Hi, I translated to Portuguese and published in our website, ´No Corpo Certo´ (´In the right body´). I hope it´s ok. Link: [ https://nocorpocerto.com/perdemos-a-nossa-filha-para-uma-seita/ ]

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Any person that knows cult patterns knows transgenderism is a cult. Beside other things (Big Pharma, a men´s right´s movement, an anti-LGB attack...)

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I so agree & sadly in the same boat. I read Abigail Shrier’s book “irreversible damage” two years ago as my daughter was pulling away from me, growing out her body hair, wearing men’s clothes and deodorant, etc, cutting her hair off and binding- it scared me to death. I couldn’t even finish the book thinking about what the future could be like and her cutting me off if this continued…sadly two years later, I have watched this all unfold, despite my many attempts to try to intervene and try to help.

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I am sorry, Kelley. I hope someday she leaves the trans cult.

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This is heartbreaking... Every single child converting to the transgenderism cult (and yes, it's most definitely a cult: https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/why-are-so-many-children-declaring) is one too much.

Time is important, yes. I really hope that she'll come around before making irreversible choices.

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Remember that old chestnut, "Better to have a live Trans=son than a dead daughter. Well in my case our daughter has a life threatening condition. She needs her medication. Which is expensive if you don't have insurance.

The cult that lured my daughter away apparently isn't funding this need of hers. We have gotten two calls from two pharmacies in two different states where she tired to fill a prescription but never picked it up. Probably because she can't afford it.

So yes, I'll take my chances on a dead daughter over a trans-boy. I would never have stopped supporting her financially even if she did transition as an adult. She is 19.

I didn't get the chance. The trans cult got her. They are letting her die. Probably while transitioning. They think, better to have a dead trans-boy in their clutches rather than a less than fully supportive but sill loving home with two parents.

By the way, she was never suicidal. They just told her she would be if she stayed with us. Not taking her meds is tantamount to suicide but do they care? S long as the suicide is while she is with them, no, that is better than letting us help her because we might use the wrong pronouns. Wrong pronouns them that is a fate worse than death. Hypocrites.

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I am sorry, Dad. These people are evil.

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Our son was caught by the gay cult. Same behavior as the one you describe... There is no reasoning with him. Beyond his talking points, he gets offended, gets up and leaves. He is a complete different person. I would have not send him to college knowing what I now know...

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I've read it. Joyce is unreliable on this, because she doesn't understand the nature of the gay lifestyle. This includes nonhomosexual types, but they are encouraged to be part of it, and respond because they do not see an alternative. This is a major problem with relying on self-ID. Amongst males, nonhomosexual (Autogynephilic) transitioners are appearing younger, but these almost all self-ID as 'gay' though they are not homosexual, prior to transition. Amongst girls there has been a massive uptick in nonhomosexual transition desire over the last 20 years. (In 1999 there had been 3 identified cases, globally, of non homosexual gender dysphoria in females). Many of these have a condition called 'autohomoeroticism' (don't shoot me, I didn't coin it) who have a delusional fantasy of having sex with gay men, as gay men theselves. This seems to be because they have been conditioned, by feminists, to hate masculine men. Others are annalloerotic or may practice sororal relations with other young females. All of this makes the ground very hard to navigate. However, the numbers of actual homosexuals appear to remain pretty static. We need a lot more research on this, but basically it's a career-killer. Look what happened to Dr Littman.

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Feminism has always been confused. If you look at eg Judith Butler, it's very clear that her ideas are central both to 'queer' ideology and the trans cult. And she is but one of many.

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She was never a feminist, despite what she says. Why are you blaming women?

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I don't consider Judith Butler a feminist. I think of her as the originator of queer theory that is now being taught in our universities with no scientific basis. See "Cynical Theories" by James Lindsay. Women's Studies isn't being taught anymore - now it is Gender Studies. Go back to Simone de Beauvoir to find a feminist.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

I'm so sorry about your daughter. I think the "Q" analogy is faulty though. All liars use some truth to sound convincing, often interjecting stealth propaganda while stating obvious facts. Someone (who isn't a Rothschild) once said: "The only cult in History[Q] 1. No one has met the leader 2. The leader insists you think for yourself 3. Promotes non-violence and truth 4. Our sole weapons are logic & research." The same mainstream media who uses fear and shaming tactics against concerned/skeptical mothers and fathers of gender dysphoric youth, uses mockery and ridicule, of not only Q "anons", but everyone who researches any of the issues this "cult" aims to expose & dismantle. I don't know anyone who supports pedophilia and child trafficking, but it's true, my real life friends and family would rather pretend it doesn't exist. Reading Q posts, or the interpretations by anons never caused an iota of estrangement from my friends or family. And no one gets a dopamine rush from these topics, but it helps to know that others care. Q is the antithesis of the gender engineering genital mutilators.

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This is right and thank you. The form of feminism currently active in the US is toxic.

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it´s not feminism, it´s men´s rights movement.

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Totally right! Exactly how our daughter started this cult seven years ago and still struggling but we’re fighting for her because in the end love will win.

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I wonder... People who make up this crap, are they scoundrels or idiots?

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evil, paedos, greedy doctors... many reasons

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Some of each?

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Radical left all over the country.

Big Moomin fan too.💙

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I believe I saw it on Substack Glunner update update

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I was once in a cult for about 2 years. The full unraveling took about 5. What happened to free me from it was a crisis. I was promised certain outcomes if I was 'genuine' and 'dedicated' and though I was fully committed to the process, I still ended up out the door on my butt as soon as I did not meet the criteria for perfect membership.

What made it confusing was, there were things we were taught that WERE true, mixed in with a bunch of crazy. What helped me exit was sane people. Patient sane people who let me rant a little. Helped me sort out the crazy.

There was some 'other' place to go when I was no longer 'pure' enough to be in the group. I try and remind all of my 'conservative' friends that if we do not act sane and compassionate, these religious zealots will have nowhere to go when they too end up out the door on their butt...and they all do. "The Herd is gonna trample you down"

Those are all good directions at the end of your post. The 'good news' is that the truth doesn't move around, it doesn't need advocates, and it doesn't care what I think about it... it just is. Like a certain 1st century rabbi said "You will know the truth and it will set you free"...and they will. Hang in there.

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"I was once in a cult for about 2 years. The full unraveling took about 5".

I think the full unraveling does take time. I have a daughter who "ROGDed" some years ago now but I think she's gonna be OK and she did not self harm so we are lucky. But, it's been a nightmare for the family and I worry. I want her to just keep busy and healthy and I don't bring up the subject. I'm there for her. Maybe it is mostly past but not 100%...

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You cant win this game. After five month hospital treatment, negative diagnosis of being trans and therapie from non affirmative psychiatrist, chronical suicidal ideations and two suicide attempts I gave in. Now it's a boy.

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Fk. Pain. Sorry.

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She is a perfect match for a detransitioner: not masculine at all, extremely gifted, at the end of autistic spectrum, desperately lonely, with low social skills. There is nothing we could do to stop her. She doesn't listen to anyone. She can't answer the question of the therapist: "what are your strengths?", But she is adamant, she knows herself at best to choose a new sex.

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My daughter sounds just like yours☹️ It seems so hopeless going through this. Even to have a speck of relationship with our daughter there is this emotional blackmail. And there is no tolerance for any truth. I get so discouraged because I don't feel that I can rightfully go along with her lie, but the only way she let's us in is if we agree to call her by her chosen male name AND call her my son. I have younger children. How do we walk this lie and expect my younger ones to be formed in truth at the same time? It is all such craziness with broken hearts all around💔

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