Thank you for all your hard work on this, I look forward to diving in. I've been hesitant to start as I'm sure it will be heartbreaking, but I will regardless...

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This is excellent information, thank you. For starters, I hope and pray thar Dr. Michelle Telfer, who was appointed head of Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Gender Service in 2012 will be held accountable for the damage that has been done to innocent children. She and the two clinicians who released their "guidelines" for trans and gender diverse children and adolescents are all guilty for promoting their beliefs. Their guidelines created the false illusion that there was consensus among health professionals, and they should not go unpunished!

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I live in Australia and hadn’t heard about this podcast. Thank you for publicising it. Have listened to the first episode and it’s excellent.

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Just what do you say to a child who suddenly says that he is no longer your son John, but your daughter, Jane? And he’s in his twenties!

How do you deal with the shock?

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Stassja, thank you for passionately working to spare kids, most of whom are girls, from this dreadful c00ult/epidemic. Your work is invaluable. Youth need people such as you in every country.

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It's especially disturbing and frightening to learn of women doctors promoting this misogyny and child abuse - and their not seeing it as such.

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What they’re seeing is$$$$$$$$ !

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Great comment. That is what it will take.

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From one Australian mother shunned and smeared as a bigot by her trans-allied daughter, I thank you and congratulate you on this awesome achievement. I hope it helps to turn the T tide towards the truth and to wake up the deluded and expose the misogynists and homophobes behind the rise of this devestating ideology and cult.

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Ditto from another Australian mother shunned and smeared by her trans-allied daughter. Sigh 😢

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Sorry to hear that, LostMum. Hopefully Sall will win her case against Tickle and the country will wake up and begin to smell the stench of this family-destroying cult. xx

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I am a member of Ourduty alienated parents. We felt a need for this subgroup because most of us, mums and dads, have an ex partner who didn't care about trans nor what happened to their child. They only wish to hurt the other parent by affirming, enrolling schools and social services and solicitors in the process. If you are interested in helping us divulge that trans is a weapon of abuse, please get in touch. Thank you.

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Dear Premier Eby, British Columbia Canada #notosogi

I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the integration of gender ideology and sexual orientation content into the educational curriculum across British Columbia, specifically under the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) policies implemented in over 60 districts. This approach has not only been controversial but has also created a significant division among parents, educators, and communities about what is deemed appropriate for our children's learning environment.

It is alarming that content which carries significant ideological weight is being taught without comprehensive studies or clear evidence of its impact on students' mental and emotional well-being. Parents, like myself, feel marginalized from crucial discussions about our children's education and welfare. The introduction of materials we find inappropriate, alongside the methodological teaching of these topics from as early as age five, prompts an urgent need for your intervention. Transparency, inclusivity in dialogue, and respect for diverse viewpoints are necessary to restore trust between parents and educational authorities.

Moreover, the public response, including protests and media coverage, seems to be polarizing the issue further rather than fostering a constructive discussion. It raises questions about why there has been no significant review or reconsideration of these policies despite clear parental opposition. As someone deeply concerned about the educational environment we are creating for both current and future generations, I urge you to consider the voices of parents calling for a substantive reassessment of how gender ideology and sexual orientation are taught in our schools.

Parents are not just stakeholders but are the primary caretakers responsible for their children's growth and development. Our concerns are based on the love and responsibility we hold towards our children and should not be dismissed or labeled negatively. An independent investigation into these curricular additions, a suspension of the current SOGI teachings, and removal of politically charged symbols from educational settings are steps that can help bridge the growing divide.

Respectfully, we look to your leadership to address these issues promptly and thoughtfully, ensuring that educational policies align with the values and expectations of all Canadian families.

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Love this, thank you!

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I agree that schools teaching children about topics which have not been explicitely approved by their parents is criminal!

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Thank you. The topic in Canada is unspeakable. The rage of #rainbowweek just ended May 20th. It sounds like #momentum is losing fans. Fae Johnstone the cheerleader. It is difficult to reach beyond the bubble. Pride Month June, leading to Pride season 2024 financed by NGOs in upwards of 10 million and counting. Planning for another round of kids sitting it out. It is sickening. Encourage letter writing to school boards and mps.

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I am dreading Pride Month.

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"Twice the pride, double the fall," as they say!

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i can't help wondering how the advertising-inflated gender stereotypes influence youth of both sexes. i'm so lucky my parents did not look much like those stereotypes, and that they had a loving harmonious relationship and (with occasional exceptions) with us kids.

also we didn't get a tv until 1963 when i was 8, and right off the bat they warned us that the advertisers really just wanted to pick our pockets.

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Just finished listening to the podcast series and thought it was very well done! Thank you for bringing a voice to the issue—especially because you are not a parent. I am a parent and find it difficult to commit to activism projects because my own mental health is so closely tied to how my relationship with my trans-identifying daughter is going.

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Thank you for all your work.

Do we know how trans rhetoric got into fandoms? I was very involved in Harry Potter online fandom from 2002 to about 2014, and while there was a lot of speculation about characters’ sexualities*, the only trans stuff I saw was people speculating about the effects of Polyjuice Potion and human transfiguration.

*Still maintain that Sirius Black and Remus Lupin read like they’re a couple.

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Thank you!!

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Whenever I post on this issue,I get asked by a friend who puberty blocked his son, "How does this touch your life?" In other words, it's none of my damned business that girls are lopping off their breasts and undergoing a lifetime of medicalization, and that families are being torn apart. I should only be interested in what touches me personally. What an idiotic argument that is.

However, I must admit to hoping that my posts will get through to him before his son gets his "bottom surgery" which, my friend says, is imminent.

At the same time, since he was "transed" at about 8 years old, and had his puberty blocked, there doesn't seem to be any alternative.

Regardless, one obvious reason to be interested in this whether it "touches (me) personally" or not is because it's the most corrupt, evil, insane phenomenon one could possibly imagine. I withhold the urge to respond to the friend: What interests me about this is how seemingly intelligent people can believe the stupidest, most destructive things.

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That argument makes me furious. Imagine, if you will, 20 years into the future. A neighbor holds sex parties where he invites friends to come over and engage in sex with his minor children. It is legal now. After realizing that children have the right and ability to know their sex, it turns out that we finally realized that they have a right to do what they want with their bodies. They can experience pleasure, so why should they be denied the right to sexual experience if they "consent"? (Whatever that will come to mean.) You say something to your neighbor. He looks at you in disgust and asks, "how does this touch your life? Nobody is forcing you to allow your children to have a rich sex life. So why do you care? It strikes me as perverted that you are so obsessed with children's sex lives." Mark my words. This is the ultimate goal of all of this.

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I am doing a unit on community helpers at my preschool. Went to the library to get books about doctors, postal workers etc etc, Saw what was on offer to teach about the human body & was speechless. The graphic nature & childlike presentation was truly disturbing. A book about penises with zero mention of the word male OR he. And another about vulvas & vaginas no reference to her, she or female. There are very few words in the books they are kept simple but they manage to throw in surrogacy & other kinds of reproduction. No chance of grandchildren in my messed up family thanks to this trend. But for those who do…surely this isn’t what you want them to see. Unbelievable normalization.

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May 22·edited May 22

It's not just about children. Are you a woman? Or, maybe you know some girls or women? Do any of them have athletic aspirations? How do they feel about kissing the level playing field goodbye? Has it affected their desire to compete in any way?

And God forbid, although it happens, do you know any incarcerated women or have you heard of any? How do you feel about their being locked in a prison cell 23 hours a day with a convicted male rapist with functioning male genitalia who calls himself a woman?

Do you go to the gym? Are you happy about sharing the women's locker room with a similarly endowed man? And so on.

But yes, when it's all said and done, the treatment of women and children should matter to all of us, whether we're parents or women or not.

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I think it’s also about Science and credibility. We already have to fact check everything we read. This is pseudoscience. It’s not credible. It’s like the Flat Earth Society only more dangerous.

I saw that Peru has outlawed all of it. That’s what it will take.

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Correction: in Peru, transgenderism will be considered a “mental illness”, therefore hormones, puberty blockers, and surgery are being outlawed.

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I read they were being provided on government funding! The "mental illness" designation was a trojan horse from local TRAs to get taxpayers to fund their "healthcare."

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Great comment. That is what it will take.

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May 22·edited May 22

Very good point. At some point, this could affect any of us. But also, as others have said here: does nobody see the danger in accepting unreality? When you see cultures across the globe embracing up as down, black as white, it should be deeply, deeply unsettling. At its core, the trans cult is based on a lie: that you can change your sex. Why should delusions like this be indulged and encouraged? When you are untethered from reality, anything is possible. And that is frightening beyond words.

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In general societies that deny reality, just as families that deny reality, can not be healthy. So anyone who dismisses transgender ideology as not my business is simply adding to the unhealthy nature of our societies.

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And at the moment, this would be the definition of all societies on the planet.

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I have sarcastically said that the United States is like an alcoholic family on a huge scale. Everyone denies the truth and covers up the sickness. I can only speak for my country, the USA. But being involved in the gender issue for many years now has me realizing we are not alone in this sickness.

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The USA is a bastion of liberty and democracy. The "people" who are attempting to ruin it, not so much. But the country itself is flawless and superior to any other system that has been tried before or since.

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May 22·edited May 22

I didn't mean to say in any way I don't love my country and the ideals it stands for. I am saddened by how the people in power and specifically important institutions have taken everything over. Until we collectively fight back against all the nonsense...

Gender ideology being a major issue but not the only...and honestly state the problems we can not hope to fix them. That's my hope and prayer. Gotta be honest about reality.

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Exactly! Society in general has fallen to anarchic nonsense bullshit. We live in a society and I hate it, how have so many been captured by this vile cult?

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Vile cults R Us.

Ideological capture is a time-old feature of human psychology, hence, society. We're apes. We're tribal. So, we're susceptible to group pressure coming from the ones with the most power, the ones who have control over "the narrative," whatever that might be at that time.

Shunning and banning unruly people has been a punishment in societies everywhere, forever. And if necessary, just build concentration camps. Scapegoats are convenient. Atrocities are glossed over. It's what we do.

Right now, as we speak, there are Africans enslaving other Africans in Mauritania and the Sudan. We spend a lot of time talking about racism; meanwhile, nobody talks about this. https://freeblackthought.substack.com/p/ep-47-arab-slave-masters-charles

Sorry to be so pessimistic, but you've landed on the right question. I wish we had a better answer. All we can do is keep trying to educate people and hope they pay attention.

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Thank you. This has helped me to write a letter to the national leadership of my church.

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