This is so like my family. My brother says he is a woman. My other brother says we have to be kind and why does it matter anyway. My mother and sister go along with the lie. I cannot lie or accept people that do. I feel so alone right now.

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So has the wedding happened now? 123123???

Pls let us know how you are doing? Are you coping ok?

Is there anything we can do?

I wish I could send you a gift, I am really breaking for you. This is awful on so many levels

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I cant stop thinking about you 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔

I hate that this has happened to you. It's just not fair 💔💔💔

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Your son is being so disrespectful to you. I am shocked at his reaction and to ban you from his wedding. That's absolutely atrocious. I'm so sorry. This ideology makes our kids even more selfish and egocentric than they already are as teens!

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Yes, never sell your soul to this lie. It is hard, but i agree.

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Oh my dear ...💔 so eloquently written, but so deeply disturbing. I understand ypur pain unfortunately, but not about missing the wedding. Thankfully none of my kids are close to marriage and I pray from the depth of my soul that if it does happen, that all this mess will already be resolved.

But for you, I have no words. Only sorrow 💔

I wish I could hug you. This isn't fair.


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I feel your pain -I don’t have much to add to what others have said except that our family is so fragmented since our daughter suddenly flipped from the most feminine teenager you could imagine to sneaking behind our backs & taking testosterone and moving as far west from FL as you can imagine. Limited contact but I’m thankful for the little. So many of us parents & family with broken hearts. It’s so hard to know how to pick up the pieces when all of the pieces are strewn so far. My heart is with you ❤️

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The physical, moral and spiritual authority as given by US law, natural law and Judeo Christian tradition and teaching. Parents who beget children have a special right and responsibility to teach, guide and pray for their children. We do not stop praying for our children at an arbitrary age or location. This is elucidated in several apostolic letters. You see parental rights in our laws in the United States because of this teaching in Judeo Christian teaching. Parents can and do delegate some of the responsibility to schools. Parents have the right and responsibility to ensure that schools are teaching properly. Teachers and schools are to be held accountable to parents- the primary educators of children. You may not understand this but I suggest you read these laws and letters concerning parental rights. Much of the attack on parental rights has fueled the trans indoctrination problems —by WPATH, HRC, gay-straight alliance clubs, Pro-affirmation health care providers, Planned parenthood, counselors, schools or on the internet—people promoting the identity tell Kids to keep this information from their parents and to cut off their parents if the parent questions their identity at all.

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Why do the announcements always come at someone else's big event?

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The highest thing we can strive towards is truth. Not my truth or your truth - those relative nonsensical things, but truth and to pretend what is not and cannot be is to stray from truth. Lies are never truth. It is what matters most so hopefully one day when one of your sons becomes a parent their selfish folly will become apparent.

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Thank you. You are kind.

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What has this rotten ideology done to our next generation? What and who is behind this garbage driving it forward into naive young brains. It disgusts and sickens me that this horror is breaking families apart or as my daughter who thinks she can be a man has said to me “Well you’ll be the one crying when I have a beard!” Who says that to their loving parent? In what Universe is that acceptable? It doesn’t make any sense. Precisely how does one who has never been the opposite natal gender/sex know what it feels like to be that?? Again no sense. Gut wrenching, heart breaking like someone has replaced your own child and is trying to slowly drain away your ability to grasp reality and any beauty that exists in this world. I’m baffled why a child would do that to their parent who has grown and nurtured them their entire lives, who know them inside and out, who have changed their nappies, wiped their tears, cleaned up their vomit, sat beside them when they are ill, taken them on journeys around the world, read to them every night and patted them off to sleep. What evil has possessed them?

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My heart goes out to you with for the deep loss and pain you are experiencing.

We have been completely cut off as well from our son, d-in-law, and their now 1 year old daughter... for refusing to succumb to the ideology. (we don't even have a trans family member…!)

We have been deemed toxic and dangerous to their family.

This entire thing is a viral Satanic disease which, under the guise of acceptance and tolerance, actually spews hatred and causes division.

I have over the past year and a half realized even more deeply my hope does not lie in those who have been seduced by the lies...but for me, in the eternal truth of God's Word.

I am His child...and no agenda can ever snatch me from the Father's Hand.

I will be praying for you.🙏🙏🙏

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I'm sorry. Don't you wonder as I do why our son's, who are obviously tall men want to draw negative attention and ridicule to themselves? Not to mention shrinking their dating pool to a drop?

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My heart goes out to you, and I'll think of you on the 31st. One of the most horrifying outcomes of the Gender Identity Cult is the destruction of families. That you are excluded from such an important event because you will not go along with the Cult and its destruction is terrible.

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Praying so hard for you and everyone who's impacted by this insanity. So far ,my family have not been affected but my great grandchildren are still very young ,some not even at school yet ,so the prospect of any of them being indoctrinated

into this malevolent cult either by teachers or social media influencers fills me with dread and terror. This pernicious ideology ,including all its strands is the very worst I have ever heard of in my 76 years on this earth !! God Bless you all.🙏🙏🙏🇬🇧🇺🇲🇮🇱xxx

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