Thank you for this dissection of the enemy.

Learning to live in the body you were born with is never easy. I was lucky to have been brought up by a mother who taught me to pay attention to what is happening in my body and to listen to what it is telling me. Even now lying in hospital with a terminal illness, I am quite happy with my broken body. It is who I am! My GP tells me that she has never known anybody so well aware of their body. I knew for example that metastatic growth had invaded my hips before I was scanned to have this confirmed. My physicians and oncologists have learned to listen carefully to what I tell them about the progression of the disease because they have learned (eventually) that I know.

If it was possible for me to grow up like this, why then is it not possible for others to do exactly the same?

The fact that the new generation has been duped into this Biophobia is absolutely terrifying for the future; even though I am not going to be around to witness it, I have step-grandchildren still under the age of four who will have to negotiate this brave new world of medicated existence.

I can't help feeling though that a sustained attack on the power of big Pharma is what must be done by those still able to think for themselves. Even though I am aware that big Pharma has spies in every nook and cranny of the internet, who may even be reading this, I consider this lobby to be the "devil incarnate" or that bit of the capitalist machine that must be destroyed lest humanity decline into the dark ages.

I will not change my mind about this.

This is the hill I am going to die on. And I do not fear death.

So bring it on.

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Yes, we are not transphobic, we are biophilic.

Great piece. I value both the personal testimonies at PITT, and the big-think pieces like this. Keep it up! We need both!

Someday (soon) PITT should issue a book collecting the best of the wisdom we have seen here.

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Thank you for this excellent analysis and the term biophobia. ♀️

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6 genders in Judaism. Discuss.

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Gender is not sex. There are 2 sexes. Gender is belief, behaviour, attitude, presentation. The rejection of the sexed body is at the heart of this article. Not Gender.

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Says who? You?

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That is only one manifestation of the root of the problem.

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"Now there is a new medico-techno belief system" I'd like to introduce you to Gnosticism, New Age, Kabballah/Qabballah/Cabala. These are the people who rule over us. They want our children to think like them. This is the belief system of the "elite". Welcome to the New World Order.

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Thank you for taking the time to write this piece. Ultimately, there are only two faiths. Faith #1 is in a Creator God who created us male and female in His image to have relationship with Him. Faith #2 is any and every thing else. Regardless of what name or label they use, they all reject the one true God and His Son as He revealed throughout the Bible. Instead, they put their faith in man and man's ideas. Their names may change, but they have all and always been designed by the enemy of all mankind, the father of lies. It is only the truth that sets people of all ages free.

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Yeah its from Qabballah and Gnosticism. Madonna wears the red Qabballah bracelet and many other celebrities, as well. Female must become male to be complete. It's gnostic garbage. It's being pushed in popular media. There are gender neutral clothing lines, talk of gender fluidity, etc. This idea is very, very old. At the root, they can call themselves whatever they want, but they are Luciferians who reject the natural order.

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Check out an article called "Has The Heresy Of Gnosticism Led To Gender Dysphoria?"

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The early church fought Gnosticism as its major heresy. The gnostic “gospels” have made a resurgence lately in popular culture. The “Gospel” of Thomas 114 states very clearly that women must become men to gain salvation. These heretical books were all written well after the canonical Biblical gospels and seen as the extreme aberrations and frauds that they were. The Bible insists that men and women are equal before God while also being different in function. Diversity and unity. It’s a beautiful thing.

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Yes! I've heard it was the first major heresy but I've never confirmed that for myself.

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"BioPhobia" is perfect. I do not want to hear another sentence with the word "trans" or "transphobia". We can take back reality with real language. These gender pushers are promoting biophobia.

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I absolutely agree. You have hit the nail on the head!

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Thanks for writing and sharing this piece. It addresses the transgender phenomenon in novel and revealing way. Personally, although Biophobia appears to be a religion of sorts, I think there are underlying motivations for its creation and propagation, aimed at the young and emotionally vulnerable, which are sinister and socially destructive.

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Biophobia is a trademark cult

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Brilliant, thank you.

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I appreciate this piece. From my perspective, we've been groomed for this for years--pathologizing and treating every possible discomfort. I think my own skepticism and distrust of allopathic medicine might be one of the reasons my daughter embraced this belief system during her individuation--it was as far from my own values as it gets. Her journey and the awareness it brought me of just how off the rails the medical markets had gone has just reinforced and deepened my reverence for Life. Another area where I focus on " different world views" and don't push mine right now--I'm in her head, as Patrick Ryan would say. She knows what I think and demonstrates this often. I can be curious about hers even as I stand strong on my own values. It's hard but not impossible to convey neutrality; important, I believe, depending on the age of your child. Mine is approaching 18. I believe she needs to know that I trust she'll make decisions in the best interest of her health.

I also think it's time we re-examine our relationship with death. Our intense fear of death drives the markets. We are all stardust and if we allowed it, our bodies would return to the Earth to nourish more Life. It's a beautiful "design" that's evolved over billions of years. Our hubris to think we understand it and can do better never ceases to astonish me.

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so much truth in what you write!

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This article really illuminates the connection between gender ideology and rejection of life itself. I've often thought that there are connections between rejection of sex (and its giveness) and destruction of our natural environments. You break it down so clearly. I will definitely use this with colleagues, especially the term "biophobia." It's tricky to talk about religion and "anti-empiricism" since Newton, Galileo and early scientists were all Christians, and probably "conservative" by our use of the word today. I've heard some compare gender ideology to gnosticism for its denial of the body, as compared to the Judeo Christian understanding that our bodies are created and have beauty and inherent dignity. This article, and the language that you used, provides great language for conversations that I hope will change the tide of culture towards love and acceptance of our sexed bodies.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

I think the concept of "gender" is very much a gnostic belief, "the world is not as it appears and what appears to be real is wrong/bad". Gnosticism has been very hard to put down. I think gnostic heresies popped up in the Christian church at times.

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If it was possible to love this a million times I would!!

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I think you meant that being born in the wrong body is impossible rather than possible. Autocorrect?

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Yes- I caught this too: "We obtain life only in and through our bodies. It is physically possible to be born in a ‘wrong’ body."

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