I might be too hopeful, but your words warrant a standing ovation. Or at the very least, a dumbfounded audience snapped out of their trance!

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Excellent! Good for you! I hope your poem is read by millions around the world. Keep talking, keeping telling the truth, keep pushing back, and keep spreading the news about the trans lies. I am proud of you and hope you keep expressing yourself. Other kids need to hear you voice and read your words. Thank you!

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This is wonderful! Thanks for gifting us with this powerful essay of truth and hope. Just imagine a line of PITT parents lining up to give you a great big hug as I’m sure I’m not the only one that would love to do just that.

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thank you

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This is fantastic. You have a real talent there!

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A brave and beautiful poem. Stand up, God sees you.

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Jan 12
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If you are looking for hate here, you will not find it.

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God loves everyone!!

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Did my comment cause you to manifest? Do you really think I would open a link after that comment? God sees you too.

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Jan 12
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You mean, my non-existent court record? Or the one in your imagination?

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Jan 12
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Wow, I must have missed that episode. Seek Jesus, He can help you, but you have to ask Him.

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Your voice is so powerful, THANK YOU for taking this opportunity to use it! I expect you will impact many!

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So clearly written. This world is full of suffering but a clear mind and a good heart will help you your whole life. May you be a light against the darkness

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Amazing that such a young mind can be so much more astute and articulate than a large number of well educated adults (who should know better!) I see evidence of a future hero in this essay. Keep up the good work!!

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Excellent - and the bravest souls are those telling the truth. So well done, thank you for sharing!

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Wow, super curious to hear the response from your teachers and peers. What a powerful statement.

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Especially the part about the reinforcement of gender stereotypes. Nobody talks about that.

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I wish everyone would read this. This is exactly what everyone needs to know.

It is so well written and rings true.

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Keep speaking up with courage. Keep being YOU!

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Smart and strong, like a desister

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I love free verse. God Bless.

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Great job, author! I would love to know how your teacher received this poem.

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