I completely understand what you mean about feeding "suicidalism" to a child being groomed by the transgenderists.

I can tell you, from experience, that the nurse who asked your son about suicidalism was doing something completely different: she was putting a concrete face onto the nebulous shifting feelings of grief, rage, pain, and despair that someone in his situation would reasonably suffer. By doing this, she moved those feelings out of the uncontrollable range of of "things that happen to us" and into the controllable range of "things we choose."

This is a really important and incredibly successful technique when dealing with potential suicidalism--*a suicidalism that would be perfectly normal in someone facing death*.

When your son is faced with this question, he gets to tell the truth: either, "Yes, I am have thoughts of suicide and I need immediate help," or "No, I'm not really, I'm just upset and need help over the long-term."

Either way, it's his decision. And that gives him power over his feelings.

It's all based on his situation: a young person facing an actual medically-diagnosed terminal illness, which DOES reasonably lead to fear of death, vs a young person being groomed about her nebulous feelings about adolescence, which do NOT reasonably lead to fear of death.

It's about staying rooted in the real world.

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I'm speechless. This is amazing. Publish it further, please. I wish I could hug you in thanks for putting my disorganized thoughts into writing.

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Strong Momma! You lift my heart with your grace! I love this idea of going after the suicide myth! It is at the root of so many of the myths around this “care” model! We need a mantra…

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My heart goes out to you and your family. I cannot imagine how difficult it has been. From that compassion I would like to offer an alternative perspective to your comment: "His treatment is life-saving and medically necessary."

The reason I would like to share my story below is that just as trans ideology is driven by profits, so is the cancer industry. I know. I've had cancer twice. So have 6 other women in my family. I'm so grateful that a dear friend, was a holistic nutritionist, implored me to read and learn about alternative cancer treatment. After reading extensively about the truth about the cancer industry, I decided not to do chemo/radiation and just do surgery and chose to only have the tumour removed. Another motivation for seeking out alternative treatments was that I also watched as my older was sister left permanently disabled by her chemo/radiation. I recognized that there was much more to the story of cancer and cancer therapies than we're told in the media. .

So, after researching many different holistic therapies and lifestyle changes I have applied them in my life with great success. However, my younger sister - same cancer diagnosis - was coerced into chemo/radiation by her employer who would not provide her with disability income otherwise and died after her second round. She intuitively knew it would kill her and said so to us, her family. It was harrowing dealing with doctors who treated me/us with such disrespect and contempt. I plan to write a book someday to share my experience.

Fast forward to today - 8 years after my second cancer diagnosis and surgery - I am clear and healthy. However, I'm still mourning the death of my baby sister (who passed at age 53) and angry that she was not given the option to use the same therapy as i did.

As an ironic and tragic aside, the dear friend who provided me with the information that I believe saved my life and my health, decided one day, at age 44, that she was a man trapped in a woman's body. I believe she fell for the trans ideology because her abusive parents constantly told her as a child they wished she had been a boy. She went through a mastectomy, lost her home, her husband, and her children because it destroyed her relationship to her family. I was gutted as I saw this incredibly intelligent, caring woman's life become pure hell. I don't know where she is today.

I'm sharing this because there are so many overlaps between how trans kids are treated as a profit centre as are cancer patients. I wish for you and your family radical healing from these horrible social and environmental diseases and I send my heartfelt support on your journey becoming stronger and more fiercely protective of all your children. The human body is remarkably resilient. So is the human spirit. Thank you for sharing your story and allowing me to share mine. If you're open to having a conversation about cancer or

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I'm sorry to hear what you went through. Harmful medical interventions almost destroyed my family a few years ago. But parents of sick/distressed children feel they have no choice but to listen to doctors. My son survived but was traumatised, and now "thinks he might be trans". He tried to commit suicide last week. He is only 15.

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This is so very tragic. I'm so sorry to hear this. Children are the ones who suffer the most through everything that's happening today.

This is what makes the medical system so diabolical. They've convinced the public that there is NO alternative when there are MANY other options and healing modalities. They are censored, ridiculed or labelled quackery, but when you see the harm done by the medical system and the atrocities they've committed, they are not only ignorant but malevolent. They know that alternative healing solutions are not as profitable, so they destroy their competition.

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This is the truth right here: “Look, I know things are really hard right now but it will get better. We’re here for you and are going to take very good care of you.” Why hasn’t anyone except PITT parents and allies thought to say these same words to trans identified kids? “Life is hard sometimes but you can get through this.” You made so many valid points comparing cancer to transgender and the different treatments and acceptance for both. The suicide ploy is out of control and giving these confused kids that kind of power even if they aren't thinking about suicide opens the door for them to do so or at least threaten to do it! The last thing these groomed kids need is another excuse to go deeper into the trans-cult rabbit hole. I hope your daughter and son continue to heal.

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Colin Wright from Realit's Last Stand shares this with us today! PLEASE SHARE! GOD BLESS!


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One morning last winter when my son was particularly upset with me. I had accidentally used his real birth name. He yelled at me ‘my options are to commit suicide or run away’. He gave me a got ya look. I rolled my eyes and said “oh come on.... you think you are the only one depressed here, you think I don’t cry daily about this. So you’re depressed, get in line”. To that he said coldly “I HATE YOU”. I said “A teen that hates their mom is not very original. I love you and have a good day’. I left for work. May not have handled it the best. But I was very glad for all the information I had received from this site and others. It has been a year since his trans proclamation. He is not on any meds. He does shave body hair, but other than the long hair and black nails (he looks more goth than trans), he hasn’t pushed ahead. He is still only socialized as trans online and with his older sister, not at school. He is taking an interest in previous activities and is back to being respectful to his dad and I. I am hopeful. We just take it a day at a time.

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The phenomenon really should be studied. The kids put all their frustrations in not being the popular kid into this obsession and get online popularity. In the real world they are angrier than ever.

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When it comes to the effect of estrogen on the male body, there is no debate at all - estrogen is lethal for men. Except that, unlike other poisons, estrogen kills these young men slowly over the next several decades. Research in the last few years on the effects of estrogen on trans women has been coming in thick and fast, and it is all alarming.

The most alarming of all is its effect on the brain. Through myriad mechanisms, estrogen changes the brain, from reducing the hippocampal volume to serum BDNF levels (which leads to depressive disorders), reducing gray matter, reducing cortical white matter integrity, and decreasing brain cortical volume, leading to neuropathologies from Alzheimer's to schizophrenia, mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, drug dependence, and mental retardation

The deleterious effects of estrogen do not end there. They change the body's immune responses, leading to a host of autoimmune diseases. And then, there are the established effects on the cardiovascular system and different kinds of cancers.

All this research is put together in one place at https://bit.ly/estro_on_men. All the links lead to the original publications, with screenshots from the original publications included. Whether psychologically or physiologically, estrogen is very bad for the (natal) male body.

That conclusion does not mean that the young men aren't suffering, just that the therapy for them doesn't bring them any balm at all. Rather, it causes iatrogenic harm with not a single upside, psychological or physiological.

The analogy that I can think of is this: it is as if the medical community is saying that since cancer patients are suffering, we should administer cyanide capsules because some “experts” within the community have suddenly decided, without evidence, that cyanide will help these patients. The patients need help, but cyanide is not the answer.

If our medicine is to be guided by evidence, is there any scientific reason to consider treating men with estrogen differently? And how long can the medical establishment – e.g., the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, or the Endocrine Society – continue to disregard this evidence of iatrogenic harm? For every day that they fail to act, some more young men are being pushed further toward their untimely death.

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One would at least be a quick death with minimal suffering. That one is not decades of wrong medicine.

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In 30 minutes the Texas House of Reps will be in session in regards to SB14 if approved WILL end the Madness in Texas. Watch live and Pray!


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It is so infuriating. I’m hoping for the best for your son.

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Truth is no teen knows what they will want at 30.

Keep strong for both your kids.

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Called to speak up

Next, ice cube, Mexican Style!!!


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The complete surrender to activist language by the media is amazing. "Top surgery" means mastectomy. "Life saving affirming" means castration and osteoporosis from wrong sex hormones. "Women have periods" is genocide.

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Bravo madam!! Excellent writing and research. I have lost my son, but I have found my voice finally! I speak the truth to anyone who has ears!

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I'm sorry for your loss. My son is deep into the trans cult. It feels so unfair and so terribly sad.

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I too am sorry for you. It’s the loneliest, most excruciating pain.

I’m going to do whatever I can to expose this for what it is. There’s nothing left to lose for me, but maybe we can save your son at some point-my prayer for you. I still have the slightest fantasy hope that I will be reunited with my son. 2023 has shown more progress than the last 10 years.

Godspeed 🙏

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The Truth is A powerful Weapon.

Listen to Ted Cruz in this Battle


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