I love what you have written here. You have a gift with words. I will definitely share your essay with others. Thank you! And you will be blessed for all of what you are doing.
Traditions, and traditional values, are born of our Judea Christian ,moral and cultural, heritage. They represent the survival of past social experiments, which worked. In rejecting them we leave a space, to be replaced by, what…exactly?
I can relate completely with this. My daughter affirms my son as well. It IS a spiritual battle. All of this has made me lean in to the Lord. If there is a positive to this, it is that. I know that the Lord will use all this for good and I am waiting and watching for the day my son abandons this nonsense.
I think that when a person does not believe in a power that is God, then they will not believe it is possible for there to be a power that is evil and they are easily deceived. I agree with you that God does not make mistakes and it always blows my mind when a parent who is Christian will go along with the gender ideology.
Excellent article. When we figure out how so many were convinced to believe such a grotesque lie and willingly participated in the mutilation of vulnerable children, hopefully this knowledge is used to teach humans how to avoid future manipulation.
I really enjoyed this piece and agree wholeheartedly. I do find the atheists in tge comments (should not say so but will) annoying.
I suspect that a soul is in essence genderless but ends up expressing itself differently due to the inherent challenge associated w/being placed in a male or female body.
One problem created by woke ideology is that it's adherents think they are the smart and forward-thinking people and by extension those who don't agree are either bigots or just resistant to new and better ideas. I think you have to keep asking people if they are open to imbibing information from another point of view. It was once accepted that in order to understand a topic you had to read the viewpoints of people on either side as expressed by their most intelligent and articulate spokespersons.
Wokies shut down dissent by tge cheap device of claiming anyone who doesn't agree is a "bigot" or "ignorant". If you can force people to be open to the now-vast amount of trans-skeptical information on the web and elsewhere you have some hope of changing their mind.
I could have written this. I raised my kids with religion. I volunteered for church functions and brought them along. They still found their way to this ideology. Our 2 daughters also affirm their only brother. Who never (despite being surrounded and full access) had any interest in anything girl prior to this.
I also raised my child with "religion", that was my mistake. I should have raised her with faith and relationship instead. We went to mass and went through all of the motions while expecting that the Catholic school was teaching the faith, they weren't. We need to be teaching our children to be following the Lord and reading His Word.
God *does* make mistakes. He makes serial killers. And dictators. When I say mistakes I mean people whose brains my well be wired differently from yours and mine from birth. Of course, one could also blame biology and evolution. Should we 'fix' kids who are shaping up to be serial killers? What if we had a test that determined a kid was growing up to be another Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer? And what if we could 'fix' him painlessly and harmlessly? Should we do it?
Interesting and often uncomfortable questions. But, the diff is psychopaths are real whereas "gender dsyphoria" as a real problem is very much up for debate. People feel it, for sure, but it may well be a psychiatric malady, which is what it was treated as until recently.
Very strange comparison. Two very different extremely different situations!
God gave us all free will. He didn’t make serial killers, they obviously choose to not follow God and instead follow evil.
Yes, if a child is showing signs of being dangerous to himself or others, he should get proper professional help immediately, and every effort should be made to help/fix him. As mental illness can often be cured with the right care.
I don’t expect others to think like me, but millions of people do choose faith, so that’s not preposterous!
If you can’t find it in your character to respect what others choose to believe, that is a shame. You are doing exactly what the enemy wants of you. Passing judgement and claiming to know what’s true and false. I hope your find peace
Majorities once believed the sun orbited the earth. They were wrong. Until recently, physicists believed that neutrons and protons were fundamental. They were wrong.
Majority belief is meaningless, and not respecting it is not immoral.
What “enemy?” You mean Satan? I don’t believe in him either.
Finding peace is a challenge for all of us. Sorry but comforting falsehoods won’t work for me.
Faith is a problem here. Faith that, despite scientific evidence, you can change your sex is a problem. Faith that all your problems will be solved if only you take wrong sex hormones is a problem. Belief in gods does not help solve this problem. Belief in a soul as something distinct and separate from your body is the heart of the problem this writer expresses yet she fails to see that belief in gods is the type of thinking that leads to the other beliefs. The willingness to ignore science and defy nature. To believe in the supernatural.
Don't look to gods to solve this real world problem of the gender cult. We need science and cold hard facts. Not faith. Of course an all powerful "god" could put you in the wrong body. Naturally, that can not happen. For an atheist, there is no all powerful god out there putting people into the wrong bodies. Just nature. You are born naturally, male or female. It is scientific observation. It is the result of natural evolution. No god had anything to do with it. You don't have to believe anything other than facts, what your own eyes tell you.
You are right, believing in gods (little g and plural) will not help you. Believing in God (big G and creator of heaven, Earth, and all of us) will help you. If you know who you are as His creation made perfectly, then you will have no problems embracing your God given identity.
The evidence is all around you in everything, your unbelief makes you blind. If I am wrong (which I am not), it is no big deal for me, but if you are wrong... well let's just say, you might want to rethink that.
I mean real evidence, not absurd inferences . Sure, inferences are all around me. So what.
There is zero actual evidence for the existence of god. And if you try to use the existence of life as evidence, I can point out that god is a lousy designer.
How can God be a "lousy designer" if He doesn't exist? As for real evidence, it wouldn't matter what evidence I gave you, you would find a reason to discredit it. This argument doesn't bother me, it will only hurt you, give it up.
I would consider real evidence, and consider it seriously. I won’t consider faith-based inferences.
I’ve read thousands of pages of Christian doctrine, almost all pre-Nicea. Iranaeus, Origen. Tertullian, Nag Hammadi. I’m as scrupulously honest as I can manage.
And I have found most debates about the existence of a god to be wantonly dishonest, especially with Catholics.
You have faith there is no God, a scientifically unprovable assertion, and one that many intelligent and articulate people hold a different opinion of. You have faith that there is no soul apart from the body, despite the now enormous trove of testimonies of Near Death Experiences and bona fide miracle occurrences that point in a different direction.
Without faith, I see no reason to keep going some days or fighting to bring my children back to reality. Looking at the lessons we can learn from the misery gives me comfort. I don’t think believing in God will magically fix the problem, but trusting that our creator makes us exactly as we are meant to be can’t hurt.
It is hard and after years of experience not worth bothering arguing with w/atheists, they are immovable and not interested in seeking truth. Just smile and carry on in peace.
No, mistaken belief in a god is on the same continuum of "experts" knowing better than common sense, and is incredibly harmful.
Religion has murdered so many people, not to mention justifies destroying the earth (because the non-existent god will fix it all).
As a Lesbian, I know religion is our enemy, including the religion I was raised with. And as a Lesbian, "Queer" and "queer theory," etc. is also my enemy. I object to the trans cult and anyone else using us and adding us to their list against our will.
If only more people thought about the trans cult outside of the immediate harm it does and consider the overall harm , including destroying any safe places left for girls and women, from sports to restrooms to rape crisis centers, then maybe it would become more than just a personal battle.
I believe that the females saying they are males partly want equal treatment and more privilege, while the males are playing out fetish, which includes sado-masochism and feeling entitled to sexual access to Lesbians. It's been over 50 years now an is more clear than ever.
Religion doesn't cause wars, peoples' sinfulness does. True of good religion anyway, Islam is a distorted and supremacist ideology that does incite its followers to war. Atheist regimes have a stupendous record of death in the last century alone, look at Russia under Stalin and China under Mao. And the Nazis were certainly anything but Christian despite the fact Germany was nominally a Christian country.
Throughout history people have been warlike. And throughout history most peoples have had some religious belief. Correlation is not causation.
It is unfortunate to cone to this space around people who should be unified to combat the trans threat and find instead many haters of religion, the absence of same is definitely a factor in the rise of the trans movement and many other negative trends. Not saying religion (Christianity for me) isn't done badly by many professed adherents, but that error is not the fault of the religion but rather due to the choices of some followers.
The real problem, that is also connected with religion, as well as with dangerous atheists, is patriarchy. It's not "people" who have been warlike throughout history, but men. Men making war, destroying the earth, etc. and creating the trans cult, which is female-hating on both ends, is yet one more male marking of territory.
a) seems like a limited way to view it. I feel anytime you start thinking that one gender are greater sinners than the other you need to think deeper.
b) Regarding trans phenomena there seem to be various causes, unmooring of Western culture and detachment from religion among them. The whole uber-therapeutic culture and depreciation of rougher male energy may be in part a cause.
But if you prefer to hate on "the patriarchy" or "religion" go ahead and do that.
Really we are not even talking about trans but just how you are fitting it into your pet narratives.
Some reason to argue that "madness of crowds" is part and parcel of the whole transgender clusterfuck. You may wish to be bit more selective in how you parcel out your respect.
I love what you have written here. You have a gift with words. I will definitely share your essay with others. Thank you! And you will be blessed for all of what you are doing.
WOW! This is exactly what I've been thinking and feeling, yet couldn't put into these eloquent and well-stated words. Thank you!!
Traditions, and traditional values, are born of our Judea Christian ,moral and cultural, heritage. They represent the survival of past social experiments, which worked. In rejecting them we leave a space, to be replaced by, what…exactly?
I can relate completely with this. My daughter affirms my son as well. It IS a spiritual battle. All of this has made me lean in to the Lord. If there is a positive to this, it is that. I know that the Lord will use all this for good and I am waiting and watching for the day my son abandons this nonsense.
We have made a machine, given a voice to it with ChatGPT, and now think it is the Voice of God.
I think that when a person does not believe in a power that is God, then they will not believe it is possible for there to be a power that is evil and they are easily deceived. I agree with you that God does not make mistakes and it always blows my mind when a parent who is Christian will go along with the gender ideology.
Excellent article. When we figure out how so many were convinced to believe such a grotesque lie and willingly participated in the mutilation of vulnerable children, hopefully this knowledge is used to teach humans how to avoid future manipulation.
I really enjoyed this piece and agree wholeheartedly. I do find the atheists in tge comments (should not say so but will) annoying.
I suspect that a soul is in essence genderless but ends up expressing itself differently due to the inherent challenge associated w/being placed in a male or female body.
One problem created by woke ideology is that it's adherents think they are the smart and forward-thinking people and by extension those who don't agree are either bigots or just resistant to new and better ideas. I think you have to keep asking people if they are open to imbibing information from another point of view. It was once accepted that in order to understand a topic you had to read the viewpoints of people on either side as expressed by their most intelligent and articulate spokespersons.
Wokies shut down dissent by tge cheap device of claiming anyone who doesn't agree is a "bigot" or "ignorant". If you can force people to be open to the now-vast amount of trans-skeptical information on the web and elsewhere you have some hope of changing their mind.
I could have written this. I raised my kids with religion. I volunteered for church functions and brought them along. They still found their way to this ideology. Our 2 daughters also affirm their only brother. Who never (despite being surrounded and full access) had any interest in anything girl prior to this.
I also raised my child with "religion", that was my mistake. I should have raised her with faith and relationship instead. We went to mass and went through all of the motions while expecting that the Catholic school was teaching the faith, they weren't. We need to be teaching our children to be following the Lord and reading His Word.
I’m so sorry you are experiencing this nightmare too.
God *does* make mistakes. He makes serial killers. And dictators. When I say mistakes I mean people whose brains my well be wired differently from yours and mine from birth. Of course, one could also blame biology and evolution. Should we 'fix' kids who are shaping up to be serial killers? What if we had a test that determined a kid was growing up to be another Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer? And what if we could 'fix' him painlessly and harmlessly? Should we do it?
Interesting and often uncomfortable questions. But, the diff is psychopaths are real whereas "gender dsyphoria" as a real problem is very much up for debate. People feel it, for sure, but it may well be a psychiatric malady, which is what it was treated as until recently.
Enjoying cruelty to animals is a strong predictor of adult sadism.
A few times in my life I’ve fun across someone tormenting an animal and had a blackout, and when I came out of it I’d injured the guy really badly.
Very strange comparison. Two very different extremely different situations!
God gave us all free will. He didn’t make serial killers, they obviously choose to not follow God and instead follow evil.
Yes, if a child is showing signs of being dangerous to himself or others, he should get proper professional help immediately, and every effort should be made to help/fix him. As mental illness can often be cured with the right care.
A tree doesn’t think it was born in the wrong bark and think it is a corn plant!
And you my sir, may wish to curtail your thoughts on how others parcel out their respect.
And you still don't seem to understand how Substack works. There's a top-level to respond to comments and a comment-level to do so.
Why don’t you write an instruction manual?
Oh, why bother, it would just turn nto another screed on functional gonads.
Totally wrong.
Faith is a personal choice. It gives me hope and comfort, that’s definitely not “totally wrong”
If it helps you get through life, that’s great. But don’t expect anyone else to respect it, because we know it’s false.
God is preposterous.
I don’t expect others to think like me, but millions of people do choose faith, so that’s not preposterous!
If you can’t find it in your character to respect what others choose to believe, that is a shame. You are doing exactly what the enemy wants of you. Passing judgement and claiming to know what’s true and false. I hope your find peace
The fact that so many people accept the preposterous without any evidence doesn’t move me at all. It’s the basic fallacy called 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚 𝑎𝑑 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑚.
Majorities once believed the sun orbited the earth. They were wrong. Until recently, physicists believed that neutrons and protons were fundamental. They were wrong.
Majority belief is meaningless, and not respecting it is not immoral.
What “enemy?” You mean Satan? I don’t believe in him either.
Finding peace is a challenge for all of us. Sorry but comforting falsehoods won’t work for me.
Faith is a problem here. Faith that, despite scientific evidence, you can change your sex is a problem. Faith that all your problems will be solved if only you take wrong sex hormones is a problem. Belief in gods does not help solve this problem. Belief in a soul as something distinct and separate from your body is the heart of the problem this writer expresses yet she fails to see that belief in gods is the type of thinking that leads to the other beliefs. The willingness to ignore science and defy nature. To believe in the supernatural.
Don't look to gods to solve this real world problem of the gender cult. We need science and cold hard facts. Not faith. Of course an all powerful "god" could put you in the wrong body. Naturally, that can not happen. For an atheist, there is no all powerful god out there putting people into the wrong bodies. Just nature. You are born naturally, male or female. It is scientific observation. It is the result of natural evolution. No god had anything to do with it. You don't have to believe anything other than facts, what your own eyes tell you.
People who think prayer solves anything are a significant impediment to progress.
Prayer will not reverse global warming.
Prayer can’t move a mote of dust one millimeter.
Prayer is delusional.
You are right, believing in gods (little g and plural) will not help you. Believing in God (big G and creator of heaven, Earth, and all of us) will help you. If you know who you are as His creation made perfectly, then you will have no problems embracing your God given identity.
Give me evidence that God exists. Anything.
You can’t, because he doesn’t. Little h.
The evidence is all around you in everything, your unbelief makes you blind. If I am wrong (which I am not), it is no big deal for me, but if you are wrong... well let's just say, you might want to rethink that.
I mean real evidence, not absurd inferences . Sure, inferences are all around me. So what.
There is zero actual evidence for the existence of god. And if you try to use the existence of life as evidence, I can point out that god is a lousy designer.
How can God be a "lousy designer" if He doesn't exist? As for real evidence, it wouldn't matter what evidence I gave you, you would find a reason to discredit it. This argument doesn't bother me, it will only hurt you, give it up.
You are now calling me dishonest.
I would consider real evidence, and consider it seriously. I won’t consider faith-based inferences.
I’ve read thousands of pages of Christian doctrine, almost all pre-Nicea. Iranaeus, Origen. Tertullian, Nag Hammadi. I’m as scrupulously honest as I can manage.
And I have found most debates about the existence of a god to be wantonly dishonest, especially with Catholics.
Let’s see what you got.
You have faith there is no God, a scientifically unprovable assertion, and one that many intelligent and articulate people hold a different opinion of. You have faith that there is no soul apart from the body, despite the now enormous trove of testimonies of Near Death Experiences and bona fide miracle occurrences that point in a different direction.
A demand to prove a negative is a logical fallacy. The burden of proof is on you.
There is an alien base buried on the moon, interfering in human affairs.
Prove there isn’t.
Same thing.
Without faith, I see no reason to keep going some days or fighting to bring my children back to reality. Looking at the lessons we can learn from the misery gives me comfort. I don’t think believing in God will magically fix the problem, but trusting that our creator makes us exactly as we are meant to be can’t hurt.
It is hard and after years of experience not worth bothering arguing with w/atheists, they are immovable and not interested in seeking truth. Just smile and carry on in peace.
No, mistaken belief in a god is on the same continuum of "experts" knowing better than common sense, and is incredibly harmful.
Religion has murdered so many people, not to mention justifies destroying the earth (because the non-existent god will fix it all).
As a Lesbian, I know religion is our enemy, including the religion I was raised with. And as a Lesbian, "Queer" and "queer theory," etc. is also my enemy. I object to the trans cult and anyone else using us and adding us to their list against our will.
If only more people thought about the trans cult outside of the immediate harm it does and consider the overall harm , including destroying any safe places left for girls and women, from sports to restrooms to rape crisis centers, then maybe it would become more than just a personal battle.
I believe that the females saying they are males partly want equal treatment and more privilege, while the males are playing out fetish, which includes sado-masochism and feeling entitled to sexual access to Lesbians. It's been over 50 years now an is more clear than ever.
Religion doesn't cause wars, peoples' sinfulness does. True of good religion anyway, Islam is a distorted and supremacist ideology that does incite its followers to war. Atheist regimes have a stupendous record of death in the last century alone, look at Russia under Stalin and China under Mao. And the Nazis were certainly anything but Christian despite the fact Germany was nominally a Christian country.
Throughout history people have been warlike. And throughout history most peoples have had some religious belief. Correlation is not causation.
It is unfortunate to cone to this space around people who should be unified to combat the trans threat and find instead many haters of religion, the absence of same is definitely a factor in the rise of the trans movement and many other negative trends. Not saying religion (Christianity for me) isn't done badly by many professed adherents, but that error is not the fault of the religion but rather due to the choices of some followers.
Good luck selling that snake oil
The real problem, that is also connected with religion, as well as with dangerous atheists, is patriarchy. It's not "people" who have been warlike throughout history, but men. Men making war, destroying the earth, etc. and creating the trans cult, which is female-hating on both ends, is yet one more male marking of territory.
a) seems like a limited way to view it. I feel anytime you start thinking that one gender are greater sinners than the other you need to think deeper.
b) Regarding trans phenomena there seem to be various causes, unmooring of Western culture and detachment from religion among them. The whole uber-therapeutic culture and depreciation of rougher male energy may be in part a cause.
But if you prefer to hate on "the patriarchy" or "religion" go ahead and do that.
Really we are not even talking about trans but just how you are fitting it into your pet narratives.
Almost no one thinks about how males are destroying the earth, raping, making war, etc. Most are too busy worshipping them.
I don't have pets, but I have been watching the trans cult since 1970, and it's very clear the cause and results. https://keepingreallesbianfeminismsimple.wordpress.com/2018/08/23/transgender-simplified-by-bev-jo/
Yeah Catherine the Great was so benevolent.
Ok; no magic involved. I learned this custom as a child. That we (Jews) do not write out His name out of respect.
Try responding to the comment, not at the top level. There are no notifications sent in the latter case.
But "respect"? For a non-existent entity? For "conventional wisdom"? For "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds"?
Some reason to argue that "madness of crowds" is part and parcel of the whole transgender clusterfuck. You may wish to be bit more selective in how you parcel out your respect.