Hey, AMA! Congratulations! Your endorsement of the gender affirmation model with all of its mind/body altering drugs and surgeries to treat children and young adults suffering from gender dysphoria has been an overwhelming success! Gender shops are everywhere!
Just for completeness, I gotta push back on this widespread misconception of "the Hippocratic oath" saying "first do no harm"—which is just completely made-up pop culture trash.
Hippocrates was a real "doctor" in ancient Greece, and his oath exists—BUT
/1/ his oath says NOTHING resembling "first do no harm".
Which is actually fine, because
/2/ absolutely no doctor alive today anywhere on earth has actually sworn it.
in greater detail,
the ACTUAL oath of Hippocrates starts out with an invocation to Apollo, who was a doctor on top of everything else (who knew?) and then a statement of literal "reverence" for whoever happens to have just taught the material to the newly sworn-in doctor—which is extra creepy in the current context at hand, considering that could very well be one or more of the exact subhuman pieces of shit who are pushing the gender affirmation model on the rest of us.
"First do no harm" (Primum non nocere) was originated by Thomas Sydenham, the XVII century physician now honored as the "Galen of England" who was also the pioneer of modern medical ethics more generally—and who was born more than 2,000 years after the life and death of Hippocrates.
Like other oaths of the time, Sydenham's was an oral tradition; it was not attested in writing until 1860, when it was duly credited to Sydenham.
(BTW the fact that "primum non nocere" is Latin should have been the first clue that it didn't come from Hippocrates. If it were originally his, it would be attested in Greek.)
The actual oath of actual Hippocrates reflected the main principles of classical Greek "medicine", which was not real medicine in any serious sense.
The main problem with Greek "medical" ethics is that they were shaped by the religion of the Olympian gods—which, among other things, regarded the human body very literally as a temple of those gods.
In the Olympian faith, opening up the human body for any reason at all whatsoever constituted a hostile breach of that temple—which, it was believed, the gods would avenge with drastic retaliation, up to and including the possible extermination of the entire Greek populace..
Accordingly, classical and Hellenistic Greek "medicine" —and thusly the Hippocratic oath—PROHIBITED ANY AND ALL INCISIONS INTO THE HUMAN BODY ANYWHERE. No surgery of ANY kind was allowed for ANY reason, not even to extrude a tumor or to do anything else clearly and obviously life-saving.
(By extension, injections would have been off-limits too, although there were no needles in classical antiquity with which to deliver them so that part is entirely theoretical.)
And, yup, Hippocrates's actual path includes that whole entire prohibition, in its full force. LMAO imagine if entire classes of moderm medical grads were swearing off the scalpel and the needle 🤡
... aaannnddd
that's why no modern doctor has sworn that oath in centuries—not even in Greece itself.
No doctor has EVER officially sworn the Hippocratic oath anywhere in North America. Zero doctors total in the entire history of the US, Canada, or Mexico have sworn it.
I feel like sending this letter or some variation to the three therapists who each told me my son might kill himself if we didn’t nod along with this idiocy and the pediatrician who gave my son info on the gender clinic after I took for his annual check up. Great letter, thank you!
I know your anger, but I must defend the pediatricians. Many really don't know what is happening and they don't know how to handle these kids when they come into the office so they refer them out so that they can get "the help" that they need. They don't understand the affirmation model that is being pushed/promoted by pop psychology. I recently had a conversation with my kids pediatrician and she said her and the other 2 pediatricians in the office were getting very concerned about what is going on and how it should be handled......which means that they are starting to see more of these kids that they don't know what to do with.....which means something is wrong in society (a fad gone wrong). I think we have hit "peak trans" which is a good thing!...because that is when those that can really help will start to get involved.
I had another pediatrician acquaintance tell me that she would like to get back to being a pediatrician. All of her young patients were coming in with mental illness type issues and she is not a trained psychiatrist or psychologist. She didn't know what to do with all of these children/teens.
Thank you. I appreciate what you wrote. I will also add, they are very, very busy. I wrote a letter to the practice at the time, expressing my feelings because I thought it was important to speak out. It is also important to remember they are only human and mostly just doing the best they can.
They get continuing education to maintain their licenses, and they get taught by the looney activists. People like Dianne Ehrensaft, who teaches about "gender angels"
Sometimes well educated people are easy to fool, when you put an authority figure like that kook on a podium with a power point slide pack, they go into "learning in school" mode, and turn off the "critical thinking" mode.
I've worked in health care for my whole life and my last job was as a medical secretary for a Urologist. Yes, they have to do CEU's and I used to update my Dr's CV. Most of the CEU's are offered by drug companies and medical supply companies. 1-2 days long with a lunch/dinner offered and a round of golf at a nice club with great amenities (usually for the wife and kids....Disney anyone?)....kind of like a bribe to use their product. Dr's know this and go for the 1-2 hour "lecture, golf and a good time and will still go with their gut about best practices for their patients. No teaching really going on....just pushing of a "product"!
I have a friend who is a LCSW and does talk therapy. Most of her clients are teens and young adults. Yes, she has to sit through the drudgery of CE to update her CV, so she tries to select courses that she can "stomach". She knows what is best for her patients and follows her gut. She is smart enough to "sift through the shit" that activists are pushing within the Psychiatry/Psychology sector.
It's the AMA, APA etc that REQUIRE the CEU's. It used to be about education and sharing ideas, but now it's all about big companies making money. Real health care providers know this!
Great letter. Sending it to the AMA is a great idea. It is also right on topic REK Jr's message. He and Trump are going to make America Healthy again, especially kids. This is going on with big pharma and big food and making us sick. For these groups it is all about the money.
BRILLIANT!!!!!!! I smoke six packs of cigarettes a day, but I'm having a terrible time finding an apartment. I'm going to start telling prospective landlords that I identify as a non-smoker so they will let me move in and ruin their property. Boom! Problem solved! 😎🚬 I also identify as the owner of a cat who doesn't pee on everything, but they'll find that out later. My immediate happiness is to be AFFIRMED at all costs!
We need more satire like this. It's not a funny subject, but it's another tool in the arsenal of waking people up to these horrors.
Just for completeness, I gotta push back on this widespread misconception of "the Hippocratic oath" saying "first do no harm"—which is just completely made-up pop culture trash.
Hippocrates was a real "doctor" in ancient Greece, and his oath exists—BUT
/1/ his oath says NOTHING resembling "first do no harm".
Which is actually fine, because
/2/ absolutely no doctor alive today anywhere on earth has actually sworn it.
in greater detail,
the ACTUAL oath of Hippocrates starts out with an invocation to Apollo, who was a doctor on top of everything else (who knew?) and then a statement of literal "reverence" for whoever happens to have just taught the material to the newly sworn-in doctor—which is extra creepy in the current context at hand, considering that could very well be one or more of the exact subhuman pieces of shit who are pushing the gender affirmation model on the rest of us.
"First do no harm" (Primum non nocere) was originated by Thomas Sydenham, the XVII century physician now honored as the "Galen of England" who was also the pioneer of modern medical ethics more generally—and who was born more than 2,000 years after the life and death of Hippocrates.
Like other oaths of the time, Sydenham's was an oral tradition; it was not attested in writing until 1860, when it was duly credited to Sydenham.
(BTW the fact that "primum non nocere" is Latin should have been the first clue that it didn't come from Hippocrates. If it were originally his, it would be attested in Greek.)
The actual oath of actual Hippocrates reflected the main principles of classical Greek "medicine", which was not real medicine in any serious sense.
The main problem with Greek "medical" ethics is that they were shaped by the religion of the Olympian gods—which, among other things, regarded the human body very literally as a temple of those gods.
In the Olympian faith, opening up the human body for any reason at all whatsoever constituted a hostile breach of that temple—which, it was believed, the gods would avenge with drastic retaliation, up to and including the possible extermination of the entire Greek populace..
Accordingly, classical and Hellenistic Greek "medicine" —and thusly the Hippocratic oath—PROHIBITED ANY AND ALL INCISIONS INTO THE HUMAN BODY ANYWHERE. No surgery of ANY kind was allowed for ANY reason, not even to extrude a tumor or to do anything else clearly and obviously life-saving.
(By extension, injections would have been off-limits too, although there were no needles in classical antiquity with which to deliver them so that part is entirely theoretical.)
And, yup, Hippocrates's actual path includes that whole entire prohibition, in its full force. LMAO imagine if entire classes of moderm medical grads were swearing off the scalpel and the needle 🤡
... aaannnddd
that's why no modern doctor has sworn that oath in centuries—not even in Greece itself.
No doctor has EVER officially sworn the Hippocratic oath anywhere in North America. Zero doctors total in the entire history of the US, Canada, or Mexico have sworn it.
Yup. It would be funny if it wasn’t all so tragic.
I wish I knew a doctor that is engaging in this and I would send this post. This is spot on.
This might make the proponents of 'gender affirming care' sit up and take notice! It's all so obvious it's ridiculous.
I feel like sending this letter or some variation to the three therapists who each told me my son might kill himself if we didn’t nod along with this idiocy and the pediatrician who gave my son info on the gender clinic after I took for his annual check up. Great letter, thank you!
I know your anger, but I must defend the pediatricians. Many really don't know what is happening and they don't know how to handle these kids when they come into the office so they refer them out so that they can get "the help" that they need. They don't understand the affirmation model that is being pushed/promoted by pop psychology. I recently had a conversation with my kids pediatrician and she said her and the other 2 pediatricians in the office were getting very concerned about what is going on and how it should be handled......which means that they are starting to see more of these kids that they don't know what to do with.....which means something is wrong in society (a fad gone wrong). I think we have hit "peak trans" which is a good thing!...because that is when those that can really help will start to get involved.
I had another pediatrician acquaintance tell me that she would like to get back to being a pediatrician. All of her young patients were coming in with mental illness type issues and she is not a trained psychiatrist or psychologist. She didn't know what to do with all of these children/teens.
I have little sympathy for pediatricians who buy into this and then just shuffle a client along. At this point, they should know better!
Thank you. I appreciate what you wrote. I will also add, they are very, very busy. I wrote a letter to the practice at the time, expressing my feelings because I thought it was important to speak out. It is also important to remember they are only human and mostly just doing the best they can.
They get continuing education to maintain their licenses, and they get taught by the looney activists. People like Dianne Ehrensaft, who teaches about "gender angels"
Sometimes well educated people are easy to fool, when you put an authority figure like that kook on a podium with a power point slide pack, they go into "learning in school" mode, and turn off the "critical thinking" mode.
I've worked in health care for my whole life and my last job was as a medical secretary for a Urologist. Yes, they have to do CEU's and I used to update my Dr's CV. Most of the CEU's are offered by drug companies and medical supply companies. 1-2 days long with a lunch/dinner offered and a round of golf at a nice club with great amenities (usually for the wife and kids....Disney anyone?)....kind of like a bribe to use their product. Dr's know this and go for the 1-2 hour "lecture, golf and a good time and will still go with their gut about best practices for their patients. No teaching really going on....just pushing of a "product"!
I have a friend who is a LCSW and does talk therapy. Most of her clients are teens and young adults. Yes, she has to sit through the drudgery of CE to update her CV, so she tries to select courses that she can "stomach". She knows what is best for her patients and follows her gut. She is smart enough to "sift through the shit" that activists are pushing within the Psychiatry/Psychology sector.
It's the AMA, APA etc that REQUIRE the CEU's. It used to be about education and sharing ideas, but now it's all about big companies making money. Real health care providers know this!
Well said. This is exactly how ridiculous the AMA has become in the US. Patient self-diagnosis is idiotic and dangerous.
Cotard's delusion: a psychological affliction where a patient truly believes they are dead. It deserves affirmation as much as anything!
I hope you sent it!
Great letter. Sending it to the AMA is a great idea. It is also right on topic REK Jr's message. He and Trump are going to make America Healthy again, especially kids. This is going on with big pharma and big food and making us sick. For these groups it is all about the money.
This is a good angle. Sarcasm is sometimes very effective. Would it be alright with you if I send this out to a few enablers and perpetrators?
Great writing. Thanks.
BRILLIANT!!!!!!! I smoke six packs of cigarettes a day, but I'm having a terrible time finding an apartment. I'm going to start telling prospective landlords that I identify as a non-smoker so they will let me move in and ruin their property. Boom! Problem solved! 😎🚬 I also identify as the owner of a cat who doesn't pee on everything, but they'll find that out later. My immediate happiness is to be AFFIRMED at all costs!
I vote you put this letter into a petition and we all sign it, send it to AMA and publish it widely.
Horrible but depressingly true
Great essay
I wish it could open the eyes of some "practitioners".