Hold it right there, Holmes! Did you just casually admit to manipulating your kids into not being trans? If you truly believe that trans people are manipulating kids into being trans, then you would have to also acknowledge that two wrongs don’t make a right.

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A very wise mom saved her child and the girls’s friends from self destructive ideology! The guidance counselor and teachers pushing this nonsense are guilty of child abuse and betraying the trust of young people in their care. The woke are full of fake narcissistic compassion. It is really all about how enlighten they feel and not about the damage they are doing to other innocent people’s lives. The woke are among the very worst people who ever walked this planet!

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I give this mother and the other parents lots of credit for their bravery. They took a chance. But, with their actions, they exposed the fallacy of children being able to “self diagnose” their supposed gender condition. They also exposed the real influence of social contagion among girls that is leading them to irreparable harm.

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Wow. That took guts, and my hat is off to this imaginative, resilient mom!

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I just did a quick Google on Erin Friday, the California mom in this story. She seems to have shared her story in many different places and while I only spent, like, less than five minutes on it, I can't find anyone saying it's not true, not in the first page of SERPs. She started her own activist group to fight the school trans cult so that indicates to me she's got a real commitment to it. Maybe someone with more patience can dig up some refutation :) It *DOES* seem to come from a lot of far-right sources but the far right, weirdly, reports on this stuff when the left-wing media won't. Rebel News, a notoriously far right-wing website in Canada, reported first and almost exclusively about the Ontario teacher who went 'trans' with giant fake prosthetic breasts and highly sexualized garb for his high school classes, and they also busted him (ar ar) for not wearing the breasts all the time - he reverted to being a dude in his off-time. So, always question these sources but Google the details to see if it shows up anywhere else.

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Lot of parents on here indignant about what they believe is a fake story (and it might be).

One suspects that indignation is a cover for the awareness that they haven't been bold enough to stand up forthrightly about this with their children, and in public.

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Perhaps it's fake. Let's find out: Maybe other parents (I'm not one myself) can try this and see how it goes. They don't have to get a 'gang' of parents together if they don't feel comfortable doing it or they get resistance. They only have to save their poor mixed-up kid.

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This is the exact advice Barbara Coloroso had in Kids Are Worth It

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Simply brilliant, you beat them at their own game & highlighted what ridiculous nonsense all this really is!!

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I haven’t thought of going that far but of just agreeing with my son that he is a woman because he has a history of trying to win me over to an idea and then changing his mind. But yeah I just think the stakes are too high. Still....

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I've wondered for a while if this might not be an effective strategy with many social-contagion "trans" kids.

Effective or not, it's fookin' hilarious!

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I do wish I could believe this, it would be wonderful. A bit like having a tantrum in front of a toddler. 😂

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Why can't you believe this? I admit it's possible it never happened, but have you never thrown a tantrum in front of a toddler to snap them out of it?

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No, because I’m not a manipulative bully.

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Look at the good you do!

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A toddler would not understand. But a teenager does have the maturity to know that Mom doesn't normally behave like this... but not enough to think of ways to test Mom's resolve. It's a fantastic ploy!

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this is a good farce, but I don't believe it actually happened.

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Why not? This is the kind of thing I would do just for the hell of it, even without a confused daughter to influence.

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This could dangerously backfire, it's a risky way of dealing with your trans child/ren.

Having said that I considered doing this way back in the beginning 2020 amd tbh I wish I had.

Quick sharp shock might have worked. Regret is an ugly emotion and parents have many moments they think COULD have been the clincher to set them free.

Contacting the other parents was a genius move.

I want this to be true

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Contacting the other parents was a genius move.: so true!

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Bloody fabulous. Too late for me now, but I am sharing on other platforms. xxxx

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