I'm not sure why you would even send her into the snake pit of doom. Colleges are simply indoctrination centers that will further 'affirm' her delusion.

I wish you luck but colleges aren't the wonderful, "enlightening" places you have fond memories of.

They now supply the access to drugs & the cult.

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I’m so sorry for you and your daughter. Like other commenters, I feel like I spent years of my life crying. My son has been estranged for years. But to echo so many comments below, you are entitled to set boundaries, including not paying for college while she pursues transition. And on the current path, there is no doubt she will estrange from you. Make the hard calls now and you may be able to alter the course of this.

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Author, how old was your daughter when she "told" you you could not come to her school play? Did you go backstage even though she "banned you?" Are you paying for college? I know you love your daughter and that you don't want to lose her but, on face value, it looks like she may have been bossing you and your husband around for a long time. As for the college tours, she can get herself there and pay for everything herself. Then she can do all of the paperwork herself and apply for the financial aide she's going to need. I know that consequences like these can sometimes be harder on the parents than the kids but at some point you need to take the risk and let her suffer consequences. You're not going to be able to appease her out of this. Also, if she tells you not to go to her graduation, thank her for her input then go anyway and bring the whole family. Stop letting the tail wag the dog.

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I get it, regarding why you're still paying for her tuition. I wondered that too. no judgement. this is so hard. you're probably hanging on to the thread of connection, knowing she will probably completely stop talking to you once you decide not to. you're useful to her now, or at least your money is. If you pull the tuition, she'll accuse you of being manipulative. there's no winning though. I'm sorry you're going through this. I know how stressful this is.

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Why are you paying for her college? No tour no tuition.

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My husband and I just had a conversation with my daughter (ftm) about college. She turned 18 this past December as a senior in high school. Fortunately for us, we did attend college days with no issues. However, I found out through the health insurance that she planned to have a double mastectomy this summer with the money that we had set aside for her to use while in college. Our conversation went plainly that we would not pay for her college, her car, her car insurance, her phone, her gas, etc. if she decided at any time to have surgery and we also moved the money so she no longer had access to it. It is one time that I am so thankful I chose to have a high deductible insurance plan, she was going to have to pay $12K for that surgery. Thankfully, she said that she would not have the surgery and the conversation was well planned and went smoothly. Now, I still have the fight of her taking testosterone. She started that 3 months ago. Her once beautiful skin is now riddled in acne. If I ask if I can help her with her acne problem, she just gets mad at me. I have read so many bad things about the girls taking testosterone, that it has now become my mission to get her off of it. It is way to easy for the kids to get this prescription and it is quite inexpensive ($17/month). She thinks that she is an adult and can do whatever she wants with her body. I keep informing her that she will never in her life be smarter than she thinks is right now. I let her know that I have been many different people in my life and that as life progresses, we change. What I wanted at 18 wasn't what I wanted at 21, wasn't what I wanted at 27 and certainly isn't what I want today at 52. I tell her she is still to young to make irreversible life decisions. She thinks she is smarter. I will keep trying, because I know my sweet girl is still in there somewhere. FYI, she came out as bi sexual at 15, then trans at 16. She changed her name in school at 16. She has been presenting "male" since 16. In middle school she dated boys. In elementary school, all of the boys wanted to be her "friend". She had no visible male thoughts until high school - typical ROGD.

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Keep the faith and keep fighting for her! My prayers are with you. You’re doing a good job.

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You're doing the right thing. You need to hear that. A lot. The world will tell you you're a terrible, mean, unsupportive parent. The world is crazy. You are not.

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Totally agree with all the comments about how she can pay for her own damn college education if she's going to be such an ungrateful little bitch.

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It would be a cold day in hell before I sponsored a child's education after being so cruel and disrespectful. There must be so many older kids in the system with no parents, or too poor to access education, that would be exceptionally grateful for such a gift and make you proud. What an ungrateful child.

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From one of the Reddit groups that still allows anyone to read AND comment. If I had a young daughter (or son), I don't think I could bear following it. Yes, every comment is an echo 99% of the time. It is easy to tell M from F people just from the tone of the forum. These young women, many of whom say they would consider suicide if they ever got pregnant, are incredibly maternal toward each other.

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The UK 😊 yes USA is getting bad too look at these kids protesting at colleges it’s insane! Yes you are right Strong men are needed. Unfortunately the Feminist destroyed men and where are they now? No one hears a peep out of these women!

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Your daughters entire thought process of her brain is, indeed, faux science. There is no such thing as a "male/female brain." As far as the physical differences, the small differences do not equal female and male of the whole brain. When size, diversity and ethnicity, bias (read Potential Reporting Bias in Neuroimaging Studies of Sex Differences, for instance) etc. are taken into account, there is no f or m brain.


"Dump the “dimorphism”: Comprehensive synthesis of human brain studies reveals few male-female differences beyond size"

They found almost no differences that were widely reproduced across studies, even those involving thousands of participants. For example, the volume or thickness of specific regions in the cerebral cortex is often reported to differ between men and women. However, the meta-synthesis shows that the regions identified differ enormously between studies. Male-female brain differences are also poorly replicated between diverse populations, such as Chinese versus American, meaning there is no universal marker that distinguishes men and women's brains across the human species.


"The human hippocampus is not sexually-dimorphic: Meta-analysis of structural MRI volumes"

"Meta-analysis reveals a lack of sexual dimorphism in human amygdala volume"

Men’s overall brain size is about 11% bigger than women’s, but unlike some songbirds, no specific brain areas are disproportionately larger in men or women. Brain size is proportional to body size, and the brain difference between sexes is actually smaller than other internal organs, such as the heart, lungs and kidneys, which range from 17% to 25% larger in men.

When overall size is properly controlled, no individual brain region varies by more than about 1% between men and women, and even these tiny differences are not found consistently across geographically or ethnically diverse populations.

Other highly touted brain sex differences are also a product of size, not sex. These include the ratio of gray matter to white matter and the ratio of connections between, versus within, the two hemispheres of the brain. Both of these ratios are larger in people with smaller brains, whether male or female.

As for personality differences, there are, again, PARTS where there is small differences that lean more LIKELY to male or female. However, everyones brain, as a whole, is not male/female, in regards to personality, either. Everyone has traits that are male and female. Both. There is no consistency.

In Daphna Joels study, each brain studied had its own unique pattern of “maleness” and “femaleness.” No matter which group of people they looked at, what type of scan was used or which part of the brain was examined, the researchers consistently failed to find patterns that set men and women apart.

So there is no such thing as a female brain or a male brain.


"Sex beyond the genitalia: The human brain mosaic"

"Male or Female? Brains are Intersex"

"Genetic-gonadal-genitals sex (3G-sex) and the misconception of brain and gender, or, why 3G-males and 3G-females have intersex brain and intersex gender"

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I have actually had pro-trans people on other comment boards tell me that brains have a "gender" (apart from sex) which can be scientifically observed on imaging in fetuses, even before birth. Um -- I DON'T THINK SO! 🙄

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Right, all girl fetuses have a little bow on top of their heads and boy fetuses are holding a little train. You can clearly see that on an ultrasound. Didn't you know that?

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Yes, obviously. Girl fetuses are so dainty and delicate that you barely know you're pregnant but boy fetuses play basketball in utero. Boy fetuses also do a lot of play-fighting and farting.

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😄 Yeah, that is completely insane. Lol The things they believe are beyond irrational.

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I get a laugh out of those people. They are SO uneducated and want to sound so smart.

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I’m happy for your son I will sh my son had done that you’re lucky there and I pray he has a happy life. My son and your daughter were caught up in this terrible college cult. It was hidden from me and I am sorry I don’t don’t pull him from Santa Cruz University or ever let him go there! My son works and makes good money but who knows I just pray our kids come to their senses. Those people they revere now will disappear one day then where will they go? I personally would welcome my son back whatever state he is in.

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Parents need to be extra vigilant about the college agenda. 'Gender', and all that comes with it, is an highly organized top down agenda. I wrote about a part of the scandal in a piece on the Common App. This is the online college application that is rolled out every summer for millions of high school students to apply to college to selected colleges via one electronic application. Those in charge of the agenda at hand are collecting 'gender' data via the Common App. A nonbinary male transgender activist (who has pushing the agenda for decades now) has been given the data. You can read about this here: https://margox.substack.com/p/focus-on-common-app?r=1kuq0

More on the college scandal will be written.

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Look into Xan Tanner (Merrick Garland's son in law). He co-owns Panorama Education and they provide Social/Emotional surveys to public schools and then sell the information. Wonder why that letter was issued (and then thankfully rescinded) in VA? It doesn't matter what side of the aisle these politicians are on, they are mostly all corrupt and will do anything for money.

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Yes, I am aware of Panorama and you are correct - corruption runs in both parties and both support this in one way or the other.

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Well .... in the"land of reality" maybe your daughter should be informed that as you are not to be included publicly in her college education parent's days or be visible parents at other college events than maybe your payments for her college education should not be "visible" either. Don't martyr yourself for this lie. Take the money and do something for yourselves. Let your daughter/pretend son figure out how to pay for college on her own - especially as she expects you to pay her way without any accountability to your thoughts, feelings and wisdom. Enabling won't help her it just keeps her insulated from the truth of this nonsense and perpetuates the destructive fantasy.

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Do teens have to go to college or uni? Let them take an apprenticeship and start earning money at 18. They’ll love their own money. And it’s unlikely that they’ll fall prey to The Cult in the workplace, workplaces aren’t putting up with these little narcissists at all.

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Yeah they are. Most retail stores happily affirm their "trans" employees. They couldn't care less if a female cashier pretends to be a guy. And you still need at least some aptitude to go into specific trades. It really is not a magic solution.

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You’re right but parents are barraged daily with where to send their kids for college and no one promotes trade jobs. I’ve known many happy and rich plumbers and hvac repair people. College is not what it used to be it’s been over run with overpaid liberal elites who think they know it all and are poisoning students minds! It’s sad if I had it to do all over I would encourage my son to be an electrician!

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My son started an apprenticeship in a pharmacy but then went to the Army. He has saved £30K and is absolutely delighted. He is making plans to buy his home and meet a girl one day. My daughter made the mistake of going to college, she’ll probably end up sterile, mutilated and penniless and at this rate, a drug addict and beggar in the streets.

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