Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

So one thing that this whole trans movement has made apparent to me is that at least in the state of California, law favors the judgement of the minor over the parent, and it has been so for at least 8 years. This link is a pocket description of what a minor can a) consent to without their parent’s input and b) forbid the provider from notifying the parent about: https://www.chhs.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Committees/California-Child-Welfare-Council/CSEC-Program-Convening/CA-Moinior-Consent-and-Confidentiality-Laws.pdf

In my mind, I hear the justification that this poor child was raped by their parent and should be able to consent to abortion or healthcare services without involving their abuser.

But Let this sink in.

The assumption that a parent is the abuser is The DEFAULT.

According to the state of Ca, the default expectation is that parents are not the people who guide and nuture their offspring into adulthood, but rather are criminal abusers who defile children on such a majority scale that the law gives the power of consent over every manner of medical treatment to a child 12 years or older.

This is upside down.

California Parents need to reclaim their rights to protect their children.

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Needed this so bad this very moment!

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Thanks for this, and for all the people who care for we parents. Also, get back on Twitter--with Musk’s purchase of the company things have opened up overnight in terms of being able to speak truth.

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For some reason I cannot see the replies to my comment by Coastal Elite, they only show in my email. However, I want to thank you for replying.

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The issue with synthetic sex identities (what some call "trans") is that it is simply evil and wrong.

Here we see the basic problem. If you are liberal (which I was 7 years ago), you believe in the co-existence of adults who make reasoned decisions. You believe that all persons can exist if we allow other adults to govern themselves.

But this is the issue with synthetic sex identities is that, for purposes of self-justification, others MUST AGREE that the synthetic sex identity person is a valid person. The SSI person MUST CONVERT others. If doubt is expressed, this is the "crack in the Emperor's delusion about his new clothes".

But to the liberal world-view, there is no evil, just alternatives.

So, if you believe, as I do, that synthetic sex identities are more than "an alternative", you must leave the liberal world-view, and move to a more manichaen one, in which evil and good exist. Religious people have less difficulty with synthetic sex identities, because they admit the possibility of evil.

Thus, for those of us who find the SSI approach to be evil, the religious world-view, and the conservative world-view, are more comfortable and natural.

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I see you have read brilliant Jennifer Bilek who has come up with exactly what Trans is "synthetic sex identity."


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We are and will hold each other up; if not us, who? Thank you for a beautiful piece and reminding me, and all of us, who truly cares and that we are on the right side of history...I just wish it would all hurry up. Thank you for a wonderful read.

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Some of my friends back in Canada don't want to rock the boat politically or otherwise so they say and do nothing! In Australia I'm putting it out there, everywhere and getting my wrists slapped; hubby and I sign petition, and support the Australian Christian Lobby. I wish more parents would rise up en masse; my kids are adults; they like me survived puberty intact. In Wales, women get arrested if they complain and ask males to leave their toilets. Too many are allowing themselves to be brainwashed, meekly going along with the status quo! I'm glad my Mum isn't around to witness these atrocities!

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Nothing personal, but I stopped reading right here: "confused kids and their homophobic parents".

I'm tired of parents namecalling other parents. Gender confused kids aren't caused by homophobic parents. Period. Full stop.

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I am just stating facts. There are homophobic parents that rather Tran's their potentially gay child then just accept them. They can now come to my state and chop them up and put hormones in their child. Full stop. Period.

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You're saying that parents are getting their child jacked up on hormones and slicing off their private parts because they can't handle their child being gay? Seriously? That is the source of the current transgender craziness?

PITT here is fairly small, but 4th Wave and Trans Trend are both BIG communities mostly populated by progressive, left-wing parents who are completely appalled at what's being done to their kids. If homophobic parents are the ones driving this... how do you explain that?

If homophobic parents are the problem, why is the biggest push against medicalizing kids' gender issues coming from red states?

If religious bigots are the problem, why are Catholic schools essentially the only parts of the educational system pushing back against this?

Why are diverse, secular, urban, educated, wealthy people embracing gender ideology while poorer, whiter, rural places push back against it? Are Brooklyn and Georgetown really such hotbeds of homophobia while Dallas and Kansas City are cathedrals of sexual acceptance?

You're welcome to your theory, but it doesn't fit the prevailing facts at all.

More to the point, the purpose of all these groups is to provide help to parents who are struggling with how to navigate this lunacy, not try and lay blame.

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i wish that were true. unfortunately it has been well documented that many of the parents of trans id kids admitted they initially thought their child was gay and this was unacceptable to one or both parents and subsequently the parent independently determined their child was "trans". its well documented that the parents of both jazz jennings and kai shippley made extensive statements about how anguished they were that their young child exhibited gender non conforming behavior. they site this gnc behavior as the main reason they thought thier child was "trans". these parents preferred a trans child to a gay child and effectively sterilized their own child due to their own vanity or backward beliefs. 11 studys show 65-95% of kids grow out of gender dysphoria, as long as their not given gender meds or socially transitioned. in these studys they also asked participants their sexual orientation. turns out 65% of kids with gender dysphoria end up being gay. the last thing these kids need are homophobes lying to them telling them theyre "trans" and pushing them to sterilizing meds. this is wrong - even if the homophobes are the childs own parent.

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Thanks Kyle for explaining it to that person. I appreciate it. Sending you love and hope.

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I hope you will reconsider and finish the piece. The line should be interpreted as "what others call homophobic parents". She was speaking in the voice of the outsider.

As a person who used to support the alphabets, I no longer do, however. The moment that "LGB" joined with "TQ", they became the enemies of normal non-pathological persons. I no longer support LGB. They are the allies of TQ, and the enemies of families and parents.

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The T was force-teamed onto the LGB to gain greater acceptance for the T. LGBs have been fighting against the trans 'gender identity' nonsense and it was lesbian feminists who were the first to call out the dangers of trans. Janice Raymond, a lesbian feminist at the U of Mass, wrote her book, The Transsexual Empire, in 1979, warning of the dangers of trans. And lesbians and feminists have been calling it out for decades and getting abused for doing so. Transgenderism is misogynist and homophobic, is based on no material reality and reifies old stereotypes, it is totally regressive.

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Look at Malcolm Clark’s twitter. I think it is called twisterfilms. He has some eye opening threads about the real history of ‘transgenderism’ ( a rebrand) which was then called transvestism. This was very trad men who did not like gay men but they did enjoy dressing up (AGP).

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Yes, male, heterosexual cross-dressers w/ a fetish, autogynephiles (AGPs)/transvestic fetishists, men w/ paraphilias who are hostile to females and do not belong in female spaces. Many of these men are married (or have been) and have fathered children but decide to transition which can be quite unsettling to the man's wife and children. The ex-wives are known as 'transwidows' and some have spoken out on youtube about their experiences w/ these disordered men. If we legalize 'gender identity' as a protected category we are not only legalizing male fetishes we are supplanting women's/girls' hard won sex-based rights. Women were not historically denied rights b/c they 'identified' as women but b/c they were women.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Right on sister.✌️💪❤️

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Beautiful and very moving.

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What a beautiful, heart-rending piece. By standing together to commiserate and share your strategies, you're getting the truth out. Just like lobotomies, this era of transgenderism will become a large black, horrible blot in history. I am bombarding Facebook and Twitter with the truth; if everyone does the same, these social media sites will become overloaded with the truth, cause the truth always comes out, sooner or later. I applaud those detransitioners who now bravely stand against this depravity of child abuse and butchery. All parents and grandparents have to rise up.

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I have been putting info out there as well about the destructive trans cult and have been banned from youtube (under a different name) for doing so --I consider it a badge of honor. And yes, transitioning is sexual lobotomy, it should be outlawed. And heterosexual male cross-dressers w/ a fetish, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists, should not be in women's and girls' single-sex spaces. Those who pretend to be the opposite sex are perpetrating a fraud on the public.

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You mentioned Kara Dansky, here is her substack:


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Kara Dansky used to follow me and I followed her until I got permanently suspended on Twitter.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

You are correct that no one cares about the parents. We are simply the vessels to bring the next generation into the world. We can love them, feed them, care for every need great and small for a couple decades. But you better not ever think you have any emotional claim over the person that you nurtured for 15 or 20 years. How dare you want to keep your son as your son, or your daughter as your daughter. Don't you know you were never allowed to have any claim over the intense work you put into raising that child? You get no say. And if you do dare to have a say, you are a selfish bigot, an uncaring parent with a terribly closed mind, a religious zealot (or pick your insult and insert it here). Shut up and go away. You can love another person with everything in your being. But if that person wants to destroy themselves you have no say. You have to "celebrate" that. This is our world now.

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You are so right! Sending you love and hope.

After 18 years of being a stay at home mom and 9 if those spent home schooling my kids. I have no right to care to stop my beautiful daughter from harming herself. Society is backwards.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Spot -on. Parents' love and effort are mocked and denigrated.. My son, deep in his "female" escape fantasy, was stolen, and I am the villain for not celebrating his cruel gaslighting.

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Sending you love and hope.

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Some very telling points, here. I can only imagine what it must be like swimming against the tide in California. Mr Menno is great. Unfortunately I live in a rural area in Australia and I have found no other Mums to talk to. All the parents at my daughter's ex-school just think I am a bigot. My son has helped. And my lovely husband (not her Dad). Most people think my views are extreme (most of my friends are Greens voters, as was I..).

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You are the sane one. Definitely not the bigot. They are the captured ones.

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As much as being in this crazy space sucks, I likewise am grateful for the people who care. This beautifully written piece dovetails nicely into what I recently told someone - I've made more friends in two years than I've made in twenty! We are all in this together and share the bond of sorrow or uncertainty. I couldn't be in better company and I'm grateful to have them all in my life.

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Under this craziness: If someone wanted to self-identify as a Flat Rock...

Then you MUST fully support their delusions, otherwise, you are just a bigoted racist against igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic persons!

Not all Leftists buy into this insanity, even some ‘LGB’ people as well as the ‘T’ who have detransitioned, but it is primarily a movement overwhelmingly supported by people in the Leftwing, Democrats, and Liberals. I highly doubt that you will find many Rightwing, Republicans, or Conservatives in the mix!

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I am a lifelong Democrat and I know many Dems who do NOT support the craziness. We all feel politically helpless and homeless.

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Me too.

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I am certain that you and many others like you, do not support this insanity!

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Everyday is a challenge for me to find the positive in life and to be joyful. I think about the toll the last 6 years has taken on me and try to emotionally unchain myself for the sake of self-preservation. I can't help it. Fixating on it is like breathing to me - it just happens. My husband and son deserve a wife/mom who lives in the moment with them, not in the past of reliving the horror of the onset and not living in the future, where a glimmer of hope constantly duels with the thought of losing her forever. Life continues on whether I'm happy or not, sane or crazy - somethings got to give.

PITT has been my lifeline and God bless you all for being here and baring your souls. It is my safe space. I vow that no matter what happens in my life I will continue to fight for all of you and your children. Its the least I can do. Love you all.

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Sending love and hope.

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Thank you

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deletedOct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022
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You are so wonderful so send this advice and I appreciate it more than you know. I am trying to find peace in things like a smile from a baby, the morning sky or the sanctity of holy mass. Funny - I have been watching Everybody Loves Raymond and I never watched it before. I am drawn to things that take me back to a time before I was aware of any of this. Thank you again for the advice and encouragement and I pray your situation changes too.

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