This beautiful piece was read out loud at a Let Women Speak LA event with Kellie Jay.
I recently had a lovely dinner with some mom's from my support group. As we were talking someone mentioned when this whole Trans thing blows over, something along the lines of” will they think of how this hurt us parents? “ I started thinking in all this child centered agenda of the push for acceptance of your child announcing their new gender identity. Who is thinking about the parents? The government isn’t thinking of the parents with their new push to “gender affirming care.” AKA genital mutilation and double mastectomies and hormone drugs for kids. Doesn’t seem like caring to me. More like Eugenics. My state of California dosen’t care about us parents as Governor Newsom passes SB107 that makes us a gender affirming sanctuary state. A cash cow for everyone with their hands in the cookie jar poised to profit on confused kids and their homophobic parents.
The schools aren’t caring. When they secretly call your daughter or son by another name, gender and pronoun behind your back. They do this hiding behind of the law AB1266 that gives them rights to usurp your parental rights. They don’t care about the love and care you put into choosing your child’s name. Therapists don’t care when you come to them for your child to seek care for their confusion and mental destress. They actually tell the child you the parent are the problem because you won’t affirm them in their delusion. The Trans activists don’t care. They tell your kid you the parent are the toxic one. The transphobe the bigot. Because you believe in the reality of biological two sexes. The doctors don’t care because all they see are dollar signs. The glitter moms who buy into the lie don’t care. They think you should just give up your child to the alter of the gender gods for body sacrifice.
You know who is a caring about the parents? I found out early on when I got snarled into the net with my daughter one year ago. I was totally new to Twitter. It was a gay man named Mr. Menno. He cared. He cared enough to send me a tiny account of 6 followers a video of mom’s talking about their journey with this Trans phenomena. He told me to “ buckle up for the bumpy ride.” Then it was a Radfem named Kara Dansky she showed me she cared about me as a parent. Then little by little more and more Gender Critical people from all over the world, ROGD parents, gay men and women showed me they cared. Then something happened in March of last year. I posted something about women’s rights during women’s history month. Posie Parker took notice. Because all of a sudden over night I had gone from 600 followers to 1600 followers all showing me they cared. Then a mom named Lynn who lost her son and daughter to this cult showed me she cared. She took the time to talk with me on the phone and she invited me to join her private parent group. I am no longer on Twitter because when you speak the truth the permanently suspend your account.
Then I joined a private local group for parents like myself a group of loving moms of ROGD kids. They showed me they cared as we sat in the shade of a old tree in a park. Sharing our stories our tears, our fears and our deep love for our kids. Now one of these moms I call friend and a few more have come into my life from that group have showed me they care. A radical feminist lesbian Joey Brite showed me she cared. She is now my friend. Detransitioners have showed me they care. “When Richie the young British man who was rushed into gender surgery told me “keep calling my daughter by her pet name.” He showed me he cared. When a teen who used to think she was Trans shared with me her story of how she thought that she was Trans and how she stopped. She showed me she cared.
With so much caring I am still pondering the question “who will care for all of us parents who have lost our kids to this cult of ideology of gender identity?” We will. We will band together. We will unite with gay people, women and men who are thinking critically, policy makers that hold the line in reality and speaking loudly that no one is born in the wrong body. That Trans is a lie and it isn’t real.
We will pick up our broken pieces and patch them back together. Humans are resilient like that. We will move forward, forever changed. We will recall we were on the right side of history. All the people shouting into the canyon as they say of the echo chamber. The echo is being heard one voice at a time. Bouncing back at us. Letting us know we are not alone. All those voices screaming Trans is lie. That’s who will care for the parents.
For more by this author please click here.
So one thing that this whole trans movement has made apparent to me is that at least in the state of California, law favors the judgement of the minor over the parent, and it has been so for at least 8 years. This link is a pocket description of what a minor can a) consent to without their parent’s input and b) forbid the provider from notifying the parent about:
In my mind, I hear the justification that this poor child was raped by their parent and should be able to consent to abortion or healthcare services without involving their abuser.
But Let this sink in.
The assumption that a parent is the abuser is The DEFAULT.
According to the state of Ca, the default expectation is that parents are not the people who guide and nuture their offspring into adulthood, but rather are criminal abusers who defile children on such a majority scale that the law gives the power of consent over every manner of medical treatment to a child 12 years or older.
This is upside down.
California Parents need to reclaim their rights to protect their children.
Needed this so bad this very moment!