As more and more females take testosterone, many times essentially medically unsupervised and with no honest mental health therapy, we are going to see more and more violence by them. There's a reason it's known as "roid rage".

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LGBQ culture. Enjoy.

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Ha ha. Love this! It's all about getting attention. Steal their thunder and make it uncool. Lols

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A powerful piece.

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The majority of our children have been sexully abused at some point. Dont turn a blind Eye Yall!


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I find that all of these posts intelligent and thoughtful, well worth the time to read and to learn from.

I do have one request though, could everyone use quotes around male and female when used with the word TRANS, such as: trans "male" and trans "female". It would more reflect reality.

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It will get worse. Start with Washington. The State against the Parent. https://www.americanrighttv.com/articles/trans-agenda-democrats-remove-parents-from-the-equation/

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This was such a heartfelt and heartbreaking essay. It is truly torture to see your child caught up in a mass delusional cult.

The culture’s “empathy” has been weaponized against us. Our kids have disassociated from their own bodies and it has been encouraged by such innocent sounding questions such as “Could you be trans?”

And this is aimed at children and teens who are naturally trying to figure out who they are. This is evil, masquerading as empathy.

It needs to end, and we need to end it.

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I agree with much of this post, but I disagree with lumping Psychiatric drugs to help depression and anxiety with "gender-affirming" medications and surgeries. Your anecdote of one person who had a bad reaction to medication only confuses your argument. You want these kids to get help with their mental health, but insult those of us trying to do just that? I agree, some Psychiatrists push medication without listening to their patients or counseling them, but not all of us. I spend a great deal of time with my patients and provide counseling as well as medication. Scaring families away from Psychiatric treatment will do more harm than good, and you don't have the education or expertise to be doing this.

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Sadly, psychiatrists employed by the state are not to be trusted in the UK as the woke state is paying them and instructing them. No doubt there are some good private psychiatrists. I very much regret not sending my daughter to a private psychiatrist who probably would have offered a more ethical treatment.

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Please check this out. First posted on Substack by “ A Midwestern Doctor.”


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I would easily give my life if I knew my son would stop this madness. i would call that the opposite of narcissism. have you read this: https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2019/08/55621/

it's from a trans male but I'm sure you'll find a way to condemn the trans community that is speaking against this current issue

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

Walt Heyer is wonderful. I think we are all against "transgenderism" as an ideology - not against people. So is Walt. "The trans “treatment” being idolized today should meet the same fate as lobotomies, tooth pulling and colon removal—tossed on the historical rubbish heap of debunked horrific experiments perpetrated on innocent, hurting people."

Oh, you must be responding to Joseph Pfeffer

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Thank you for your post. I agree with every single word of it. I feel it. I have lived up close and personal with this lifestyle as I watched my daughter “trans” and deny me the right to mourn “her”. Her therapist and teachers all accused me of child abuse because I neglected to use her new he/him pronoun and using her “deadname”. The sad irony is that she is actually my granddaughter I adopted when her father (my son) passed. So the word “deadname” triggers my heart deeply. He named her when she was born. It didn’t matter, they moved forward with child abuse charges and I lost custody my daughter for a year. She now suffers with severe mental health diagnoses that she will battle the rest of her life. Why? Because they all glorified her new identity and ignored her mental health. They were all blind to my grief. We are living in the twilight zone. Tragic. 💔

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My sincere sympathies on losing your son. Eternal Rest, grant unto Michele's son, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. Excuse me if you're not religious. I am and your comment moved me to pray for you. I also said prayers for your daughter/grand daughter. I am so sorry you're going through this. I am so sorry this happened to you. I'm grieving with you and think most of us here are.

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I wonder what will happen April 1st, on the Transgender Day of Vengeance? My son, who started down the transition road right out of college, owns a pistol. He served 4 years in the military (yes, as a trans woman), so he is familiar with rifles. We haven't spoken in a long time, I'm not even sure where he lives, or for that matter, if he is even alive. If he is still alive, I sure hope he doesn't get it into his head to go kill anyone. This situation in Nashville is beyond disturbing. Someone mentioned in the comment section that the shooter had been receiving counseling from the pastor of the church to which this school was associated, and that one of the children who died was the pastor's child. What does that tell us? "Either you affirm my desire to change gender, or I will kill you or someone you love."

So, the insanity intensifies. And probably well beyond Nashville, and April 1st. This is part of prophecy: I guess we really shouldn't be surprised.

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To ease your mind a bit, I read a report that said the pastor was not counseling the mass murderer, Audrey. It said that bad information was given out by the former pastor of the church and school.


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Thank you, I appreciate that. It did ease my mind as you suggested: a bit. Honestly though, emotional blackmail is a major card that Team Trans plays.

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yep. Those who are confused and caught in a web of lies have no other recourse than emotional blackmail and threats. They don't have reason and logic, they can't appeal to faith and their beliefs aren't rooted in common experience. They can't even show an increase in happiness and well being. Emotional blackmail and threats is really the only tool left in their tool box.

It's easy to look at it and feel their hatred and take it personally but if we understand it more as a suffering soul in a deep state of confusion lashing out with the only tool they have left to justify the web of lies, we can respond more easily with love and compassion.

That being said, the mass murdering transitioners (or any mass murderer) can not be afforded this love and compassion until they express sorrow and contrition for these horrifying crimes and even then, most of us should remember the innocent victims, not the perpetrator of such heinous crimes.

It's one thing to be confused and fall deeper into the transcult by cutting off parents and loved ones. That's not logical, rational, loving or productive either. However, It's is much worse, catastrophic even, to forever cut off by murder another family member from their loved ones, especially multiple people who are either old enough to finally have the wisdom and experience to enjoy their families and effectively help their families in life along with the young who at a tender age are just beginning to navigate our world. The devastation of those six families and the wider community deserve our help, support and prayers. The mass murderer should never be named, at all.

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It's so different to previous generations of gays and lesbians. We were all terrified that our parents were going to cut us off, whereas these trans-identified kids are the ones cutting their parents off and using their trans status as a weapon to emotionally blackmail people.

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I've noticed that too. You're right that has been a fear of LGB people for probably generations and the same has been true for girls and young women with an unintended pregnancy or women who lost their virginity. Today, it's the parents who are afraid of their kids cutting the parents out. The power dynamics have changed and not for the better in my opinion. By saying that, I do not mean to suggest parents should every disown a child or kick a child out of the parents' lives, but to say, well, there's no polite way to say it - kids are stupid and make dumb decisions. The parents job is to use their God given authority to transform their kids into successful adults by not letting thm make dumb decisions.

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I agree. The Daily Wire has made it their policy not to name or show the faces of mass murderers, although I think I've only heard this policy explicitly stated by Ben Shapiro. What makes this case different is the confusion about the name, and the confusion about the correct pronouns to use when talking about this case. And of course, one side of the aisle likes to dwell on this issue, demanding "respect" for the trans community. Thus, they sidetrack the real issue, even making excuses for the murderer. It's so upside down and backwards.

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I'll believe the mass media cares one iota for democracy and the common good the moment they all decide to never name a mass murderer ever again and simply focus on the lives of the victims without giving a shred of dignity to those who do such despicable and unmentionable acts of cruelty and hate. It's just insane that we've turned mass murders into some sort of political theatre and spectator sport.

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So true. Death to your sovereign body. Death to your birthing potential. Death to embracing everything your authentic sex has to offer. It fits the elites agenda. Demoralise, weaken, confuse and control.

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It took a while for me to realize this latest school shooter was a woman who had "gender confusion". After thinking on the horror of what she did and shaking my head yet again at the U.S. and its love affair with guns, I wondered if she was on testosterone. As many on this site are already aware, woman who have taken testosterone often feel aggressive, some even reporting feeling out-of-control.

An autopsy could confirm this but likely won't be performed. (I think blood samples have to be taken as I learned from the documentary Dead Name that hormone levels are not routinely tested). Dead Name is worth the money ($10 or $15, I can't remember). It is sobering and I felt such anger watching it.

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It's being widely reported that the shooter was getting counseling from the father of one of her 9 year old victims.


According to Inside Edition, Former Covenant School Pastor Jim Bachmann said that 28-year-old shooter, Audrey Hale, appeared to be searching for Chad Scruggs, who had been reportedly providing private counseling sessions to Hale before the incident.

“What I’m hearing, he was providing counseling for [Hale] and something didn’t sit right with [Hale],” Bachman said. “If [Hale] found Chad and tried to kill him, I don’t know if [Hale would] have left his daughter alone.”

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This article pointed out that Bachmann had given the wrong information. https://nypost.com/2023/03/30/audrey-hale-counseled-by-pastor-whose-daughter-she-killed/

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Thank you for the correction.

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Thanks for sharing those thoughts which are mine too. I agree with you as in the UK I have seen the same cult of death take over daughters who were self harming. Antidepressant for anxiety led to an increased suicide risk. Add testosterone plus other drugs and we see violence. Just as you described so clearly, our daughters are ruining their own lives with sterilisation also killing any future generation. No grandchildren.

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"Fact: 42% of those who identify as Transgender have attempted suicide"

That's actually not a fact. That stat comes from a single online poll of self-selected respondees, so small that the "42%" is actually 13 people.

Thirteen people who self-selected into a poll because they identify as transgender have either considered or attempted suicide.

Just 13 people.

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please go to https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/

I'm sorry but the chinks in your armor are coming full circle. This trans movement fits all criteria for what is a cult. I'm a lifelong liberal so don't come at me with this countries politicization and call me some GOP whatever. I go with all the other countries of the world. Most who have opted out of the dutch protocol (TALK ABOUT A FLAWED STUDY), the lawsuits and shutdown of Tavistar. All the fully transitioned transgender elders that are speaking out against this newest and trendiest social contagion. Now fully funded (all in the name of capitalism) under the false flag of trans rights. Hmmm I wonder why the FDA hasn't approved the use of cross sex hormone therapy. Just like the opioid crisis, remember? They weren't addictive?!!! It was legal and prescribed by a gasp medical Dr. so A ok right? Guess what these hormones are dangerous and powerful. Plus do not forget about the sexual aspect of this. Porn hub year end data reveals trans is the 3rd most searched !!! On the entrance page you choose Straight, Gay, or Trans button to get in. Our children are being seriously hurt.

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My armor?

Who are you talking to?

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You seem to be defending the sample size of the writers and minimizing it. I say go to my link and see a much bigger amount of monthly de transitioners. Those who all the meds and worse case scenarios have failed to "fix" the anxiety and depression that has been sold under the guise of 'gender dysphoria'

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"I'm sorry but the chinks in your armor are coming full circle. This trans movement fits all criteria for what is a cult. I'm a lifelong liberal so don't come at me with this countries politicization and call me some GOP whatever."

You seem to be ranting at someone other than me. I said none of these things.

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Please read my above comment. Your disputing the articles writer statement of the 42% fact. I’m telling you do go to the link I posted and see that there are MANY more monthly detransitioners now. You seem to be knit picking. Answer this: Do you believe this trans movement is a cult?

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Anonymous, Eleganta was not talking about detransitioners. She was talking about the small sample size that concluded the following as fact. "Fact: 42% of those who identify as Transgender have attempted suicide". She is stating that this "fact" is not credible, given the sample size and methodology.

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What is your problem?

Go boss around someone else.

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There are few good scientific studies about transgender issues, period. Those that were well done, predate the social media fueled stratospheric rise in people asserting a trans ID. One of those older studies was Swedish, and showed a 19 times higher suicide attempt rate for post-medical transition, than for the population at large.

Of course that's not current, and arguably should control for things like social and not medical transition. And there are anecdotes like the flight attendant who could "pass" and was featured in TV advertising by the airline to show how inclusive they were, who committed suicide last week.

The politicalization, and polarization of this issue, to the point where gun threats on the day of a school shooting are thought "OK" to do by some is killing any attempt at decent research in the US.

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