Could there really be a "Gendered Soul" that can be disconnected from one's biological reality?
I grew up believing that we are who we are. The way someone is born is the cards they are dealt, and it's our own responsibility to love ourselves and others, perfectly imperfect, as we are.
But now I am being told by my grown children that that’s not the case anymore, that now sex and gender are separate things and that this is just a natural part of progressive human evolution. This new information now says that a persons’ soul could, apparently, be completely misaligned with their sexed body; that our biological sex is not the indicator of gender; that doctors only makes assumptions when observing our genitals at birth (or before) and that, in order to heal some peoples’ mind, they need to change their name and their body via lifelong drugs and surgeries, to align to their mis-gendered soul with their body.
They tell me that this has always been the case, but it only seems to be happening more nowadays thanks to these progressive (woke) social justice beliefs that encourage everyone to express their (so-called) authentic, internally perceived, gendered identity, and that anyone can simply just change their sex, if they desire. In fact, if someone feels they should change sex, at any age, it must be affirmed as reality or they will most definitely commit suicide! This despite the fact that data doesn’t support this cruelly manipulative theory, and there have been no documented mass suicides in the past due to gender delusion.
I was fooled at first too, thinking all this pride promotion was just about encouraging acceptance, eliminating bullying and discrimination and balancing human rights. I can see now that there is a big difference between real human growth and progressive advancement, and this misleading new woke belief, that’s been implanted in the naïve minds of our youth. I have observed that manipulation and fear are being used in this attempt to destabilize humanity and try to force us all into accepting a new false belief system and societal structure.
My first response is that this makes no sense, but who am I to judge something I don’t understand? So, I didn't think about it much, until the spring of 2023 when this new gendered soul theory came into my own home and threatened my family’s safety and legacy.
I needed to understand how my two daughters could unquestionably affirm their only brother as a girl trapped in a boys’ body. How they can celebrate his self-hatred and delusional dysphoria and encourage him toward living a lie, with a lifelong drug dependency, as well as fearlessly accepting the many known serious health risks? How can they now believe that this will fix him, knowing that growing up there was nothing wrong with him, he showed no signs of any gender confusion, (but clearly displayed autism spectrum symptoms that can easily explain his current perceived bodily discomfort)? How can they now believe he can actually become a real woman, like them, just by changing his name, pronouns and wardrobe or altering his natural hormones and/or genitals; and that his biological cells, chromosomes and brain development don’t matter to his so-called gendered authentic soul self?
So now I am fully awake! I was right, this makes no sense. It’s all bullshit! My quest to understand how this delusional thinking captured and convinced a whole generation to believe that this insanity is only about inclusion and equality for everyone sent me directly to a common thread of political social justice beliefs being pushed in public school and in online circles. It led me down a long historic string of unproven, controversial, postmodern critical theories, with deep gnostic roots in cultural Marxism, queer theory in particular.
I have sincerely apologized to my three grown children for my ignorance in not realizing the importance of reinforcing reality and my ingrained, old-fashioned, family values, and for not creating a stronger, more stable, spiritual base to ground them and teach them to trust their own gut instincts. I deeply regret not being properly awake to all these dangers that hid in plain sight as they were growing up in this strange post-post modern era.
My new education has helped me understand the dire straits our entire existence is facing. These false ideological theories and beliefs have led many people into accepting ideas and practices that are not in humanities’ best interests.
These new progressive ways of thinking come to us as wolves in sheep’s clothing. They prey on peoples’ kind-hearted natures and have fooled many into believing that the reality-based traditions of the past are responsible for the suffering of the so-called disadvantaged and oppressed. And that these (previous known as) normal ideas and boundaries must be torn down to create a fairer and more equitable world for the future. [As if it’s even possible to change scientific reality!]
As I continue to wrap my brain around these unnatural, impossible beliefs that have unfortunately been wholly accepted by groups with power over of the minds of the young, I keep coming back to the question: How can people willingly accept a lie and assist in their own demise and eventual extinction of our species? I have come to the conclusion that they know not what they do. They have put their trust in the approved (compromised) experts that have filled their hearts and minds with lies, creating fear and mystification, just to move their deconstructive woke agenda farther.
My conclusion is that we are experiencing a massive spiritual war of good versus evil.
By removing religion from schools and daily society, and confusing the public into thinking that the corrupt and perverted church organizations are the only path to God, they have successfully created a fellowship of woke atheists. The followers of this blasphemous belief system say they don’t need a Higher Power or God because, thanks to modern medical practices and synthetic pharmaceuticals, they can now create themselves better than whatever actually created them! This is a very disturbing idea, as just because we can do something doesn’t mean that we should!
It is possible that our natural born inclination is to have faith in a creator or some form of a higher power, and if you don’t fill that God sized hole, then your soul is wide open to be taken by the dark side.
I always told my kids that God is our creator and is divine source energy, and that we are all connected to him and to each other. I thought they understood how my own personal journey to faith has given me much hope and strength, and lead me to all the best parts of life. Because it was not forced on me, that they too would find their own way to their personal style of religion from my lived example. The problem is, I didn’t know that evil was working throughout the schools, government and the online influencers, and that they were trusting in the uncharted waters of the internet, creating this new destructive social contagion.
My daily prayers these days are that my children will somehow find their own way back. And that they will also grow to understand the activist position I feel called to take against their misguided world views, as I am only doing what I truly believe is best for them and all children, youth, women, and others that are actually being seriously harmed by these deceptive, discriminatory, dishonest, degressive, cult-like social justice claims.
There is no soul without God, and he doesn’t make mistakes. No one looks at a tree and says that it is made wrong and was supposed to be taller. We accept its natural perfection even with any perceived flaws.
Real progressive inclusion must be for all voices, even the ones we disagree with have a right to be heard, and we have the right to reject them.
If the truth will set you free, a lie will only hold you captive.
For more on this author.
I have always believed that there must be a creator. I am not completely sure what nature and form this creator takes. I don't necessarily believe that my Catholic faith has all the answers. Not by a long shot. But there is a God, and we ain't him! I am learning more humility everyday. I no longer pray for God to change my son's mind on this transgender nonsense. I have begged God over and over again for over 7 years for this to end. I now concentrate on asking God to bring my son to HIM. I believe that is the only way for my sweet, autistic son to learn to love and respect how God made him. And the only way he will come out the other side with his mind and soul intact. I also pray for my other 2 adult children. They are doing well in life on the surface. They have good marriages and jobs. Look like great successes to the world. But neither has a spiritual life, or any relationship with our God. Despite my efforts to instill a relationship with God while raising them. So I pray for them too. I wish I could redo those years. But of course I can not. I was clueless while raising my 3 kids. I never comprehended how much the world was working over time to undo what I tried to teach them. It is clearly a war between good and evil. A war I was oblivious to for too long.
The sheer power of your essay! I wish you lasting confidence and steadfastness in the understanding that with these words you are serving all of humanity, in a time when beauty and truth is imperiled. May the Almighty bless you, protect you, and strengthen your hand in the times ahead. Sending a little prayer for the recovery and wellbeing of your children.