This is the fourth segment of an essay in six parts. Part 1, part 2, part 3
I have problems with the many sinister agendas behind the societal push for the trans ideology.
Here are a few:
The trans industry as a money-making machine…….
- As brilliantly explained by Pauline Quillon, the trans lobby does not emerge from an oppressed minority "fighting for their rights" but rather is the work of a small group of rabidly money hungry corporations promoting gender ideology due to their significant financial interests ($2.3 billions in 2023 in the U.S.). The push for trivializing the transformation of bodies through surgeries and chemicals is achieved by culturally elevating the trans child/teen as "the new hero, conqueror of identity", a cool role model to be emulated. Not to mention the social "glory" granted to affirming parents and allies. Brands and companies jump on the trans band wagon for the juicy profits but also to boost their name and image by virtue signaling. At times, it backfires (think Bud Light).
The revenue forecast for the trans affirming care industry is $5B by 2030. It's my hope those projections will be shattered by an increased awareness of the damage done to gender confused people (WPATH memberships have plummeted 60%) and a growing resistance and desistance.1
-The new eugenics enthusiasts who follow in the steps of Margaret Sanger and promote the sterilization by transition of nowadays "feeble minded" (kids with an array of mental health issues). Unsurprisingly, a majority of kids who fall victims to the trans ideology are on the spectrum of autism and/or have learning/social disabilities.
-The pedophiles with a castration fetish: A few years back, the WPATH (World Professional Association for Trans Health) was considering revising its guidelines to include individuals with a castration fetish under the transgender umbrella of care. They provided links to "The Eunuch Archives"( which had "fantasy" stories of child castration porn.
I found it slightly concerning that the association considered the "authority" on trans health care mixed deviant sexual fetishists in with gender confused children.
-The Drag Queen subculture that revels in gender confusion under cover of "diversity and inclusion".
While the ACLU holds signs at rallies claiming that "Drag is beautiful", some parents bring their kiddos to "family friendly" highly sexually suggestive events, performed by adult entertainers in grotesque kinky fashion and make up. They claim that exposing the kids to drag shows teaches them "tolerance".
Putting aside the fact that many of those drag performers are convicted sex offenders (some with minors), what kind of "tolerance" are we talking about? You want them to tolerate weird public sexual fetishes? To be desensitized to erotic behaviors? To be welcoming to half naked dudes who publicly act out their sexual fantasies? That's the perfect recipe to make kids fall prey to sexual predators. It's being pedophile friendly. It's evil and abject.2
Those parents are often glamorized as "progressives" when truly, they're groomers. However, when responsible, caring parents, whose child's heart and mind have been captured by the trans cult, try to help and protect their kids, they are demonized.
-Satanists, who claim they don't believe or worship Satan per se, are huge supporters of the trans movement.
Depicted as a goat-headed devilish looking man with both male and female anatomy, Baphomet, a satanic figure is the symbol of gender nonconformity and by extension transgenderism. It fits perfectly with the Church of Satan's description of Satan as "the prideful beast who defies the norms".
The Satanic Temple (a different movement) supports and promotes the trans ideology as part of their fight for their vision of "social justice".
A growing number of trans identifying individuals grow their ranks by joining local satanic chapters, despite the fact that the trans doctrine contradicts the Temple's 5th tenet (out of 7) that states "one should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs". When it comes to "distorting scientific facts to fit (trans) beliefs", the trans movement gets the gold hands down.
-The overpopulation gloom and doom activists. Those extremists support and promote the transgender ideology as a way to reduce the population by chemically or surgically castrating the young generation.
-The Woke movement that seeks to "reset" society by eliminating the traditional family (which they deem toxic) and promote transgenderism, among many other things.
Originally described as "a state of awareness achieved by intellectually sensitive individuals who have empathy for the plight of others, especially those suffering from injustice and oppression", wokeness has now turned into "a state of bigoted intolerance by intellectually dishonest individuals who have zero empathy for real women getting hurt and erased by confused males, young people deceived into embracing destructive lies and families ripped apart as a result".
I have to get off my chest the irritating, bottomless hypocrisy of the woke theology (because let's face it, it's a religion).
It tells us that a white girl cannot, under no circumstances, dress as Pocahontas or Mulan or black princess Tanya as it is a crime of "cultural appropriation". But when a man appropriates a woman's identity and invades her physical and cultural spaces, occupies her spot, snatches the fruit of her labor and takes home prizes and opportunities originally reserved for her, he gets praised and glorified for his "accomplishments" and for being his “true self”.
How the hell is that not gender appropriation?!
The woke crowd also says that trying to "change" someone's sexual orientation is "conversion therapy" and one of the biggest evils against LGBTQ+ people.
But when gender activists suggest to young people that they "change" their gender -promoting it ad-nauseum- even though the kids had no prior issue with their gender identity, then it's all right.
No gentle guidance to explore if maybe the kids' birth gender is just fine and the inner discomfort and feelings of inadequacy they're experiencing are due to other underlying issues, unrelated to gender, like, maybe, puberty, social awkwardness, autistic tendencies...
No. Hormones and surgeries are the only way to proceed. How is this not denounced as the ultimate conversion therapy?
Many LGBTQ+ people (like "gays against groomers") have blown the whistle about the trans movement being deeply homophobic and "transing the gay away" while claiming to champion gay rights.
In a podcast, Posey Parker, a British feminist, mentioned a couple from the UK, whose son was, let's say, on the effeminate side. Dad was adamant about not wanting a gay son. So, the parents "helped" transition their son into a "daughter" at an early age and for his 16th birthday gave him the unusual gift of castration performed at a clinic in Thailand.
As far as conversion therapy goes, we can safely say that this case takes the cake.
-Neo cultural Marxists:
It's not a coincidence that a majority of transgenders are politically leaning towards Marxism. It goes with the territory.
As Liz Yore puts it: "Gender ideology is at the heart of Marxism. It destroys family, culture and the importance of men and women in their biological God given state".
Transgenderism is deeply rooted in Marxism. Neo-cultural Marxists are hell bent on transforming individuals, devastating families and destroying our way of life.
They find everything wrong with the system we live in while claiming that Marxism is a trans friendly political system that provides healthcare access.
Those arguments fall flat in the face of reality. Communist countries are not the most accepting of LGBTQ+ people and socialist medicine is a disaster. There is much greater affirmation and access to quality healthcare over here. What many states are trying to ban are gruesome surgeries on children; but healthcare is still very much available.
Most young transgenders don't have a clue about what living under Communist or Marxist rule means. One transgender young man I mentioned earlier (in part 1), who has adopted his mom's name and appearance, claims to be a full-blown Marxist. It's entirely irrelevant to him that he had a privileged childhood, feeding off dad's fat, living in multimillion dollars mansion, travelling in private jet and attending a school whose yearly tuition is higher than what many earn in an entire year. Many of those young "Marxists" enjoy a better life than most of the world due to the prosperity brought by capitalistic ventures but they still choose to denigrate the work ethics and entrepreneurial spirit and successes whose fruit they have benefited from. And this under the guise of "fighting an oppressive society to create a more just world".
As far as I'm concerned, I have never seen anything more authoritarian and oppressive than the transgender cult.
I was born in a socialist country. I left. A wall had to be built in Berlin to keep people inside the East Germany Communist paradise. Cubans are risking their lives to escape the Communist bliss of their island. Recently, four people defected from the Marxist heaven of North Korea. I could go on. One week in those freedom-hating Marxist paradises would vaccinate those Marxist enthusiasts against their romanticized version of some Marxist utopia. I would love to see the face of those young, privileged Marxist dreamers in overly controlling Communist China when their credit card gets declined while going on an online shopping spree or trying to buy fancy cellphones, because they've spent higher than the government-imposed spending limits on one's very own money. That would make a priceless Kodak moment. 3
I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination, but I find "The Sexual Revolution" by Bishop P.J. Elliott very relevant. His point is that cultural Marxists have been waging a war on religion, education and family (criminalizing one's beliefs, rewriting history, promoting gender chaos...).
Speaking of the rise of transgenderism, famous atheist (and biologist) Richard Dawkins said: "I fear that what we are seeing now is a fashion, a craze, a mimetic epidemic which is spreading like measles...Sex is is the one thing in biology which is not in continuum...I think we need Christianity as a sort of buttress against something worse". The day a lifelong atheist publicly promotes religion as a force for good against the threat of transgenderism, you know that the world is in dire straits...4
-A complicit pro trans government: The government has enough data to know the damage being done by transgenderism, but is choosing to look the other way, to maintain political power, for financial gain and as a mean of population control among other things. The education system has become a favorite tool in the promotion of transgenderism. Turning most public schools and an alarming number of private schools into indoctrination centers, children are being brainwashed into believing the destructive lies of the unscientific and life damaging trans ideology.
In November 2023, New York AG, Letitia James sued Pepsico over plastic pollution. She said:" It causes health related problems that include...reduced sperm counts, altered functions of reproductive organs, obesity, altered sex specific behaviors and increased rates of some kinds of cancers".
Though I'm thankful she admits that there are "sex specific behaviors", which is a big no-no in the gender theory, why is she not also suing gender clinics since the harm done by those clinics is eerily similar to the harm caused by pollution? Simple: because it doesn't fit the narrative.
To be continued…
"Financial interests make transgender movement successful", CNE, 10/3/2022) in addition to another reference titled "Grand View Research: US sex reassignment surgery market size, share and trends, Analysis Report, 2018-2021".
"Drag queen who danced for kids charged with 25 counts of child pornography", The Bridgehead, 7/4/2022, "Drag queen convicted of 11 child sex crimes", J. Van Maren, Lifesitenews, 4/25/2023
"Richard Werner on CBDC (Cental Bank Digital Currencies) and how they prepare you to be their slave", YouTube, 8/31/2022
"Trans rights, Islam and Christianity", Richard Dawkins, The David Pakman Show, 7/11/2023
I love this Desistor Manifesto series. It’s authoritative, accurate and no-holds-barred in its approach to calling out all the perverse incentives that influence this bizarre cult. The author has obviously gone through some rough stuff, but is doing the world a huge favor with these wonderful essays!
The philosophical basis of transgenderism is not Marxist ... and "cultural Marxism" is a hoax, a conspiracy theory ( Regarding this part of the article I am reminded of the meme: "Everything I don't like is communism". It is a shortcut way to instill 'us against them' simplicity to this topic and many other controversial topics.
The philosophical heart of transgenderism and the political 'woke' agenda is Applied Postmodernism. It is unarguably true that transgenderism has found its most fertile ground among the looney left and has infiltrated amongst leaders of the Democratic Party in the U.S., but this is because of appeal of postmodernist 'Theory', not socialism. Postmodernism is not Marxist, either. Marxism purports to be scientific; postmodernism is the antithesis of scientific. Marxism is about class struggle; postmodernism, 'queer theory', CRT, et al. are about identity privilege. Marxism is about work and labor; transgenderism is almost exclusively a phenomenon of the white bourgeoisie.
Understanding postmodernism is important because you have to know your enemy in order to defeat them. Labelling transgenderism as Marxism may be easy, but it is a shot that is going to miss the mark and is thus going to be ineffective and ultimately not persuasive to those we need to persuade.
The whole of the original article is, of course, absolutely on target and the points should be reiterated wherever possible. But the key to reversing this transgender and 'woke' social contagion is to be persuasive to the vast majority of good intentioned folks who are not really paying attention to this issue but believe that they are being compassionate and libertarian towards those who claim to be transgender.
I recommend two very important books.
'The Abolition of Sex: How the “Transgender” Agenda Harms Women and Girls' by Kara Dansky
'Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody' by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay