Wow! Long but excellent! I got a lot out of this piece.

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"Tsk, only a bigot would object to (checks notes) early onset dementia"

Medical fraud has a history and this is just one chapter.

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The T was force-teamed onto the LGB to gain greater acceptance for the T but they are two different things. LGB is a sexual orientation based on the material reality of sex but T is an 'identity' based on the invented and incoherent 'gender identity' and no material reality that just reifies old stereotypes.

There are young people, including LGBs due to lingering societal homophobia and internalized homophobia, who get sucked into the gender vortex. But it seems the rebranding of 'transsexual' to 'transgender' (and the conflation of sex w/ 'gender') was more about gaining social and legal legitimacy primarily for the male, heterosexual cross-dresser fetishists, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. They seem to be the primary funders, promoters, and beneficiaries of the 'trans' movement (see The 11th Hour blog). And most of these men have no surgeries or take hormones as far as I can ascertain--though they would still be men even if they did.

But it is these men who are supplanting women's sex-based rights when they claim a 'gender identity' of 'woman' thereby appropriating women's rights and opportunities (including women's right to safety, privacy, and dignity in women's single-sex spaces). These men already have rights as men but claiming a 'gender identity' of 'woman' gives them license to publicly engage in their fetishes and pornified paraphilias, it is not a civil right, it is male privilege. No other group in gaining equality took rights from another group as 'trans' does to women and LGBs whose rights are sex-based.

And these men, along w/ the medical/pharma profiteers, keep promoting it to the young people even though research has shown most young people desist and their distress resolves after going through puberty. Doctors fall for medical fads esp. if profitable, remember the lobotomy scandal? This is sexual lobotomy and all of those responsible are creating a generation of damaged humans.

Excellent article, thank you for writing it.

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I think if there had not been special rights for women such as special scholarships, women's colleges, etc that there might not have been the same number of men seeking to use these programs to get ahead as a "woman". But transgenderism has lead to these programs ultimately going coed, because if you let in men who live as "women" ultimately you can't exclude normal men.

In short, transgenderism has obliterated most women's space permanently, and it is what it is. There is no going back.

Now where physical strength is a factor, men are physically stronger than women and of course will dominate women's sports. This shouldn't happen. But the rest? No one should have rights as men or women. Equal rights means you do not give groups special rights based on sex or race. So I am glad transgenderism ended special rights and opportunities given to women and opened them up to everyone.

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I disagree with several things you've said, but I will address one in particular. Men are not claiming womanhood in order to win far more easily in a sports category, or even to get a scholarship or a job. Men LARP as women for sexual arousal reasons, and the other benefits, like besting women in various ways, are just gravy and provide an extra frisson of joy for them. I firmly believe that the men who LARP as women would do so even if it didn't earn them societal or economic benefits. These men are deeply envious of women's power and want it for themselves -- the idea that they have the physical, biological, sexual, or social qualities of women is a sexual addiction with which they are obsessed. They are deeply addicted to the sexual arousal they feel from being socially validated as "women" and, like any addiction, they will do or say anything to fulfill it, including lie, cheat and steal. They'd wear our skin if they could.

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Quite right. These men, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists, want to dominate women and appropriate womanhood itself. They get aroused imagining themselves as women and their porn-sick fantasies of what women are. They are deeply misogynist and are subject to narcissistic rage if their delusion of being a woman is challenged. They do not belong in female single-sex spaces as they tend to be predatory.

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You clearly have no sense of history. Women were not given 'special' rights, they fought for and won rights and opportunities that had been historically denied to them. Women were not historically denied rights b/c they 'identified' as women but b/c they were women, it was based on their sex class. And yes, men as a class seem to want to dominate women, it is called patriarchy, it breeds misogyny and sexism and when women challenge it they are met w/ angry, entitled men, no matter how they are dressed, who are threatened by women's equality.

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Equal rights means there are no opportunities for men or women. Want a job, scholarship, admission into an university or business loan? Let the best PERSON WIN.

Transgenderism did kill 1970s feminism. Its not coming back, and we can't go back in a time machine. Move forward.

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Moving forward regarding this 'transgender' nonsense is moving backward for women and their rights. 'Trans' is just another way men want to dominate and take rights and opportunities from women. These disordered men are not advancing due to merit, they are taking opportunities from women by intruding on women's sex class. Men of quality are not threatened by women's equality and they don't pretend to be something they are not.

Honest men know they advanced in the past b/c of their sex. Men who were legacy admissions to colleges and universities, men who got the benefit of grade inflation so they could stay in college or grad school and out of the draft during the war in Viet Nam and that benefit followed them throughout their lifetimes. And so many women who watched mediocre men advance in their companies while they were passed over.

So now that women have more opportunities in the marketplace some men (female impersonators) get twitchy and have to find another way to keep women in their place. But women will not stand for the erosion of their rights be it by heterosexual or homosexual male cross-dresser fetishists or the men or women who support them, including the deluded women who have so much internalized misogyny they 'transition' and try to opt out of womanhood. And the 'trans' handmaidens who are being hoodwinked by male flim-flammers who convince them to 'be nice' and supportive while they appropriate womanhood.

But if we're honest we know that 'merit' is often more about economic class and connections than merit. And now it's the invented and incoherent 'trans' 'gender identity' ideology lunacy that is dividing us all to the benefit of elites and their economic agenda, including big medicine/pharma. We are being manipulated and gaslighted and as the wise former governor of Texas, Ann Richards, once said: "If you're not at the table you're on the menu." Bon appetit.

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1. Women exist.

2. Women have been historically marginalised and mistreated. There is no doubt of the suffering that they have gone through during various periods of history. And this marginalisation and mistreatment continue to the current day.

3. Therefore, women and their voices must be advocated for.

4. However, if a man claims to be a woman because they "self-identify" as a woman… Oops.

I really appreciate your witty presentation, but I don't think your argument goes far enough.

So-called transgender people should not have their delusional sex changes affirmed, because unlike those who identify as furries or elves, there is already a marginalised group they are trying to invade. Since sex change is impossible, it cannot be ethically recommended.

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I self-identify as a flat rock...

You MUST fully support my delusions, otherwise, you are a bigoted racist against igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic persons.

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Great article! I pray for the day of a reckoning amongst the physicians and psychologists/psychiatrists that are committing these atrocities on children all for greed...and then for the teachers and educrats that enabled them.

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I share your desire for a reckoning but unless lawsuits tag some of them I think most will just manage to walk way. I say this b/c a friend, who worked for MN state senators of both parties and even did a stint in the U.S. House of Reps., replied to me when I said what you said about the medical professionals: 'No, they will just walk away.' I fear she is correct.

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That is my fear too. The medical profession is well-funded and well-protected.

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"And finally, if these interventions are so safe, how come the drug manufacturers have turned down the opportunity to conduct clinical studies and make their drugs available for on-label use? It should be easy money! Think about it – different doses, different branding, inflated pricing, and limitless possibilities for new revenue! The drugs have already been discovered, and all that is left is to carry out clinical trials.They are apparently completely safe. What’s more, since gender dysphoria causes intense distress, they can expect that most patients will rush for a cure. It’s also a large population to cater to—Pew Research Center found that “about 5.1% of young adults in the U.S. say their gender is different from their sex assigned at birth.”² That is a large market – enough to make these drugs break into the top 300 prescribed drugs. And finally, insurance companies in most states have to cover it. In an age where we can get prescription medication for restless legs, why this sudden reticence?"

Yes!! Thank you for writing this!

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Phew! This is amazing. Thank you, but like another commentator, please drop the 'cis'. Such a demeaning, crappy word.

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Agree. I cringe at that word. Stop using their ridiculous language.

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This is one of the best written articles I have read on this topic! Bravo!

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Where is MSM on this?

This should be an Op-Ed in the WaPo or NYT

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AlexEsq, Please, I beg everyone to stop asking "Where is MSM?" MSM was 90% propaganda for a century. Now it's 100%. "Big" everything (pharma/education/gov/entertainment/medicine/food/faith/business/etc) includes mainstream media. Why would media "report" negatively on its own social-engineering projects? How could these horrors have come this far without the 24/7 promotion by MSM?

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"In light of this “Rachel saga,” here are a few statements that can be said non-controversially." Actually, I find two of those statements to be very controversial. Black people are in no way marginalized or mistreated today. Their voices do not need to be advocated for any more than any other voices. The same is true of the gays and lesbians you mention later. Those are some of the most protected, well-advocated for groups in this country. None of the 3 need any more advocacy than they are currently getting.

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You're right. Government, academia, the corporate world, and society have been bending over backwards to assist, promote, protect, and celebrate black people for over half a century. The same can be claimed for gays, lesbians, and women. To any rational observer, these are most certainly not marginalized, mistreated groups.

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That is EXACTLY why Rachel Dolezal decided to pretend to be "Black" for the advantages!

Same with the fake "Native American" Politician, she got paid big bucks for teaching one college class.

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Also, I think she is mentally ill.

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Very good. But drop the “CIS”gendered, please. There is no such huma being as CIS, just men/women, girls/boys. If I never see that nonsensical word again, it will be too soon.

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I agree. I was born male. I'm a man. Period. I don't need any special designation to make it clear.

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Exactly. No qualifiers needed for man and woman. Everyone understands the meaning. And using the language of trans activists makes us complicit in affirming the fictional condition of transgender.

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This is excellent. Thank you.

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Great article!

Because of autosomal recombination (non-sex chromosomal mixing), race truly is a “spectrum.” Someone can be 10% or some other amount “Irish”, i.e. some relatively recent ancestor came from a specific area of the world. Identifying as “Irish” is fairly common in America if even maybe one of your grandparents was an immigrant. It’s considered pretty harmless to do so.

Sex chromosomes (X and Y in humans) simply do not work this way. The sperm from a male delivers an intact X or Y chromosome to the egg, determining the offspring’s sex. This is just a basic middle school biology fact. There is no sex spectrum.

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👏🏻👏🏻 Perfectly put!

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What a great piece. Thank you so much for taking the time and care to put it together.

As far as the "hopefully non-controversial basis" part, I'm a little skeptical. Despite all its anti-scientific and harmful factors, the ideology seems to have attracted a large number of adherents, and anything that disrupts the delusion is immediately cast aside as evil-doing.

But just because the battle is uphill does NOT mean we just sit it out. This piece will be circulated and it will help turn a few people around and it IS essential to keep presenting the facts however and wherever we can, over and over. Wishing you well, you and your family.

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James Lindsay had a podcast about why the Rachel Dolezals were condemned, but the transgender women are accepted as women. I'm trying to remember his argument, but I think it boiled down to they didn't want Dolezal (and any imitators of her) to access the support structure available to African Americans, whereas trans women (and trans men) are useful for breaking down the existing social order, so they get to stay.

At least, I think that was it.

And if the latter sounds controversial...

I was reading Herodatus, the Greek historian. There's an anecdote which... well, let me summarize quickly. King Croessus of Lydia was conquered by King Cyrus of Persia, but Cyrus kept Croessus alive as one of his advisors. One of Croessus's former subject cities rebelled against Cyrus's rule. Cyrus put down the rebellion, but he was angry, and was considering destroying the entire town to prevent future rebellions.

Croessus had to think quickly how to save the lives of his former subjects, but to keep them from threatening Cyrus again. He suggested to Cyrus that he push the citizens of this town to grow interested in fashion, poetry, dance, and theater. This would turn "the men into women" and they would not have the fortitude to rebel against Cyrus again.

I'm starting to suspect the push behind the transgender movement is to intentionally weaken America and other Western states by International rivals. (China, maybe?). What does a generation of this do to our military? Our international standing? We're already seeing it fall apart. What power will rush in to fill the vacuum?

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I've had the same thoughts. Our society has been feminized and that has resulted in weakness. We are much easier to control and we sre occupied with nonsensical things.

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Not feminized, castrated

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It's both.

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Feminized men, who can no longer access the masculine virtues of strength and protecting others.

Masculinized women, who can no longer access the feminine virtues of nurturing and safeguarding the next generation.

We're alienated from our own better natures.

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Great comment. They embedded themselves into all Western govs in order to weaken humanity and our very concept of being human. Start primary-school kids believing the GI cult, and they're halfway there. Or so they think. Creation and nature will win. Humanity will win.

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I have wondered the same thing, and then wondered if that made me sound crazy. I’m happy to hear I’m not the only one who’s had such a thought. We know that Russian trolls were on social media attempting to influence elections, but there was also evidence that they tried to sow dissent in western society by posting about and commenting on divisive issues like racism and sexism, in attempts to normalize extreme viewpoints and cause rifts in society. I have always wondered if that was a factor in the change of thinking around this issue. It feels to me like something that could only have resulted from skilled use of propaganda from people experienced at changing public opinion. And we won’t even get into Tik Tok’s opaque algorithm that is controlled by the Chinese Communist government and is busy feeding propaganda to every member of western society under the age of 25. The amount of anti-work, pro-communism, bosses-and-landlords-are-evil content I see online, along with the “are you gay?” quizzes, also make me wonder where all this stuff is coming from

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Dee, It's not "Russian troll farms" and "China" "attacking" "America". There are no genuine elections anywhere; and USA hasn't had them for decades. Obama didn't just stumble into the WH. Nations whose leaderships (gov/business/pharma/media/education/etc) include WEF-connected – meaning a vision of centralized, one-governance power over Earth – people and organizations are doing all this to themselves from within. Read on DARPA, CIA, FBI, AI, and all the WEF connections in USA. Nations aren't being "attacked" from the outside. Everything is being turned inside-out from within. Been going on for 70 years in USA, and the roots go back hundreds of years in Europe.

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Quite likely. Trump may be no more than Toto pulling back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz.

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Jonah, And it's being said that Trump was allowed to win so that he would be blamed for the "pandemic" that they had already planned far in advance. The insider, globalist-connected Dems would get a free ride. That hasn't worked out for them because there was more pushback globally than they expected (and continues to be). Silver lining for us "useless eaters" is that Killary didn't get her shot at the WH, LOL! She's the bitterest, angriest woman on Earth, hahaha!

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Perhaps... if Covid was deployed intentionally (and my guess is that it was -- the tyranny was much too ready-to-go than if it was a genuine surprise) was it released specifically to get Trump out?

Here is my guess... and this is just a guess.

They've planned a takeover for sometime, but they wanted it to be gradual. Bit by bit. Obama was to pass the baton to Hillary, and gradually continue the work to ... I don't know. One world government under the UN and the WEF? Or China? A digital currency and social network so dissidents are punished without the Gestapo having to get their fingernails dirty? Maybe...

But Trump somehow won. Also, Brexit won in 2016, showing more popular disgust with the Globalist project.

Trump did speak against the Globalist project at Davos. For all his faults, my guess is that he has American sentiment and not Globalist ambitions.

So they turned all their weapons against him... including the news organizations, the social wars, the intelligence agencies.

And Covid was the ultimate blow. It wrecked Trump's greatest strength -- the economy. It was used to justify insane new voting rules, which will guarantee we never have an honest election again.

I think now they have to push hard. They have a schedule to keep, a window of opportunity they don't want to close.

Will they succeed? Or are they making more popular resentment the harder they push, making it impossible?

I got to tell you: I have no idea. They could be 100% on track, 0% on track, or somewhere in between, and I have no way of knowing.

I am really worried about the jabs being the real bio weapon. Kill slow by weakening the body overall, so the deaths don't seem related. Damage fertility, so we might find that the jabbed people... OR THEIR CHILDREN are infertile. If you wanted depopulation, that's a way to do it. Especially with women. Women are born with all the eggs they will have their entire lives; they don't make more, the way men make more sperm. If the daughter of a jabbed mother has her eggs damages in utero, this will make fertility a huge problem for the next generation -- and we wouldn't know for 20 years.

If, indeed, we were ever allowed to discuss it.

They'd say "Women's fertility damaged by Climate Change." And you'd have to believe it, or your digital currency would be turned off.

On top of that... there's the social chaos.

You want to infertility? Transgenderism is just what you ordered. Block puberty, and you'll guarantee that kid never makes another "useless eater, threat to Mother Gaia." Even if he or she changes mind later in life, too late. Testes can't be taped back on, neither can the ovaries.

How would Thanos do it without the Infinity Gauntlet....

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Generally 'yes' to all that except I never saw the Marvel stuff (though heard about it ad nauseum from my kids, haha). And, yes, the jabs are genocide. The data is clear. But I believe we'll win regardless, because what they're doing is anti-nature and anti-intelligent universe (some call it God). It won't fly. But we have a big fight ahead.

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They also push climate activism. It was proven that they did it in Europe. I always wonder about any group of activists. Are they real or is it manufactured for the narrative.

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I think the reactions of the leaders are telling. I can think of no better example on how Trudeau gushed over the BLM activists, met them, praised them. I think BLM almost definitely has a lot of government-controlled roots.

Contrast to how he handled the trucker protest. Large peaceful protest, a huge difference from the "peaceful" protests of Blantifa. And Trudeau called them racists, bigots, Nazis, every dirty name in his book.

Why? Because he didn't control them.

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Yes! Well said.

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Yeah. There's a concept of 5th generation warfare which I've been hearing a lot about. China and Russia are the most likely culprits, being our international rivals. But there's also Non-government organizations (NGOs) that might be behind that as well. The WEF is the usual suspect.

The idea seems to be to weaken your target with propaganda and division, rather than soldiers.

It's like... well.... imagine Kingdom A wants to conquer Kingdom B. B has a good military, stronger than A's. So A looks for weaknesses. A sends spies to B's court, to create gossip about who is sleeping with who, making the nobles suspicious and angry at each other. Maybe some nobles even go to war with each other, drawing in their king, making and breaking deals, and dividing the whole court.

After 10 years of this, B's nobles are furious with each other, attacked each other, exhausted each other, half of them want to replace the king, the army is weak and divided and spent... and now when A attacks, B can't fend them off.

Only thing is, whereas in Feudalism A would find it hard to send spies to B's kingdom to do these things, now we can do it with a few buttons on a keyboard. A spy from China or Russia that wants to divide America doesn't have to leave Beijing or Moscow. They can work at their office, doing it all on their computer workstation. You don't know if the person cursing you out and threatening you on Twitter is even an American! It could be a foreign actor, trying to make Americans further divided.

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I think blaming other countries, and even suggesting specific ones without any evidence is a very dangerous idea that can spread mistrust and hate. There is enough specific blame to go around - unscrupulous and greedy doctors and pharma, cowardly teachers, ignorant therapists, narcissistic activists, etc. I think we should focus on bringing them to answer instead of searching for a foreign boogeyman . Is it possible that international rivals are behind it? It is, yes. However, without evidence it can just spread paranoia. I do think that more than greed is at place. It does look like something darker is going on. Whether it is eugenic against gay and autistic people , non-western influences, or something else, is impossible to say at this point.

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Good points you make. And when LGBs were advocating for equality they never insisted on fraudulent pronouns or promoted hormonal/surgical mutilation of young people--or of anyone. They wanted to integrate into society not deconstruct it as transgenderism does. And we are all required to take part in that destruction by bastardizing the language and countenancing medicalizing healthy people--it is criminal.

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I understand, and I don’t want to spread misinformation based on speculation. But I agree there is more here than just greed. I truly don’t believe that most medical professionals, or even pharmaceutical companies want to do harm. They honestly believe they are doing the right thing, and so do most of the people who are spreading the ideology without closely examining what it is the ideology says. No one wants to be thought of as hateful or bigoted. But the signs of orchestration and manipulation of the public discourse are obvious. I found one of those “are you gay?” quiz ads (the ones where every single person who takes it will be told they are some form of gay/queer/trans) and out of curiosity I looked up the domain name to find out who it was registered to. It was registered to a proxy service, which is done to obscure who actually owns a domain. The origin of the ROGD movement among teen girls was tumblr, which is known to have had many posts widely circulated that originated with Russian trolls. They attempted to notify users who had reposted the known troll posts but there’s no way to notify everyone who saw them and no way to know how much they were able to influence the culture of that community. It’s also possible that the orchestrators are just a small number of trans activists who have recognized that attitudes about gay rights changed dramatically based on people widely believing sexual orientation to be an inborn trait and realized if they could sell the same narrative for trans, they could ride on those coattails, and also realizing that if they could increase the number of trans people it would greatly increase their own political power. But it’s pretty clear to me that SOMEONE is orchestrating this movement

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Personally I don't believe at all that most medical professionals and pharma honestly believe they are doing the right thing.

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Certainly not big pharma.

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The goal of breaking down social order is indeed the up front justification for erasing women.

I wonder at the tolerance for such a statement, or addressing it in this even handed way.

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I think it's about even more than erasing women. It's erasing humanity itself. They want male and female to be like different skins on a video game avatar, and you should be able to switch between the two with no comment.

It's anti-human.

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Yes, why protect a country that you've been taught from childhood is systematically racist?

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There's another historical anecdote I heard. A barbarian warlord was sieging a walled city. The city was going to hold out, but somehow the princess met the warlord leader during some peace time festival that halted hostilities. (I dunno, like I said, I can't remember the exact time or place).

The princes falls in love with the barbarian leader. She agrees to open one of the gates to let them in. The barbarians get inside the wall, and destroy the town. The barbarian takes the princess to be his wife.

After their first night together, where they sleep in the barbarian manner -- on the ground on a strip of dried animal skins -- the princes complains. The barbarian, thinking his sleep skin is a pretty good ones, asks her what she's used to.

The princess talks about her feather bed, her servants, her chamber pots, her clothes, and all the other luxuries her father gave to her. The barbarian, who could never dream of anything like this in a hundred years, grows disgusted with the princess who betrayed her father that gave her so many wonderful things. He cancels the wedding and uh.... I'm not sure what happened to her next, but I don't think it was very nice.

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The young always rebel. It's a good thing to an extent, we don't want them to just cheer everything the country does. No country is perfect and sometimes change is good. I do agree though that a lot of their rebellion is quite dumb and ignorant. In our rich suburb high school there are some rich boys who drive nice cars , live in Mcmansions and fancy themselves communists. They are mostly harmless, do nothing but talk, and will surely leave the ideology behind with the first corporate paycheck. Some ideologies, like critical race and gender are much more dangerous.

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