Dear Parents and other PITT supporters,
Are you feeling powerlessness against the forces promoting gender ideology—the medical and psychiatric communities, the schools, the pharmaceutical industry, the mass media? Well, now there is something you can do.
Please read the following from WDI (Women’s Declaration International), an organization devoted to promoting, protecting, and re-affirming women’s sex-based rights. WDI is requesting signatures and comments to bolster a petition urging the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to take action to address the off-label use of puberty blockers in children.
Their request is below, along with the link to add comments. Please support this petition. Submissions can be made anonymously. And, if you have a chance, you might want to read some of the comments. They are compelling.
Petition Link Here
From WDI
Dear signatories,
A group of doctors, organizations, people who have ceased medicalizing their bodies, and concerned parents have filed a citizen petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), urging it to take urgent action to address the off-label use of puberty blockers in children.
WDI USA is encouraging Declaration signatories to bolster this petition by submitting supportive comments.
We provide all you need to know to submit comments on our action page. Just click the button below to take this easy action with us.
The WDI USA Board
Kara Dansky
Megan Rose
Lorraine Nowlin
Lauren Levey
Katherine Kinney
Petition Link Here
This was my comment:
Marc B. Garnick, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center ( and *one of three academic principal clinical investigators of studies that led to the initial F.D.A. approval of Lupron* for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer, wrote a letter to the New York Times (on Nov. 28, 2022, at, where he stated: "...having studied this class of drugs, which includes puberty blockers, for more than four decades...I can say that physicians are still learning and continue to be concerned about the safety of these agents in adults...Woefully little safety data are available for the likely more vulnerable younger population. Bone loss in adult men who have been on these agents is significant, and a leading cause of morbidity with long-term administration...Other safety issues include cognitive, metabolic and cardiovascular effects, still under intense investigation. The prudent and ethical use of such agents in the younger population should demand that every pubertal or pre-pubertal child be part of rigorous clinical research studies that evaluate both the short-term and longer-term effects of these agents to better define the true risks and benefits rather than relying on anecdotal information."
If the principal investigator of Lupron is so alarmed by the effects of the drug, what sense does it make to prescribe these drugs to young children in such a cavalier fashion?
(I included a scan of the letter that Dr. Garnick wrote)