It's becoming clear that the religious freedom argument has limited effectiveness in the Courts.

This is going to keep happening until someone sues on the grounds that sex =/= gender, that the California laws that equate the two, whether explicitly or implicitly, violate the Constitutional protections based on sex and the right to establish separate services based on sex.

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Scott Weiner deserves something far worse than a strongly worded letter.

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Should SB 345 (https://sd09.senate.ca.gov/news/20230531-ca-senate-approves-sen-skinner’s-sb-345-strengthening-and-protecting-access-abortion) be on this too? For me, it would be a matter of separating reproductive rights and "gender affirming care" (ie, taking out the "gender affirming care").

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I applaud your dedication and your post. The links & phone numbers you have provided are great.

I am not a CA resident. So, to all of the CA residents reading this post: ACT NOW! The author of this post has put the necessary resources at your fingertips.


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It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Nothing can be done to stop this as it takes America's children. Children! Deadly medical experiments are now being performed on the children and young adults of the USA! There will be a reckoning!

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Things are being done but it takes everyone who cares to voice their opposition.

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I called each one and forwarded the message to all my friends here in California to do the same. I told them to pass it on.

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I shared to my CA peeps as well. Just as a PSA, because nothing can be done to stop this horror!

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Hi everyone! You can do the same for Minnesota. We are a twin of California now. It's sickening. Our "Governor" is Tim Walz, Senator Amy Klobachar. I'm moving out of here. This was the last straw. I now consider myself Purple. The extreme Right is just as bad. God help us all.

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what did the right ever do to you?

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Elected Trump, coming for women's reproductive rights, going after social security, demonizing GAY people. Etc.etc.

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I'm sorry you are leaving. I love this state but our government has truly gone insane. I hope that there is a way back.

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Thank you. I've lived here all my life and don't recognize it anymore.

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I was a die-hard Democrat for over 40 years and I purposely voted Republican across the board recently to make a point. This year I finally withdrew my support once and for all and changed parties. California is a state I do not want to step foot in - I have lived there twice, still have family and friends there but I will not visit. The Democrats in office there are corrupt, evil, egocentric and of course, money will buy anything in that state - just look at Hollywood! Watching what the California activists have done to promote this trans-cult, backed by their Governor and Senate to lead the way for the mutilation and sterilization of our children while waving the pride flag just sickens me. I hope the political changes come soon and the accountability hits hard.

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I hear you. However, the extreme Republicans are just as bad. As of now, I see no candidate for Moderates of either party. I'm looking.

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I hope you get tons of letters sent!

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Thanks for links. Done

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I‘be been writing letters to state reps here in Texas, and I’m sure that many others have as well. This year we finally got some results, with laws making it illegal to subject the underaged to medical experiments like those done in the Third Reich (“banning gender affirming care for trans kids” in the news media parlance). When the legislative bodies start getting a tsunami of mail and their switchboards light up, they will take notice.

Dark days are upon us. Horrid things are being done to the unknowing innocent, and it’s time for adults to act and follow through fearlessly until we prosecute this to the end.

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‘Follow through fiercely indeed..’ What have we got to lose, our kids are lost anyway. We have get over our hurt & hiding & speak up about this

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Did any Democrats vote for the ban in Texas?

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At least one. A brave African American Dem

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Really ? I wish there were more brave Democrats.. otherwise I’ve had it with them !

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Excellent. Thanks for your hard work getting the word out, and for crafting a powerful sample letter!

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I am a 40-year California resident and I have written my state representative and senator (both Democrats of course) multiple times on these issues (eg the egregious SB 107, passed last Sept). They always vote pro trans.

While I applaud your efforts, I'm sorry to say that I think these bills will receive 100% Democrat support. This is because Democrats (no matter what their personal beliefs) need to be pro-trans to get Party support and to avoid being canceled by the pro-trans mob.

I am 67 and a lifelong Democrat voter, activist, and volunteer campaign worker, but I now believe that the only remedy is to elect more Republcans, and to get Republican candidates to campaign on these issues. An election loss or two, especially one where polling shows that these issues made a difference, is the only way I see that we can drag the Democrats out of the clutches of Big Trans.

We in the US desperately need a well-organized political big-tent anti-trans movement. This does exist in nascent form from the radfem side: WoLF and WDI-USA are doing great work. (All my political contributions go to them now.) They are focused on the women's rights aspect rather than the protect-the-children aspect, but our goals are aligned.

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Are there any pro-sanity legislators at all? Even if there aren’t, can we build a California coalition of parents? I’m a pro-human unreligious small government conservative. I will link arms with any and every organization that supports youths AND parents in seeking solutions that aren’t automatic affirmation. I’d love to push back the child consent medical laws too - kids can go on hormones and get abortions without telling their parents, and the provider is prevented from telling parents either if the kid doesn’t want them to. In other words, the state of California assumes parents are more likely to abuse their kids than help them through difficult medical situations. Hey, a girl can dream, right? But for now I’d be happy with stopping the mass sterilization of kids.

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There are two that are making great progress in this area. Gays Against Groomers and LGB Alliance. The detransitioners are banding together as well to stop this. Also Kelly J Keen in UK. Exulansic in USA.

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And for the silent minority of Trans adults who do not believe in Self-ID or the invasion of sex-based rights and spaces (and who actually went through the more stringent and comprehensive mental health protocols that were the norm at one time) there is Debbie Hayton. A science teacher and activist, Hayton should be platformed more to be the counter to all the allies and advocates of the trans cult that claim they speak for everyone.


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It's not just a matter of campaigning. We need (probably republican) top politicians to put some pressure on NIH to fund good science in this field, to allow scientists in academia conduct and publish real research on what happens to people on wrong sex hormones. The results should be used for law suits and for general public education.

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Among today's politicians, only DeSantis understands this and will (IMO) do something about it. Trump will fold to Big Trans (see Don Jr's support of Budweiser against the boycott), as he did during his 4 years in office. Democrats are almost completely hopeless. 100% of Democrats in Congress support instantaneous gender self-ID (the "Equality Act"), and all but a few of the thousands of Democrats in state legislatures have voted against Big Trans.

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Well, if we get behind the "few" that are showing their bravery, we should. Do you recall who they were?

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Marvin Robinson, Kansas, provided a necessary vote for a bill to protect women's sports (that would have otherwise have failed to override the Democrat governor's veto):


Shawny Thierry, Texas, vorted for a ban on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and cross-sex surgeries on minors.


Katrina Jackson, Louisiana, provided a necessary vote to bring a bill protecting women's sports back to the state senate floor, where it ultimately passed:


It is noteworthy that these three are Black.

IMO, if the Democrats are ever going to move away from the transification agenda, it is Black Democrats who will be in the lead.

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I tend to agree with that. Black Democrats got Biden elected. He has now lost that demographic over this.

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And, we also need pressure put on responsible doctors to speak up and join organizations like this one:

"Protecting Minors from Gender Ideology

"Do No Harm" Organization and Website Taking on CRT, WOKEism, and Gender Ideology in Medicine



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Do No Harm looks like a great organization, I hadn't heard of it before:



And they actually take action: filing lawsuits, writing model legislation:


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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023

Instead of letting Trans Activists take down real studies like this one:

"RETRACTED ARTICLE: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases"


See also https://dailycaller.com/2023/05/24/major-journal-retracts-study-on-socially-contagious-transgenderism-among-kids-following-activist-threats/

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hope and wish for the best for you all. however, i am very suspicious of the last 3 election cycles.

the politicians really do not give a dam what we think. in many states they run unopposed. you may have to look at the last resorts of home schooling . the schools are very similar everywhere because this thinking originates in the Schools of education in universities that teach the teachers. so moving may or may not help. desperate times cal for desperate measures . god be with you all.

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In the face of a mass social delusion like this one, "validation" and "affirmation" are the worst things you can do for children. Check out this article in The TransAtlantic, I think readers here would find it helpful and interesting…

"Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?" – https://thetransatlantic.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/116033208?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fhome

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You're right. It's tough to be a non-Kool Aid drinker in California. Sometimes it makes sense to just concede and bail out.

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I don't know. I had an honest chat with all my liberal CA and NY friends and they got it. If they don't have kids dealing with this, they think that Affirmative Care is fine. But once they have a kid or know a kid, then they start to question. When I told them my daughter is going by he/him and taking testosterone, they were shocked. This was a kid they have known since she was 4. That burst the illusion that this was okay. The veil is very thin for most people. Most democrats also don't believe in medicalization for kids. They just don't know all the details to make them deeply concerned. We have to speak up.

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It's the "Martha's Vineyard" syndrome. Illegal immigration isn't a concern, until a safe, upscale, Democrat neighborhood suddenly gets a taste of what it's like to be a border town. The same goes for other issues, like trans cultism. It's nice to hear there are still sane Dems out there. I used to be one myself, but I was pushed to independent thinking by the ever-growing insanity.

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I think it goes both ways. People who have immigrants in their close family may have a different attitude towards that issue. I think each issue should be taken on its own. The making of false equivalencies is a slippery slope. The trans activists like to equate their beliefs with Gay and Black Civil rights. That is the only way they were able to gain traction. It was an intentional strategy.

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