At the age of 13, my daughter, following some stressful social changes in her life and a large amount of time spent on the internet, joined a wave of teens that feel discomfort with their sex or gender role and believe they are “trans”. As part of this identity and her conclusion that she is really a boy, she believes she needs to “transition” to find happiness. This phenomenon in teenagers, who had no childhood gender distress, has been dubbed “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD).
I'm working on peaking a group of my professional friends who work with families or youth in some capacity. This is among the many excellent PITT articles I've shared. I much appreciate the pros/cons structure of it. I'm sure it's incredibly difficult to write up the pro arguments without some air of incredulous sarcasm.
Thank you for taking the time to walk readers through this sham of an ideology. We need to keep beating the drum because people are starting to wake up and need facts and evidence. Not fallacious hysterics.
Thank you for your well researched essay regarding the rush to profit from the distress and complexity surrounding today's children and young people.
People need to stop and consider that nowhere in the medical texts are anorexics pandered to their distressing illusions concerning their bodies by agreeing with their disconnect between reality and body image.
I can think of no other reason for the proliferation of Gender Identity Clinics than $$$.
So called medical practitioners who ignore their oath to "Do no harm" have betrayed and destroyed so many young lives. Shame on them.
This piece is brilliant and much needed. The tragedy of this clear thinking is that despite the rational walk-though, this would be viewed as transphobic by those who blindly support medical transition for children. They would say it was wrong to even voice the points, with no evidence as to why. I would say that there is a segment of children, like my own, who, despite claiming to be trans, absolutely does not feel like the opposite gender stereotype. He hates himself and hates being male, and is using this "opportunity" in a desperate attempt to get away from himself. The clinics have no interest in the significance of this. All they know is that transition is wonderful (hammer) and everything else requires it (must be a nail).
I'm working on peaking a group of my professional friends who work with families or youth in some capacity. This is among the many excellent PITT articles I've shared. I much appreciate the pros/cons structure of it. I'm sure it's incredibly difficult to write up the pro arguments without some air of incredulous sarcasm.
Thank you for taking the time to walk readers through this sham of an ideology. We need to keep beating the drum because people are starting to wake up and need facts and evidence. Not fallacious hysterics.
Thank you for your well researched essay regarding the rush to profit from the distress and complexity surrounding today's children and young people.
People need to stop and consider that nowhere in the medical texts are anorexics pandered to their distressing illusions concerning their bodies by agreeing with their disconnect between reality and body image.
I can think of no other reason for the proliferation of Gender Identity Clinics than $$$.
So called medical practitioners who ignore their oath to "Do no harm" have betrayed and destroyed so many young lives. Shame on them.
This piece is brilliant and much needed. The tragedy of this clear thinking is that despite the rational walk-though, this would be viewed as transphobic by those who blindly support medical transition for children. They would say it was wrong to even voice the points, with no evidence as to why. I would say that there is a segment of children, like my own, who, despite claiming to be trans, absolutely does not feel like the opposite gender stereotype. He hates himself and hates being male, and is using this "opportunity" in a desperate attempt to get away from himself. The clinics have no interest in the significance of this. All they know is that transition is wonderful (hammer) and everything else requires it (must be a nail).