I am very dissappointed to see this paragraph "The overpopulation gloom and doom activists. Those extremists support and promote the transgender ideology as a way to reduce the population by chemically or surgically castrating the young generation." This is nonsense.
I have observed that there is either denial or lack of awareness in the anti trans movement with regard to the enxtent of the ecological crisis. For example we have Michael Shellenberger, who was the opening speaker at the Genspect Bigger Picture Conference held in Denver Colorado last year, telling us that Climate is a Woke Ideology - wtf!!
You had me until the Satanism stuff. I agree with the other commenters who suggest it makes you sound off the rails. I agreed with most of what you said (although I have no opinion on the Marxist stuff) but the Satanic accusations are a bit over the top. I know some Satanist group posted something publicly and Jesus's fan club screamed blue murder, but honestly, I've never met a real 'Satanist' who actually practiced anything. I've researched and written Satanists for a novel I wrote some years back and as a Pagan I always kept up on this stuff, and most 'Satanists' don't believe in Satan, they just like cranking people up and seeming 'edgy' (although I myself think 'Satanic coolness' is sooooooo 1980s ;)
The only relationship I see between transgenderism and 'Satanism' is its resemblance to the 'Satanic Panic' of the '80s and '90s...in which scads of children sacrificed to the Dark Lord were alleged, and not a single body dug up. Some Asmodeushole would allege a farm contained dozens of children's sacrificed bodies, and the digging crews found nothing :)
Transgenderism is bad enough on its own. We don't have to work to make it worse.
I think it's the mention of Satan and Satanism attached to the collective understanding we have of it as a society, that throws people off. Members of the Satanic Temple ( and other groups who called themselves Satanic) are not believing in or worshipping Satan per se
(as if it was a deity), or even practicing Satanism (with its dark masses and weird rituals)
Most of them are atheist (or agnostic). Their fight is social and political. Not religious. They support and attract trans identifying folks because they oppose traditional social norms they find oppressive. An increasing number of transgenders call those satanic chapters home. Not to practice satanic rituals but because it fits their needs for affirming acceptation among other things. Nothing esoteric involved. And no secret satanic plot. That's not the point of the article. But the reality is they're pushing the trans agenda. Though the rainbowed unicorn is the PR trans symbol, many transgenders have adopted Baphomet as their (non religious) symbol because of what it transcends : dual anatomy, rebellion against social gender norms, fluidity in identify...Most people are not aware of it and a number of members of the Satanic Temple are not too happy about being associated with the trans movement as they feel it deviates from their original purpose.
Those are facts. Inconvenient and disturbing. But still facts.
Absolutely Brilliant analysis of the Communist manifesto that's destroying the Western World right now via gender ideology ,critical Race Theory ,climate activism and more. We've ALL seen this clearly for some time and its utterly shameful that governments ,most public institutions and corporations , including the media are looking the other way. EVERYTHING that these idealogues and their allies say is a LIE and we all know it. That's why we need to keep fighting. Well Done 👍👏❤️
Such a strong written piece. Your writing is amazing, and it captivated me. So many valid points and facts. Thank you. You wrote "Those parents are often glamorized as "progressives" when truly, they're groomers. However, when responsible, caring parents, whose child's heart and mind have been captured by the trans cult, try to help and protect their kids, they are demonized." This is so true and so unfair. You explained everything that is going on in this world and why, and who is behind what. Bravo.
I love this rant. I didn’t appreciate the link between Marxism and transgenderism at first either (for the record, I agree with Smartest American above that transgenderism isn’t some secret Marxist plot), but there is definitely a correlation between kids believing in both ideologies. Marxism has a similar black-and-white appeal to the young and gullible as transgenderism - you can escape your personal failures through a revolutionary change. Wisdom will be painfully acquired in both cases, though, as facts are stubborn things.
I don't think the article is so much about some " secret Marxist plot " behind the trans movement - i don't believe that either- as it's about the agenda that starts with the redefinition and recalibration of Marxism in a way that fits the trans ideology 's vision of " a new society ". They call themselves " neo Marxists ". They have their own symbol and nationwide meetings. It may not be the Marxism my great grandparents knew or what Karl Marx had in mind but their ubiquitous influence is pretty heavy in the trans movement . Unless of course I was dreaming and met and talked to ghosts who only exist in my mind ...;)
To read that neo Marxism is a conspiracy theory was hilarious though 🤣
I find this forum of ideas super exciting. It's all over the map, it's great! Nobody is gonna tease the sacred cows of our society, especially when it borders the minefield of politics, without triggering strong emotions. That's the beauty of debate. An authentic and healthy democracy is built upon it:)
Sorry, but this is the worst piece ever published on this Substack. Transgenderism has NOTHING to do with Marxism and if you think so, you don't know a thing about either. It's an absolutely ridiculous assertion. Your arguments are totally incoherent. You correctly state that transgender ideology is the work of "a small group of rabidly money hungry corporations and their significant financial interests," but then go on to blame it on Marxism, which is the exact opposite of anything being run by "a small group of rabidly money hungry corporations and their significant financial interests." Go ahead and blame it on LIBERALS or NEOLIBERALS, who are not Marxist in the slightest. But this has not one single thing to do with Marxism which is about seeing human life through the prism of class struggle. Transgenderism is the complete TRIUMPH of the monied classes--the polar opposite of Marxism.
I strongly disagree. This 6 part series is some of the best writing I’ve read on substack. Clear, concise, informative, heart wrenching, brutally honest and powerful work.
There is enough blame to go around, Deb. Both the money-hungry (capitalists) and the power-hungry and anti-family (Marxists) share the blame for this clusterfudge. If it was just the money, trans cult wouldn't be so rampant in Canada.
You're right that the actual thinking and writings of Karl Marx have NOTHING to do with transgenderism. However, Marxism has morphed and metastasized since those days. There are new, virulent forms that are exactly as described by our ranter. For a primer, try reading James Lindsay's book, "Cynical Theories".
I was just thinking of Lindsay. Marxism and Transgenderism are both offsprings of Gnosticism, which is a sort of war with reality on the premise that G-d is a prison warden earth (i.e. your life) is a prison, and the way out is to become a god and rewrite the words of reality with YOUR handwriting.
The Bible recognizes this movement and discusses it very, very early on in the text. It's the argument the Serpent gives to Eve.
Transgenderism and Marxism are both off-chutes of Gnosticism. G-d made a mistake (Marxism angry at reality, Transgenderism angry at male-female ...AKA reality) and rebel against it.
The last two paragraphs are especially great, insightful, and original. Thank you for a great essay. I'm glad you included the Satan stuff, because the freedom to choose everything is at the heart of both Satanism and the trans movement. The only weak part here was the marxism part - if LGBT are treated terribly in communist countries, it undermines the argument preceding it - that trans is marxist or vice versa.
You go! So true that they live off the fat of their parents’ labor while sneering at us “pigs.” We’re living during a time when record numbers of young adults need significant financial support from parents, but these kids spit on the hand that feeds them (many who “go no contact” continue to get financial support from parents). We’re probably among the kindest generation of parents that ever lived, and the least repressive.
The philosophical basis of transgenderism is not Marxist ... and "cultural Marxism" is a hoax, a conspiracy theory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory). Regarding this part of the article I am reminded of the meme: "Everything I don't like is communism". It is a shortcut way to instill 'us against them' simplicity to this topic and many other controversial topics.
The philosophical heart of transgenderism and the political 'woke' agenda is Applied Postmodernism. It is unarguably true that transgenderism has found its most fertile ground among the looney left and has infiltrated amongst leaders of the Democratic Party in the U.S., but this is because of appeal of postmodernist 'Theory', not socialism. Postmodernism is not Marxist, either. Marxism purports to be scientific; postmodernism is the antithesis of scientific. Marxism is about class struggle; postmodernism, 'queer theory', CRT, et al. are about identity privilege. Marxism is about work and labor; transgenderism is almost exclusively a phenomenon of the white bourgeoisie.
Understanding postmodernism is important because you have to know your enemy in order to defeat them. Labelling transgenderism as Marxism may be easy, but it is a shot that is going to miss the mark and is thus going to be ineffective and ultimately not persuasive to those we need to persuade.
The whole of the original article is, of course, absolutely on target and the points should be reiterated wherever possible. But the key to reversing this transgender and 'woke' social contagion is to be persuasive to the vast majority of good intentioned folks who are not really paying attention to this issue but believe that they are being compassionate and libertarian towards those who claim to be transgender.
I recommend two very important books.
'The Abolition of Sex: How the “Transgender” Agenda Harms Women and Girls' by Kara Dansky
'Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody' by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay
This is one of the best essays on PITT, thoroughly listing and detailing the many influences and enablers of the trans cult. When the author revealed they were from, and left, a socialist country, I understood how they had gained such insight.
I’ve been enjoying your posts, but I would suggest losing the part about Satanists and trans members of satanic chapters. It makes you sound a bit unhinged and diminishes the validity of the many other good points you make.
I hink it's the mention of Satan and Satanism attached to the collective understanding we have of it as a dark secret society, that throws people off. Members of the Satanic Temple (and other groups who called themselves Satanic) are not believing in or worshipping Satan (as if it was a deity), or even practicing Satanism (with its dark masses and weird (to me) rituals).
Most of them are atheist (or agnostic). Their fight is social and political. Not religious. They support and attract trans identifying folks because they oppose traditional social norms they find oppressive, among many other things. . An increasing number of transgenders call those satanic chapters home. Not to practice satanic rituals but because it fits their needs for affirming acceptation just to name one reason. Nothing esoteric involved. And no, there is no secret satanic plot (as far as i know). That's not the point of the article. What is, however is the reality that they're pushing the trans agenda. Though the rainbowed unicorn is the PR trans symbol, many transgenders have adopted Baphomet as their (non religious) symbol because of what its meaning transcends : dual anatomy, rebellion against social gender norms, fluidity in identify...Most people are not aware of it and a number of members of the Satanic Temple are actually not too excited about being associated with the trans movement as they feel it deviates from their original purpose.
Those are facts. Inconvenient and disturbing maybe. But still facts.
Satanism may be both a red herring and real. Nuance is required. Are there people of any sexual or gender identity who worship satan? Sure. And are some of them trans? Apparently, maybe, or probably, because trans people are people and people are into all manner of weird things. But worshiping satan is not mandatory for identifying as trans.
The problem with mentioning it in this article is that it gives the impression that the two belief systems are intrinsically connected in all cases. This is where the author took their thesis a little too far.
However, given the author’s intimate knowledge of trans activism, they may in fact be reporting on a trend that is becoming more widespread within the trans movement. Trans is a pernicious ideology fueled by groupthink, so literally anything goes.
Trans ideology and satanism have something else in common: they both belong in the Ten Foot Pole department. In other words, no thank you.
Sounds like the author touched a nerve. The part about Satanists and trans members of satanic chapters rings true with me, and I would like to hear more of the author's observations and thoughts about that.
I am not the author but I will say that the Satanic Temple is having a hard time with the infiltration of "trans" people within its organization, much like what has happened to L/G/B organizations. The ST came into existence to make the public aware that the Separation of Church/State was being diminished (I'm a big proponent of that statute!). He formed the ST to poke fun so that people would take notice. ST's are NOT really Satanists....many are agnostics or nones. The Atlantic (a left leaning publication) did a big expose on it and I would post it if it were a free read (behind the paywall). Every organization that "trans" infiltrates, turns into a "shit show".
Thank you for your insight. Great job!
I am very dissappointed to see this paragraph "The overpopulation gloom and doom activists. Those extremists support and promote the transgender ideology as a way to reduce the population by chemically or surgically castrating the young generation." This is nonsense.
I have observed that there is either denial or lack of awareness in the anti trans movement with regard to the enxtent of the ecological crisis. For example we have Michael Shellenberger, who was the opening speaker at the Genspect Bigger Picture Conference held in Denver Colorado last year, telling us that Climate is a Woke Ideology - wtf!!
You had me until the Satanism stuff. I agree with the other commenters who suggest it makes you sound off the rails. I agreed with most of what you said (although I have no opinion on the Marxist stuff) but the Satanic accusations are a bit over the top. I know some Satanist group posted something publicly and Jesus's fan club screamed blue murder, but honestly, I've never met a real 'Satanist' who actually practiced anything. I've researched and written Satanists for a novel I wrote some years back and as a Pagan I always kept up on this stuff, and most 'Satanists' don't believe in Satan, they just like cranking people up and seeming 'edgy' (although I myself think 'Satanic coolness' is sooooooo 1980s ;)
The only relationship I see between transgenderism and 'Satanism' is its resemblance to the 'Satanic Panic' of the '80s and '90s...in which scads of children sacrificed to the Dark Lord were alleged, and not a single body dug up. Some Asmodeushole would allege a farm contained dozens of children's sacrificed bodies, and the digging crews found nothing :)
Transgenderism is bad enough on its own. We don't have to work to make it worse.
Stick to the facts, and you'll be fine.
I think it's the mention of Satan and Satanism attached to the collective understanding we have of it as a society, that throws people off. Members of the Satanic Temple ( and other groups who called themselves Satanic) are not believing in or worshipping Satan per se
(as if it was a deity), or even practicing Satanism (with its dark masses and weird rituals)
Most of them are atheist (or agnostic). Their fight is social and political. Not religious. They support and attract trans identifying folks because they oppose traditional social norms they find oppressive. An increasing number of transgenders call those satanic chapters home. Not to practice satanic rituals but because it fits their needs for affirming acceptation among other things. Nothing esoteric involved. And no secret satanic plot. That's not the point of the article. But the reality is they're pushing the trans agenda. Though the rainbowed unicorn is the PR trans symbol, many transgenders have adopted Baphomet as their (non religious) symbol because of what it transcends : dual anatomy, rebellion against social gender norms, fluidity in identify...Most people are not aware of it and a number of members of the Satanic Temple are not too happy about being associated with the trans movement as they feel it deviates from their original purpose.
Those are facts. Inconvenient and disturbing. But still facts.
You know you've gone too far when even the *Satanists* are embarrassed to hang with you :)
Absolutely Brilliant analysis of the Communist manifesto that's destroying the Western World right now via gender ideology ,critical Race Theory ,climate activism and more. We've ALL seen this clearly for some time and its utterly shameful that governments ,most public institutions and corporations , including the media are looking the other way. EVERYTHING that these idealogues and their allies say is a LIE and we all know it. That's why we need to keep fighting. Well Done 👍👏❤️
Right on Desistor…among other things
While I don’t doubt that trans ‘care’ particularly the surgeries are big cash cows, the whole thing feels more ideological than commercial.
Such a strong written piece. Your writing is amazing, and it captivated me. So many valid points and facts. Thank you. You wrote "Those parents are often glamorized as "progressives" when truly, they're groomers. However, when responsible, caring parents, whose child's heart and mind have been captured by the trans cult, try to help and protect their kids, they are demonized." This is so true and so unfair. You explained everything that is going on in this world and why, and who is behind what. Bravo.
Great rant! I, too, was struck by that comment from Richard Dawkins, btw. Keep up the fight -- we're with you!
I love this rant. I didn’t appreciate the link between Marxism and transgenderism at first either (for the record, I agree with Smartest American above that transgenderism isn’t some secret Marxist plot), but there is definitely a correlation between kids believing in both ideologies. Marxism has a similar black-and-white appeal to the young and gullible as transgenderism - you can escape your personal failures through a revolutionary change. Wisdom will be painfully acquired in both cases, though, as facts are stubborn things.
I don't think the article is so much about some " secret Marxist plot " behind the trans movement - i don't believe that either- as it's about the agenda that starts with the redefinition and recalibration of Marxism in a way that fits the trans ideology 's vision of " a new society ". They call themselves " neo Marxists ". They have their own symbol and nationwide meetings. It may not be the Marxism my great grandparents knew or what Karl Marx had in mind but their ubiquitous influence is pretty heavy in the trans movement . Unless of course I was dreaming and met and talked to ghosts who only exist in my mind ...;)
To read that neo Marxism is a conspiracy theory was hilarious though 🤣
I find this forum of ideas super exciting. It's all over the map, it's great! Nobody is gonna tease the sacred cows of our society, especially when it borders the minefield of politics, without triggering strong emotions. That's the beauty of debate. An authentic and healthy democracy is built upon it:)
Sorry, but this is the worst piece ever published on this Substack. Transgenderism has NOTHING to do with Marxism and if you think so, you don't know a thing about either. It's an absolutely ridiculous assertion. Your arguments are totally incoherent. You correctly state that transgender ideology is the work of "a small group of rabidly money hungry corporations and their significant financial interests," but then go on to blame it on Marxism, which is the exact opposite of anything being run by "a small group of rabidly money hungry corporations and their significant financial interests." Go ahead and blame it on LIBERALS or NEOLIBERALS, who are not Marxist in the slightest. But this has not one single thing to do with Marxism which is about seeing human life through the prism of class struggle. Transgenderism is the complete TRIUMPH of the monied classes--the polar opposite of Marxism.
Very disappointing to see this here.
Are you trans?
I strongly disagree. This 6 part series is some of the best writing I’ve read on substack. Clear, concise, informative, heart wrenching, brutally honest and powerful work.
There is enough blame to go around, Deb. Both the money-hungry (capitalists) and the power-hungry and anti-family (Marxists) share the blame for this clusterfudge. If it was just the money, trans cult wouldn't be so rampant in Canada.
I don’t think it’s fair to say that someone who has desisted knows nothing about transgenderism.
You're right that the actual thinking and writings of Karl Marx have NOTHING to do with transgenderism. However, Marxism has morphed and metastasized since those days. There are new, virulent forms that are exactly as described by our ranter. For a primer, try reading James Lindsay's book, "Cynical Theories".
Lindsay gave a talk at the recent Bigger Picture Conference in Denver called "The Marxification of Gender." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol0HmwGH4VM
He's also co-author of a book to be released at the end of February: "The Queering of the American Child," by Logan Lancing.
I was just thinking of Lindsay. Marxism and Transgenderism are both offsprings of Gnosticism, which is a sort of war with reality on the premise that G-d is a prison warden earth (i.e. your life) is a prison, and the way out is to become a god and rewrite the words of reality with YOUR handwriting.
The Bible recognizes this movement and discusses it very, very early on in the text. It's the argument the Serpent gives to Eve.
Transgenderism and Marxism are both off-chutes of Gnosticism. G-d made a mistake (Marxism angry at reality, Transgenderism angry at male-female ...AKA reality) and rebel against it.
The last two paragraphs are especially great, insightful, and original. Thank you for a great essay. I'm glad you included the Satan stuff, because the freedom to choose everything is at the heart of both Satanism and the trans movement. The only weak part here was the marxism part - if LGBT are treated terribly in communist countries, it undermines the argument preceding it - that trans is marxist or vice versa.
You go! So true that they live off the fat of their parents’ labor while sneering at us “pigs.” We’re living during a time when record numbers of young adults need significant financial support from parents, but these kids spit on the hand that feeds them (many who “go no contact” continue to get financial support from parents). We’re probably among the kindest generation of parents that ever lived, and the least repressive.
That last sentence was heavy BW. I very much agree.
This is a fantastic piece. Thanks.
The philosophical basis of transgenderism is not Marxist ... and "cultural Marxism" is a hoax, a conspiracy theory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory). Regarding this part of the article I am reminded of the meme: "Everything I don't like is communism". It is a shortcut way to instill 'us against them' simplicity to this topic and many other controversial topics.
The philosophical heart of transgenderism and the political 'woke' agenda is Applied Postmodernism. It is unarguably true that transgenderism has found its most fertile ground among the looney left and has infiltrated amongst leaders of the Democratic Party in the U.S., but this is because of appeal of postmodernist 'Theory', not socialism. Postmodernism is not Marxist, either. Marxism purports to be scientific; postmodernism is the antithesis of scientific. Marxism is about class struggle; postmodernism, 'queer theory', CRT, et al. are about identity privilege. Marxism is about work and labor; transgenderism is almost exclusively a phenomenon of the white bourgeoisie.
Understanding postmodernism is important because you have to know your enemy in order to defeat them. Labelling transgenderism as Marxism may be easy, but it is a shot that is going to miss the mark and is thus going to be ineffective and ultimately not persuasive to those we need to persuade.
The whole of the original article is, of course, absolutely on target and the points should be reiterated wherever possible. But the key to reversing this transgender and 'woke' social contagion is to be persuasive to the vast majority of good intentioned folks who are not really paying attention to this issue but believe that they are being compassionate and libertarian towards those who claim to be transgender.
I recommend two very important books.
'The Abolition of Sex: How the “Transgender” Agenda Harms Women and Girls' by Kara Dansky
'Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody' by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay
This is one of the best essays on PITT, thoroughly listing and detailing the many influences and enablers of the trans cult. When the author revealed they were from, and left, a socialist country, I understood how they had gained such insight.
I’ve been enjoying your posts, but I would suggest losing the part about Satanists and trans members of satanic chapters. It makes you sound a bit unhinged and diminishes the validity of the many other good points you make.
I hink it's the mention of Satan and Satanism attached to the collective understanding we have of it as a dark secret society, that throws people off. Members of the Satanic Temple (and other groups who called themselves Satanic) are not believing in or worshipping Satan (as if it was a deity), or even practicing Satanism (with its dark masses and weird (to me) rituals).
Most of them are atheist (or agnostic). Their fight is social and political. Not religious. They support and attract trans identifying folks because they oppose traditional social norms they find oppressive, among many other things. . An increasing number of transgenders call those satanic chapters home. Not to practice satanic rituals but because it fits their needs for affirming acceptation just to name one reason. Nothing esoteric involved. And no, there is no secret satanic plot (as far as i know). That's not the point of the article. What is, however is the reality that they're pushing the trans agenda. Though the rainbowed unicorn is the PR trans symbol, many transgenders have adopted Baphomet as their (non religious) symbol because of what its meaning transcends : dual anatomy, rebellion against social gender norms, fluidity in identify...Most people are not aware of it and a number of members of the Satanic Temple are actually not too excited about being associated with the trans movement as they feel it deviates from their original purpose.
Those are facts. Inconvenient and disturbing maybe. But still facts.
Satanism may be both a red herring and real. Nuance is required. Are there people of any sexual or gender identity who worship satan? Sure. And are some of them trans? Apparently, maybe, or probably, because trans people are people and people are into all manner of weird things. But worshiping satan is not mandatory for identifying as trans.
The problem with mentioning it in this article is that it gives the impression that the two belief systems are intrinsically connected in all cases. This is where the author took their thesis a little too far.
However, given the author’s intimate knowledge of trans activism, they may in fact be reporting on a trend that is becoming more widespread within the trans movement. Trans is a pernicious ideology fueled by groupthink, so literally anything goes.
Trans ideology and satanism have something else in common: they both belong in the Ten Foot Pole department. In other words, no thank you.
I strongly believe that Satanism plays into the trans delusion. I see it my daughter.
Sounds like the author touched a nerve. The part about Satanists and trans members of satanic chapters rings true with me, and I would like to hear more of the author's observations and thoughts about that.
I am not the author but I will say that the Satanic Temple is having a hard time with the infiltration of "trans" people within its organization, much like what has happened to L/G/B organizations. The ST came into existence to make the public aware that the Separation of Church/State was being diminished (I'm a big proponent of that statute!). He formed the ST to poke fun so that people would take notice. ST's are NOT really Satanists....many are agnostics or nones. The Atlantic (a left leaning publication) did a big expose on it and I would post it if it were a free read (behind the paywall). Every organization that "trans" infiltrates, turns into a "shit show".