I see a lot of left-right politics in the comments section here. The issue isn't left or right. It's pro-human vs gnostic transhumanists. To put it simply, the gnostic transhumanists see Brave New World by Aldous Huxley as an aspirational utopia. Gnostic transhumanism is a totalitarian cult and ideological parasites. It can infect any family, any institution. Left or right. It's entirely possible to develop an immune system to fight it off, but it's hard. It requires letting go of labels and getting deeply into true meanings.

If you believe Brave New World is a dystopia to be resisted at any cost, we're on the same team. If you think Brave New World is an acceptable price to pay as long as it eliminates THEM (insert your preferred despised group here), we're not.

The pro-human alliance will be uncomfortable, as it unites many traditional opponents. Rest assured that the alliance is temporary and will last only as long as required to root the transhumanists out of positions of power. We can and undoubtedly will resume our traditional bickering after we win.

Let's win first.

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Luxury-digital-Gnosticism (NS Lyons) is funded and supported by globalist billionaires. Joel Kotkin, social scientist, has amassed large data sets showing that the goal of the globalists is to impose Neo-feudalism, and destroy democracy, especially for the working classes.

The tranz child mutilation cult has been one of the main spearheads of such Neo-Feudalism, but there are others.

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I'm amazed at what you impute to me without any knowledge whatsoever. But your comment on baby-making and the future tell me all I need to know: You are completely unaware of the demographic issues around the globe. If I have EVER impugned motherhood, I am unaware of it. I have written often in support of it - the most important job on the planet, and feminism has done its absolute best to destroy it. My mom stayed home to riase my sibllings and I, my wife stayed how to raise our kids, I hope my daughter can stay home to raise her kisds - the Left is so bent on spending what we don't have, whoever, that inflation make make that tougher than it should be.

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Check out Julie Bilek’s Substack , and paricularly the roles played by Jennifer Pritzker, Aron Stryker, Rachel Levine, and Martine Rothblatt ( who’s been operating in plain sight for decades. Then tell me it’s not a top down moneymakers and ideological cult. )

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social science references for evolution and personality traits, IQ, etc.


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Rolled my eyes at "progressive Democrat." Stopped caring at all at "right-wing bigot."

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yep, they should have made clear something like "even some delusional 'woke' cargo cultists are starting to realize that the tranz child mutilation cult is wrong".

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I am happy for your victory

But my daughter was swallowed what or by the gender ideology in college despite her loving family

I blame progressive democrats like you for allowing this cancer to grow.

I am sorry at some level I blame you as a group in my grief.

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Do not apologize. This woman’s article rubs me the wrong way. I am very glad her daughter didn’t get swallowed, but the line where she tells her husband he should stay home from work bc their daughter was acting up really got to me. Most of us do not have the luxury of working for a cushy subsidized job. And who has the time and energy to cater to their child’s delusions like they did? Sorry, but this kind of parenting is part of the problem.

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you put it correctly. i was totally rubbed the wrong way. my daughter was inducted into this cult after taking a queer studies course at ucla as part of a diversity requirement. she made fun of this course until she went to their “required” retreat

i detest everyone that condones this crap.

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Exactly. They created a juggernaut and made it that much harder for us to push back against it. And let me ask why do these schools keep adding in more woke reqmts? First it was just a read woke book before freshman year then a required “diversity” course and then more reqmts. The good thing is it sounds like she got into it quickly so maybe she will come out quickly too.

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This didn't come from progressive democrats. It's an ideological parasite that infected and took over progressive democrats. It has also infected and taken over hard-right Libertarians and Fox news. Read The Reality War by NS Lyons. It's a long article, but explains the issues well. There are trivial differences in language, but the underlying ideology is targeting all points on the political spectrum. We have collectively built a society that is highly profitable for a select few. Those select elite have been sold a lie of immortality and infinite power. They've been promised they can transcend to be gods. Read Martine Rothblatt's manifesto for details. The rest of us are mere homo sapiens, animals that are ultimately disposable.

I share your grief. But we cannot waste time in either blame or self-recrimination. The pro-human coalition is an awkward alliance of traditional political opponents, but we need all hands on deck.

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I read everything you said

But I am sorry only democrats cite for this stuff at a practical level

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fwiw, there are people on the "cultural left" (progressives, or whatever) that do openly object to the insane aspects of "woke" ideology and call for the "left" to reform itself. I know some of them personally. they are very well educated, smart people, usually social scientists.

what is important:

they are almost invariably stabbed in the back by radical-extremist (insane) "woke" activists sooner or later.

"woke" is insane (incapable of rational, systematic, fact and evidence based awareness ) and can't be reformed, at least in the current "culture wars" context.

see Nassim Taleb's article on the Dictatorship of the Intolerant Minority.

"woke" is kept in place by corrupt GRIFTERS.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

„Building a gentle bridge“ that is good work and thank you for writing your post. My son was captured after moving to college, he’s a young adult living with bad friends and still transitioning. I accept the challenge to keep building a bridge but its harder when he is no longer living with us. We all keep doing what we can…

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“Let your child lead,” the first two psychologists we saw admonished us. “Your job is to follow.” This is the trans-cult mixed-up and screwed-up influence on our society!! Clearly children should not lead their parents and parents should not follow their children. The therapists, doctors, and teachers all have it wrong and just look what has happened to our innocent youth: lost, confused, depressed, pretending to be the opposite sex, willing to take hormones, wanting to have surgeries, breaking ties with families. Heartbreaking.

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Exactly. Psychology and the like has played an enormous part in destroying our society. This isn't the first time they've done some crazy shit. Why do we still listen to these ppl? Lol

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I think you merely want attention. You argue to no purpose. This my last response to you.

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I guess inconvenient truths are only allowable if they are self-censored and the language meets the accepted criteria.

I’m done with this stack. You want to share stories and your misery but not the accountability? Parents, you are accountable for what becomes of your children. I know it’s a tough pill to swallow, but the sooner you accept that the sooner we can get out of this mess. Good luck with this fraud of a stack.

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what are you actually on about?

truly : you launch an extremely broad criticism but what actually is your aim?

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Wow, that is an amazing testimony! All that you did makes sense to me. Your caring method to me, seems like an excellent template for handling the trans problem.

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This whole thing was nauseating to read...

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If by "this whole thing" you are referring your own nasty little comment, then yes, it was rather nauseating to read.

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you have a problem with parental love?

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"My husband and I are progressive Democrats. We might have described ourselves as 'woke' unironically before the term was co-opted by the Republican party. We each sought careers working on behalf of underserved, indigent, vulnerable individuals and populations."

Defeating gender identity ideology will require the participation of Americans of all political persuasions who recognize the harm that trans activism is doing to individuals, families and society in general. However, the battle cannot be won until and unless Democrats in particular throw their weight behind the effort to roll back the excesses of trans activism. That's because Republicans alone lack the power to break the trans stranglehold on the federal government and blue states such as California.

That is why Maddie's parents and their story are so significant at this juncture. They are a model for the millions of self-righteous and uninformed Democrats today who do not understand the harm they are causing with their blind embrace of the trans activist line. In a perfect world, Maggie's parents would become gender-critical activists dedicated to educating liberals about the harms of trans ideology. If that weren't possible - after all, they still have Maddie to parent - gender critical activists could distill the essence of this story and use it for a multi-media information campaign aimed at liberals. Maddie's mom has already provided the bullet points. The time to start is now!

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Yep, but make sure they understand that by doing so they WILL GET STABBED IN THE BACK by "woke" crazies and cargo cult zombies.

It does not matter how "liberal", "progressive" or "leftist" they are, any deviation from "woke" totaltarianism will be punished by BACK STABBING "woke" cargo cult zombies.

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Correct. They're self-absorbed and obviously narcissistic. Naturally, they get hug-boxed here.

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you complain of liberal's disdain toward the right, but you should listen to yourself. Truly.

There's an old adage: two wrongs do not make something correct.

Assaulting someone for a personal essay is just that: an assault.

Try thinking about your own need to be aggressive. It will not bring you good results.

What we need is a coalition. Not reactive aggression to relatively minor differences.

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I don't want a coalition with the likes of you. I don't respect you.

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Then you will lose. We're up against a gnostic transhumanist totalitarian cult with billions of dollars to play with and significant control over the majority of major institutions in the anglosphere worldwide. The coalition to defeat this will require a lot of awkward alliances between people who don't like or respect each other. Eyes on the prize. We can resume our mutual bickering later.

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No, I won't. You, and the people you support as above, are not my ally. I will not treat you as though you are. The friend/enemy distinction has been drawn, and you're on the other side of my line.

There's no "we" here, Dragonmama. I'm not in any "we" with you.

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Assaulting. The constant hyperbolic melodrama.

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Vengeance isn't justice or a solution. It's just playing into the hands of the true opposition.

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RemovedOct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023
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If you think this is just coming from the left, you don't yet grasp the full extent of the problem.

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We're in the same space with our teen ROGD desister son. We never bring "trans" up and are wondering if we made it through our of he's just waiting us out. He stopped shaving his body, and donated his girl clothes. 👍🙂 I'm waiting for a relaxed, open moment to ask him in a conversational manner if his dysphoria has eased up. 🙏

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UPDATE: Or son said he no longer has any interest in transitioning. He is mortified and never wants to speak of 'trans' again.

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👏🏻😊 Excellent news! So happy for you and your family. Good luck yo you and your family.

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Darn...the thing about the people bullying this woman for being leftist and woke and bringing this on her family, is that they ALSO have kids doing the same thing. If the left is that misguided and being right leaning is the way to go, how is it your kid has managed to be pulled into this movement? Didn’t your beliefs save you? Aren’t you the ones doing everything right? It seems your belief system , right or left, is irrelevant, kids are being roped in regardless, so maybe address your own issues before dumping on this woman. Do something constructive.

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We need a broad, non-partisan coalition.

These kinds of attacks show us the difficulties of building such a coalition.

The hard right wants to own this issue as a ticket to electoral success.

Liberals of course don't want Republicans to be victorious (think authoritarian & criminal master-mind Trump), but they do want the Democratic Party platform to reform its position on trans-medicalization. So: the coalition has a limited purpose & that makes it more tenuous.

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Republicans? Authoritarian?

It was your Fuhrer Biden who violated the Nuremberg Code, ordering Americans to take an experimental vaccine or NOT WORK.

That was YOU GUYS.

And you think TRUMP is the authoritarian?

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yes, tRump is a sex offender & gigantic tax cheat & a mater-mind of up-ending our electoral system. Grab em by the pussy, right? who would vote for such a foul-mouthed criminal? I can't fathom it myself although I know he has plenty of people mesmerized. "Charisma" is a dangerous quality.

PITT is a platform for parents concerned about their children. The attempt by the far-right to monopolize this issue for electoral politics is just not convincing. The far-right generally does not care about the rights of most Americans, especially not my rights in particular.

We need a coalition movement. Can we put our differences aside to protect our children?

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I am a woman and I've said worse than "grab em by the pussy" with friends. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Have you ever looked I to every case against him for SA? They're all nonsensical when you get down to it.

The one woman is like a Jerry Springer show..maybe because the guy that was helping her either used to work for the Springer show or he impersonated him. Lol Last I looked, nobody knew. Nobody but him had ever even seen the woman. She had a rich dude paying her for doing it (because he thought she was being honest) and he stopped giving money when she kept not going to the meetings with investigators and said she would go if he gave her 100k. That story just goes on and on for how crazy it is.

Then, you have the old lady that just wrote a book. Claims that in Bergdorf's, he SA her in the dressing room. How tf was Donald Trump, probably the most famous guy in NYC at the time, able to get into a dressing room and do that with nobody seeing? You can't walk 5 ft without an attendant up your ass there. It is impossible.

Then, there's the woman who begged him for a job to work in his administration doing his hair or something. You can read her emails to them online, etc etc.

Dig deep into them and use some critical thinking. They're women who were trying to get a payday. Some got one.

Cheated his taxes how? He pays what he owes. The NYT even proved that he overpaid...they just buried that part in the middle of a million word article that they know nobody was going to actually read.

Upending our electoral system? That is nonsensical. It is legal and legit to challenge elections. This is normal and has happened throughout our history. There has even been alternate electors done before. Despite what the tv tells you, it isn't illegal. It has been done before.

Why do you keep saying far-right? Who here is far-right? Do you know what far-right is?

How can the right build a coalition with someone who just believes and parrots lies about them that they heard on the tv?

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And you picked the fight with me. You don't get to screech and cry "But this is PITT!" when you're the one spewing forth lies, hate, intolerance, and an abject refusal to address arguments that challenge your bigotries.

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Biden molested his own daughter and also raped Tara Reade. But you're fine with that.

Notice: You don't disavow Biden ordering you to take a jab or not work.

Not a word.

We put Nazis to death for doing that to people.

It's fine with you. Because "Democrats Uber Alles"

And you're a Nazi following your Fuhrer Biden.

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Dear Jonah:

what exactly is your goal on this PITT substack?

our focus is on children & parents.

I get it, you hate Democrats. So sorry for you, but many of the parents in this community are Democrats.

Your perspective on contemporary politics is bizarrely mis-informed and your anger is off-the-charts. Maybe try relaxing in a hot bath? Meditation? Something to lower your blood pressure?

Take care of yourself.

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Look in the mirror.

You started this crap with your off the chart hatred of Trump and Republicans.

What makes me angry, though, is I tried talking to you with logic, which you dismiss.

When you make a charge to me, I answer it.

When I make a charge to you, you ignore it.

It's like you're just "too good" to answer questions. You never have to explain or justify your position. And I freaking hate that kind of self-righteous hypocrisy . You act like the "cool clique" in High School who struts around like you're better than everyone else based on nothing but an inflated ego. And frankly it's nauseating.

Why am I here? I was a crossdresser for years who had my own challenges on gender identity. I overcame that. And I believed my experience has the benefit of giving insight to how these children are acting. The difference between me and these kids is when I was a teen there wasn't a giant propaganda apparatus cheerleading teens to transition like there is today.

Which, frankly, is largely the result of the work of Democrats. Not that I'd expect you to acknowledge that, just like you didn't acknowledge any other point I brought up.

I swear. You're like a guy who burned down the forest, but are acting superior when you're getting a lecture from Smokey the Bear.

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Stop repeating yourself. We heard you the first time.

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Absolutely…a lot of homeless progressives in this state of mind…the ironic thing is , the powers that are selling this ideology are neither Right nor Left wing, they are just using the softest target to achieve their aims…

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the "powers" are psychopaths/sociocpaths that will slip into a human skin of a "leftist" and emotionally manipulate other "leftists" or "progressives" with predictable lies and threats of psychological violence ("bullying").

in that context, the "powers" ARE socially parasitic "leftists". postmodernist neomarxist billionaires, unafraid of insane logical contradictions and hyper toxic, emotive-subjective narratives and thinking in general.

the biggest problem with most of the "right wing" reaction to "woke" (to overgeneralize) is that the right doesn't fully understand the details of what "woke" actually is: pure, depraved evil.

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Nobody's bullying her. Stop being so histrionic.

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How about not being so condescending. Sure sounded like bullying to me.

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If we decrease the hysterics, how will we exist?

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Not to mention misogynistic....

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I think --- I had a bit of the impulse and I was wondering about this as I was reading it. Why did I feel this way?

I think the early part "We are woke Democrats who are totally on board... we're not like one of THOSE bigots."

It's like a slap on the face. I want to feel like we're on the same team here, trying to pull -- but it starts off with a disassociation. "I am having this problem of the sort your team warned about -- but don't take it as some kind of validation, because I still oppose you and everything you stand for."

Which brings the desire to respond with "Well, right back at ya, buddy!"

Obviously that's the not the right response, and one would HOPE that these kind of suffering can lead to a reconciliation and alliance between Left and Right so we can humbly say "Though I believe X, you were right about Y and I hope we can communicate in the future."

There's just so much back-handed insults --- I noticed this when I became conservative -- Liberals really feel that they are morally superior and don't even recognize the casual bigotry they toss around. It's actually WHY I stopped being Liberal -- I started recognizing this casual bigotry and could not support it.

But yes, the reflexive bristling and responding it kind is not a good approach either.

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👏🏻 Well said. I am also a disaffected liberal and Dem. I was never like that though. Probably why I was able to see through the nonsense. I made the realization around 2015 and have become more and more libertarian-conservative as time has gone on. (Not "far-right" that keeps getting thrown around)The more I read, learn, etc., the more I see how epically wrong I was before.

They write nonsensical essays to pitt like the one above and then ask if we want to join a "coalition" with them. They have been wrong at every turn, yet still pretend like we are the ones in the wrong. It is baffling that they can see through this gender woo nonsense, but nothing else.

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Yeah, one of my favorite jokes is that its not "far right" but should be "right so far."

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😄 I like that. And true! It is amazing...there are a lot of obviously very intelligent people here. They see through this gender nonsense (Maybe only because it effected them...maybe it would be different if it never did), but they can't see through all of the rest of the nonsense. They still believe the SAME people that are lying to them about this. I just don't get it lol

When I started discovering how much I was lied to (about basically everything), I kept learning to see what else I was lied to about. I didn't dig my heels in and think that everything else I knew from these same people must be true. I questioned everything!

Now, when something happens or I hear something, I look into as many sides of it as possible. I get as much info from all sides, with as much primary evidence as I can, and use critical thinking to get the truth. Some others seem to still believe the ppl they know are liars.

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I have a background in studying media (graduate degree).

Think about Joseph Goebbels and what he did with his propaganda for the efforts of the Nazis.

Then think that Goebbels did this with newspapers, magazines, film, and radio. Even television was in its infancy.

He did that... with what are today children's toys.

What can the Goebbelses of today do with social media, internet, and AI?

You ain't seen nothing yet.

So that's why I get pretty flustered with those that act as if the mainstream media was the only reliable source. And questioning the holy writ of, I dunno, Rachel Maddow makes you worthy of excommunication.

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Exactly! Also, media manipulation has been happening here for forever too.

Operation Mockingbird. There is no actual operation named this, but the sentiment is real. The CIA admitted to giving the media stories to say. And this was decades ago. Why would they stop? Lol They turned their tactics onto us, the people, a long time ago.

Everyone who knows of OM usually talks of the Church Committee. They make a lot of admissions here. What most don't know of is the Pike Committee. That one wasn't televised like the Church Committee was. They made even more admission to it there. There's no video, but there's audio.

Anyone thinking they stopped this is incredibly naive.

Anyone thinking our government wouldn't lie and socially engineer us is incredibly naive.

Anyone who can see it in one specific area (gender nonsense), but totally ignore and pretend it doesn't happen in others is ridiculously inept in critical thinking.

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There is a huge range in right wing thinking ( as in left wing thinking) between people who have a belief system and people who have a free floating hatred of the Other that they wrap up in a belief system’s colouring. There are right wing people of good will you’d want as a neighbour, even as you don’t agree with their politics, and then there are people who are Proud Boys or the people who invaded the White House looking to hang Mike Pence, and who try to pass under the same banner. I’m sure the left have their bigots and criminal antifa idiots too. Most of us aren’t those, can we agree on that at least? She isn’t referring to anyone of good will. AND most importantly, she is openly expressing the irony that her socio-political affiliations didn’t make a damn bit of difference. So PLEASE…quit boxing this into a right/left narrative. The real people behind this agenda are neither, they tend to piggyback their movement on a left wing culture because it’s a soft target, using inclusion and civil liberties as a Trojan horse.

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As a semi-regular reader of the PITT comment section, I have more or less lost belief in the existence of reasonable right wingers. Once upon a time I would have said hey, a lot of them are probably decent people whose core values aren't too radically different from my own; they can't all be Christofascists and conspiracy theorists. But with few exceptions, the right wingers who comment here live down to the worst stereotypes of their sort, and I've started to suspect that the stereotypes track pretty well with reality after all.

I deplore gender ideology and I desperately want to see it unbundled from the leftist platform. But every time I read the comments here, I am reminded that even with all its gender voodoo and assorted other woke lunacy, the left remains the lesser of two evils.

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I read the comments here too and for the most part it’s parents consoling each other. Where do you get Christofascist from? If you ran into one would you run away? Confront them? What would this boogey CF do to you? Convert you? Throw holy water on you? Scary scary scary!

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

I guess we haven't been reading the same comment sections. While I certainly see many parents sharing support and sympathy, there always seem to be at least a handful of vocal culture warriors who use the comments section as a pulpit from which to froth and howl about the dangers of vaccines, the sinfulness of sodomy, the lies of feminism, the leftist conspiracy of climate change, and so on. Not only is this kind of far-right soapboxing obnoxious, it actively harms the mission of PITT. Newcomers to the site will inevitably run across comments that seem to have been written by people wearing tinfoil hats and/or white hoods, and if these newcomers are anywhere to the left of Marjorie Taylor Greene on the US political spectrum, they may very decide to hit their back buttons. Trans activists like to discredit their opponents by painting them as anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-science extremists—and the anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-science extremists who routinely treat PITT comment sections like Speakers' Corner play right into this narrative.

As far as I'm concerned, Christian evangelists are welcome to make their pitch to anyone who is freely willing to hear them out, provided the venue is appropriate. What I object to is far-right Christian extremists who not only hold values that fundamentally conflict with my own values, but actively work to impose those values on everyone else. And yes, this actually is quite frightening. Women in many parts of America now lack access to safe and legal abortion—which, as far as I am concerned, is a fundamental human right—due to the efforts of people whom I would describe as Christofascists. You are of course free to believe as you see fit. However, if you are in fact an active supporter of a cause or causes that I ardently oppose, don't pretend that my problem with you is that I'm afraid you'll throw holy water on me. That's as disingenuous as a trans activist saying "what, are you scared that a drag queen is going to throw glitter on you?"

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I really appreciate the time you took to comment. I can tell you are very bothered and want to help! Unfortunately I cannot be convinced that there are Christofascists (coined by media to manufacture fear in order to control you) who want to subjugate you. Ironically you sound like the people you don’t like but on different issues. You actually sound whack-a-doodle with that Christofascist comment! On the topic of science, the scientific method requires you to be epistemologically humble when it comes to vaccines/drugs/climate change/gender transition etc. Perhaps the people who talk about topics you don’t agree with are not the most artful or politic but they truly believe that these issues you mention are connected to the PITT topic. Their comments don’t bother me. I just ignore them and I don’t come across them as often as you have. Perhaps you should interrogate where and why you are so fearful of “Christofascists” and who put that thought into your head? If you came across one would you eradicate him/her? Have you considered that your obsession with Christofascists might have been manufactured by the same source that manufactured gender ideology? Maybe you have another version of the “born in the wrong body” social hysteria.

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Most of the Proud Boys defended against Antifa (which are the Brownshirts of the Democrats.). About 99% of what was told about J6 was a lie. It's the modern Reichstag Fire, and entrapment scheme used and orchestrated to demonize, imprison, and demoralize the opposition.

A Trump hater murdered a 19 year old kid who supported Trump. Ran him down in his car. Got five years. Five. Years.

Someone protests the stolen election? Gets 20 years. Political persecution.

So yeah, I'm not one of the false equivalence of the J6 myth. Antifa and BLM murdered dozens of people. The J6 protesters murdered no one. At least two of them were murdered by the police-- but suddenly, this is police brutality the Left enthusiastically supports.

I know this is waaaaaaaay off the main discussion. But I'm not buying the false equivalency.

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Thank you-it needed to be said.

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I want to find common ground. But they will not accept any interpretation other than MSM narrative.

I no longer wonder how the Nazis were able to do it.

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No - it’s being demonstrated before our eyes. You know what they say about failing to learn from our past….

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Josh: you are not well informed about Jan.6th invasion of Congress & assault on police officers. In fact: you are spreading disinformation.

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His name is Jonah. And disinformation as you so originally name it (sarc) is a relative term to be interpreted by the user. Not universal truths.

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Notice he doesn't answer questions. He mocks. He bullies. But does he answer a question? Not a single time.

This is what happens when the High School bully grows up and STILL hasn't gotten punched in the face.

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I don't know who "Josh" is. But if you're talking about me. Let me start with a question.

Give me a definition of "misinformation".

It is not lies, because otherwise you would call it lies. Then you would be called upon to identify where it's a lie, and you wouldn't be able to.

Misinformation is information the government doesn't like, because it contradicts their carefully constructed narrative.

One type of "misinformation" the government does not like is saying "Men cannot become women."

This "misinformation" may be true, but it doesn't go along with the transgender agenda.

I care about truth. Not popularity.

If you think I'm "wrong" tell me where. Let's discuss a particular fact.

Never happens though. Because that's the cute thing about misinformation. No one knows what the term means, so no one can identify it.

If you say my allusion, say, of the 19 year old Trump supporter being murdered and his killer getting only five years is "misinformation" I could easily give you the name and context of that citation. So you would know it wasn't a "lie" because it's true. You have to say its "misinformation" because it contradicts the carefully made media narrative that Trump supporters are violent and Trump opposers are peaceful, even though that's plainly false.

But narrative does not equal truth.

In fact, it usually does not.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

Jonah: you have really big bones to pick & that doesn't interest me & anyway never works in a public forum like this. The January Six invasion of the US Congress & violent assaults on the police & the threats to "hang Mike Pence: ... all of that was an insurrection to derail the validation of a federal election for the U.S. President. If you can't understand that, then I can't help you. I'm sorry you are swimming in confusion. But I value our system that respects peoples' votes. Your guy, Donald Trump, lied to the nation about the election. He lost fair & square & he didn't want to admit it so he drummed up a crowd and sent then to invade the US Capitol.

Your other points don't concern me so much. Sorry for mis-naming you. Now I'll remember, Jonah believes the criminal Trump's lies. I'm sorry you're lost in that hard-right disinformation racket & I hope you find your way back.

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You know, I’ve lost interest in convincing you to to take your self interest elsewhere. You aren’t interested in solving anything. This is not the forum for this discussion. It’s about the kids and you don’t seem interested in anything but hostility.

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I just don't like to be slandered by false accusations or false equivalency.

Heck, we're seeing it right now as Hamas murdered over a thousand Jews, but we got to be proportional because "both sides".

I'm sure you believe the accusations you levied. I felt compelled to respond.

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I accused you of nothing. I asked you to stick to the topic at hand, what is the matter with you?

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People are going to react to narcissistic provocations, and that's what this essay is. No. We're not "doing a bad" by reacting.

No. It's not "reflexive."

It's normal. You just don't like it because it makes you "uncomfortable." That doesn't make it wrong. It just makes it "not your favorite."

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It’s not evil, it’s not making me uncomfortable, but it is a waste of time and energy.

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Yeah. I think -- my least favorite part of reacting is reminding myself: "This is not about me -- this is about someone else's trauma."

But yeah, you get a little sucked in.

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Yeah, you do Joshua. The woman was saying as a left leaning parent she never thought this could happen. I’m sure right wing people think the same way. So why not admit this is something transcending right/left politics and quit dog piling on her? It’s a waste of energy, to the point that it makes me suspect there’s deliberate trolling happening.This is how a movement pushing back against trans radicals gets derailed.

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Maybe if these essays were ppl who lean right constantly making comments in their essays that say you're a monster, you'd understand that eventually, it is gonna irritate you. Reacting to the constant belittling and condescension of the right leaning writer would not be wrong.

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I've been accused of some nasty things already.

And I'm not sure why I keep getting called "Joshua" when my screen name says Jonah. Funny that.

I'm trying to resist the urge to check out and leave Ninevah to its fate.

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The interesting thing about the way the “woke” community are being talked about by this group of bullies who insist that their left leaning beliefs have brought this on themselves

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Kudos to Dad for the conversation about relationships and dating. I personally think one reason these decisions go awry is parents' inability to see their kids as sexual (or future sexual) beings who deserve and will need love in their lives and all that goes with that.

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