On one of the webinars of the wonderful doctors group Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance, an endocrinologist was saying that sometimes hormones help patients with gender dysphoria - but not prescribing the un-natural hormones based on an ideology that is sure immediately that the child is born in the wrong body.

A sane, wise endocrinologist would test the current state of the hormones First (if female, at the right time of the month to get best reads on hormones). Sometimes gender dysphoria is rooted in having an imbalance of hormones, and correcting that balance (for what would be most healthy for the body the person is actually IN) can sometimes help feel better in the body one was born with.

At least, it sure would be a sane place to Start.

There will be a reckoning for the medical profession .. for being captured by interests that have nothing to do with health .. with trans, with covid, with so many things ... there may be some people who are sure they're better off living as the sex they are not .. but this movement is sweeping up so many more who will have massive regret later ... and the doctors and therapists who push this with no informed consent, and false assurances, will be held responsible ...

Love, strength, healing to everyone caught in this madness .. bless you ...

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Thank you for sharing this. I particularly like your emphasis on periodically revisiting the testosterone decision and the fertility issues.

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So your daughter's therapist is clearly an idiot and knows she's a happy liar for saying no one ever regrets their medical transition in order to fool some other idiots into thinking everything's safe with rhe drugs they dispense.

But you're an idiot too it sounds like for coming into this situation blind to what's been happening around this issue. It's all over the news and internet but your writing makes you seem like a fish out of water as if it were the first time you've heard about this issue. You didn't care about it until it began to affect you personally. That's the worst kind of newborn activist.

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You should change your usename from HappySoul to KindSoul because you clearly are so kind to other people's suffering.

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You sound like you want to forgive people in all situations, including those who've hurt others with their ignorance.

That makes you part of the problem as a naive enabler to them.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Parents in these situations are often in their 40s. If they only watch mainstream news sources they really only get affirmation news. That and the parents have no idea just how deep in social media the trans worm is buried. You think your kid is learning art, philosophy, video games in social media but the kid is getting a dose of "you have to transition to feel comfortable in your own skin, most people feel great in puberty!"

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That's why I can't possibly feel sorry for parents so ignorant they get blindsided by things like this.

Sympathy is limited in each person, I reserve mine for those who've shown why they deserve it.

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Nicely done. I recently watched a Jordan Peterson interview with a gender therapist who'd been at this for decades, and she revealed how shocked she was with how this all changed. Previous to the current madness, she felt that a child needed to be in a serious therapeutic environment that also evaluates the family system, social contact etc. They would try to get at root causes which could be dealt with or greatly ameliorated without 'transitioning'. It was amazing to hear her describe it. While I now doubt trans is even an actual thing, I do think that anyone with gender dysphoria deserves the deep and thoughtful care she describe. She particularly mentioned how drastic hormone blockers and replacement therapies were and she couldn't imagine that being prescribed for a minor in less than a year of therapy, and by no means would that be pursued as a primary strategy even.

That's what your daughter deserves. If she has issues, and lets say there is some dysphoria or maybe other issues around her sexuality and identity, she deserves real help. But it's almost all social contagion now. ROGD is a crime against humanity.

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I would want to know who is paying for all this treatment?

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What a bizarre question? How does any serious psychotherapy get paid for? How does anyone pay for therapy? Answer: Insurance and out of your own damned pocket.

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Forgive me: I live in the U.K. where the NHS will no longer dispense hormone drugs to or mutilate the bodies of youths under 18. “Therapy” would be paid for largely privately or through parental insurance schemes.

I asked the question because as a parent I would not pay one penny to validate the fantasy world derived from peer pressure and the internet which so many children seem to be currently inhabiting.

Parents seem to be complicit in encouraging this cult, especially in the US where it is obviously a vast money- making scam.

10 years ago in the U.K. if you wanted to annoy your parents you told them you were converting to Islam, now you tell them you’re Trans. Or maybe parents would rather let their children be mutilated rather than acknowledge they’re gay?

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If it was just about money this would be easy to deal with. Go read Michel Foucault and Judith Butler and Gail Byrnes, see where this all emanates from. This is full scale ideological subversion. And don't be too proud of yourself and the UK, the Tavistock clinic closing has been delayed for a year...cuz the Left never really dies.

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there does seem to be a movement to "trans away the gay". One of the largest centers for gender transition surgery is in Tehran, where you might be imprisoned or worse for being gay. Coincidence? I think not.

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Just one of many research articles about poor evidence for medicalizing what is essentially body dysmorphia and/or other mental health comorbidities. I share your distress for your daughter. Mine is 20, confused and thinking of surgery. Two articles to share with your daughter, if she'll listen.



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I am very sorry that this is happening. Very, very sorry. Its much harder on parents with children over 18, I feel for them all.

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Not a doctor. How old is your daughter? What are your rights? What can you do? If this was my child, and underage, I would go on the run with her. It has been done. Go somewhere inaccessible and dry out from the crazy evil crank. I know it's a hard thing to do and you need money, cash, a lot of it to survive but I don't know what else to say.

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Her daughter is in her mid-20s so clearly not an option.

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This is so helpful. I may use it as a template to send to my 21 year old daughter's slew of doctors and therapists...any and all that I find are affirming and supporting the testosterone, as my husband and I now commit to digging in with them. What has happened to your family is horrific. I hope you get results but I fear you will not. We have to keep trying though. Best.

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These doctors, they don’t really care anymore.

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Their training has been captured. Doctors aren't immune to junk science (like the suicide rate claims) and the kids come in fully educated in the right things to say to get what they want. (I've always been this way is a favorite)

You really have to visit the social media where this gets pushed to understand it.

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Thank you very much for this well reasoned essay. I am in complete agreement with you. However, I would probably have worded the letter more strongly. Let me be completely candid with you from my perspective as a biological psychologist. Any therapist who diagnoses someone as transgender without careful and long-term (in person) counseling first, and attributes this to "... a mistake in the womb” has absolutely no idea what they're doing and, in fact, is dangerous. At that point the conversation should be over. Second, and more importantly, few people (even among non-specialist physicians) understand the immense complexities of endocrinology. I would encourage readers to take the time to listen to podcasts such as those by Dr. Peter Attia (The Drive) on men's and women's sexual health. This is not as simple as giving someone testosterone or estrogen, and we know that the ramifications go far beyond the cosmetic changes on which people are now focused. In fact, they go far beyond the handful of side effects that I see repeated in articles by concerned skeptics. Certainly, people who are prescribing these hormones casually have absolutely no idea of the physiological ramifications. Once again, thank you for this very thoughtful essay. My wishes are for the very best outcome for you and your family. Sincerely, Frederick

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Totally. Making these ‘diagnoses’ is way outside the scope of practice of any psychotherapist. Too bad they no longer stay in their lane.

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This is a very well written letter. I wish this could be published on the front page of every newspaper and in every medical publication! The therapist said “this is a womb error” and “the fix” is sterilization and mutilation - beyond shocking. The “100% no regret statement” made me want to scream. Such arrogance!

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Amazing letter. I’d love to send the same one regarding the male body. We need to speak up for our children!

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What fantastic letter! I don’t see how any reasonable person could not be impacted by the straightforward questions and facts presented. Hopefully the PA and endocrinologist have open minds and will reconsider their actions.

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Such arrogance, such hubris, such evil. Such unabashed ignorance by professionals and those who have no critical thinking skills.

God help the children!

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The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto did have some weapons. But the overwhelming force of the Nazis was too much for them. The argument, however, doesn’t convince me that we should have the right to own as many guns as possible , particularly high powered rifles.

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Also just an everyday mom. By the grace of God (and I’m no longer afraid to type that), we have not yet been impacted directly. I don’t know you, but, I pray for all of us everyday moms.

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