This hits home so hard for me. My beautiful daughter is 18 today but I can’t buy her a new dress because she says she a trans boy. My heart is broken and it will never mend. People say, well at least you still have your child!! No one understands this unless they are going through it. My daughter has ASD with PDA, ADHD, and a sleep disorder. In my mind this sudden onset gender disphoria is a mental health condition.There’s a book by Dr Miriam Grossman called List in Transnation which is really helpful. It’s a cult started by lunatics. I worry so much about my DD. She has a meltdown if I slip and call her she or if I ‘deadname’her. We can’t even go on holiday because it says Female on her passport. I have to hide pictures of her as a child. It’s useful to know I’m not alone but I weep for all of us. 🥺

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Very thoughtful thoughts. You are completely right but you also are so nice and kind. I am a parent but not of a transgender kid, but i experienced transgenderism very closed and it had became my number one cause because this is horror to me. I am being cancelled many times in many platforms so probably I am doing something good. I am not nice, if somebody call me a bigot or transphobic I called them 'idiots" or "brainless", if somebody agrees with this transgender agenda that has many layers and turns (I am being talking about this in many comments) I called them "evil" or "ignorants" depending if I know them or not. This is your opportunity to become a soldier, a fighter, this is your opportunity to do something meaningful and do not expect or give explanations of your position. Use your voice, you won it through suffering and sacrifice. No concessions and no tolerance. We support you and you are not alone, all good willing parents knows that this agenda is evil and have non-sense and I still cannot understand how it grew at all, I know how did start but not how parents and society in general fall for it, but mainly in America, though America is exporting all these ideologies and it has the power that money allows. So we fight the head of the dragon in the dragon's house so it doesn't spread all over the world. Be brave, be bold, all of you!

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I write a wide range of thoughts. This essay was focused on sadness. I discuss other emotions such as anger in the book, The Trans Train. https://amzn.to/3Wp0mlT

I too am being cancelled despite being "so nice and kind". We each express ourselves as uniquely as our personality. Together all of us can make a difference. And yes, we can all be brave and bold. Let's all speak up in any way they can.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

I noticed the negative comments (which have previously not been on this supportive site) and looked at one of the profiles. These accounts appear somewhat coordinated and one is launching a parody of this site. Concerning--how will this affect people's ability to tell their stories? I urge all to be cautious and protect your privacy.

Coming Soon

This is People with Inconvenient Truths about Transphobes [PITT].

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Thank you for the warning.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

I was just going on the latest article and noticed a new round of mean comments. Why these people need to come here and try to destroy this small space is beyond me. It's only going to have the opposite effect. They're bullies, plain and simple.

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They can’t destroy PITT. Bullying is all they have, and it’s what deranged people do. They suffer from a mind virus which has infected their emotions, their critical thinking, and their bodies. They’re also victims, but they don’t know it (yet). I compare it to any totalitarian cult. But marketed to children and adolescents, it looks like a super fun party where all the cool kids are hanging out.

The difference between other cults and the trans cult is that it has no one cult leader. It’s heavily funded by governments and political parties that receive financial support from wealthy trans donors like the Pritzker family in the U.S. Get them while they’ve young, and you can convince them of anything. But not forever. The detransitioners are proof of that. They tell the truth, and they need our support.

The fact that TRAs (trans rights activists) have started a site to smear PITT is a very good sign. They’re afraid of the truth, but the truth is getting out.

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RemovedJul 26
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So angry!🤷‍♀️

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This is one of the best written pieces I have read on this sub stack. I read it twice so I could absorb it all. “Not born wrong but born right” The absolute truth! I have such sadness for every lost child caught in this evil cult, but I have unbearable empathy for the parents. To lose a child is the deepest pain and I know first hand how this cult destroys families. The isolation parents feel, the guilt, the worry, the fear, the heartache of rejection - this is the worse travesty imaginable. I am sad that your daughter got caught in this trap, because I know what you are going through and how painful every day is just to survive. I hope and pray for all of the PITT families that maybe tomorrow will be different, that tomorrow will be the day that it all changes, that tomorrow will give us all the freedom we need from this tormenting ideology.

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After grieving for so long, I realized that it's useless to be grieving if no action to take. After I went through all the pictures and putting together a growing path, I realize that someone is making my natural born child disappearing artificially and purposely. To me, the new transgender person is a murderer of the boy who I gave birth to and a family felon so are the people who encouraged the behavior are the compliance of this murdering process. I need help on how to fight back to those who actually influence him and gave him hormone prescriptions against prior doctor diagnosis. In this case, he was given the candy by the nurse in planned parenthood. Who can help me on how to fight this?

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Thinking more about this. It has to be ourselves. No one else can save our child but our own action.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

I think that you are right, Cindy.

But, I think that Elon Musk can help to bring down the cult that harms kids in the first place. Gender Identity/Ideology is promoted in government, in schools K-12 and at universities. It is promoted in medicine and psychiatry.

That needs to stop. And people like Musk and Michael Shellenberger are bringing attention to the problem. Musk is the biggest amplifier, IMO.

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What can we do?

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

We can discredit the cult/Woke Mind Virus it springs from:

1. Just say "UK Cass Review"

2. Vote out the radicals: Elon Musk: Save our kids! https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1817224599467147384

And, we can love our kids and hope. Individual families seem to find different ways out. Some, sadly, do not. It does take time. But, I have to think that the young will notice when the GI cult is widely regarded in the way we do the Satanic Panic and Lobotomy eras.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

I see.. because we are all victimized parents...

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huh? I don't understand the comment.

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You have captured our lives so well, the coexistence of a deep and profound grief with ‘normal life’. It is indeed a heavy burden.

To those worried about nasty comments, don’t be. We who have lost what is most precious cannot be intimidated. There is nothing we would not do to bring them back. Stand up and fight on, my dear friends!

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I, along with all of you am suffering with the loss of my daughter. She chooses to take testosterone and now has a beard, hairy legs and breasts bigger than mine. The fact that she leaves the house looking this way is appalling to me...I am not ok with her transitioning and never have been. She is 21 now and I suffer in silence. My ex is all for it and agrees with all this. My older daughter feels the same way I do. I love my daughter I really do I just give it to God and hold out for hope that one day she will realize the mistake she's making not being herself.

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Looks like we have hit peak "Trans/Queer" by looking at the comment section!! When the pro trans/queer trolls hit a site like PITT, it means that they have been dealt a lethal blow. The tide is changing sane parents and friends. It's been slow....but it's changing.

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The trolls aim to hurt, scare and intimidate. Their foundation is cracking. Too many people are seeing the truth and questioning it all.

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Your post hit a nerve! It almost seems like this "attack" is personal.

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I doubt it was personal because the person doesn't know me or my relationshipn with my daughter and made incorrect assumptions.

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Thank you so much for your words.

You were able to express what many mothers are feeling and this is so difficult for people to understand. Sometimes even difficult for ourselves to understand too. We only want the best for our children and when we find ourselves trapped in this web of trans identification we don't know what is the right thing to do. Thank you very much, you put words to all my feelings. Thank you 🙏🏽❤️

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My daughter didn't go the way of wanting a sex change herself, but she is in the cult and lives with a guy who cross dresses. What is really sad beyond losing her is that my own family won't say a word to her in fear of being estranged themselves. They care more about themselves than they do about our mother/daughter relationship. If she was doing heroin, would they say something then? I don't know, but this really hurts.

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We suspected it's the cult that encourage my son to trans especially his roommate for sexuality purpose. I also felt they are holding us hostage because we don't want to be estranged.

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It is the most base aspect of human beings, placing the fleeting momentary “pleasure” of the sexual act above everything else in life exactly like junkies with their drug of choice-so unevolved.

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Definitely, like any other cult they have to keep control and that involves separation from family. With my daughter even before my cancellation of motherhood, she was acting different, more secretive and less communicative. I had to walk on eggshells most of the time. At least now I know where she stands, and the ball is in her court. All I can do is pray and give it to God.

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Thank you for writing this article. You have captured our experience as parents going through this nightmare. Unfortunately, there is so many of us and probably more to come.

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I hope less to come.

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On one side, the site is largely below the radar so the trans activist responses are rare. The other side is people don't see us.

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There are a lot of nasty comments on here I thought that PITT was a place where we could have discussions without being attacked. I have been planning on sharing my story on PITT but now I am not sure that I want to .I would like to thank the author for a well written article and say I am sorry about the people who chose to attack one another here and ruin the conversation


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Don’t let “trolls” win!! Write your story, I did and it does help to express yourself no matter the criticism. We are strong, they are not, our children matter to us not to them.

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Please share your story! Do not give up. We must not let the oppression side win! Our voices need to be heard. The editors for PITT delete the nasty and mean comments. This IS a safe space.

The reason the trolls react is because we speak the truth!

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Please share your story! Ignore the trolls. There are many here who are hurting just like you and we will support you.

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those who choose to only see one side of a polarization are likely to be similarly blind on other issues.

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It is unfortunate that there were some inappropriate comments, but I choose to focus on the positive ones, and there were plenty of those. I hope we will see your story.

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Nailed it in your description of the isolation.

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My heart hurts reading all of these. How did this happen??? Parent alienation starts early these days. It.is.EVIL.

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How I wish this would be read by all & that the dismissiveness would end. You are right, we don’t want pity we just want it to stop. Nothing good will ever come from it. It’s really tough, thanks for expressing our reality so well 💕

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It is an all-encompassing, living nightmare. I feel my soul died that day I found out and had never recovered. I hate everything and everyone associated with this evil ideology for stealing my child, my happy family, my sanity, and my spirit. Especially those who celebrate what it has done to children such as my own. I will never forgive then. I hope one day the world will wake up before it is too late, before any more children are stolen from us.

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