Good for you! In addition to changing diapers, Good Fathers also refuse to enable dysfunction.

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Frankly, I thought I was a barely adequate mother until a few years ago. I loved my kids, volunteered with the PTA, took my kids to every park I could find, supported their hobbies, enjoyed their company, and played with them as much as possible when I wasn't working or cleaning the apt. But there was nothing special about those things. Most of the mothers I knew did those things, and some did them much better than me because they were more successful in their careers, better at arts and crafts, better cooks, better at getting their kids to bed, didn't let their kids watch as much tv as I did, etc. Thus, I was a mediocre mother. Then, my daughter came to me and told me that she was "really a boy." From that day forward, I knew I was a "Good Mother." I knew because I initially went with my gut and immediately assured my daughter that all was well, I was not at all upset with her revelation, and I would just love her no matter what. Then, and here's where the "Good Mother" identity really kicked in, I did my research. I delved into gender ideology and studied and researched and wrote and listened better than I studied for the Bar Exam - and I found out about Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, and I found out what was really happening in society vis-a-vis gender ideology. And you know what I did? I did not affirm. I told my daughter the truth. Yes, I love her and always will, but, no, she is not "really a boy" because there is no such thing. There are some adults who have chosen to live as if they were the opposite sex, and to sacrifice their health to a lesser or greater extent to live that way. Some of those adults are happy with their choice, and some are not. But nobody is born in the wrong body, and nobody MUST chemically and/or surgically alter their appearance to be their true authentic self, and no child or teenager can make those difficult choices or should be in a position to do so. By sticking to those truths, informing my daughter that I will protect her health for as long as possible, giving her as much time as possible to accept the body she was born with and celebrate her healthy body, I became a truly Good Mother. I believe the parents at PITT are all Good Mothers and Good Fathers looking to protect and love their children. This is our identity and we're sticking to it.

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This is awesome! 👏🏻

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I love this! Made my day and was dying reading this 🤣

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Good Father Dysphoria - a marked incongruence between actual parenting quality, and the quality reported by trans-identified children. Seems like I have GFD too!

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Thank you for lifting the mood a little. I needed that :)

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I did not see this coming. We can’t be held accountable for this madness. No parent can unless he or she gives in and even then it’s under insidious manipulation and the terror of this needs to be acknowledged and we need help in a society claiming mental health is a priority as the lurking powers cause the crisis. We are the product and our children are the prey. We’re surrounded.

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I so agree with you. It’s like we’re living in the Twilight Zone!

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As a single mom, I wish all Fathers are like you. Be proud of your identity!

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YES!!! You be you, you're true self! Our community is here for you. (loved your piece)

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As a former stay-at-home dad who raised three children, I applaud you!

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You deserve a pride month of celebrations, not one day, a cookout and a card! Fathers made people and raised them. Their accomplishments are merit based. Bravo!

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Well said!

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Exactly! Way to go, Dad! I feel you except from a Mom's identity. My pronouns are Mom/Nana.

I, too, have been brutally oppressed by social constructs that deny my identity. I realize society still shuns us and is quite prejudiced of our identities. We must fight for our rights, too! I propose we create a Parent's Flag and fly it high! Let all society see that we count, too! Let us support each other until some laws are in place for the Dad & Mom Rights!

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love the "parents flag" Michelle!

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Yes! What colors? Who will design it? It's like taking back language. "Gender" and "trans" are nuts. I like Synthetic Sex Identities "SSI" from https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/billionaire-family-pushing-synthetic-sex-identities-ssi-pritzkers

Now, we need to take back flags with one of our own. Should it have a silhouette of a little family against some colors? What colors?

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Interesting! Not sure about the word “synthetic”? Definitely a silhouette of a little family. Let’s go with the color red so it’s jumps right out at you. With. Black silhouette of a family. Good thinking!

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It is your good idea :) Maybe it should be a cherry pinkish sort of red so that it does not look too harsh? I like the idea of some stripes around the border or something since all the Woke flags have stripes.

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Yes, I agree! I’m going to download a flag app. and create one! A cherry pink or maroon even. I’ll make a few different ones and better idea.

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Going back to the nappy/diaper link in the article, how about shades of brown and yellow? :-)

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Thanks! I think we should! It's all so out of control with adults. How can these kids even figure out what's right and wrong? Parents teach them morals. Then society teaches them that anything goes! Ridiculous.

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