Thank you for this. As mental health nurse with special interest in trauma, I have watched these past few years in shock and trauma myself, knowing awful back stories these people must surely have..all unaddressed and dormant until they are not dormant again. Respect and love to you and your wife
Does your son have an autism diagnosis - and if not, has that diagnosis been ruled out?
My first reaction to Hank isn’t about trans-anything - it’s that after the first abortion, it was heinous of him to let more women believe that he was infertile. I don’t get the impression that he takes any responsibility for his part in those conceptions.
"We should clarify something about this stream of literature straight away. They are primarily concerned about how the patients feel after the administration of hormones or surgery. They are not concerned about the body’s physiological response to these medical interventions. To take an extreme example, if a drug like cocaine was administered to these patients and they then reported feelings of euphoria, this stream of literature would report this euphoria but not consider the other long-term effects of cocaine on the body and the brain."
Detranitioners tend to just stop the medical treatment and are likely to drop out of continuing surveys, they are likely under counted, not overcounted.
Hank was very interesting. If only we would hear this in mainstream press. We live in a very scary time.
I think part of it is the idea that we cannot live with discomfort. That there must be a fix. That stupid social worker obviously believes that. The best advice, don’t react. Sit. Wait. Not a chemical
Such an important observation - "we cannot live with discomfort". The notion has been promoted that children must always be happy, and can never be bored, and must always be catered to.
We know from history that strict fathers/mothers have been part of successful children. Mozart's father demanded a lot of him, and seemed never to be satisfied. He did not inquire of Mozart if M was happy. He inquired as to what had been accomplished.
This is part of the current generation, where everyone gets a shiny trophy for participation. We should really rethink this. Some actions are worth getting a trophy. Some are not. Some actions result in failure. We are so unwilling to label an effort "failure" that we have completely devalued the notion of accomplishment.
My good friend Lily coined the phrase “Egg Prime Directive” to describe the fact that trans people have an unspoken agreement not to tell people who are questioning their gender whether or not they are trans.
When someone is just told they are trans, that opens ground for denial; it activates defense mechanisms built by internalized transphobia, and it has a high probability of pushing them further into the closet, if not making them outright transphobic.
... read or watch influencers. The egg directive is total 100% bullshit.
Oh wow. Sadness for you as a family. Truly God is the only one that can bring healing here. When our identity is not in him... we’ll find other things to make our identity. May sound unhelpful or lame to your human brain... but that’s the thing. That’s the only fix here. I pray for you and your son. I can’t imagine. I have too read everything I can get my hands on. This is a religious cult he’s in and only can be fought on the spiritual level. That’s not the sad news.. that’s the hope. The only hope. Thank you for sharing this.
I am so sorry you have to go through this! Indoctrination is really, really the slow death of one's brain. I would love to find the courage to organize a huge, huge protest in front of the White House and call for this madness to stop, but I am afraid people are self censoring to the effect of literally hiding behind their computers. The fear is real. Stay strong!
Twitter does not let me see this. I used to read Billboard Chris’s efforts and agreed with him. Twitter has permanently suspended my account because I am not withdrawing a “transphobic” comment.
HAH!! Me too. I just created another account with another email address. That got suspended too due to another "transphobic" tweet. So, I'm on my third twitter account. Twitter doesn't seem to link these accounts, so there is no cross-suspension. Reddit, for instance, does do cross-suspension. I'm perma-banned there due, again (wait for it ....) "transphobic" comments. To get an active Reddit account, I had to switch to Firefox. Apparently the cross-suspension does not cross the browser barrier.
Just had some difficulty opening a new Twitter account. I suspect it is being linked to my old account. Not worth the stress. I do feel socially isolated as I stopped using Facebook and have become increasingly suspicious of social media.
I apologize as I appreciate this article is behind a paywall, but it might be worth starting a free trial for anyone who does not subscribe to the Economist. This is the current issue. The Economist seems to be the only magazine that has covered the gender medicine debacle over the last several years. Chloe Cole 's story and two others are featured here. The writer also mentions several American families who were interviewed and spoke of similar fast-tracking and/or no gatekeeping. The journalist compares the U.S. to the EU countries who have started to question the medicalization route because the research evidence is so poor.
It took bad results, and lawsuits to get the UK to apply the brakes. I think Pew research released a study this month showing the teen trans ID rate is up to 5%
We never imagined we'd ever see our kids or our family or friends go through this. I have to think that we must be worthy of rising to what comes our way. We have to be hopeful.
See if this link works for open access to the Economist article:
Tears, tears, more tears.
So heartbreaking. 💔
Thank you for this. As mental health nurse with special interest in trauma, I have watched these past few years in shock and trauma myself, knowing awful back stories these people must surely have..all unaddressed and dormant until they are not dormant again. Respect and love to you and your wife
Does your son have an autism diagnosis - and if not, has that diagnosis been ruled out?
My first reaction to Hank isn’t about trans-anything - it’s that after the first abortion, it was heinous of him to let more women believe that he was infertile. I don’t get the impression that he takes any responsibility for his part in those conceptions.
"We should clarify something about this stream of literature straight away. They are primarily concerned about how the patients feel after the administration of hormones or surgery. They are not concerned about the body’s physiological response to these medical interventions. To take an extreme example, if a drug like cocaine was administered to these patients and they then reported feelings of euphoria, this stream of literature would report this euphoria but not consider the other long-term effects of cocaine on the body and the brain."
Detranitioners tend to just stop the medical treatment and are likely to drop out of continuing surveys, they are likely under counted, not overcounted.
Hank was very interesting. If only we would hear this in mainstream press. We live in a very scary time.
I think part of it is the idea that we cannot live with discomfort. That there must be a fix. That stupid social worker obviously believes that. The best advice, don’t react. Sit. Wait. Not a chemical
Such an important observation - "we cannot live with discomfort". The notion has been promoted that children must always be happy, and can never be bored, and must always be catered to.
We know from history that strict fathers/mothers have been part of successful children. Mozart's father demanded a lot of him, and seemed never to be satisfied. He did not inquire of Mozart if M was happy. He inquired as to what had been accomplished.
This is part of the current generation, where everyone gets a shiny trophy for participation. We should really rethink this. Some actions are worth getting a trophy. Some are not. Some actions result in failure. We are so unwilling to label an effort "failure" that we have completely devalued the notion of accomplishment.
I just wish lazy reporters and editors would stop cribbing bullshit from "the dysphoria bible" which is at least 90% total crap.
My good friend Lily coined the phrase “Egg Prime Directive” to describe the fact that trans people have an unspoken agreement not to tell people who are questioning their gender whether or not they are trans.
When someone is just told they are trans, that opens ground for denial; it activates defense mechanisms built by internalized transphobia, and it has a high probability of pushing them further into the closet, if not making them outright transphobic.
... read or watch influencers. The egg directive is total 100% bullshit.
Oh wow. Sadness for you as a family. Truly God is the only one that can bring healing here. When our identity is not in him... we’ll find other things to make our identity. May sound unhelpful or lame to your human brain... but that’s the thing. That’s the only fix here. I pray for you and your son. I can’t imagine. I have too read everything I can get my hands on. This is a religious cult he’s in and only can be fought on the spiritual level. That’s not the sad news.. that’s the hope. The only hope. Thank you for sharing this.
I am so sorry you have to go through this! Indoctrination is really, really the slow death of one's brain. I would love to find the courage to organize a huge, huge protest in front of the White House and call for this madness to stop, but I am afraid people are self censoring to the effect of literally hiding behind their computers. The fear is real. Stay strong!
Off subject, sort of, but I think it’s important for as many people as possible to see this.
I have donated to Billboard Chris’s efforts
Check him out!
Twitter does not let me see this. I used to read Billboard Chris’s efforts and agreed with him. Twitter has permanently suspended my account because I am not withdrawing a “transphobic” comment.
HAH!! Me too. I just created another account with another email address. That got suspended too due to another "transphobic" tweet. So, I'm on my third twitter account. Twitter doesn't seem to link these accounts, so there is no cross-suspension. Reddit, for instance, does do cross-suspension. I'm perma-banned there due, again (wait for it ....) "transphobic" comments. To get an active Reddit account, I had to switch to Firefox. Apparently the cross-suspension does not cross the browser barrier.
Just had some difficulty opening a new Twitter account. I suspect it is being linked to my old account. Not worth the stress. I do feel socially isolated as I stopped using Facebook and have become increasingly suspicious of social media.
I apologize as I appreciate this article is behind a paywall, but it might be worth starting a free trial for anyone who does not subscribe to the Economist. This is the current issue. The Economist seems to be the only magazine that has covered the gender medicine debacle over the last several years. Chloe Cole 's story and two others are featured here. The writer also mentions several American families who were interviewed and spoke of similar fast-tracking and/or no gatekeeping. The journalist compares the U.S. to the EU countries who have started to question the medicalization route because the research evidence is so poor.
It took bad results, and lawsuits to get the UK to apply the brakes. I think Pew research released a study this month showing the teen trans ID rate is up to 5%
Edit - it was June of last year:
I am supporting the Genspect conference 🙏
This is such painful reading. I am struggling to breathe
We never imagined we'd ever see our kids or our family or friends go through this. I have to think that we must be worthy of rising to what comes our way. We have to be hopeful.
It’s awful. The number of nurses social workers and doctors who are part of this shitshow