Wonderful Colin Wright article in today's WSJ which speaks to the spread of Gender ideology:

"When Asked ‘What Are Your Pronouns,’ Don’t Answer

A seemingly innocuous question masks a demand for conformity with a regressive set of ideas."


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Way to go mom! Keep strong and supportive and don't waver! She is lucky to have you!

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Excellent. BRAVO !!!

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Brave. I wish you success.

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Perfectly well said. I’m sending this link to everyone I know.

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I couldn't agree more

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This is a truly amazing piece. So beautiful. So simple. So true. Thank you for writing this.

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Yes, T is different in many ways, but unlike LGB, it begins with a delusion that causes disassociation from reality. Unlike LGB's who can change orientation without major repercussions, once a child, adolescent, teen, or young adult starts on the delusional path of being T, they will never be able to fully experience who they would have been without puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgeries. Even if the fog clears, they get off drugs, and embrace their biological sex, they will never be able to recapture what was lost while they were on them. Delayed puberty will never be normal puberty.

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Excellent take from a parent on the difference! From an LGB perspective, the movement for LGB equality was Trojan-horsed by the T, and then the LGB was "force teamed" with the T into the so-called LGBT, creating foot soldiers for these bad ideas. Loving someone of the same sex has nothing at all in common with intense body dissociation, or extreme discomfort with one's assigned sex-based social role. It seems that people have been persuaded that the T is Gay 2.0, or "just another way to be gay." It is not. Now seemingly all attention and resources of LGBT Inc., as I call it, have been directed away from the needs of LGB communities and into promoting transgenderism. The movement for LGB equality was quite successful, and was a grass roots movement. The T, however, piggybacked onto that movement with astroturfed, corporate money from self-interested big donors. As Jennifer Bilek has pointed out, so-called "transgender" is an ad campaign to sell drugs and surgeries. The rainbow was hijacked, and the LGB is being used to legitimize this homophobic philosophy. The marketing campaign of transgenderism was initially directed at vulnerable LGB adults and non-conforming, potentially LGB kids, but the campaign has been so successful that now they'll take anyone's kid, as we see.

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Spot on!

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Well said.

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Such a succinct and easy discernment. It is the conflation of LGB and T that got us all here!

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You hit the nail on the head with this. You've made the absurdity of the WPATH recommendations quite clear, in a way that I find indisputable. In fact, I have read lots of articles and studies purporting to support these recommendations, and have yet to find a single argument that would even make me consider that these recommendations have any credence. It should be clear by now that being "transgender" is not like being gay or bisexual. It is not about simply finding certain people attractive and feeling like you want to be with people of the same sex in a sexual and/or romantic manner. It is about the "need" to chemically and/or surgically alter your body to appear as the opposite sex, and take on the identity of someone who was born the opposite sex. Such a "need" is contrary to healthy living (in that it requires drastic physical alterations that have known and unknown serious side effects, including sterility, increased chance of heart attack and/or stroke, bone density issues and more), and indicates severe mental and emotional distress that should not be ignored, but should instead be met with compassion and care. That compassion and care is not satisfied by shoving chemicals into these distressed people, and cutting off their healthy body parts. We as a society must re-think everything about this topic, and start by admitting that the current recommendations make no sense at all.

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And yes, WPATH can't tell you how many people think they need this, don't do it, and realize they had a narrow escape.

They can't even tell you how many people did it and then realized it was a mistake, worsened, regretted. A mystery!

I hope these facts become widely known, and soon!

Segm.org has a great compilation of the research and frequent updates (https://segm.org/news) as to what is being learned and how different countries and institutions are now responding to these serious concerns.

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Your daughter is lucky to have you on her side. Don’t let TikTok and “the professionals” destroy her body. One day she will thank you.

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Heartbreaking and stomach turning in equal measure. Thank you.

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