I tried and failed to get these stories into the mainstream media! But I do think they're catching on, slowly, and late, but eventually.

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I hope to be seeing your articles in the mainstream media soon. I hope the tide is turning.

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The tide is absolutely turning my friend. The movement to end child mutilation in the form of "gender affirming care" in the USA is massive right now. Eventually we got so loud that they couldn't ignore us anymore. This is why you see the Tennessee Governor proudly sharing his stance that is against it, and Tennessee also banned this process in minors.

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As a Transwidow I am concerned about psychiatrists failing to ask about the co-morbidities of transsexual adult men - e.g. my now dead trans husband (as he was then). Of course I didn't want to divorce him: I wanted a psychotherapist to lead him out of his delusion, to give him back his sense of hope and direction as the very loved father which he was for 7-8 years. Watching my husband degenerate into a selfish, capricious teenager on a bad day every day for years on end was certainly heart-breaking to me as the "remaining adult". When, oh when will psychiatrists start telling their adult patients the TRUTH that sex is real, binary and immutable and that this truth also applies to the patients? No one can live a healthy life in a DELUDED state. There is such a thing as reality. I call the UK's "Gender Recognition" Act 2004 a "flat Earth" Act: it legitimizes an impossibility!

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Here is how parents can file complaints with state agencies that investigate discrimination. Grouping or labeling kids as lgbtq is a form of illegal discrimination in 45 states and really federally. Here is how to file complaints. https://justingaffneysamuels.substack.com/p/how-to-complain-to-state-agencies?sd=pf

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Luckily we have Substack and many writers on this subject. Some that I follow are Colin Wright, Eliza Mondegreen, Bari Weiss, Abigail Shrier, and Helen Joyce.

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The Florida medical ban likely happened in part due to complaints. All concerned parties should complain to the relevant state agencies concerning medical care and concerning education. That way at least there can be investigations and these matters will be on the public record. No need to wait for journalists.

Sex discrimination is illegal under federal and state law. If there is blatant discrimination in favor of lgbtq complain to both the US Department of Education and whatever agency handles discrimination in your home state.

If your child has been directly groomed get a lawyer.

Meanwhile, continue to share things online.

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I agree with everyone’s comments. For sure it’s to do with fear, journalists, those in academia & the medical profession all with family’s to feed, but with a stack of stories & material good to go when this finally breaks. They are not the JK Rowlings of the world.

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Those people are all Democrats and do not want to damage the Democratic Party in anyway. Plus the mainly believe in gender ideology and critical race theory. This has nothing to do with mouths to feed.

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Depressingly true, & once referred it’s over. My son talks to a therapist on ‘better health’, I dread to think what kind of ‘help’ he is getting.

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“Why not be the investigative journalist that breaks this story in a big way?”

I have been wondering this too! Certainly there’s some young investigative journalist willing to take every risk for the chance of breaking a big story. Or an older journalist wanting to be the one to explode this story. I get there are publications like the NYT or WaPo that won’t let it happen, but what about a midsized paper, like from Baltimore, Atlanta, or Houston? Doesn’t *someone* want to break this?

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No. You will have to read about this on Substack or in independent platforms. You can watch YouTube videos on this, or see the Daily Wire covering this. Or read Tweets on Twitter.

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Yes. They've been vilified by the captured T Parents.

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Yes, where have all the 'real, truthful' journalists gone?

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Barbara: I worked in "mainstream media" for more than 20 years. I landed at The Epoch Times recently and have written quite a bit on this topic. Here's a link to one of my stories: https://www.theepochtimes.com/39-states-take-sides-in-pivotal-trial-over-ban-on-child-transgender-surgeries_4785726.html?utm_source=share-btn-copylink We also have a magazine that devoted a whole issue to "Transgenderism in America" a couple months ago. Please spread the word that my publication is trying hard to explore this issue truthfully.

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Biden is a big advocate of childhood trans procedures. He and his handlers are not going to allow any negative press about this issue.

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That's correct. Which is exactly why we need a Moderate Party. This country has needed a viable third party for decades. Independents tried but were too radical and uncompromising.

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Yes. Through the parent groups I'm in. Each one knows of several other parents with "Trans" kids.

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Can you say more about these groups? Are they parent-support groups for kids who are trans-ID'd?

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Thanks for your explanation. I hear what you say about turning the kids into adversaries. My daughter desisted more than 4 years ago so I’m not looking for myself—just wanted to understand your experience. Peace—

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Don't expect anything from mainstream media anymore. It's bought and sold by globalist-agenda governments determined to promote particular narratives. No editor will publish any of this. That's why all the actual journalists are on free-speech platforms. For the time being, Substack doesn't censor, so many are here. But nothing is certain anymore.

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YES! Thank you for your post! As the mother of a daughter who was part of this trans brainwashing journey, I applaud and appreciate your post. Sadly, my daughter is permanently scarred because society glorified the transgender lies. It is my job as a parent to speak up. What happened to my child should never ever happen to any child. A tragedy that could have easily been avoided had the professionals involved been open and honest with this mother.

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Then you're not looking very hard. There are videos all over YouTube and in online groups run by Dem parents.

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