I'm a full blown adult, in graduate school mid-career. I'd be absolutely appalled if a professor or instructor discussed any aspect of their sexuality. Anything more than a word or to, I'd complain to the dean. I'm there to learn, not to "get personal" or know the intimate details of an instructors sexuality. How do children manage?

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I read this letter out loud to my local school board. There are 13,187 school boards in the US. If anyone has suggestions on how to get it read out loud in person to one school board in each of our 3,100 US counties, please email me at ccgrandpa@proton.me

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This is fabulous! So many points I agree with and ponder: "...parents are the real constituents of their child’s educational experience" and "Teachers work for the parents, and the administration is democratically elected to facilitate in service of the needs and interests of the parents." This speaks volumes: "Publishers, school administration, and teachers should have nothing to hide. With technology, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal unless you have hired people that don’t understand their job." 100% agree with this: "I never thought the grownups in charge would be too busy to take the time to understand a massive social phenomenon that is happening amongst young people..." This is the honest truth and why is it being promoted: "The reality is you cannot change your sex, so why are we promoting this as a normal thought experiment." Secrets cause harm, pain and confusion: "So it also stands to reason that any teacher or adult keeping a secret from parents is suspect. Best practice is full transparency." Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you for writing this. I am a teacher also. At the beginning of each school year, a lawyer comes and tells us what we should and shouldn’t do in different situations to avoid lawsuits. Regarding keeping students’ “gender changes” secret from parents, the lawyer said, in a nutshell, “when students sue the school for discrimination, they often win. Parents rarely win.” There it is. Children currently have more power than parents to inflict financial damage on schools and school districts, so the kids, not their parents, are our bosses.

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You might ask for receipts. This probably is not indicative of so called "gender" discrimination, so perhaps a false flag or strawman argument (or something like that).

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If you agree with the letter writer, but support Pride month with your rainbow flag, goes along with Caitlyn Jenner being a “woman”, think drag shows are ok, and it’s fine to let a man who dresses as a woman into a woman’s restroom, then you are part of the problem.

It’s all or nothing. You can’t agree to using false pronouns and then be upset that your kid is being forced fed this BS. You can’t turn a blind eye to “women face” (that’s blackface for females) in which men dress up like women and act our their worst stereotypes. You can’t ignore the laws in your state which permit “gender-affirming care” which is making millions for doctors, hospitals and Planned Parenthood by permanently mutilating the bodies of children and young adults.

It’s all or nothing.

Because the truth is all or nothing and you’ve got to be willing to be “not cool” anymore with you social group and your Democratic Party which so disgustingly supports this from the White House on down. It’s all bullshit and they know it.

No lip service. Say no to ALL transgenderism and don’t be afraid to say it in public because no one can ever change his or her sex, gender is a made up term, and it’s all a big dangerous lie.

All or nothing.

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Exactly! Part of the problem indeed!

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Thank you. Well said!

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Excellent letter that I hope gets widely shared.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

Excellent letter. One of the best I have read. Sharing on my platforms in Chico, CA. Thank you.

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Absolutely 💯 correct on every point!

Thank you so much!

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This simple truth must be shared far and wide across Canada

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I’m an independent. Can’t support either for various/really same reasons.

Here’s my msg: regardless of the stress physically, financially, emotionally, relationally: pull your kids out and homeschool or move geographically if necessary. This is a war for your children. Do not be me! Unaware, blindsided and now having to accept the grief of a child gone forever in this madness.

If he was happy, functioning and self sufficient, I would celebrate him. Sadly, from what I know, it’s a miserable life that he has been sucked into.

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Homeschooling is NOT an option for the vast majority of parents. The solution is to fix public schools, not withdraw from the system.

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Good luck with that.

Go sit in on a school board meeting and a legislative session in CA. when parental rights are being discussed.

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it still takes people to keep talking to make changes. Local districts and parents are slowing but surely reclaiming their rights for local control.

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I feel your pain. PM me if you want a kindred spirit parent. Find me on FB ‘Nichole Nava’. My profile pic is me with sunglasses on, long brunette hair, with the town of Cinque Terre in the background.

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Thank you. I will be sending this letter to our board of Ed.

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Brilliant and perfectly timed as we all return to those very dangerous and dark waters, our children's schools. I am happy to have this very difficult summer over but terrified of the further damage that can be done in the months ahead from teachers and school administrators.

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I just read an article that was brilliantly written on the tragedy that has been unfolding and the lies that have been perpetrated all in the name of an experimental trans ideology to mutilate, medicalise, creating hatred and division between parent and child! This is child abuse because puberty is not a disease nor is childhood or adulthood a disease. The way people are acting has people thinking the non-existent disease can be cured by removing healthy body parts, as well as taking puberty blockers to prevent adulthood maturation of the genitals and the brain. It is time to stop this experimental insanity. It is also time for men to accept their straight or gay manhood; for them, womanhood is a farce made worse by taking women's private spaces and sports. And people need to be aware of these heinous crimes against our children by Pharma, surgeons, governments and schools or we will lose too many young people to a life of patient hood, impotence, sterility, regret and misery.

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