I have a friend whose daughter came out as trans around the same time as mine, they were both twelve. I immediately Googled "Why the F%^$ did my daughter just tell me she was trans?" and found Stella and Sasha and Wider Lens and Genspect and Do No Harm and PITT. She (I must assume) Googled "How do I support my trans child?" and is now administering puberty blockers and crying over the lost possibility of grand children. I cannot fault her for wanting to support her child, I can barely fault her for going along with all the experts assuring her that WPATH knows best and it's all settled medicine that's saving lives. I asked my friend once, before they acceded to blockers, if she felt her daughter fit the ROGD profile and she HAD NEVER EVEN HEARD OF THAT because inexplicably, the entire world has gone mad and believes the trans activists when they say that ROGD couldn't possibly be true and is a transphobic conspiracy theory that is "literally" killing trans children. Even after my awkward conversation with her, she continued to go to the endocrinologist and is still slowly but surely walking down the path to sterilizing her own child.

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I read enough of that book to see that illustration and it is a great illustration! Very powerful!

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Misinformation. 100% to blame because the research was not done, the facts were not told, and too many people rushed to make decisions that caused harm to innocent children/teens and destroyed healthy families. This has been a very difficult battle and challenge for all of us to fight because this enemy lies and promotes the trans-ideology while it is being encouraged by people we once trusted: therapists, counselors, teachers, doctors, surgeons. We can all still do the right thing - continue to push back, continue to tell the truth, continue to fight these lies and help protect the innocent.

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My grief is not a feeling that needs a place to go!! It’s a feeling that I thought I would never feel until my child was deceased. I won’t be satisfied with lovely sentiments about my child & my spiritual connection! The grief I feel is as real as that of a mother who has buried her daughter! I do not apologise for my brutal truth!! Bless all you beautiful parents

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I truly appreciated your comments and how you came to the right decisions based on your child. You researched and examined the right sources and came out with the truth. You trusted your instincts.

I have to disagree, however with some points in your thinking that 1)we should be more understanding and I guess “be kind” to the parents who chose the worst course for their child. I don’t mean to say that some parents don’t represent a group that made a mistake with best intentions. The vile myth spread by some docs, therapists and educators that you’ll have a trans child or a dead one is one of the despicable lies to come out of the cult ideology led some parents down the wrong path. It implies right minded, sensitive parents didn’t care if their child lived or died. This undoubtedly swayed some parents who believe that so-called “experts” know better. But there are categories of parents for which this does not apply. 2) There are the “tranhausen” parents who use their children to manifest their own fantasies or to follow a sick “trend” leaving their child with irreversible damage. Some think they are being “progressive” (whatever that means today). I’m thinking of “jazz”, and all the disgusting notoriety that came out of that. The mother even saying in a notorious video that she would dilate her child’s faux-gina if she didn’t do it himself - after starting her son on an irreversible path by age 6.

3) Then there are the aggressive, often violent TRA parents who threaten parents and FEMALES in particular who want to protect children’s health and women’s spaces and voices. They call for violence against women and mothers they call terfs. I see vast differences in these parents and the ones you describe who now realize they made a wrong turn. I’m sure there are other categories of missteps that parents who affirmed rather than explore have made, but these come to mind. Having said all this, perhaps the only reason to give the enabling, affirming, empowering parents a door to return to sanity and science - is to end the cult. Many kids bodies and minds still will have been destroyed in their wake. They will have to live with that. Finally, I disagree that you were like the other parents who affirmed without question. There are fundamental differences in how people utilize and internalize information. Your thought processes were different, “better”, if you will than the others. But your journey can be a guide to other parents now faced with the insanity of cult ideology.

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I am by nature a skeptic, so when our 40 year old son told us he was going to live his life as a woman we had a loud conversation for an hour and a half. It was not pleasant. We were stunned and had no idea. He never shared personal issues with us. We have never affirmed this madness and we never will. Needless to say he removed us from his life. He has become so brainwashed and honestly, taken up all the mantras and talking points of liberal society, including hating everyone who doesn't think like he does. And I mean literal hate.

There is nothing positive about this cult. The hormones are not adding anything positive but making people angry and horribly mean, in the case of my son anyway. I literally made him so angry when I said we can agree to disagree and still love each other that he refused to continue talking.

I was told recently he said he missed his mom, but I never hear from him. We were always very close while he was growing up. But I think my refusal to affirm his being a woman is the strongest most impactful stance, in his mind, against this delusion. It will continue because I will not bend under any circumstance and go along with the charade.

I honestly don't know how parents handle this with younger kids, still living at home, and are going through this. I have one friend who did, she took her daughter to countless therapists and after several years of this her daughter "woke up" and realised she actually was female, thank heavens. Something they all seem to have in common is lack of self confidence, and that is what brought her daughter around, learning to love herself and addressing those things she didn't like about herself.

Maybe that's something we can all think about. Not sure, but three years into not having my son and I still don't know the answer to turn this around.

Keep up the fight parents, our children no matter what age are worth every bit of it.

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My heart breaks for you, Girl Mom, and for all of the parents here. Fervently praying that 2025 is the year of the monumental shift, a seismic break away from the lies that have stolen so much. And praying for a return, by the thousands, of estranged children to their parents, their families - - including the young adults. It’s not too late for them either.

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Amen!! I am praying and standing with you in this 🙏

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Had I affirmed or not affirmed, this hideous cult creates such a stronghold in the young minds of it's victims. Either way, social transition almost always leads to medicalization! We did not affirm our daughter on this bs ideology and her ROGD. Yet, now she's been on testosterone for 3.5 years and has developed severe varicose veins in her arms & legs, along with the other horrible, permanent side effects! Yes, blood clots are a real thing with this dangerous drug for women. Guess what else they do, when this happens- it's now considered "cool" to tattoo the veins in the arms! Fun to show off the big veins, like a real man would do, right?! We'll never hear her real voice again, but she's estranged too, thanks to this evil death cult, so we'll probably never see her again either. Thanks to an inside source, I know she's still alive and see occasional photos. My once beautiful, sweet, creative daughter...lost to the dark side. How will I ever stop grieving this loss? How will any of us?

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I know it’s such a horrible situation to be in!! It’s so sad and frustrating to not be able to get through to our children! The grief is overwhelming 😞

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I feel your pain! This could well have been written by myself. None of us can stop grieving and I will never forgive all those involved in her transition

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This enrages me no end. The only partial salve for your/our grief and rage at this state-sanctioned evil will be the public punishment, shaming and career ending trials of the cult leaders and practitioners for crimes against humanity.

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Bless you for your passion. It’s a very hard road for us all to navigate but our goal is moral & essential for our children! May we all be validated & supported by good & loving people!! We will win this battle against the evil trans cult

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I resonate with this so much. I saw this happening. To the parents who supported their child, I thought good for them, must be hard, but good for them. My kids all seemed like typical kids. And quite comfortable with themselves. Then Covid and online school happened. Right as my son was entering high school. Never did I think I would be here. First thing I found online was “would you rather have a living daughter or dead son”. I remember when I told my husband that (I did preface that I wasn’t sure about this but this is what we are up against). Both my husband and I sat there for several minutes in pure silence. Something in my gut felt off. I kept searching. Eventually I found the PITT group here, then wider lens, other resources followed. And I consumed it all. I am forever thankful for all of it. It been almost 3 years. My son is socially trans online and with friends. But extended family and many others know nothing about it. His dad and I do not affirm him. He IS our Son. He has not medicalized and presents, for all intents and purposes, as a long haired boy. We aren’t out of the woods by any means. But I do see cracks of light. It leaves me hopeful and ever so grateful to all those fighting the good fight.

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Bless you & stay vigilant!! I don’t want my lose of my daughter to be your reality!! Once they are are gone in terms of meds etc it’s game over!! I can’t tell you how much I was in your shoes!! Protect your baby & stay informed! Devo mum.

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I find it’s easiest to make tough choices in new territory when I first acknowledge that everyone acts according to incentives. Activists want validation. Professors want to publish. And pretty much everyone wants money. Then I listen to the arguments. In order to weigh the validity of the arguments, I try to assess who has incentive for me to believe vs who might be risking something important (reputation, job, etc.) by disagreeing. If I feel someone is risking something, I’m likely to listen more carefully to their side. You PITT parents have risked it all and I full heartedly support you. Discovering PITT was one big way I realized this whole trans thing was a complete scam.

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