Wait, what's wrong with Sophia? It means wisdom. . .

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Just another step towards conformity. Take the anti-trans element (or "pro-reality" or whatever you tell yourselves to sleep at night as you alienate yourself from your kids) out of this letter and it's just somebody bitching about weird names.

Oh, they'll be bullied with weird names? They'll be bullied without them, so who cares. They are children, so out of your sight they are barely-socialized feral creatures who will bully for any reason. Don't use it as an excuse for bland names.

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Curious about this myself

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

I'm unlikely to use such a ridiculous name for someone if they weren't born with it. I'm much more likely to avoid saying their name at all....or avoid them entirely. I'm definitely avoiding the pronouns that go along with it.

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Once years ago I was in a conversation with a pleasant mother who was trying to get me to say "he" regarding her daughter. I just said "your kid" and avoided the crazy name and pronoun. I wasn't going to do that to the girl.

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That is exactly what I'd do. That way you're not being "disrespectful" as they say and your speech isn't being compelled.

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Have you noticed that acquaintances & neighbors will get excited if they think they've "encountered one"? They'll discusses talking points of the ideology and say things like "Language is so important." Do you suppose it makes them feel like a good progressive?

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In real life, I don't know anyone that goes along with this stuff, thankfully. However, I've encountered many online and yea. They not only think they're good little progressives, but they think they're good people, in general. They're patting themselves on the back and marking their virtue signal points. They must have some grading system and trophies for that sbit. 😂

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Yeah. I think that it has captured a lot of very educated people who think they are really really good and want to signal it & show that they are as far away from any sort of "cave man" conservative thinking as possible. And, even though most of the US might not believe in Gender Ideology it seems to have captured the laws and universities in just about every state: https://genspect.org/local/ It is dangerous to send your daughter to college now where hormones & surgery are increasingly paid for (as tuition goes up?)

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Yea, it seems like the more educated are the most cult like. Colleges have been turned into indoctrination centers. It's sad.

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Very sad. Even more sad is that now many are indoctrinated prior to college and then the University pays for cross-sex hormones and double mastectomies without informing parents. Have a look at https://genspect.org/local/ which breaks it down by state and lists colleges that do this. I've read family stories of it on 4thWaveNow

I think Gender Ideology started as a PhD thesis of Judith Butler - or something like that - and then jumped the rails.

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Yeah, nownthey put em on this path as little kids. This is likely why the govt is currently pushing for universal pre-K. They want our kids younger so they're indoctrinated younger.

I'll check out. Have you ever watched New Discourses? He talks a lot about CRT, but he discusses critical theories in general. He has a series he did recently of 3 videos called Groomer Schools. Very much worth the watch.

There's also The Reason We Learn channel who talks about thebcrazy stuff going on in schools, as well.

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I wish I raised my kids where you live. I literally walk out of the house and encounter apparent true believers who seem oblivious to the harm/destruction of young lives.

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That's terrible. And it seems like it is impossible to get them to wake up. They're all so entrenched into the cult. I think as more desist and detrans and the harms are wider known, they'll wake up. It can't happen fast enough when kids are being hurt in the meantime though. 😔

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Mia figlia ha scelto di chiamarsi Lyell


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