I am part of a small group of grandmothers who have connected through Our Duty USA. Our group is called Grandparents Fight Back. In addition to offering support to one another we are trying to educate others about the dangers of gender affirming care for children.
Can we as grandparents be legally restrained from seeing our grandchild, who is a minor, if we don't agree to using that grandchild's preferred pronoun?
Sadly, grandparents have no rights. I even agreed to use the pronouns before I knew what it was all about . Just the fact that I questioned where the sudden transition was coming from was enough to get me cut off from grandchildren
I hope others are writing to their senators . If you hear back post here to let others know
I read about this on Facebook .
"Yesterday, Democrats WALKED out of our hearing in the Energy & Commerce Committee in protest over an amendment that would prohibit funding for adolescent gender reassignment surgery at children's hospitals."
This is unbelievable! Democrats need to hear real stories from constituents about the harm being done by gender affirming care . They need to know that unless they help support the Protect Children's Innocence Act Republicans will use this issue against them in the next election and it will hurt them just like the abortion issue has been used to hurt Republicans.
Hooray. ! My letter writing has paid off! I will have a zoom chat next week with three of Senator Klobuchar’s staff . If we all write to our Senators and keep writing we can help put a stop to this child abuse.
We must do everything we can to help these lost children influence by the trans-cult. This sentence made me choke up while my eyes filled with tears: “The U.S. sex reassignment surgery market size is expected to reach USD 5.0 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 11.25% from 2023 to 2030." This is so frightening to think that 5.0 billion children will be harmed by 2030. All of us on this sub stack are worried about tomorrow and the future of this world's children, but for right now we are desperately fighting for our own children. God help us...
I don’t think the democrat governor of Illinois Pritzger has anything to do with Trump? Protection of the innocence of children should be a bi-partisan issue. We have allowed the groomers to be in charge!
Thank you for all your hard work and for writing this letter! I added a bit to it, specifically addressed to Democratic Senators:
We have been passionate supporters of the Democratic Party all our lives. As lifelong Democratic political activists, we always supported your work protecting women's rights, LGB rights, and especially the safeguarding of California's vulnerable children.
We are writing now to urge you to partner with Senator JD Vance to sponsor, promote, and pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which has already passed the House of Representatives. The Protect Children's Innocence Act would ban the genital mutilation, chemical castration, and sterilization of innocent children. Under this act, the performance of gender-enforcing medical interventions on a minor would become a class C felony.
The transgenderist lobby is a medical/pharmaceutical lobby financed largely by Trumpster James Pritzker. Enforcing gender on children's bodies is the complete opposite of feminism and child safeguarding, which ask that every child be allowed their own loves and interests without any type of "conversion therapy" to force them into the social construct of gender.
To medically ENFORCE gender on children is to violate their human right to live their own lives in their natural, healthy, unmutilated bodies.
And to even allow anyone to instruct children that such mutilation is necessary, in order for them to love and accept themselves, is a crime against humanity. It is already being prosecuted as such.
[. . .]
America's children need your protection against Trumpster James Pritkzer's medical/pharmaceutical lobby.
Again we are asking for your much needed support to promote and pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act.
Our lifelong support for you and the Democratic Party hinges on you standing up to protect women's rights, LGB rights, and especially the safeguarding of California's vulnerable children.
Give up already trying to think you can go through any Democrat who wants to be reelected to stop this ugly trans indoctrination; they invented the indoctrination program!
The Democrats are as passionate about supporting the trans cult movement now as they were about once supporting the right to owning slaves and afterwards the segregating of black from white as little as 50 years ago.
Do you really think any plea for moral compassion and humanity is going to get them to change their mind when it took over 400 years in North America for them to change it about blacks?
The leftist mindset is primed to be racist as much as it is to be every other hateful accreditation that exists, back then and through to now and well into the future.
You'll never get any kind of national bill to stop child gender medicalization to pass, so this route of yours is a fruitless endeavor to stop the willful mutilation of depressed kids who so stupidly go out of their way to get this done to themselves.
The only thing that will ever work in this area to stop the push by authorities for transitioning every kid they can is for the kids themselves who went through it to push back! That means some form of violence will have to be committed, probably in the form of a mass shooting in a teacher's lounge or gender change clinic, wherever the practitioners of child gender affirming care happens. Someone who's on the verge of suicide decides to take the life of those they blame for influencing them down the wrong path to cure their depressive state and wants them to experience what they felt in real time.
Remember Audrey Hale, she was the transgender kid who shot up her former Christian School out of hatred for how they refused to affirm her gender and decided killing them was worth her own life. Many in her community cheered her actions.
Well what I'm predicting is the exact same outcome in reverse of a detransitioner going after the authorities who pushed their fragile mind into doing something that also ruined their lives forever.
Only when these concentration camp type guards are taught to become afraid of the Frankenstein monsters they created, will they ever start to consider that they need to back off their push to get everyone who comes through their door on an operating table, out of fear that their creation will one day bite them back. Only an ultimate threat like that against their own safety will be enough to do it, and must be done by one who regrets their transition, as no vengeful parent will ever scare them enough to stop because they know the system will work even harder to protect them in that event as we can see in places like California threatening to pull children away from parents who refuse to affirm their child's chosen gender. But their own product turning on them, well, that they won't understand how to deal with except by backing down.
And then the copycats who learn to admire the work of the original artist will arrive to continue the cycle they started. I truly believe the trans cult movement will meet this moment based on how people have always learned from history to repeat what's worked in the past to make things change going forward. Even the American revolution didn't begin with violence but with civil disobedience. But eventually, everything meets a turning point where the present can't handle the pressure in the usual way anymore, and eventually the buildup breaks through somewhere to erupt in a violent way.
Many will decry the violence, while those who recognize its necessity to bring on the change a legislative bill never could, won't.
Thank you, thank you! You have given me new hope and am now turning over in my mind how to utilize your information. My story goes back to 2013-2014, when my husband was dying with his final
bout with cancer. Out of the blue, one of our grandchildren, 17 years old, started wearing female clothing, and wrote a booklet showing how different from others he felt he was. We had been separated since he was four years old until he arrived back into our family ten years later. This young male had been separated from us by his mother by her taking him to a foreign country, he had been sexually abused by his stepfather, shown porn by the same, been diagnosed with autism, brought back to the states due to another marriage by his mother, was trying to fit into this life here with ill success, taken to the same counselor who later guided two of his half siblings into transgenderism, was gleefully and immediately affirmed by his mother as transgender and put on cross gender hormones, and of course was placed on the government dole (as his whole family was in Austrailia). Papa and I were dealing as best we could with Papa's upcoming death, not understanding anything of what was happening with our "Buddy". Papa told Buddy, "I do not begin to understand. I know one thing, I will love you no matter what." And he did. And he does. I believe that love is eternal through Jesus Christ. Now here we are, going on ten years later. I have been abandoned by my son's family, I do not know what any of them are doing. As far as I can ascertain, Buddy still lives at home with his mother (as a female) with his mother's current husband, playing games. His half brother and sister went to the same counselor, the brother living as a homosexual male is now identifying as MtoF, his half-sister is now identifying as FtoM, (by the way, she has three biological children, my dearly beloved great grandchildren). But: our God reigns, and He gets me through every day, He never will leave me, and I pray. AND: I can make copies and I can talk, and I will never give up. The tide is turning, thanks to people such as yourself and Grandparents Fight Back. With all my heart I say, God, please help us all. Love, Indio
You story is heartbreaking but thank God your family has You to fight for them! Keep praying. Never give up. This is a real fight between good and evil and I must trust my loving God to help us win this battle. Sending you a sweet hug from one Grandma to Another.
This is a very sad story My heart goes out to you. I would be happy to talk with you on a zoom chat Those of us who came together to form Grandparents Fight Back have found great comfort in being able to speak with others who are going through similar pain. If you want to chat email me at GrandparentsFightBack @yahoo.com
"Australia will also soon be introducing a national ban for minors on “gender affirming care” formerly known as “sex reassignment therapies.”
I live in Australia. Is this true? My state is on the verge of passing self-iD and a conversion therapy ban. Unfortunately, we are moving in the opposite direction. I have been writing to politicians here but have got zero response.
I read about Australia introducing a ban. Most people here do not know a national ban has been introduced . I only learned about it from reading on the website Do No Harm .There was no press coverage on it You would think the news would have reported that the Protect Children’s Innocence Act has now passed the House but I only learned about that by speaking with my congressman
Thank you. This sis very helpful. I will be using your letter & information. Many are in the dark and do not know the extend of the damage it is doing to our kids.
Our culture is exacerbating mental illness in our children. Sterilizing them is not the solution. You are helping and I support you and your work completely. Oh and I am not a Republican.
I am a life long Democrat My estranged children who expected me to immediately affirm my granddaughters trans identity have now labeled me right wing Democrats need to wake up to the dangers of woke
Thanks for this article and your efforts to help people contact their lawmakers. If the majority of Democrats contacted their representatives and voted accordingly this nonsense would go away. People don’t even need to stop being Democrats, they just need to vote for different ones. (Same is true on the R side in a lot of areas, too.)
Thanks for your support. I think because of the lack of media coverage most people including many politicians do not really understand this problem .I have found that even convincing my own friends gender affirming care is dangerous and not life saving has been tough. It is up to those of us personally affected to educate and convince our senators to stop this medical malpractice .
So you aided in the woke overtaking your entire party without knowing it. But that's because people with a leftist psyche only know how to live on the extremes, like when Democrats were fully behind the institution of slavery and segregation, and then swung entirely the other way to push for full on free speech and drug legalization. Democrat supporters have no fixed principles, they just have their mindless sheep who obey their leaders whichever way the wind blows at the start of each successive generation.
Rather than criticizing everyone who is not a member of your political party
would it not be better to be kind and listen to one another and come together to solve this problem ? Since the mainstream media does not cover this issue fairly few Democrats really know what is going on. I did not even know why those employees at the coffee shop put up photos with their pronouns until I started researching this topic. By the way, I am married to a Republican . He certainly does not think as you do
You're not the target audience for my statement though. You just felt the need to give your 2 cents and don't like to be contradicted. You also probably won't like it but I get a lot of likes and support when I write because I don't work to comfort the enablers who aid in the harming of others.
You may have seen the recent news that two clinics including St. Louis Children's Hospital will no longer give puberty blockers and hormones to children.
Even though the new law in MO made these actions illegal, it allowed a grandfather clause for those already getting "treatments" to continue. But it also had a provision allowing people to sue these providers later in life for harm. THAT provision is what caused these clinics to stop. They even said in their statements that it was the "risk of liability". So, this is something to pursue as well nationwide. The risk of liability will be very effective in getting this to stop.
I met in person with my state Representative and state Senator on this bill and they both voted for it. One was even a cosponsor. These meetings do help.
I have printed this letter and sent it three times to my senators along with my personal story about my 6 year old granddaughter who has been transitioned to a trans boy Each time I included different printed articles with my letter as well as those two informational pages that I have included for you to use . I have been offered a meeting with Amy Klobuchar’s staff and I am hoping to eventually get a meeting with her as well . I had a phone conversation with my representative, who is a Republican. He is the one who told me the bill had passed the House with no Democrats voting in favor of it. There has been no publicity about this that I have seen. Yes, one person can make a difference ! If we all keep contacting Senators in our own states together we can help pass this bill.
I’m so glad you are able to turn your unimaginable pain into action. You are making a difference! And inspiring me to do the same. I live in a republican state, but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt for them to here from concerned citizens like myself, letting them that this is an issue to keep fighting for beyond just our state.
Thank you for all you are doing to save our innocent children. May Gods bless your efforts and may He touch the lives of those making laws that has deadly effects on our children.
I think they are starting to?.... trans Starbucks employees are griping about the company's new healthcare plan not covering gender affirming treatments/surgeries. They are blaming it on the owners revolting against Unionization. Most people don't understand HOW insurance companies work in order to keep money flowing into the business model. GAC (AKA Plastic Surgery and steroids) is expen$ive and the insurance industry will soon put a stop to the payouts for aesthetic procedures.
Can we as grandparents be legally restrained from seeing our grandchild, who is a minor, if we don't agree to using that grandchild's preferred pronoun?
Sadly, grandparents have no rights. I even agreed to use the pronouns before I knew what it was all about . Just the fact that I questioned where the sudden transition was coming from was enough to get me cut off from grandchildren
I hope others are writing to their senators . If you hear back post here to let others know
I read about this on Facebook .
"Yesterday, Democrats WALKED out of our hearing in the Energy & Commerce Committee in protest over an amendment that would prohibit funding for adolescent gender reassignment surgery at children's hospitals."
This is unbelievable! Democrats need to hear real stories from constituents about the harm being done by gender affirming care . They need to know that unless they help support the Protect Children's Innocence Act Republicans will use this issue against them in the next election and it will hurt them just like the abortion issue has been used to hurt Republicans.
Hooray. ! My letter writing has paid off! I will have a zoom chat next week with three of Senator Klobuchar’s staff . If we all write to our Senators and keep writing we can help put a stop to this child abuse.
We must do everything we can to help these lost children influence by the trans-cult. This sentence made me choke up while my eyes filled with tears: “The U.S. sex reassignment surgery market size is expected to reach USD 5.0 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 11.25% from 2023 to 2030." This is so frightening to think that 5.0 billion children will be harmed by 2030. All of us on this sub stack are worried about tomorrow and the future of this world's children, but for right now we are desperately fighting for our own children. God help us...
I don’t think the democrat governor of Illinois Pritzger has anything to do with Trump? Protection of the innocence of children should be a bi-partisan issue. We have allowed the groomers to be in charge!
Thank you for all your hard work and for writing this letter! I added a bit to it, specifically addressed to Democratic Senators:
We have been passionate supporters of the Democratic Party all our lives. As lifelong Democratic political activists, we always supported your work protecting women's rights, LGB rights, and especially the safeguarding of California's vulnerable children.
We are writing now to urge you to partner with Senator JD Vance to sponsor, promote, and pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which has already passed the House of Representatives. The Protect Children's Innocence Act would ban the genital mutilation, chemical castration, and sterilization of innocent children. Under this act, the performance of gender-enforcing medical interventions on a minor would become a class C felony.
The transgenderist lobby is a medical/pharmaceutical lobby financed largely by Trumpster James Pritzker. Enforcing gender on children's bodies is the complete opposite of feminism and child safeguarding, which ask that every child be allowed their own loves and interests without any type of "conversion therapy" to force them into the social construct of gender.
To medically ENFORCE gender on children is to violate their human right to live their own lives in their natural, healthy, unmutilated bodies.
And to even allow anyone to instruct children that such mutilation is necessary, in order for them to love and accept themselves, is a crime against humanity. It is already being prosecuted as such.
[. . .]
America's children need your protection against Trumpster James Pritkzer's medical/pharmaceutical lobby.
Again we are asking for your much needed support to promote and pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act.
Our lifelong support for you and the Democratic Party hinges on you standing up to protect women's rights, LGB rights, and especially the safeguarding of California's vulnerable children.
Give up already trying to think you can go through any Democrat who wants to be reelected to stop this ugly trans indoctrination; they invented the indoctrination program!
The Democrats are as passionate about supporting the trans cult movement now as they were about once supporting the right to owning slaves and afterwards the segregating of black from white as little as 50 years ago.
Do you really think any plea for moral compassion and humanity is going to get them to change their mind when it took over 400 years in North America for them to change it about blacks?
The leftist mindset is primed to be racist as much as it is to be every other hateful accreditation that exists, back then and through to now and well into the future.
You think you believe in free thinking, but you're trying to tell me how to think?
Self-own--that's rare!
WOW. Free Thinker seems to be very opiniated
You'll never get any kind of national bill to stop child gender medicalization to pass, so this route of yours is a fruitless endeavor to stop the willful mutilation of depressed kids who so stupidly go out of their way to get this done to themselves.
The only thing that will ever work in this area to stop the push by authorities for transitioning every kid they can is for the kids themselves who went through it to push back! That means some form of violence will have to be committed, probably in the form of a mass shooting in a teacher's lounge or gender change clinic, wherever the practitioners of child gender affirming care happens. Someone who's on the verge of suicide decides to take the life of those they blame for influencing them down the wrong path to cure their depressive state and wants them to experience what they felt in real time.
Remember Audrey Hale, she was the transgender kid who shot up her former Christian School out of hatred for how they refused to affirm her gender and decided killing them was worth her own life. Many in her community cheered her actions.
Well what I'm predicting is the exact same outcome in reverse of a detransitioner going after the authorities who pushed their fragile mind into doing something that also ruined their lives forever.
Only when these concentration camp type guards are taught to become afraid of the Frankenstein monsters they created, will they ever start to consider that they need to back off their push to get everyone who comes through their door on an operating table, out of fear that their creation will one day bite them back. Only an ultimate threat like that against their own safety will be enough to do it, and must be done by one who regrets their transition, as no vengeful parent will ever scare them enough to stop because they know the system will work even harder to protect them in that event as we can see in places like California threatening to pull children away from parents who refuse to affirm their child's chosen gender. But their own product turning on them, well, that they won't understand how to deal with except by backing down.
And then the copycats who learn to admire the work of the original artist will arrive to continue the cycle they started. I truly believe the trans cult movement will meet this moment based on how people have always learned from history to repeat what's worked in the past to make things change going forward. Even the American revolution didn't begin with violence but with civil disobedience. But eventually, everything meets a turning point where the present can't handle the pressure in the usual way anymore, and eventually the buildup breaks through somewhere to erupt in a violent way.
Many will decry the violence, while those who recognize its necessity to bring on the change a legislative bill never could, won't.
Thank you, thank you! You have given me new hope and am now turning over in my mind how to utilize your information. My story goes back to 2013-2014, when my husband was dying with his final
bout with cancer. Out of the blue, one of our grandchildren, 17 years old, started wearing female clothing, and wrote a booklet showing how different from others he felt he was. We had been separated since he was four years old until he arrived back into our family ten years later. This young male had been separated from us by his mother by her taking him to a foreign country, he had been sexually abused by his stepfather, shown porn by the same, been diagnosed with autism, brought back to the states due to another marriage by his mother, was trying to fit into this life here with ill success, taken to the same counselor who later guided two of his half siblings into transgenderism, was gleefully and immediately affirmed by his mother as transgender and put on cross gender hormones, and of course was placed on the government dole (as his whole family was in Austrailia). Papa and I were dealing as best we could with Papa's upcoming death, not understanding anything of what was happening with our "Buddy". Papa told Buddy, "I do not begin to understand. I know one thing, I will love you no matter what." And he did. And he does. I believe that love is eternal through Jesus Christ. Now here we are, going on ten years later. I have been abandoned by my son's family, I do not know what any of them are doing. As far as I can ascertain, Buddy still lives at home with his mother (as a female) with his mother's current husband, playing games. His half brother and sister went to the same counselor, the brother living as a homosexual male is now identifying as MtoF, his half-sister is now identifying as FtoM, (by the way, she has three biological children, my dearly beloved great grandchildren). But: our God reigns, and He gets me through every day, He never will leave me, and I pray. AND: I can make copies and I can talk, and I will never give up. The tide is turning, thanks to people such as yourself and Grandparents Fight Back. With all my heart I say, God, please help us all. Love, Indio
You story is heartbreaking but thank God your family has You to fight for them! Keep praying. Never give up. This is a real fight between good and evil and I must trust my loving God to help us win this battle. Sending you a sweet hug from one Grandma to Another.
This is a very sad story My heart goes out to you. I would be happy to talk with you on a zoom chat Those of us who came together to form Grandparents Fight Back have found great comfort in being able to speak with others who are going through similar pain. If you want to chat email me at GrandparentsFightBack @yahoo.com
I’m so for your painful losses. What a long, hard road, but your resilience and faith help strengthen me for the road ahead. (I’m 2 yrs in)
"Australia will also soon be introducing a national ban for minors on “gender affirming care” formerly known as “sex reassignment therapies.”
I live in Australia. Is this true? My state is on the verge of passing self-iD and a conversion therapy ban. Unfortunately, we are moving in the opposite direction. I have been writing to politicians here but have got zero response.
I read about Australia introducing a ban. Most people here do not know a national ban has been introduced . I only learned about it from reading on the website Do No Harm .There was no press coverage on it You would think the news would have reported that the Protect Children’s Innocence Act has now passed the House but I only learned about that by speaking with my congressman
This is about real news coming out in Australia
Thank you. This sis very helpful. I will be using your letter & information. Many are in the dark and do not know the extend of the damage it is doing to our kids.
This is wonderful. Thank you so much for the PDFs! The fact sheets are great to disperse to the population!
Yes. I have found those two sheets very helpful in explaining this problem to those who know little about it
Our culture is exacerbating mental illness in our children. Sterilizing them is not the solution. You are helping and I support you and your work completely. Oh and I am not a Republican.
I am a life long Democrat My estranged children who expected me to immediately affirm my granddaughters trans identity have now labeled me right wing Democrats need to wake up to the dangers of woke
Thanks for this article and your efforts to help people contact their lawmakers. If the majority of Democrats contacted their representatives and voted accordingly this nonsense would go away. People don’t even need to stop being Democrats, they just need to vote for different ones. (Same is true on the R side in a lot of areas, too.)
Thanks for your support. I think because of the lack of media coverage most people including many politicians do not really understand this problem .I have found that even convincing my own friends gender affirming care is dangerous and not life saving has been tough. It is up to those of us personally affected to educate and convince our senators to stop this medical malpractice .
So you aided in the woke overtaking your entire party without knowing it. But that's because people with a leftist psyche only know how to live on the extremes, like when Democrats were fully behind the institution of slavery and segregation, and then swung entirely the other way to push for full on free speech and drug legalization. Democrat supporters have no fixed principles, they just have their mindless sheep who obey their leaders whichever way the wind blows at the start of each successive generation.
Rather than criticizing everyone who is not a member of your political party
would it not be better to be kind and listen to one another and come together to solve this problem ? Since the mainstream media does not cover this issue fairly few Democrats really know what is going on. I did not even know why those employees at the coffee shop put up photos with their pronouns until I started researching this topic. By the way, I am married to a Republican . He certainly does not think as you do
“We do the best we can until we know better When we know better we do better “ Nasty comments really are not helpful to anyone
You're not the target audience for my statement though. You just felt the need to give your 2 cents and don't like to be contradicted. You also probably won't like it but I get a lot of likes and support when I write because I don't work to comfort the enablers who aid in the harming of others.
You may have seen the recent news that two clinics including St. Louis Children's Hospital will no longer give puberty blockers and hormones to children.
Even though the new law in MO made these actions illegal, it allowed a grandfather clause for those already getting "treatments" to continue. But it also had a provision allowing people to sue these providers later in life for harm. THAT provision is what caused these clinics to stop. They even said in their statements that it was the "risk of liability". So, this is something to pursue as well nationwide. The risk of liability will be very effective in getting this to stop.
I met in person with my state Representative and state Senator on this bill and they both voted for it. One was even a cosponsor. These meetings do help.
Yes! I was thrilled to see the provision to sue! That was all it took!
I have printed this letter and sent it three times to my senators along with my personal story about my 6 year old granddaughter who has been transitioned to a trans boy Each time I included different printed articles with my letter as well as those two informational pages that I have included for you to use . I have been offered a meeting with Amy Klobuchar’s staff and I am hoping to eventually get a meeting with her as well . I had a phone conversation with my representative, who is a Republican. He is the one who told me the bill had passed the House with no Democrats voting in favor of it. There has been no publicity about this that I have seen. Yes, one person can make a difference ! If we all keep contacting Senators in our own states together we can help pass this bill.
I’m so glad you are able to turn your unimaginable pain into action. You are making a difference! And inspiring me to do the same. I live in a republican state, but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt for them to here from concerned citizens like myself, letting them that this is an issue to keep fighting for beyond just our state.
Thank you for your valiant efforts!
Thank you ! One thing you can do is to speak to friends in other states with Democratic Senators and ask them to send letters to help you
This is hopeful, thank you so much for your efforts
6 year old??? Ugh...Im so sorry.
Thank you for all you are doing to save our innocent children. May Gods bless your efforts and may He touch the lives of those making laws that has deadly effects on our children.
I think they are starting to?.... trans Starbucks employees are griping about the company's new healthcare plan not covering gender affirming treatments/surgeries. They are blaming it on the owners revolting against Unionization. Most people don't understand HOW insurance companies work in order to keep money flowing into the business model. GAC (AKA Plastic Surgery and steroids) is expen$ive and the insurance industry will soon put a stop to the payouts for aesthetic procedures.