong. Many of us autistic people have this thing called alexithymia: it means we cannot identify our emotions, or not immediately. I had to learn to not only identify emotions and emotional sensations, but also to allow them, because it’s very powerful and overwhelming. I am still learning this, and I'm pretty sure in this lifetime I will not stop learning this.

So I will say it here straightforwardly: No. Your son didn't feel hurt. He felt something very strong – and because the people around him are the wrong people, they brainwashed him accordingly.

I believe in vibes and energy. I am sending you and your family and your boy whom I don’t know love and strength. May the Holy Mother hold you all in Her loving arms. 🌹

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