On the topic of the brain changing, it feels like you left out an important detail, which is that the changes in the brain correlate with the brain becoming closer to that of someone assigned that gender at birth. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6235900/#:~:text=%E2%80%93%20MTFs%20receiving%20estradiol%20and%20anti,with%20changes%20in%20progesterone%20levels.

(A quote from the source is: “ These results suggest plastic changes of the transgender adult human brain structure, specifically subcortical structures related to memory and emotional processing, toward the typical size of the identified gender under the influence of GAHT”)

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Transgender people are usually willing to get hormone therapy, even though there are risks. The risks are not exclusive to trans people, cis people have the same risks when they go through regular puberty. Trans people accept the risks of transitioning, because, for them, the pros outweigh the cons. Detransitioners exist, but you cannot make sweeping generalizations based on a small sample size, so detransitioners existing does not mean that most trans people are bound to detransition. Also, don’t compare trans people getting hormones to cocaine. That is a strawman argument.

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Also, the scoliosis risk is not exclusive to trans women, it happens in cis women too. I am starting to see that a lot of this article is just a Gish gallop.

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Also, the brain fog is something that trans people experience before HRT, and also something that women on menopause experience. If your child ended up being not trans, which you seem to suggest, then having the “wrong” hormone could lead to that occurring.

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Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for this time and diligence you put into this piece. Very informative. Throughly gut wrenching. When will this madness end.

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I rarely have time to read such researched work, but once I started I couldn't stop. This should be required reading for every male seeking to transition to "female". Although this has caused you and your wife enormous pain, please accept my gratitude for what you have done here. I wish I had a miracle to offer you...

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Why the levithan is on board full tilt with pushing the trans agenda : https://theamericansun.com/2023/04/05/audrey-hale-and-the-rise-of-the-american-tranissary/

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This is worthy of a Pulitzer. Unfortunately it is personal experience and my heart goes out to you and your family.

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This is one of the best PITT articles I’ve ever read. It’s also heartbreaking. Thank you for your honesty and openness.

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I worked so hard to do well by my son. Life, as for many of us, wasn't easy but I did my best and he was loved, and clothed and given so much that I never had. I always was there to listen to him, to help him with struggles and to let him just be himself. In fact I fought to keep him from being pigeon holed or diagnosed and made sure he had the best teachers for his smarts. He was a challenging kid, but I adored and admired him. It is just excruciating to think about what he is doing to himself. Now and what he is lining himself up for in his future. This is what I tried to talk to him about and this is why he has cut me off. It is not something a parent 'gets over'. We are hard wired to make sure our kids are ok, no matter their age.

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Hi Gretchen, as a mom in a similar situation, I completely understand your heartache. I am trying so hard not to voice my opinion or my fears because he will cut me off. It's brutal to sit by and do nothing even though he is now 24 and starting his second year on hormones and blockers.

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Hi Christine, I get it, but also worried there would be a future backlash of 'why didn't you speak up'. The cult is strong and their need to be 'special' and 'oppressed' is large. He knew how I felt even if I didn't say anything. I surely couldn't lie or just not be honest, isn't who I am or the kind of relationship I want with him. We weren't hard on him about it, just worried and curious. There was no way...he was already gone. He is on second year as well and from what I know not doing life well.

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“While our son will never have all the characteristics of a woman, he will nonetheless experience womanhood through its diseases.”

My son, 4 years into cross sex hormones/hormone suppression, is starting to experience poor health. It’s SO obvious to me. Not to him.

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Adding to the list of diseases associated with estrogen. Long COVID. Below is one of several articles I’ve seen.


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This excellent and very sobering article should be required reading for anyone contemplating transitioning-- and every 'ally.'

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Thank you to the author for this extremely detailed review of the science. I did a deep dive on mRNA vaccines when they came out and discovered many of the same things: 1. The medical journals are no longer publishing only high quality studies, 2. They take a lot of advertising money from Pharma, 3. Their studies sometimes have abstracts or conclusions listed that don’t match the data in the study itself (knowing that even doctors often only read the abstract), 4. Journalists usually run with a feel good headline and ignore the consequences of drugs they promote. I haven’t done the same deep dive on transgender scientific literature, but it sounds like many of the same tricks are being used in order to sell drugs.

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Thank you so very much for doing so much research and presenting it so well. My heart aches for you and your wife and I so wish there might be a way your son could hear and believe the actual science. I’ve heard and wondered about so many of these things before, but I have a daughter in this, so I didn’t take the time to research it completely. I’ve heard some detransitioners say that it seems T is harder on the female body, but from everything I’ve read, it’s hard to imagine. Thank you again for this detailed, well researched article. I truly hope it helps others as well as your family. I’m starting to tell myself that I might have to simply wait a few decades to have my daughter back. Thanks to people like Hank who are now speaking out, I pray the time will be sooner than 70 for our children.

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Excellent article. It also reminds us that in the coming years and decades, there are going to be a lot of our fellow citizens that need our understanding and our support because of the mass of human debris the trans cult will have caused. I don't think they're going to make it easy for us.

The articles ask the question, "Do these people truly not know or understand the research, or are they intentionally misleading the general public? " They are intentionally misleading the public, and the patients, for all the reasons mentioned. However, they have also convinced themselves that what they are doing is good and right. Yes, even the ones butchering the bodies think they are right because they are simply providing a service that a patient desires. Like Pilot in the Gospels, they have washed their hands and absolved themselves of responsibility. It's interesting to quote Pilot's infamous question to Jesus after declaring Jesus innocent of any crime "What is truth?", as if he's confused about what's happening. "What is truth?" is the proverbial question the liar always asks the honest.

This article did a great job with the data and the studies of what awaits male to female transgenders. I would go a lot further. Every fascist, nazi, communist viciously oppressive society throughout the 20th and 21st century, used the medical profession to its own end. Before the Nazis had concentration camps and almost ten years before the phrase "final solution" was mentioned in any of their documents (first official use in 1943), the medical profession had been completely and totally compromised and taken over by ideology. At least five years before the outbreak of WWII, Nazi doctors were euthanizing children and adults with mental retardation and disorders that resulted in low functioning individuals. The killing didn't start with any minority group. It started with those who were considered a drain on society as determined by doctors.

In the USSR, men and women who dissented from the official propaganda or said and did things that contradicted the government, were put into insane asylums that were worse than the gulags. They were forcibly medicated, experimented on and medically abused with no clear clinical benefits and often the medications drove the patients insanity and suicide. These Soviet mental asylums were not unlike the medical experiments carried out as Auschwitz. The patients were abused and tortured for their "own good" as part of the official medical treatment due to their pathology of dissenting from the Soviet narrative.

In Cambodia, the rejection of normal western standard of medicine led to a crop of borderline witch doctors applying remedies that often resulted in the deaths of patients. Of course, Cambodia also adopted western medicine when it came to that pernicious pseudo science, eugenics. The doctors of Cambodia at least said, even if they didn't believe it, that they could eliminate deaf people and people with poor eyesight simply by killing those who wore glasses or were deaf.

Even today, in communist China, the medical professional routinely operates in cooperation with the Chinese government to harvest organs from political dissidents and minority groups that are targeted for elimination such as the Uighyrs.

When the medical profession starts rejecting actual science and more fundamentally, the good of the patient, and instead inserts narratives and current fashions as the predominant replacement, the victims won't be confined to a marginalized self identifying group for very long. Eventually, the fake medicine comes for us all. Society as a whole, has a interest in correcting the rash of pseudo science that is engulfing us or we too might become the next experiment. I'd argue the panic of covid and the faux remedy in the form of the "vaccines" was a logical and foreseeable wider application of the pseudo science taking hold of medicine. Also, our medical professionals aren't even bothering with a highly developed pseudo science either. They're just repeating slogans and using tactical boilerplate statements.

In any case, I hope soon for the sake of all transitioners and for us as a people, we can end this pseudo science, trans cult silliness. I hope the author is right that we hit peak trans but I don't think we have.

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I really have no words, except thank you. And I will be praying for your family, especially your dear son.

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Thank you for your efforts and for sharing. As an older parent, I simply pray that I live long enough to see the truth exposed to the masses. I have lost hope for my precious boy.

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I fervently hope you're right, that "peak trans" is over and we're heading back toward reason and normality.

As for NPR, anyone who still listens to or reads their drivel and takes it seriously is comically naive.

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Terrific job of research and writing!

Now we need to convince some professional researchers in the field to speak up in this way. It's hard, because liberals are in control of NIH and NSF funding, and pharma companies make up most of the rest of the funding sources in the field. Perhaps some red-state governments will fund some research? Otherwise, little will change as long as clinics are making money hand over fist from these transitions, unless a Republican gets elected President.

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