What are you to do, when it’s both your only neice (25) and nephew (31) (brothers adult children)? They have swallowed all the BS hook, line & sinker? I know I simply cannot and will not affirm their behavior. Talk about a broken heart?
My heart goes out to all of you affected by this madness. God Bless ,everyone. We will defeat this monstrous ,harmful "ideology" in the end and hopefully help its victims to heal somehow xxx
Reading this makes me want to cry. I know this, live this and feel this in so many ways. I have a 10 year old little girl who doesn’t understand why her brother abandoned her, doesn’t call or text, doesn’t come home. He was 22 years old when he moved out and she was turning 7. He wanted to have a conversation with her. I had to say “No. You had a childhood that was a childhood. You didn’t have any adult subject matter invade your innocence and you don’t get to do that to her!” I’ve been called every anti-LGBTQ name in the book. This post reads like there is a manual for our kids to follow in tearing apart their families and disparaging their parents. I pray this madness stops. I pray for all of us.
Dear God - 30? So many times we hear "the brain doesn't finish developing until age 25" but honestly, I think with this generation that number needs to be re-examined; I don't think kids are maturing at the same rate they did in generations past. 35 seems much more likely.
I am sorry you are going through this. Much love to you.
There are some who believe many if not most who transition are neurodivergent, gifted, autistic, adhd. At least some with high functioning autism, are well behind in their social development. I would venture a good ten years behind developmentally. Their ma's are high but socially and emotionally they are nowhere near their cognitive age. Not sure what to believe but this makes sense.
My 19 yo daughter certainly fits that bill. Highly gifted and counter-culture. She has the intellectual capabilities of a 30 year old and the emotional maturity of a 10 year old. And most of my ROGD parent friends have the same thing going on. Would be great if somebody could study this a bit more.
My handsome son started down this dreadful road at 28. It was completely off my radar because of his age and I was blindsided when he started proudly announcing his new identity on social media.
Oh, my. Age 28. There is at least some hope that all those years of being normal will have a positive effect and he will find his way out of the cult. God bless.
The young and those with comorbidities are especially vulnerable but I believe the internet has the ability for mind control at any age. We should all be on guard. I have been surprised to see how even senior citizens are influenced by the algorithm’s mind controlling ability and watched their long standing beliefs suddenly flip.
another year now 6 that this cult shattered our family and my heart
i wish all of the trans cult facilitators, politicians and racketeers the same pain and suffering they have inflicted on our families. i am deeply ashamed of all the hate i feel.
I understand, anyone would feel this way towards a cult who purposely took the lives of our beloved kids.
I pray often for God to take the hate and bitterness out of my heart so I can live with a little bit of peace. But it’s almost impossible not to pray, as David did, ‘let the wicked be put to shame, let them be silent in sheol.”
I find praying the psalms to God helps, because it’s not my words, it just happens to be there. Gets it out of my system and turns my thoughts back to hopefulness. 🙏🏼
Thank you for sharing! We are dealing with a lot of the same hurtful tactics. Haven’t had a Christmas in 5 years with our daughter…although the last time I referred to her as the daughter we will always love, she cruelly stated, “Mom, you don’t have a daughter.”
Queer theory advocates upending all norms and traditions, so the holidays and our usual rituals are prime targets to dismantle and are sometimes weaponized. The "kids" then twist it and say the parents are to blame. The trans movement is tragic, destructive, and devoid of goodness. Christmastime accentuates the truth about it.
I’m so sorry for your pain! The trans cult is evil , and has ruined so many lives ! As a mother and grandma I can’t imagine how hard this is .. to lose your child to such an awful cult.
I hope at some point your son will realize the truth and come back to you.
The only transition my son has inflicted on himself with the obscene enabling of our sick "society" is from sanity to insanity. Holidays are tainted with a lonely devastating loss.
The *trans* death cult ruins everything it touches; especially holidays. I call it the "death cult" now, and don't give them the satisfaction of using their warped lingo. It is evil. Societal rot. Predatory on the most vulnerable. Despicable, selfish and hateful.
That feeling of knots in my stomach, as I waited for my daughter to walk through the door, for the 4th Christmas in a row. A glimmer of fading hope... I bought extra meat for dinner, just in case. Prime rib roast- her favorite, with bones to gnaw on. No returned texts, nor phone calls. No knowledge of her whereabouts. No card nor acknowledgement, because why would she? She's turned to the dark side. Let's just say, my husband and other daughter have a lot of leftovers to eat. May we somehow all find peace and a way to fill the gaping holes in our hearts.
I call it the Trans Moral Panic, because that's what it is. Moral panics sometimes sweep a society. They just do. This one is heavily-financed and machinated for profit. But the special vulnerability of the human heart means that something marketed to the young can easily take on a life of its own. Far too easily.
Moral panics do end. Hateful mob insanity can't last forever without destroying itself. The cult brainwashing eventually fades away into the past, and the victims return to reality.
May you find peace and a way to hold on until this evil rot dies.
Everyone agreed and went along with this madness and shouted us down for not agreeing that men can be women and vice versa. People who stood up were fired and punished. Still are today. If we would all stop lying about anything I think we would all be in a better position. The lies we are told and that we believe and we let pass through us lead us to where we are today. The lies are deep and everywhere from everyone, today truth is hard to find, truth is what we say sounds crazy today. Well everyone - stand for truth we have to push back. Do not let lies pass through you. Question everything, do your own research. A New Year is upon us. Time to resist lies!
And the lies “we let pass through us.” As many in our community drive this ideology and perform these atrocities, those that know better remain silent. This is what frustrates me. But perhaps if they had a child suddenly ripped from them to never be seen again, they would want to shout from the rooftops as well.
I have a close liberal (voted team blue) friend at work (I was shocked they were liberal but I don't toss friendships based on ideology) they have a big female VP level boss and she has been somewhat open with struggles on this issue with her own children and with many of her associates, she took the path to affirm her child. My close friend is in agreement with her big boss. My close liberal friend knows about my daughter and that we did not affirm. These parents who did affirm will be the last ones holding up this issue to continue, they painted themselves into a corner, destroyed their own child, and now will end up fighting like hell to continue this charade. They will be the last ones standing, suicidal empathy imposed on yourself and your own child. They caved to the pressure, all experts said affirm, everyone said affirm. Truly unbelievable how our experts lack critical thinking and too many trusted these experts, with their own children. Similar to Covid IMO, similar to many things IMO. Truth is what matters, be lovers of truth! God help us all.
Also at my work we have many associate message boards for affinity groups. Of course there is the LGBTGIAA++P one (not called that) and here sadly I see posts of associates under going gender affirming surgery etc... Truly heartbreaking...
as example "5000 Trans lives lost in the past 15 years. On this Trans Day of Remembrance we remember the lives of our brothers and sisters that were lost. And to my fellow, trans brother and sisters that are still here keep going keep smiling and keep shining." and "MY HEART BREAKS FOR THEM I WILL CELEBRATE THEM AS A MOTHER OF ONE IM SO PROUD OF HIS STRENGTH AND COURAGE AND HE IS PROUD OF HIS BI MOTHER" and "Hi, I've literally never posted anything here. But, I'm going to have a gender affirming mastectomy in January and I have no idea what I need to do to prep for leave or even how to do the medical leave, so any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated!"
I blame the government, we do not hate them enough, they allowed all of this, the company has to play by their decrees. It's not the insurance companies, it's Obamacare that has killed medicine in US, it's the Government, they are the problem. They need a reformation. Bigly.
This is the second Christmas we have been without our son, and the fifth we have been without our daughter. We make the most of it and try to keep up the faith and have gratitude in our hearts for the children and grandchildren we have that are leading healthy productive lives. There was an old song that I heard that made me weep called “Old Toy Trains” sung by Toby Keith. The memories of Christmases when our son was a cute little boy were almost too much to bear.
What are you to do, when it’s both your only neice (25) and nephew (31) (brothers adult children)? They have swallowed all the BS hook, line & sinker? I know I simply cannot and will not affirm their behavior. Talk about a broken heart?
My heart goes out to all of you affected by this madness. God Bless ,everyone. We will defeat this monstrous ,harmful "ideology" in the end and hopefully help its victims to heal somehow xxx
Reading this makes me want to cry. I know this, live this and feel this in so many ways. I have a 10 year old little girl who doesn’t understand why her brother abandoned her, doesn’t call or text, doesn’t come home. He was 22 years old when he moved out and she was turning 7. He wanted to have a conversation with her. I had to say “No. You had a childhood that was a childhood. You didn’t have any adult subject matter invade your innocence and you don’t get to do that to her!” I’ve been called every anti-LGBTQ name in the book. This post reads like there is a manual for our kids to follow in tearing apart their families and disparaging their parents. I pray this madness stops. I pray for all of us.
Dear God - 30? So many times we hear "the brain doesn't finish developing until age 25" but honestly, I think with this generation that number needs to be re-examined; I don't think kids are maturing at the same rate they did in generations past. 35 seems much more likely.
I am sorry you are going through this. Much love to you.
There are some who believe many if not most who transition are neurodivergent, gifted, autistic, adhd. At least some with high functioning autism, are well behind in their social development. I would venture a good ten years behind developmentally. Their ma's are high but socially and emotionally they are nowhere near their cognitive age. Not sure what to believe but this makes sense.
My 19 yo daughter certainly fits that bill. Highly gifted and counter-culture. She has the intellectual capabilities of a 30 year old and the emotional maturity of a 10 year old. And most of my ROGD parent friends have the same thing going on. Would be great if somebody could study this a bit more.
I heard one columnist say that the trans model is one of eternal childhood.
This is so true. There is a young man at our church who is 19 and looks like a tall 13 YO. I imagine he is on PBs.
The young are afraid to grow up. It's the Peter Pan Syndrome - perpetual adolescence.
My handsome son started down this dreadful road at 28. It was completely off my radar because of his age and I was blindsided when he started proudly announcing his new identity on social media.
Oh, my. Age 28. There is at least some hope that all those years of being normal will have a positive effect and he will find his way out of the cult. God bless.
The young and those with comorbidities are especially vulnerable but I believe the internet has the ability for mind control at any age. We should all be on guard. I have been surprised to see how even senior citizens are influenced by the algorithm’s mind controlling ability and watched their long standing beliefs suddenly flip.
holidays are now particularly awful
another year now 6 that this cult shattered our family and my heart
i wish all of the trans cult facilitators, politicians and racketeers the same pain and suffering they have inflicted on our families. i am deeply ashamed of all the hate i feel.
I understand, anyone would feel this way towards a cult who purposely took the lives of our beloved kids.
I pray often for God to take the hate and bitterness out of my heart so I can live with a little bit of peace. But it’s almost impossible not to pray, as David did, ‘let the wicked be put to shame, let them be silent in sheol.”
I find praying the psalms to God helps, because it’s not my words, it just happens to be there. Gets it out of my system and turns my thoughts back to hopefulness. 🙏🏼
Thank you for sharing! We are dealing with a lot of the same hurtful tactics. Haven’t had a Christmas in 5 years with our daughter…although the last time I referred to her as the daughter we will always love, she cruelly stated, “Mom, you don’t have a daughter.”
Praying for all of you going through this hell!
I have a similar story as well.
Queer theory advocates upending all norms and traditions, so the holidays and our usual rituals are prime targets to dismantle and are sometimes weaponized. The "kids" then twist it and say the parents are to blame. The trans movement is tragic, destructive, and devoid of goodness. Christmastime accentuates the truth about it.
I’m so sorry for your pain! The trans cult is evil , and has ruined so many lives ! As a mother and grandma I can’t imagine how hard this is .. to lose your child to such an awful cult.
I hope at some point your son will realize the truth and come back to you.
I have a similar story. My condolences to you. May God bless you.
The only transition my son has inflicted on himself with the obscene enabling of our sick "society" is from sanity to insanity. Holidays are tainted with a lonely devastating loss.
I’m so sorry!
The *trans* death cult ruins everything it touches; especially holidays. I call it the "death cult" now, and don't give them the satisfaction of using their warped lingo. It is evil. Societal rot. Predatory on the most vulnerable. Despicable, selfish and hateful.
That feeling of knots in my stomach, as I waited for my daughter to walk through the door, for the 4th Christmas in a row. A glimmer of fading hope... I bought extra meat for dinner, just in case. Prime rib roast- her favorite, with bones to gnaw on. No returned texts, nor phone calls. No knowledge of her whereabouts. No card nor acknowledgement, because why would she? She's turned to the dark side. Let's just say, my husband and other daughter have a lot of leftovers to eat. May we somehow all find peace and a way to fill the gaping holes in our hearts.
“Societal rot” describes the cult perfectly.
Death Cult is absolutely accurate.
I call it the Trans Moral Panic, because that's what it is. Moral panics sometimes sweep a society. They just do. This one is heavily-financed and machinated for profit. But the special vulnerability of the human heart means that something marketed to the young can easily take on a life of its own. Far too easily.
Moral panics do end. Hateful mob insanity can't last forever without destroying itself. The cult brainwashing eventually fades away into the past, and the victims return to reality.
May you find peace and a way to hold on until this evil rot dies.
Thank you for this comment. I continue to mourn the loss of our daughter, but pray daily for her because our God is so merciful!
I'm so sorry.
Everyone agreed and went along with this madness and shouted us down for not agreeing that men can be women and vice versa. People who stood up were fired and punished. Still are today. If we would all stop lying about anything I think we would all be in a better position. The lies we are told and that we believe and we let pass through us lead us to where we are today. The lies are deep and everywhere from everyone, today truth is hard to find, truth is what we say sounds crazy today. Well everyone - stand for truth we have to push back. Do not let lies pass through you. Question everything, do your own research. A New Year is upon us. Time to resist lies!
And the lies “we let pass through us.” As many in our community drive this ideology and perform these atrocities, those that know better remain silent. This is what frustrates me. But perhaps if they had a child suddenly ripped from them to never be seen again, they would want to shout from the rooftops as well.
I have a close liberal (voted team blue) friend at work (I was shocked they were liberal but I don't toss friendships based on ideology) they have a big female VP level boss and she has been somewhat open with struggles on this issue with her own children and with many of her associates, she took the path to affirm her child. My close friend is in agreement with her big boss. My close liberal friend knows about my daughter and that we did not affirm. These parents who did affirm will be the last ones holding up this issue to continue, they painted themselves into a corner, destroyed their own child, and now will end up fighting like hell to continue this charade. They will be the last ones standing, suicidal empathy imposed on yourself and your own child. They caved to the pressure, all experts said affirm, everyone said affirm. Truly unbelievable how our experts lack critical thinking and too many trusted these experts, with their own children. Similar to Covid IMO, similar to many things IMO. Truth is what matters, be lovers of truth! God help us all.
Also at my work we have many associate message boards for affinity groups. Of course there is the LGBTGIAA++P one (not called that) and here sadly I see posts of associates under going gender affirming surgery etc... Truly heartbreaking...
as example "5000 Trans lives lost in the past 15 years. On this Trans Day of Remembrance we remember the lives of our brothers and sisters that were lost. And to my fellow, trans brother and sisters that are still here keep going keep smiling and keep shining." and "MY HEART BREAKS FOR THEM I WILL CELEBRATE THEM AS A MOTHER OF ONE IM SO PROUD OF HIS STRENGTH AND COURAGE AND HE IS PROUD OF HIS BI MOTHER" and "Hi, I've literally never posted anything here. But, I'm going to have a gender affirming mastectomy in January and I have no idea what I need to do to prep for leave or even how to do the medical leave, so any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated!"
I blame the government, we do not hate them enough, they allowed all of this, the company has to play by their decrees. It's not the insurance companies, it's Obamacare that has killed medicine in US, it's the Government, they are the problem. They need a reformation. Bigly.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn said: "Live not by lies". This is the watchword. Do not agree with lies, or cosset lies, or enable lies, or accept lies.
This is the second Christmas we have been without our son, and the fifth we have been without our daughter. We make the most of it and try to keep up the faith and have gratitude in our hearts for the children and grandchildren we have that are leading healthy productive lives. There was an old song that I heard that made me weep called “Old Toy Trains” sung by Toby Keith. The memories of Christmases when our son was a cute little boy were almost too much to bear.
Praying for the day all children who fell into this cult can come out of it and be home
I am living your nightmare also. Hope one day they all come home
The lights will always be on. Thank you for this
One day soon he will realise that you love him no matter what and you were always acting in his best interests.
Always be assured that you're doing the right thing,no one is born in tbe wrong body,he doesn't make mistakes.