Of all places to hang that evil flag! Shocking! We just do not realize how much women suffered and how hard they fought for their freedom, which in turn gave us OUR freedom. But here we are again fighting for our rights because the transgender cult is threatening to destroy our very existence. I saw an online headline earlier today referencing that a “Trans-man gave birth” - its too much!

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Well, it’s a sad day when people retreat from being made in God’s image , to aspiring to be like a slug.

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Usually this site has compassion for those suffering from the cult of transgender issues. Today there's a lot of people carping and being disrespectful of others. THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) love it when we lose sight of the big picture and divide into tribes bickering and name calling.

Everyone should agree that the Parks Service is funded by all taxpayers and should be neutral, especially about things that have nothing to do with the museum. Personally, I think there is too much attention by the government about things that are none of their business. Many people, including me, would like the government out of my bedroom, my doctors office and my wallet.

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If "compassion" means affirmation, there's less and less support for that. Affirming the trannie delusion leads to mutilation surgery.

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I think you misunderstood my comment. The people that usually are here are suffering because someone they love has been conned by the illusion that they are transgender. I do have compassion even for those who are emotionally misled to believe changing their gender will change their life for the better. Compassion and affirmation are two completely words with different meanings.

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It must be lovely to be queer, or non-binary and be compared to a slug. Such a flattering analogy.

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I find it incomprehensible that women don’t grasp that the Trans movement is perfectly intent, perhaps unintentionally, to remove biological women from counting and the idea to celebrate is a female being a male. And, every Trans woman is to be considered and celebrated as a female replete with medals and chest feeding garments.

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Brilliant. Thank you so much. But what a horrifying situation. It just feels like how so many males will mark territory by pissing on everything imaginable, spraying poison, desecrating the environment. I'll call also....

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It is a violation of Civil Rights to allow biological men into women's spaces, we are born with the correct genitalia. No amount or surgeries, hormones, makeup, clothes, attitudes, feelings will ever change you being born either male of female.

Men who cut off their penises don’t become women. If you have or ever had a penis, you’re not a woman. What attracts men and excites them sexually is the idea of themselves as women. It's almost as if they're in love with the woman version of themselves. But what is so unusual and destructive about this sexual desire and urge is that it requires everybody else to play along. That's part of the fantasy. Without this hard core of men whose dearest and sole desire in life is to force everybody to pretend that they're women, this would not have got so far. These men are the ones who want children put on sterilizing drugs to validate their sexuality.

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It's a narcissistic fantasy.

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It's abnormal and a sick need to be notuced. Self centered is one thing: self over every single thing is quite another. Unfortunately, the minority is oppressing the majority, but we need to push back against the THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You).

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Some of the comments here show how the Marxist scheme of divide and conquer is so effective. Until we can put aside petty differences and focus on the big picture, we will continue to lose this battle.

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I don't see it as having anything to do with Marxism. It's the same old patriarchy, marking territory, eliminating females.

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But divide and conquer absolutely does. Putting left against right, men against women, gay against straight, and so on.

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My comment was to explain why political moderates who have not been personally impacted by the transgender movement are skeptical of right-wing cultural issues, particularly regarding children. This thread abounds with posters trying to score MAGA points. I hope you've expressed this same concern to them.

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Thank you for writing this. I feel poisoned by this ideology--and isolated as I look around and see people consumed by it or too afraid to speak up. When and how will this end? How do we come together as women in solidarity against a fundamentally misogynistic movement? I plan to make a complaint as well.

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It isn’t misogyny, it is Gynophobia. Misogyny dislikes and despises women. Gynophobia irrationally fears and hates the mere idea of women.

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Leftists want to turn every boy into a castrated ‘girl’, and every girl into a spayed ‘boy’, with all the expensive irreversible surgeries and a lifetime of expensive accompanying drugs.

Then in the next generation... oops, there won’t be any “next generation”!

If the Leftists can’t kill them in the womb by abortion, then they will kill any possibility of their future parenthood!

“Climate Change”, “Gay Rights”, “Transgenderism”, “Gun Control”, Big Vaccine, Single-Payer Health Care, Abortion, and the Leftist’s pro-Islam stance are all manifestations of implementing the NEW WORLD ORDER, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, and AGENDA 21. They want the world population reduced by 80% to what they believe is a “sustainable” Five Hundred Million, thus killing off 7.1 billion people! It is all part of Population Control that the New World Order wants to achieve. Yet, you could fit the entire population of everyone on Earth into the state of Texas and still have over 1000 square feet per person, or you could fit them all into individual squares of over 31 feet on each side!

Ever notice how Climate Change, Gun Control, Abortion, Gay Rights, Transgenderism, the latest emanation of “Obama Care” and protecting the Vaccine Industry are some of the Leftist’s favorite ‘causes’? They are designed to reduce or partially eliminate the next generation! Gun Control is designed to eliminate any effective opposition when the NWO take-over is attempted.

From gay marriage to so-called “Global Warming” to mass migration into Western nations by people who intend to destroy every aspect of who and what we are as a people, our history, our culture, and our nation of laws. And mostly, of course, destroy our individual rights.

Gays, as a rule, do not have children, Transsexuals CAN’T have children after they have become sterilized. Whimpey Snowflakes have Whimpey children. Idiots and Leftists (yes, I repeat myself) should not be capable of reproduction!

However, with all this homosexualism, transgenderism, and abortion... they are doing a bang-up job of it themselves!

I will leave you to ponder this quote from Microsoft’s Bill Gates who OWNS along with Fauci several Vaccine Manufacturing companies, their fingers are into Pfizer and Moderna. Gates has always preached, he wants “Population Control”. And is a known proponent of the New World Order… The NWO wants to REDUCE the world’s population to around 500 million, thus killing off or eliminating 7.1 BILLION people!


“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on NEW VACCINES, HEALTH CARE, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES (Abortion), we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” – Bill Gates (emphasis added)

(...that I (Bill Gates) and George Soros have highly invested in and will make Trillions of dollars!)

(Hmm… I thought that vaccines were supposed to help people stay healthy, not kill them!)

SEE Bill Gates say this quote in a TED TALK:

Search for: Bill Gates TED TALK Vaccine, on YouTube

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It would be better if we stop blaming the left. Many people who are left regard this as a sick cult too. Those who have bought into this fail to realize they are pawns in a bigger power struggle, and they are contributing pawns.

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I will continue "blaming" the Left, because none of this INSANITY is coming from the RIGHT... unless they are RINOs

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The Right Wing wants women destroyed entirely or enslaved again.

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I don't see this as from Leftists at all. The Right Wing are even more female-hating with wanting to eliminate what rights we gained.

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Right... MURDERING your unborn Children is one of those Unalienable Rights granted by GOD and written in the Constitution.

What have I written above have to do with Female Hating? According to Leftists MEN can birth Babies too, therefor they can also abort them!

So, you are a Lesbian.... that make you a sick puppy too!

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Look in the mirror for your insults.

Being a Lesbian is the best possible life for women. God is a fantasy.

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Your "lifestyle" is a fantasy, based on lust, not LOVE!!

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You have no idea what a Lesbian is. We are love, unlike men. And our lives are not a "lifestyle."

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Also, meant to add something re.: the author’s point about balancing competing rights, something I heard once and always remembered: your rights end where mine begin!

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When I saw the title of this essay pop up in my email today, I couldn’t believe the timing! Just last week I was researching going to this park and saw that the 175th anniversary celebration was coming up. I looked at the list of speakers and saw that a Dr. Paisley Currah would be speaking about transgender rights- Currah is a transgender man- so in other words, someone who opted out of being a woman! And he’s going to speak at this event. I will definitely be writing some letters.

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I am about to fashion my letter to the Women's Rights National Historical Park, but I need to calm down sufficiently so that I can think clearly. Being in a rage makes that difficult.

Before I get to work, I want to correct an oversight in my first comment earlier today. I should have complimented the author on how well written this article is. Its eloquence, rigor and thoroughness are stunning. I won't quote the text verbatim, but I will borrow some of its ideas. Thank you for confronting the park employees, although it's no surprise that they couldn't/wouldn't be helpful. They just work there, literally. The pro-trans policy comes from the office of the President.

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I noted the smirk from the younger male employee. Thank God there are still men that don't hate women (the older ranger), but there are some (straight) men that seem to be enjoying the degrading of women. I expect the younger male falls in that category.

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Yes I noticed that too. You may be right about the younger man being a misogynist. But it occurs to me that because of his age, he is more likely to be "woke" than his older coworker. As you know, being pro-trans is mandatory for anyone who identifies as a "good person" (i.e. a progressive), and this is particularly true with the younger generation. So his smirk could have been a sneer of disdain and disrespect toward someone he assumed has conservative views.

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Yes, and joining the woke bandwagon on this issue is one way a misogynist can attack females while hiding behind being a "good person." I am going to assume he fits that bill. There's a few reasons Big Trans is centered in the US and UK, where females have the same Constitutional protections as males. It's a backlash to that, imo, and destroying children is also a way for the Marxists to completely undermine our society. It's as if 4chan, the pedos, the Marxists, the racists, and those types of women who write love letters to serial killers have all joined forces to completely destroy us.

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Good for you! We need to get just as loud and assertive in protecting our rights as they are. If we don't, we'll lose.

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Regarding the NPS sign about queer snails--

"Contribute your ideas on the back"

Oh, if only I were there with a Sharpie in my hand!

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