Are you under the impression that trans kids just know who they are, and that transition is how they become their true self?
As parents of these trans identified teens you read about on the news, we beg to differ.
You see, our kids are smart, many of them extremely smart. In some ways they are wise beyond their years. We love them more than anything, and would and do put our lives on the line for them.
At the same time, in many ways, (and we say this in the most loving possible way as their parents) they are total idiots — just like we all were at their age. They are teens and, by definition, they are immature, moody, mercurial, lacking in judgement, rebellious, sarcastic, and impulsive.
In other words, our kids are just regular kids… except for the fact that they have been swept up in a socially contagious gender cult. They don’t know what they are asking for, they don’t think through consequences, and they should not be allowed to self-diagnose a life-altering condition that involves body modification through drugs and surgery.
We, the parents of PITT, communicate with our kids— and our kids feel comfortable talking to us as their trusted parents and caretakers. And, what you might not know, is that what our kids have told us highlights their total cluelessness and lack of understanding of cause and effect, choice and consequence. They have no realistic comprehension of what they can expect from “transition” and, instead, view it as an instant cure for their transient teenage angst, other existing disorders, woes, friendship difficulties, and love lives. Whatever transition may be, it certainly is not any of that.
So, before you start with the blah, blah, you’re just transphobic parents and TERFs, take a look at this representative sampling of why PITTs’ kids think they are trans — in their own words—and why, in their own words, they believe that “transition” is the cure.
Maybe after reading this, like us, you’d think twice about injecting children and young people with wrong sex hormones and puberty blockers, chemically sterilizing them, and enabling surgeries to lop off their healthy body parts.
I *know* I’m trans:
I like rom coms and lesbian porn. (male, 15 yrs old, US)
I felt euphoric when I put girl clothes on my Animal Crossing avatar. (male, 13 yrs, US)
I felt uncomfortable with my appearance and when I searched online, Reddit suggested a trans subreddit that I read. Then it all made perfect sense - I’m trans! (male, 15 yrs old, US)
A social worker I talked to at school said I was trans. I hadn't really thought about it before she brought it up, but it seems right to me. (male, 17 yrs old, US)
I don’t know how to explain why I feel trans, but it’s sort of like when you get a bad haircut that you know isn’t right for you. (male, 14 yrs old, US)
I know in my brain and I know my brain. (male, 15 yrs old, US)
I’m a girl because I like long hair, clothes for girls, hair clips, and make up. (male, 13 yrs old, US)
I like soft things and I am sensitive and kind and soft spoken. (male, 21 yrs old, US Note: known Sensory Processing Disorder).
I just feel like it. (female, 13 yrs old, US).
I don’t want to be anyone's arm candy and I don’t like my boobs now that I have them. (female, 21 yrs old, US)
Because I have gender dysphoria. Also, taking testosterone will allow me to have a muscular physique while working out less. (female, 15 yrs old, US. Note: Known eating disorder: exercise bulimia)
I don't know...I just feel like a boy. (female, 13 yrs old, US)
Because I prefer he/him pronouns and I have a boy brain. I feel like a boy. What does it mean to have a boy brain? I don't know, I just do. What does it feel like to be a boy? It feels like what I feel like. (female, 12 yrs old, US)
I prefer more masculine clothes and male pronouns, although I’m not opposed to feminine things and wearing dresses. I hate my breasts and my period, and how my body changed during puberty. (family, 17 yrs old, US)
Gender transition is the answer for me because…
I’ve had crushes on girls and boys, but transition will make me sure if I like girls or boys. (male, 13 yrs old, US)
It just will. (female, 21 yrs old, US)
Then I wouldn’t have to go through puberty. Male puberty would be too stressful for me. (male, 12 yrs old, US)
Once I’m on hormones, I can wear loud colors. (male, 14 years old, US)
I had a crush on a hot guy and I’m a guy. Reddit said when I’m a girl, the object of my desire will like me back. (male, 15 yrs old, US)
Our kids have really thought this through with some pretty sound logic, huh?
Still think our kids our trans? Better prove it before you interfere with our teens.
And when they go to an affirming MD, often no one explores! Most MDs don't even know to! -That is how they are advised to approach a kid who says they identify as transgender.
And the ones over 18 don't even need a medical evaluation, by the theory of "informed consent" (see how "informed" they are, just look above), they just get the drugs on demand. Online, even. Yes, legally.
As 48% of children referred to UK clinics have mild to severe autistic traits (possibly much higher as 70% are female & due to the coercive 'be nice' socialisation pressures female children are subjected to from birth they more often have much more masked presentations which are often missed) we also have to factor in how autistic children are likely to interpret social pressures & reasoning. Very worrying 'reasoning' in this article.