I think one of the keys to convincing people to stop proffering their pronouns will be to show them what a bad first impression it makes. This was highlighted in a recent survey by DatePsychology, which found that listing preferred pronouns is a distinct turnoff for both men and women. See this article for details:


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Oh, I know how this happened. While DEI worshops are involved, it's a lot more than that. Women's programs are all covers for transgenderism. https://open.substack.com/pub/justingaffneysamuels/p/womens-colleges-arts-programs-social?r=6512g&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Why is "affirming and supporting students of all genders..." and subsequent text all the way to "You're so kind." duplicated? It makes the article seem almost twice as long.

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Patronising, performative nonsense. Not a single citation in the entire piece. Every single assertion made without evidence. How did you write this and think “yes, this is a helpful contribution to a really difficult subject”?

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It doesn't really need citation. What part do you need proven to you? Affirming children in their "gender delusion" is harmful, and pronouns are absolutely a piece of that pie. We all know it.

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Thank you for this powerful piece.

Just one thing: 'the present wave of teenagers with gender dysphoria'. In my view, there is only a wave of teenagers who have BEEN LED TO BELIEVE that they 'are trans' or have this fashionable new label, 'gender dysphoria'. They're just teenagers, often on the autism spectrum or outliers struggling with typical issues of puberty or of being a teen or mental health problems or trauma, who have fallen prey to the online and peer worlds so influential in shaping self-perceptions. It's a social contagion of BELIEF IN gender identity and in the new, post-2013 label 'gender dysphoria', something so vaguely defined that pretty much any teen angst or distress can be re-imagined as 'OMG I have gEnDeR DysPhOriA!' A semantic contagion. We've been sold the new label to sell transgenderism.

Thanks again for this piece. We so need to expose the pronoun badgers (pronoun sheep?), whose main care is too often for their own self-image and that others will view them as virtuous. Who block out rational doubts, rushing instead to be seen to deliver other people's children to the altar of gender.

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Well said

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I despise the virtue signaling rhetoric that has replaced reason......common sense really. I don't expect children or even adolescents to have much common sense or reasoning ability...yet. I do, however, expect loving or caring human beings who have had years of time to learn reason through experience and modeling by THEIR adults, to use their senses in PLACE of their children as their kids' amygdalas and frontal lobes (Executive Function Skills) continue to develop through their early 20's. Adults, if you are sustaining this Twilight Zone, you have failed as adults, and you definitely failed as parents.

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I wish the politicians who are taking aim at all this used reason, like this piece does! If we could slow the public down long enough to process what it all means, like this piece does, I think the conversation and climate on this issue would change. Great job!

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Timing. The 'Vancouver Votes' School Board Trustee Candidates profiles were just published. Fully 24 of 31 candidates blindly (a few very deliberately!) filled in their pronouns in the registration paper forms like the good little he/hims, she/hers, they/theirs that "they" are. Be kind, right? Soothe everyone's feelings! Be inclusive!


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On the bright side, it's clear who NOT to vote for.

On the dark side (where we all live now, I know), 24 indoctrinated promoters of the gender cult believing themselves appropriate for a School Board? Each one content to deny the obvious, to instead cheer autistic and other young people on to maim and sterilise themselves in pursuit of not being the sex they are and always will be?

More and more, I understand how Nazi Germany happened.

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100%. Nazi Germany. It's shocking and demoralizing EVEN IF you're already as jaded as I am.

And at least one of those candidates is fully "NGO"-funded as a professional propagandist in schools (as per an eponymous website). And my guess is that possibly she "they/them" is presenting as a man (which would be unimportant EXCEPT that she's PROMOTING TO MINORS).

And this is only the School Board! Our civic election includes mayor, council, and parks board. Insanity.

If you know anyone who knows anyone who supports us in British Columbia (Canada), they may legally donate to my campaign. TY!

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Not my neighbourhood unfortunately, but I wish you all the best in getting the word out and gaining supporters!

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Brilliant! Feelings trump reality is where our society is centered today - self-centered. The real pandemic is realityphobia. The Apostle Peter said in his 1st letter - "Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul." When Cain was angry with God and his brother Abel, God warned him: "Sin is crouching at your door. It wants to have you. You must master it." Later in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasized the need to control dangerous emotions such as anger and lust. Our choice is to control our emotions or be enslaved to their control. Slavery or freedom, that's the choice. So many today have become enslaved to feelings and denial of reality.

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Tucker Carlson is on to this hideous practice. He has a documentary out on it. Wednesday and last night, he called out medical institutions all over the country. He is "telling it like it is!" Watch his show.

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TY! I'll see online. Hope it's not paywalled.

We're so happy in Canada when he covers our issues, since our MSM is completely purchased now. I'm on the West Coast, but from over in Ontario he gave lots of airtime to the fetishist shop teacher in a high school. So grateful to Tucker.

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I heard that teacher was not actually a creep, but making a political point about the nature of things in society right now. I saw an article on it with this position. I heard he was showing that the rules being so loose could also lead to creeps being able to do whatever they want.

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Thomas, Yes, rumours float around Canada that he's trolling everyone. But it's still just a rumour. My feeling is that if he was trolling, word would've gotten out definitively by now. Thus, it's still unknown.

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He's a good man. I even got his hat.

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So clear and so good.

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Love the way you put it with a little tongue in cheek and clarity! It's a brilliant way to get the message across!

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So excellent! I've already shared it with a middle school counselor I was chatting with at the airport. So well written and clear.

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Thank you so much for your essay. I feel I might share it with some of the most problematic teachers in my daughters high school. Perhaps only a few of us are stuck in reality and the rest of the world has truly gone mad.

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So well done!

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