I am frankly appalled by parents like you. In a time of emotional turmoil and confusion have refused to authentically listen and try to understand your children. You would sooner turn to conversion therapy than actually take the time and effort to try to empathize and understand what they’re feeling. Instead you go to your own little echo chamber to cherrypick to the most inarticulate and awkward sounding descriptions of they’re feelings and then mock them for it. Disgusting.

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Well my now 45 year old husband after a couple years that I know of was on reddit and their subreddits convinced him via porn that he is trans! At first he claimed he was a cross dresser!! Reddit is a breeding ground of free filth and miss information! Do I believe he is trans I do know I tend to lean towards gay and ashamed but I have no real idea…. After he told me he wad a cross dresser I snooped and found out about reddit and it destroyed me the things I saw and read the utter filth turned my stomach. But he went full force got hormones changed his name and is presenting as a woman, but had male parts, his DL, SS card everything changed… how can I be married to someone who no longer legally exists? Good to these poor children, because even adults are being caught up in this new wave of, I can be what ever makes me happy atm and call it ..—@@;; and society says Im great, the society of perverts atleast on Reddit that site should be banned!!

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I wish I could have submitted my 17 year old female's explanation. "I'm a boy because I am". sigh....

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How do we get them back??!! My daughter thinks I'm transphobic. I pulled her out of school after the predator teachers affirmed her boyish nick name and changed her pronouns to he/they. She was a girl all her life and particularly the summer before grade 7. went to school in Sept, turned 12 and by October school had changed her identity. What do I do now? Home school seems only option as I think school is too dangerous for her. Might need a year of detransition school to bring her back. Could we start such a course? Anyone interested???

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This is so good, thank you. My kid also said similar things. This would be normal, teen exploration (and quite adorable too) - just trying on different ideas and finding out who you are - if insane adults weren't exploiting these kids and medicalising them for their own narcissistic ends.

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I've heard 'because I liked teddy bears for much longer than normal kids' Male, 15 yo, presenting with autistic symptoms from toddlerhood.

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Woops guess I'm trans as I collect plush toys in my late 20s!

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adult women who do not want to have children cannot get surgery to prevent, but are sold devices instead, and to the degree even lesbians are - meanwhile the medical industry is okay with creating perpetual trans patients

the way heterosexual women continue to be paternialized and lesbians experiencing a double dose, with disportionate impact of women of colour

meanwhile lesbians are being name called for not dating transwomen....

no wonder the children do not want to be like any of the adults who tell children to not name call

and everyone is valid except lesbians....


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As 48% of children referred to UK clinics have mild to severe autistic traits (possibly much higher as 70% are female & due to the coercive 'be nice' socialisation pressures female children are subjected to from birth they more often have much more masked presentations which are often missed) we also have to factor in how autistic children are likely to interpret social pressures & reasoning. Very worrying 'reasoning' in this article.

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and why words are being used as mix and match labels, and out of the meanings of the words, the dictionary meaning of words does not capture the full emotional meaning of words - which is why the word marriage was so fought over with those against calling it "same sex" to invoke gay anal sex disgust and those for said "same gender" to desexualize the phrase and have something gay men and lesbians could use and heteros could opt for opposite gender

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so not feeling like the heteronormative, and rather than considering gay or lesbian - teens and children are being allowed to alter their bodies -and lesbians are the most fetishized of women.. so male liking lesbians does not make them lesbians... demographics are not formed by self identification but of persons with shared characteristics

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And when they go to an affirming MD, often no one explores! Most MDs don't even know to!

https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/945974 -That is how they are advised to approach a kid who says they identify as transgender.

And the ones over 18 don't even need a medical evaluation, by the theory of "informed consent" (see how "informed" they are, just look above), they just get the drugs on demand. Online, even. Yes, legally.

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there is a problem when counselors diagnose all their patients with being transgender, being alien abducted or satanically ritually abused....

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text from a saved tweet: "The number of people currently claiming to have a gender identity is less than the number who were claiming aliens were probing their bumholes 20 years ago. Just because a phenomenon has been studied doesn't mean it exists outside a belief in it" @ Shatterface

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given that there are over 1000 known exoplanets with 26 systems close enough, I am not saying that alien abduction does not happen, and people certainly are abused by all religions - and I am not saying people with body dismorphia with a transgender subcategory do not exist. they most certainly exist. my comment was about the practioners who's entire client group is one of those three, regardless of what the person went in for in the first place.

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